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1、Unit 3Section A一、 我爱背单词(词汇积累)1 临时照顾小孩子_2 寄,送,派_二、 短语达人(短语积累)1(去)露营_2 去远足_3 离开=go away(瞬间动词)_4 离开(延续性动词)_5 回来(瞬间动词)_6 回来_7 送给我一辆宝马(两种说法)_8 向我展示你的明信片(两种说法)_9 和朋友在一起(度过)_10 我在加拿大的朋友_11 离开郑州去伊拉克(Iraq) _三、 学会交际1 那听起来是个好主意(a good idea )。四、 透视语法(1) 本单元聚焦 “(自己主观)计划,打算,准备”有两种表达方式:表示方式 1:be doing ; 表达方式 2:be

2、going to 请用两种方式表达下列句子:1 -假期你计划(打算)做什么? -我计划(打算)去露营。2 -你计划(打算)和谁一起去? -我计划(打算)和章子怡去。3 -你计划(打算)在那里待多长时间?- 我计划(打算)待一个星期。4 你计划(打算)什么时候离开? -我计划(打算)明天晚上走。(tomorrow night) (2) be doing 有两种含义,即表(现在进行时) “正在 ”,也可表“计划,打算(将要)”。关键要看上下文明示或暗含的时间来判断谈论现在还是将来。请口头翻译下面连个句子:5 - Why dont you go shopping with me? -I am doi

3、ng my housework at the moment.6 - Why dont you go shopping with me tomorrow? - I am doing my housework.一、1 babysit 2 send 二、1 go camping 2 go hiking 3 leave 4 be away 5 get back 6 be back 7 send me a BMW car/ send a BMW car to me 8 show me your postcard/ show your postcard to me 9 spend time with fr

4、iends 10 my friend in Canada 11 leave Zhengzhou for Iraq 三、1 That sounds like a good idea.四、1. What are you doing / going to do for vacation? - I am going camping/ going to go camping. 2 Who are you going/ going to go with? - I am going/ going to go with Zhang Ziyi.3 How long are you staying/ going

5、to stay there? - I am staying/ going to stay there for a week.4 When are you leaving/ going to leave? -I am leaving/ going to leave tomorrow night.Section B一、 我爱背单词(词汇积累)1 农村,乡村_2 大自然_二、 短语达人(短语积累)1 骑自行车兜风(旅行)_2(去)观光_3 景色,景象_4 去钓鱼_5 泰国_6 租录像带_7 穿校服(uniform)_8 读书_9(进行一次)乘火车之旅_10 去度假(三种说法)_11 希腊_12 欧洲

6、_13 一些特殊的事情(东西)_14 湖(泊)15 忘记还过钱了(return the money )_16 忘记(去)还钱了_17 吃了很多(两种方式)_18(完成)做完家庭作业_19 游客_20(最终)选择了郭航佐_21 说英语的人_22计划(去)和章子怡游泳_23 问他要一些馍(some Chinese bread) _24 我随身带了一把刀_三、 写作素材(为写作、表达积累的句子)1 萧记因为它的面条而出名。(Xiaos) 2 你的铅笔是什么样子的呢?3 王力宏是什么样子的(人)呢?4 我在考虑买 10000 辆宝马。( BMW cars)(两种说法)5 我迫不及待地去洗手间。(the

7、 restroom)四、 透视语法本单元聚焦“将来时”,只要谈到将来的事情,永远可以用 will.但 will 仅表“将”;be going to, be doing 表示“(主观)的计划,打算”。而且 be doing 和 be going to 相比,更强调“近期,已经安排好了的计划”。1 明天是周一(Monday).2 我明天想去(计划、打算)买一些黄色的、白色的花。(some yellow and white flowers) 五、 学会写作话题 1: vacation plan 谈论近期安排 重要句型:be going to, be doing 建议文章结构:总分总 破题:I wan

8、t to talk about my vacation plan for _. 分:按照题目要求书写。 总:I am sure I will have a good time/ enjoy myself/ have a lot of fun. 写作任务 1:你是李华。请谈论下,马上到来的十一假期(the coming National Day Holiday),你打算去做什么,和谁去,怎么(交通)去,那里怎么样,在那里待多长时间。魔板:我想谈论马上到来的十一长假的计划。我打算去中牟露营。我打算和章子怡一起去。我打算乘坐飞机去那里。那里很漂亮。我计划在那里待 10 天。我想一定会玩得很开心的。I

9、 want to talk about my vacation plan for the coming National Day Holiday. I am going camping in Zhongmou. I am going with Zhang Ziyi. I am taking a plane there. Its beautiful there. I am staying there for 10 days. I am sure I will have a good time there. 一、1 countryside 2 mother nature 二、1 go bike r

10、iding 2 go sightseeing 3 sight 4 go fishing 5 Thailand 6 rent videos 7 wear uniforms 8 read books 9 take a train ride 10 go on a vacation= go for a vacation= take a vacation 11 Greece 12 Europe 13 something special 14 lake 15 forget returning the money 16 forget to return the money 17 eat a lot= eat

11、 much 18 finish doing homework 19 tourist 20 decide on Guo Hangzuo 21 people who speak English 22 plan to go swimming with Zhang Ziyi 23 ask him for some Chinese bread 24 take a knife with me 三、1 Xiaos is famous for its noodles. 2 What is your pencil like? 3 What is Lee Home like?4 I think about/ of buying 10000 BMW cars. 5 I cant wait to go to the restroom.四、1 It will be Monday tomorrow. 2. I am going to buy/ buying/ will buy some yellow and white flowers


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