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1、口 语 Speaking【PART I】(准备 15s,说 45s)Task I ,Task II【PART II】(准备 30s,说 60s)Task III conversation ,Task IV lecture【PART III】(准备 20s,说 60s)Task V conversation ,Task VI lecture【考核点】发言流畅语法:正确,精确词汇:多样性,同义替换*凡是第一次出现一个概念或生僻的 词汇,都会第一时间在这个概念后面解释其内容,用浅显些的句子来进一步说明,再举例,尤其是举生活中的例子来进一步说明。【注意点】录音前后 0.5 秒不要抢多用动名词做主语句子

2、、观点连接:Also, plus, and, besides结尾:若有时间多余,可以说:嗯哼,thats it, thank you【Task I】观点原因(不在乎几个因素)例子:时间地点人物迅速列举提纲、建立语料库(可套用)语料库:人物:性格特点库地点:三个不同层次的地点:每个层次准备一个版本的回答。city/place in your country or the world(大地点);place in the city(稍微小一点儿的地方);room or school(更小的地方)。每个层次准备一个版本的回答。【Task II】观点(Agree or Disagree)原因(不在乎几个

3、因素) 例子:时间地点人物迅速列举提纲【Task III】题型:1. 简述 reading 中规定或者建议,2. 听力中人物态度,3. 听力中人的观点1.阅读引用部分的公式(1) In the reading materialpassage,. The university/college is going to.(2) There is a/an announcement/message/notice/proposal about.2.听力中人物表达观点的公式:(1) The man/woman is against/supporting the.(2) He or she feels un

4、happy/less satisfied about.(3) He or She thinks the.is unfair/inconvenient/ for the following reasons:(4)Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons3.理由展开部分的公式:(一)选择方案型(1) First, he thinks/says. ; Also, he points out that.(二)提出建议型(1

5、)支持+反对Firstly, the man/woman talks about the positive aspect of this issue. He/she statesThat.On the other hand, the man/man also talks about the negative aspect of this question. He/she points out that.(2) The first reason s/he gives is that . . And the second one is based on the fact that .【Task I

6、V】题型:A、二元正负类:阅读材料中的关键句中有“两个对称并列的概念性词语”(切记:通常是动宾短语!) (1 )在阅读材料中找到两个关键词,听力材料必然围绕这两个关键词展开。 (2 )在听力中迅速判断两大关键词的正负性质。 (3 )根据两大关键词的正负性展开相关内容。 B、描述举例类:阅读材料中的关键句之一对文章题目进行描述,如果不是定义句,此关键句经常在定义句附近。 (1 )阅读时记下描述性的关键句,如果临近定义句,同时记下定义句。 (2 )听到并记下举例内容,特别是与关键句匹配的信息。 (3 )根据例子反推关键句,如阅读时未确定,则在听力中迅速判断,从两句中选中一句。 要求:一、使用听力讲

7、座中的例子听懂例子二、解释文章中的一个概念是什么紧扣主题三、这个概念如何发挥作用根据模板回答模板:【1 】The reading passage introduces the definition/some features/ principle/Cause/effect of.is.In the listening passage, the professor continues to demonstrate it by providing some research/examples.The first one is.The second one is.【2 】The lecture po

8、ints out several problems.Firstly, the lecture points out that.However ,the reading suggests that.Second, the lecturer refutes the claim in the reading that.by giving.Third,although the reading suggests.It is claimed in the lecture that.【3 】The reading material demonstrate that.which is.To explain t

9、hat, the professor in the lecture gives us an example of.【Task V】准确记下:Speaker 的名字;谁遇到了什么问题,谁提出了什么解决方案*注意:If I were him/her, I would. Because he/she could回答模板:In the conversation, (主人公) has a problem that (问题) .She could not (问题具体化), but she need to (问题具体化) . Then (另一位说话者) offered her two possible so

10、lutions.The first solution is (具体解决方法 1). So she could (该方法的好处 1).But she cannot take this suggestion because (该方法的反驳理由 1) .Another suggestion is(具体解决方法 2). It would let her (该方法的好处 1).But she (该方法的反驳理由 1).If I were (主人公) , I would follow the former/latter because (该方法的好处 1) . Plus, (该方法的好处 2 自编).【T

11、ask VI】听力段落结构:双元总分结构(常规)单元总分结构(简单)双元立体总分结构*注意:严格按照结构 *记信号词回答模板:In the lecture, the professor demonstrates_.First, he says that_.And he gives an examplethat_.Second, he mentionsthat_.And he shows some researchabout_.Finally, he discussesthat_.附录:Everyday LifeA city attraction 城市旅游景点A positive attitud

12、e 积极的态度A sense of accomplishment 成就感A waste of time 浪费时间Bump into 偶遇Come up with 想出Counsel on/about 对.给予建议Deal with 处理,应付Do indoor activities 进行室内活动Do for recreation 为了消遣Entertain with 用.使.开心Experience failure 历经失败Gain weight 增加体重Gather together 聚在一起 Get into debt 负债Give a lesson 上一堂.的课Give support

13、to 支持Have a chat with 和.交谈Have a passion for 酷爱.Have an influence on 对.有影响Have experience in 有.的经验Have fun with 玩得开心Have many functions 有很多功能Have trouble with 在.有困难Hold a celebration 举行庆祝活动Lead a busy life 过忙碌的生活Learn a useful lesson 学到有用的一课Lower ones standards 降低某人的水平Make a budget 做预算Make a hasty d

14、ecision 轻率地做出决定Make a plan 计划Make an effort to 努力.Make history 创造历史Mean a lot to 对.很有意义Personal belongings 个人物品Provide for 准备Put pressure on 施加压力Receive a meaningful present 收到有意义的礼物Sacrifice.for. 为.牺牲.Set a high value on 对.给予高度评价/ 重视Shop for 购买Show improvement 体现进步/ 提高Show generosity 表现慷慨Spend ones

15、 free time V-ing 利用空余时间Spend time together 在一起Study in a group 以小组学习Surf the Internet 上网Take a trip 旅行Take advantage of 利用Take.into consideration 考虑.Thinking highly of 高度评价School LifeA part-time employee 兼职雇员A school health clinic 学校健康诊所A sports facility 运动设施A student election 学生选举An effective appro

16、ach to 有效途径An unattainable goal 无法实现的目标Apply for a scholarship 申请奖学金Background knowledge 背景知识Be available to 可用Be concerned with 关心Be eligible for 有.资格Be known for 因.而出名Build an extension to 扩建Call roll 点名Carry out a survey 调查Communicate on-line 在线交流Do club activities 参加社团活动Drop out of school 退学Enco

17、urage discussion 鼓励讨论Enroll in 参加Extend the deadline to 延期Face-to-face tutoring 面对面的辅导Fail an examination 考试不及格Fix a computer 修理电脑Give a lecture 讲座Have a break from school 休学Be curious about 对.感到好奇Have access to 可以利用Have knowledge of 了解Live in a dormitory 住在宿舍Make a policy 制定政策Make a presentation 作报

18、告Make an announcement 宣布Make an evaluation 评价Miss class 缺课Organize a field trip 组织实地考察Perform an experiment on 用.来做实验Reliable research 可靠的调查Remodel a building 改建Specialize in 专修Teacher-centered education 以教师为中心的教育Trade ideas 交换想法Tutor in 辅导Volunteer for 自愿Vote in favor of 投票赞成Work out a solution 想出解决办法附录 2 常用口语表达:Adapt to a situation 适应形势After careful thought 认真考虑后A rite of passage 成人仪式As a token of 作为.的征兆Assume responsibility 承担责任Be beneficial to 对.有益Be critical of 对.持批判态度Break a bad habit 改掉坏习惯Do something as a routine 按常规做某事


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