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1、 11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 1 of 14Bozshakol Copper ProjectClay plantAB 偏跨 E-House 电缆桥架安装脚手架搭设方案Method statement of AB side building E-House cable tray installation program scaffolding erection11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 0 IFRREV# DATE REASONORIGINATORLi XinhuaCHECKEDXia QingAPPROVEDLi

2、u Jianhui11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 2 of 14目 录Content1、 搭设方案 1. Installation Method2、 风险评估2. Risk Assessment3、 安全管理方案3. Safety Management Method11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 3 of 14一、搭设方案Installation method 1. 概况根据设计图纸 AB 偏跨内 E-House 下设置了 2000 多米电缆桥架及敷设大量的电缆,工作面相当大,工作时间持续长,而电缆桥架安装在

3、10 米的高空上,为了保障工作人员操作的安全性及不影响地面设备安装的空间,采取了以下方案搭设脚手架。1. Brief As per the design drawing, more than 2000 m cable trays and huge quantity cables shall be installed for E-house of AB side building. Beside part of the trays shall be install in 10m high place; for ensure safety of installation personnel and

4、 reduce the influence of installation of equipment on ground, the method of scaffold installation shall be adopt as mentioned below: 2. 编制依据 Codes and references2.1 设计图纸:Design drawings2.2 现场勘测资料 on site survey document3. 施工准备 preparation works3.1 技术准备 technical preparation3.1.1 根据设计图纸及现场资料,进行图纸及资料自

5、审和会审工作。Self check and cross check of drawing3.1.2 图纸及资料自审、会审后,组织施工班组熟悉施工过程及有关技术要求,结合现场实际情况集中进行一次全面技术交底。After self check and cross check, organize the construction team to get familiar with the construction process and the relevant technical requirements, and to give a technical disclosure combined w

6、ith the actual situation.11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 4 of 143.2 施工部署 Personnel and responsibilities3.2.1 主要施工设备、机具准备 Equipment and tools preparation设备进场投入使用前进行全面检修,使设备处于完好状态。Carry out a overall inspection and maintenance to make sure all the equipment in working condition before putting in

7、use.4. 脚手架的搭设Scaffolding installation4.1 脚手架材料检查Inspection of materials of scaffolding 对到场的脚手架及配件进行检查,外观检查应无损坏及变形。Insure no deformation and damage for all materials4.2 搭设流程Installation Process 4.2.1 场地安全措施的安装Installation of safety facilities设置安全警示标志,设立安全网。Set safety sign and safety net4.2.2 搭设作业Inst

8、allation work根据现场位置,利用多台(至少两台)升降机上升至搭设高度将有卡板的脚手架卡在 E-House下的 PG600工字钢上,以此为支点进行搭设,骨架搭设完成后继续搭设脚手板,完成搭设。As per the site situation, use at least two elevators to mount scaffold with plate to PG600 I steel under E-HOUSE, then use it as the point to install the frame. After finish the frame installation,

9、amount the plate. 4.2.3 完成搭设,场地清理House keeping搭设完成后,多余的材料及废料及时清理出场,安全警告标示不撤除。Clean the area after installation, but remain the safety warming sign.11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 5 of 14E-houseE-houseLayt digrm 1239.80E-houseLayout digrm 2239.8011373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 6 of 14附图 4.2

10、.2(1)附图 4.2.2(2)11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 7 of 14附图 4.2.2(3)11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 8 of 14hf=6m350135019Detail Bt2Scafoldingrme tub11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 9 of 14二、风险评估( 脚手架搭设、拆除作业 )工 作 危 害 分析 rick assessment for Removal and Erection of Scaffold工作内容(风险项目)Job con

11、tent(risk item)危害分析Hazard 风险Risk 矫正措施 Correction measures1、进出通道上禁止摆放材料,保持通道不受阻。The access shall not have obstacles and keep the good housekeeping2、保证作业临边有必要的防护措施,如安全栏杆 working area shall have protective fence安全通道 safety access滑倒、跌倒、绊倒slip down, trip down and fall down3、保证有符合要求的梯子或作业平台 ladder and ope

12、rating platform shall qualified1、脚手架搭设、拆除作业站脚处搭设操作平台(预防人员坠落)Platform should be erected when remove scaffold to avoid people dropping.2、搭设、拆除作业遵守拆除作业工序(预防高空坠物)erected and removed work should according to the descending orders (To avoid dropping from high place)3、遵循脚手架搭设、拆除作业工序要求,严禁违反操作作业 erected and

13、removed for scaffold shall refer to the specification, illegal work is never qualified脚手架搭设、拆除作业Removal and erection of scaffold脚手架搭设拆除作业erection remove人员高空坠落、材料高空坠物People and materials dropping from higher place4、每步搭设、拆除时要及时对材料进行清理,扣件尽量采取麻袋装取运输 The materials should be cleaning after the remove work

14、 finished; Fastener should be packaged by sacking, pay more attention to the housekeeping is important.11373-BD-NFC-3300-MS-OOO-E-0003 Page 10 of 145、禁止同一个垂直面上搭设、拆除作业 erected and removed work at the same vertical is forbidden6、脚手架操作期间,下面有人作业须有足够的防护 underside worker shall have more enough personal PP

15、E during the scaffold works.7、操作人员不得抛掷工器具与材料 Throwing the tools and materials is not allowed1、拆除作业时,边拆除边清理 Removed work should be with removing and cleaning2、搭设、拆除作业时,注意扣件、钢管等材料的堆码 Pay more attention to the piled fastener and conduit during the erected and removed work Housekeeping摔倒、跌倒、撞伤、刮伤slip do

16、wn, trip down, fall down and bruise3、扣件采用箱装较好,钢管采用堆放在支撑架上较好(规格:1.5 米*1.5米或 1.5 米*2.0 米)fastener should saved in the box, steel conduit shall piled in the frame (specification: 1.5m or 1.5m*2.0m)1、作业人员佩戴好自己的 PPE,特别是安全帽(预防头部撞伤),须系安全帽带 Operator shall wear personal PPE, especially the helmet with safety

17、 belt.物体打击与坠落 materials dropping and beating人员受伤或死亡 personnel died or injury2、遵循搭设、拆除作业循序,严禁自下往上抛投材料,严禁同一垂直面同时搭设拆除 erected and removed work shall refer to the descending orders, throwing materials or tools from bottom to the up is forbidden, work at the same vertical is not allowed1、禁止在现场吸烟 non-smok

18、ing in the working site2、做好 Housekeeping 清理工作 make the good housekeeping work in the site火源 fire source火灾 fire accident3、配置灭火器 fire stopper should be assembled1、搭设拆除作业前,要预先做好脚手架搭设拆除作业许可证的申请 work permit shall prepared before remove the scaffold. 2、由有资质的脚手架工进行搭设和拆除 erected and removed work shall work by the qualified people人的不安全行为personal unsafe situation 不安全状态导致人员违章作业 unsafe situation lead to illegal work3、脚手架搭设拆除作业人员在进行作业前要预先检查自己的安全防护用品完好,特别是安全带 Operator shall wear personal PPE, especially the safety belt.


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