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1、一 翻译下列习语,说明所用翻译方法。1 人为财死,鸟为食亡 Men die for wealth, birds die for food. 2 饱汉不知饿汉饥 The well-fed dont know how the starved suffer千里送鹅毛-礼轻情意重 To send the feather of a swan one thousand li-the gift itself may be insignificant, but the good-will is deep.3 天有不测风云 a bolt from the blue5. 船到桥头自然直 You will cros

2、s the bridge when you come to it.6. 近墨者黑 He that lies down with dogs must rise with fleas.7. 新官上任三把火New brooms sweep clean.8. 水中捞月 to fish in the air9. 门庭若市 a much visited house 10 守株待兔 to wait for strokes of luckII. 翻译下列句子。1 中国人有句老话:“不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 ”这句话对于人们的实践是真理,对于认识论也是真理。 There is an old Chinese sayi

3、ng, “How can one catch tiger cubs without entering the tigers lair?” This saying holds true for ones practice and also holds true for the theory of knowledge.2 要吃胡桃肉,先砸胡桃壳。 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。He that will eat the nut must first crack the shell.3 正如你所知,不入虎穴,焉得虎子,如果你不那么做,你就不会成功。As you know, nothing ventured, n

4、othing gained. If you dont do that, you wont succeed.4 成就不是来自于守株待兔,而是来自于不断的追求。Achievement is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to go after.5 正因如此,那些郁闷的人总是守株待兔,被动地等着别人来爱他们。As a result, the depressed often sit around passively waiting for someone to love them.6 这两个队旗鼓相当,比赛中比分交替上升。 The two te

5、ams are well-matched, and the score seesawed all the time.7 这场比赛旗鼓相当,比分很接近。最后结果是 98 比 96,我们赢了。It was a close match. The final score was 98 to 96 in our favor.8 最后的结果应该是两者旗鼓相当。The net result should hopefully come out equal.9 一方面有丰富的经验,另一方面有坚定的决心,彼此旗鼓相当。The rich experience of one side and the firm det

6、ermination of the other balance each other out.10 麦凯恩将在俄亥俄参加几个活动,这个州的几次投票,两人都是旗鼓相当。McCain has several events in Ohio where several polls have the two nearly tied.11 其他人的成就可能高于你,而且无论你多努力,似乎也不可能与他们旗鼓相当。Others might have better achievements than you, and no matter how hard you tried, it might seem impo

7、ssible for you to match them.12 众所周知,世界上讲汉语的人数和讲英语的人数旗鼓相当,英语分布的地理区域则比汉语要广阔得多。As is known to all, the Chinese-speaking population is very close to the English-speaking population in the world, English has a broader scope than Chinese in terms of geological distribution.13 可恶,这个女人居然还在助纣为虐!Shit! This g

8、oddamn woman is still helping the evil!14 不要为虎作伥。切莫助纣为虐。Do not hold a candle to the devil.15 设计师是守卫城市记忆卫士,也是破坏记忆助纣为虐的帮手。Architects can contribute to preserve the memories of the city or help to destroy them.16 另外,针对企业的特洛伊木马可以轻松的让黑客访问企业网或者替工业间谍活动助纣为虐。Also, companies are being targeted with Trojan horses meant to get access to corporate networks or to enable industrial espionage.17 实际上,不只是缺乏教育的男性沙文主义者和保守的神职人员在阻碍妇女权利保障的进步,妇女本身也在助纣为虐。Quite often the obstacles to their progress have been not just ill-educated male chauvinists and conservative clerics. Women themselves have also stood in the way.


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