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1、1英语口语 8000 句第一章日常生活中使用的短句(1) 在家中 从起床到出门Good morning, mom. 早晨好。Did the alarm clock go off ? 闹钟响了吗?Its time to get up! 该起床了!Get up soon. 快点儿起床!Are you awake? 你醒了吗? I am now. 我刚醒。 Are you feeling sick? 你不舒服吗?Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗?Would you turn off the alarm clock? 能帮我关掉闹钟吗?You finally got up. 你终于起来

2、了。Its a nice day! 今天是个好天!Did you stay up late last night? 昨晚你熬夜了?Lets fold up the futon. 把被子叠好You were snoring last night. 打呼噜I had a nightmare. 我做了个可怕的梦You left the light on. 你一直没关灯啊I have to go wash my face. 我得洗脸了Its time to eat breakfast.是吃早饭的时间了。Im still sleepy. 我还打哈欠呢Im still yawning. I have a

3、hangover. 昨天的酒还没醒呢Im a night person.我是个夜猫子-Im not. Coffee wakes me up.我是用咖啡来提神的Did you brush your teeth?刷牙了吗?I have to comb my hair. 我要梳头了.What should I wear? 我该穿什么好呢? Hurry up and get dressed. 快换衣服Put those pajamas away! 把睡衣收好Im leaving. Bye mom! 我走了,妈妈.Lets play hooky today! 今天我们逃学吧 Youre wearing

4、your sweater inside out.你毛衣穿反了。Its upside down. 上下颠倒了。Dont forget to take out the garbage.别忘了扔垃圾啊.I wont. 忘不了! Its your turn to take out the garbage. 今天该你扔垃圾了.*garbage 也可用 trash 和rubbish What are you doing today?今天你干什么?If you dont hurry, well be late.你快点,我们该迟到了. Hurry or youll be late for school.快点,

5、我们上学该迟到了。Did you lock the door?你锁门了吗?Arent you forgetting something?你没.吧(你没忘什么东西吧!)Its already 8:00.Its 8:00 already.Im late! 我晚了!I have to rush! 我得赶紧走!Are you gonna be late today? 你今天会回来得晚吗?What time are you coming home? 几点回来.Have you got your lunch box?饭盒带了吗It might rain today. 今天好像要下雨。Dont forget

6、 to lock the door when you leave.出门的时候别忘了锁门.从回家到就寝Im home! / Im back! 我回来了。Welcome home! / Welcome back! 你回来啦!Did you have a good time? 今天过得愉快吗?How did it go today?今天怎么样?How was your day? Can I go out to play?我可以出去玩会儿吗? Im hungry. 我饿了。Where are the snacks?点心在哪?Theyre in the cupboard. 在碗橱里。 Im going

7、to cram school now. 我去补习学校了啊May I have my allowance? (能给我点零花钱吗?)Im tired.真累呀!What would you like for dinner?晚饭你想吃什么?Would you help me set the table?(你能帮我准备餐具吗?)What should I make for dinner?饭做什么好呢?Its good to be home. 还是家好哇 Would you run to the store?你能不能赶紧去趟商店。The bath is ready. 洗澡水烧好了。Im taking a

8、shower.(我要冲个澡。 )Is dinner ready? 晚饭好了吗?-Not yet.Mom, whats for dinner tonight?妈妈,今天晚饭吃什么?Whats for dinner? 晚饭吃什么?Today, were having curry. 今天吃咖哩饭How soon can you get it ready? 还要多久才能做好?Lets eat. 我吃了啊Please go ahead. 请先吃吧This knife cuts well, doesnt it? 这把刀真快啊!The water is boiling! 水开啦!Its time to ea

9、t. 该吃饭啦!Im coming. 这就来啦Did you wash your hands well? 手洗干净了吗?Dont spill it! 别弄洒了(spill-_p 发 b 音)Eat all of your vegetables.把碗里的菜吃光Finish up your plate. 把碗里的饭吃光I dont like asparagus. 不喜欢吃芦笋It was very delicious. Thank you.谢谢款待Would you clear the table? 能帮我收拾盘子吗?Do the dishes! 把盘子洗了!Wash the dishes! Il

10、l dry the dishes. 我擦盘子What are you doing? -Im watching TV. Are there any good programs on TV?有什么好看的电视节目?Nomo is on TV.野茂上电视了。2Whats on Channel 8? 八频道演什么?Would you change the channel?能不能帮我换个台?I want to watch more TV. 我还想看电视Lets spread out the futon.铺床吧 *铺开 Im sleepy. 我困了。Did you do your homework?作业做了

11、吗?Study hard. 好好学习 - I am.好好学着呢Hurry up and go to sleep. 快点睡觉.Enough with your video games. 游戏玩够了吧。Make sure you brush your teeth.一定要刷牙哦!Are u ready for tomorrow?-No, not yet. 明天的东西准备好了吗?Im going to take a bath. 我去洗个澡。Time to go to sleep. 该睡觉了。You left the TV on. 电视还开着呢。Dont leave your stuff here. 别

12、把你的东西都摊在这儿。 - I wont. 知道了。 I set the alarm clock for 8:00.我把闹钟订到八点了。I set it for 8:00. Wake me up at seven tomorrow. 明天七点叫醒我。Good night.晚安Sweet dreams. 做个好梦。休息日I want to take a nap. 我真想睡个午觉。Im going to lie down. 我休息一会儿 Youre pretending to be asleep.你在装睡啊Were you sleeping? 你睡着了吗?Were you asleep?No, I

13、 was awake. 没有,还没睡呢。Will you change the babys diaper? 你能给孩子换个尿布吗?Do you need to pee? 想尿尿吗? *对小孩Lets play catch. 我们来投球吧。Lets play ball. The water is leaking.漏水了。Its so dusty. 全是灰啊!Its stuffy in this room.(这间屋子通风真差。 )Its drafty in this room. 这个房间很通风。Will you feed the dog?你能去喂喂狗吗 Will you take the dog

14、for a walk? 你去溜溜狗吧。Take care of my brother and sister.帮我照看我的弟弟妹妹啊。Please water the plants. 请给植物浇点水。What a mess! 怎么这么乱呀 Look at the mess!Help me.帮帮我吧。Clean up your room.把你的屋子收拾收拾。Help me clean up the house.帮我打扫打扫卫生。 Would you put up the clothes to dry?你能把衣服晾上嘛?Will you help me fold up the clothes? 你能

15、把我的衣服叠起来吗?Please sweep the floor. 扫、打扫(把地扫扫。 )Please scrub the sink. 把厨房的池子洗干净I have to vacuum my room.我得用吸尘器扫我房间了。Please dust the shelves.掸掸柜子上的土Please mop the floor. 请拖拖地Will you iron the shirt? (你能把衬衫熨熨吗?)I have to iron my skirt. 熨裙子(我的裙子得熨了)Lets go grocery shopping. 我们去超市买东西吧 The park was crowde

16、d.公园里人挤人Can you baby-sit tonight? 今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗? *baby-sit“送礼物This is for you. 这是送给你的。This is your share. 这是你的那份What do you want for your birthday?过生日想要什么礼物?Tada 来了生活习惯I usually work out after work. 我经常下班以后运动。Ive started jogging. 我开始慢跑锻炼。I quit smoking. 我戒烟了。 *quit 辞职,改变习惯Do you dream often? 你常做梦吗? I

17、ve been forgetful lately. 健忘、丢三落四(最近我总是丢三落四的)理财When is this due? 什么时候到期?Its due on the thirtieth. 截止到 30 号Could you give me change?能帮我换一下零钱吗?Do you have change for 100 yen?你有.?(能帮我换开一百日元吗?)I need to deposit five thousand yen in my savings account. 存钱 *账户(我要存 5000 日元。)I need to withdraw ¥5,000 from m

18、y savings account. 取,拿出(我要取 5000 日元。 )I paid out of my own pocket.自己掏腰包Im out of cash. 我没带现金I dont have much money on me now. 我现在没有多少现金。Im broke. 身无分文I have a lot of money on me now.现在我有很多现金。I cant afford to be lazy. 我可没时间闲着.What a waste! 多浪费啊! How wasteful! He didnt pay the debt and disappeared.他因为

19、还不上债而躲了起来。 (2) 享受余暇时间 邀请友人Are you free this weekend? -Yes, I am. 这周末你有空吗?Could I see you again?我们还可以再见面吗? Could you give me your phone number? 能给我你的电话号码吗?Where shall we meet?我们在哪见面?Shall I come to pick you up?开车去接某人(要我开车去接你吗?)3Are you doing anything this afternoon?你今天下午有安排吗?How about having dinner w

20、ith me?和我一起吃晚饭好吗?Why dont we go to see a baseball game?我们干吗不去看棒球比赛呢?Sorry, Im tied up. 另有安排*be tied up“受时间的约束” (真对不起,我另有安排。 )Im afraid I cant.实在对不起,恐怕不行。Thanks for asking(邀请), but.谢谢你的邀请,但是?How about a rain check? 另找时间可以吗?*rain check 引申为下次可以的I hope you can come.我希望你能来。订计划When is it convenient for yo

21、u?(你什么时候方便?)About what time? 什么时候?Any day is okay. 哪天都行。When you have time. 等你有时间的。Im free today. 我今天有空。Ill be busy tomorrow.明天我会很忙。How about the tenth? 10 号怎么样?When are you free? 你什么时候有空?Thats a bad day for me. 那天我不行。That day is fine. 那天我可以。When can I come over? 我什么时候去合适? *come over“顺便拜访” 。You deci

22、de when.你定时间吧。You decide where.你定地点吧。Is seven convenient for you? 7 点行吗?When can you come over?你几点能来?Is it too early?太早了吗?Is it too late?太晚了吗?Its a date. 就那天吧。Okay, see you then. 行,到时候见。出门的时候Are you ready?准备好了吗?Ready yet?Ready. 准备好了Im not ready.我还没准备好呢。What time shall we leave?我们什么时候出发?Lets get goin

23、g. 那我们走吧。看电影Would you like to go to a movie? 你想去看电影吗?Whats on tonight?今晚放什么电影?(跟上一句连接的) What movie do you want to see?你想看什么电影?I want to see.我想看.Where is. playing? 哪儿.演?How long is. playing? 演到什么时候?Who is in this movie? 这部电影谁演的?How long does it last? *last 持续,继续(演多长时间?)What time is the next showing?下

24、一场几点开演?What time will it be over?几点演完?Two adults, please. 我买两张成人票I cant see because of the person in front of me. 前边的人挡着,我看不见We are way in the back, arent we? 我们怎么做的这么靠后啊?Lets sit closer up front. 我们坐到前面的座位上吧!That was interesting, wasnt it?真是太有趣了,是不是? That was boring, wasnt it? 这电影真没劲,是不是?I was move

25、d. (太让人感动了.) *move“使感动去听音乐会Id like two tickets for October 3rd, pls.我要买两张十月三号的票。Sorry, were sold out. 对不起,卖完了。When do u have tickets?有什么时候的票?What time does it start?几点开始?Can I make a reservation? 可以预订吗?Where can I buy a ticket?在哪买票?Is this seat taken? 这位子有人吗?We have great seats, dont we? 我们这个位子真棒!En

26、core! 再来一个!Go for it,.! .加油!打高尔夫球Id like to play golf.我喜欢打高尔夫球。Would you like to golf tomorrow?明天打高尔夫球好吗?Do you want to join me?愿意和我一起大高尔夫球吗?Are there any golf courses around here?场地(这附近有高尔夫球场地吗?)How much is it per person? 一个人多少钱?How much is it per day?一天多少钱? Are there any extra charges?此外还有其他的花费?Ca

27、n I rent the equipment? 我可以租用用具吗?Please make a reservation for golf. 预约 *请别人预约时(请帮我预约高尔夫球.0Id like to make golf reservations.我想预约高尔夫球。*由自己提出请求时 When would you like to play?要什么时间的?This Friday, if possible. 如果可以的话。请定这个星期五吧.There are four of us.我们一共四个人.What time are we starting?几点开始?相识的人一起去喝酒How about

28、a drink? 去喝一杯怎么样?I need a drink. 我想去喝一杯.Would you like to have a drink after work?下班以后去喝一杯怎么样?Do you have any beer?有啤酒吗?4Two bottles of beer, please.请来两瓶啤酒.One whiskey with water, please.请来杯掺水的威士忌. .What kind of snacks should we have?小吃(要什么下酒菜呢?)Lets forget about work and have some fun.让我们忘了工作痛快一会吧.

29、Cheers!干杯!What are you drinking?你喝什么呢?I like to go barhopping.我喜欢换酒馆喝. *hop 一蹦一蹦地The first sip is the best! 啜饮(第一口最舒坦了)Nothing beats this! 这个最好。Would you like a refill? (再来一杯怎么样?)Another beer, please.再来一瓶啤酒.This whiskey is strong. 这种威士忌挺冲.How do you like sake? 日本酒怎么样?Its strong. 酒劲儿大.Im drunk. 我喝醉了.

30、I feel a little tipsy. *tipsy 微醉的(我觉得有点醉了.) Im loaded. 喝醉了、大醉Drink moderately. 喝酒要适可而止.I get drunk easily. 我的酒量小 .I drank too much.我喝得太多了.I should have drunk less.我不该喝这么多的.I have a hangover. 头天的酒还没醒.hangover 宿醉唱卡拉 OKLets go to karaoke. 我们去唱卡拉 ok 吧!What is karaoke?什么是卡拉 ok? Singing along with recorde

31、d music.就是和着录音带的音乐一起唱歌 .Are you good at singing? 擅长(你唱歌拿手吗?)Id like to request a song. 我想点首歌.You sing first.你先唱.Lets enjoy ourselves.大家高兴的玩吧. How about a song, John? 约翰,你来唱一首吧!What are you going to sing?你打算唱什么歌. Lets sing a duet. 来个二重唱吧.Now its my turn.现在快轮到我了.I dont have the nerve to sing in front

32、of people. (我不敢在大家面前唱歌.)I cnt keep up with the new songs.我跟不上新歌的速度. Im tone-deaf. 我五音不全.Whats your karaoke specialty? 你唱卡拉 ok 有什么拿手的歌吗? Ive never heard of that song.我从来没听说过那首歌.Youre a good singer!你唱得真好!(3) 生病、受伤时 请医生看病Do you need a doctor? -Yes, I think so. 你需要叫医生吗?Please call an ambulance.请叫救护车.Id

33、like to see a doctor. 我要看病.Im not feeling well. 我觉得身体不舒服.Could you send me a doctor? 你能帮我叫医生吗?Whats wrong with you?你怎么了?What are your symptoms? 症状 (是什么症状?)Let me check your temperature. 量一下体温吧.Did you eat something unusual?吃了什么不对的东西没有?Let me check your blood pressure.量一下血压吧!Are u taking any medicati

34、on regularly? (你常吃什么药?)*一般把药称为 medicine,但医生常用 medication。Im not taking any medication. -Is that so?我没有服用什么药.Whats wrong with me? 我哪儿不好?Is it serious?严重吗?陈述症状Are you feeling okay? 你不舒服吗?Whats wrong? 你怎么了?You look pale. 你脸色真不好.Im not feeling well. 我身体不舒服 I dont feel well. 我觉得难受You dont look well.你好像不太

35、舒服.She passed out. 昏过去,失去知觉” (她昏过去了)I feel sick. /I feel bad 我觉得难受I have a stomachache. 我肚子疼.I have a dull pain. 隐隐作痛I have a sharp pain. 钻心地疼I have a throbbing pain. 一跳一跳地疼 I have a piercing pain. 刺痛、剧痛(我感到剧痛)I have a stabbing pain. 像针扎似地疼I have diarrhea. 我拉肚子了.I have food poisoning. 我食物中毒了.I have

36、high/low blood pressure. 血压高./血压低.I have a headache.我头疼.What happened, sir? 你怎么了?I have a headache. 我头疼。My head hurts.I feel dizzy. 我头晕目眩I feel sluggish. 我浑身没劲 /I feel tired. I dont have any appetite.(我没有一点食欲.)I have a slight cold. 我有点感冒.I feel chilly. 我浑身发冷。I have a bad cold 我得了重感冒.I have a stuffy

37、nose. 鼻子堵了.I have a runny nose. 我在流鼻涕.I have a bit of a fever. 我在发烧.I think I have a fever.我好像发烧了.I have a high temperature. 我在发高烧.5I feel like throwing up. 我想吐.Ouch! 好疼!/好烫!Its itchy. 痒痒I broke my leg. 我腿骨折了。 How long will the cast be on?(要打多长时间石膏?)I burned my hand. 我把手给烫了。I sprained my ankle. 我崴(w

38、i)脚了。I caught a cold from you. 你把感冒传染给我了.I must stay in bed. 我必须静养休息I have stiff shoulders. 我肩膀酸痛My eyes are tired. 我眼睛发酸Is somebody hurt? 有谁受伤了?My fever has gone down. 我退烧了I cant stop coughing. 我咳嗽不止.My throats sore.我嗓子疼.*sore 火辣辣地疼Its bleeding. 我流血了.Ive got a cut here. 我这儿割破了It hurts. 好疼I got stun

39、g by a bee. 我被蜜蜂蜇了Do I need an operation? 我需要动手术吗?Will it take long? 要花很长时间吗?Can I take a bath? /Can I bathe? 我可以洗澡吗?Is it okay to drink? 可以喝酒么?Should I be hospitalized? 我一定要住院吗Do you have a fever?你发烧吗?I feel better (now). 我觉得好多了.I dont feel any better.我觉得没什么好转.Are you alright again? 你的病好了吗?He passe

40、d away. 他去世了 (4) 恋爱和结婚 喜欢、爱上Tom is a lady-killer. 汤姆是个美男子.Tom really turns me on. .真让我神魂颠倒(Chris is really a heartbreaker. 长得真帅(克里斯长得的真帅)Janet is a knockout. 珍妮特真迷人. I think he has a crush on u.他好像看上你了.Jane seems to like me.jane 好像喜欢上我了.Dianas been coming on to Jack.对.有意思(丹娜对杰克有意思.)I cant handle a g

41、irl like her. 对待(我不敢打像她那样姑娘的主意.) Im dying to see her. 忍不住(想)(我非常想见到他!)Im trying to make a pass at her.我想追求她.You broke my heart.你也太狠心了. 约会Are you free tonight?今晚有空吗?Do you want to go out with me tonight? (今晚你能和我一起约会吗?)Would u like to go to the movies with me?愿意和我一起去看电影吗?How about having a cup of tea?

42、 喝点茶什么的吧.Pls keep me company for a while. 陪我 (能陪陪我吗?)Id like to invite you to a show.我想请你去看演出.May I ask you out?我能和你约会吗? *ask out 约会” 。Are you trying to pick me up? 勾引(男/女)(你是想和我约会吗?)Where do you want to meet?在哪见面?What time should we meet?我们几点见面?表白I want to talk to you.我有话要对你说.Are you seeing anyone

43、now? 你有朋友吗? What do you think of me? 你觉得我怎么样?I love you. Youre the most beautiful woman Ive ever seen.你是我见到过的最美的女人.Im crazy for you.伱使我发疯.Dont play hard to get. 别装腔作势I dont want to get serious yet.我还不想太认真.It was love at first sight.这是一见钟情.I wish I had never met you. 我真希望从来没遇到过你.Youre my type. 你是我喜欢的

44、那种类型. You make me happy.你使我感到幸福. -You do, too. Im happy to have known you.能认识你我非常幸福.You have beautiful eyes.你的眼睛真美Youre sweet. 你真好Youre sexy. 你真性感. Lets walk hand in hand. /Lets hold hands.我们拉着手走吧.May I hold your hand? -Sure you may. 我可以牵你的手吗?Youre beautiful. 你真漂亮.I want you. 我想要你 *男女都可I need you. 我

45、需要你.Youre everything to me. 你是我的一切.Youre mine. /You belong to me. 你是我的.Im yours. /Im all yours. 我属于你。 I cant live without you.没有你我无法活下去.Come closer. 再靠近我些.Whats on your mind?你想什么呢?I think of you night and day.我睡时时刻刻都想着你.There will never be another you.你是这个世界上独一无二的人.I like your dress. 你的连衣裙真漂亮。Nothin

46、g is too good for u.为你我在所不惜.Are you seducing me? 你在引诱我吗? *seduce 特指引诱年轻的女性Hold me tight. 抱紧我.Dont go away. 别离开我.6I cant help falling in love with u 我无法不爱你Ive never felt like this before. 我从来没有过这种感觉.Youre the one for me. 你是我的惟一Ill love you forever.我永远爱你.I always speak my mind. 我一直说的都是真心话.I always say

47、 whats on my mind.Im always honest. 诚实 Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌Be gentle(肩头).请温柔些.Love me more. 再多爱我些.Look at me! 看着我.I fell in love with Rose. 我爱上了罗斯.Im deeply in love with Rose.我深深地爱着萝丝.结婚Will you marry me? 愿意和我结婚吗?I want to grow old together. 白头到老 I dont want to get engaged yet.我还不想订婚.I dont wa

48、nt to get married yet.我还不想结婚.I havent thought about marriage yet. 我还没想过结婚.I love you but I cant marry you.我爱你但我不能和你结婚.I hesitate to marry her.我还下不了决心和她结婚.Hes a newlywed. 他刚刚结婚.Hows your married life?婚后生活怎么样? Were happy together now. 我们俩都感到很幸福.I love my wife. 我爱我的妻子.Were two of a kind. 我俩性格相似Were a w

49、ell-matched couple. 我们很般配Im a family-centered person. 我是个顾家的人.She wants to start a family. 她想要个孩子.Guess what? Im pregnant. 你猜怎么着,我怀孕了。What did she have? 怀的是男孩还是女孩?We can work it out. 问题总会解决的I think of my wife first.我首先想到的是我的妻子.We as a husband and a wife dont have any fights. (我们夫妻从不吵架.)Family man.拖家带口的人离婚We fi


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