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1、、抵达美国入境手续“All passengers on Pan American Flight 22 arriving from Taibei, please go to the Immigration Counter located in front of the arrival lounge. Please have your passports and landing cards ready.搭乘泛美航空公司第次班机从台北来的所有旅客请到入境休息室正前方的移民局柜台,并请准备好您的护照和入境证。After youve cleared Immigration, please proceed

2、 to the Pan American baggage claim area, located in the East Wing of the Terminal Building.入境检查完后请到位于机场大楼东侧的泛美航空公司行李领取处,Your bags will be available in about 15 minutes. Please have your baggage stubs ready.您的行李可在分钟后拿到,请准备好您的行李托寄标签。After collecting your bags, please proceed to Customs with the declar

3、ation slip you filled out on the airplane. Customs is located in the South Wing of the Terminal directly opposite to the departure lounge.拿到行李后请带上您在飞机上填好的申报单到和出境休息室相对的机场南侧的海关处。If you have any questions about the transportation from the airport, please ask at one of the Information Counters in the Te

4、rminal Building.“如果你有任何有关离开机场的交通问题,请向在机场大楼内的任何一个服务台询问。Model Dialogs标准对话Dialog 1 At the Immigration Window对话 在移民局窗口A:Passport, please.:请看一下护照。B:Surely. Here it is.:是的,在这。A:Are you on a business trip or a pleasure trip?:你是商务旅行还是观光?B:Im here for sightseeing.:我是来观光的。A:How long do you plan to be here?:你打

5、算停留多久?B:About three weeks.:大约三星期。A:Well, everything seems to be OK. Please go to customs next.:嗯,都好了。请到海关那边。B:Thank you.:谢谢。Dialog 2 At the Customs Inspection Counter对话 在海关检查柜台A:Can I see your customs declaration, please?:请让我看看你的海关申报单好吗?B:Yes. Here you are.:好的,在这。A:Anything to declare?:有什么东西要申报的吗?B:

6、No, nothing that I know of.:没有,就我所知道的没有。A:Are you bringing in any liquor?:你有没有携带酒类?B:No, Im not.:不,我没有。A:Are you bringing in any cigarettes?:你有没有携带香烟?B:Only my own use.:只有我自己要抽的。A:All right. Please open your bags.:好的,请打开你的行李。B:Certainly.:好的。A:Whatre those?:这些是什么?A:OK. Thatll be all. You may close yo

7、ur bags now.:好,好了,你现在可以关上行李了。Useful Expression常用语句Roughly two weeks.大概两星期。Oh, around three months.哦,三个月左右。Just a couple of weeks.只有两星期。Approximately one year.大约一年。Im just a tourist.我只是一名观光客。Im here on business (to go to school, to visit friends.)我来经商(留学、拜访朋友)。Mostly business and a little sightseeing

8、.主要是出公差,顺便观光。No, I dont believe(think) so.不,我想不是的。No, I dont have anything to declare.不,我没有任何东西申报。Nothing to declare.没有东西要申报。I have only my personal belongings.我只带了换洗衣物。Just my clothing, camera, and a couple of gifts.只有我的衣物、照相机和一两件礼物。These cigarettes are for my own use.这些香烟是我自己要抽的。I dont have any li

9、quor.我没带任何酒类。Vocabulary词汇Quarantine检疫Immigration移民局Customs Inspection海关检查C.I.Q. (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine)海关,出入境和检疫vaccination certificate; yellow book; immunization card预防接种证明书;黄皮书;免疫卡disembarkation card; landing card入境证embarkation card出境证customs declaration form (slip)海关申报单visa签证persona

10、l effects; personal belongings随身物品alcoholic beverage酒类gift礼物cigarette(s) (a park of, a carton of)香烟(一包,一条)cigar(s) (a box of)雪茄(一盒)pipe tobacco烟丝liquor酒类plants植物food食品fruit水果suitcase手提包trunk皮箱suit套装sweater毛衣scarf围巾handkerchief手帕socks袜子stockings (a pair of)长袜(一双)camera照相机movie camera摄影机8 millimeter c

11、amera毫米摄影机super 8 camera特号照相机film底片color film彩色底片video camera录影照相机medicine药perfume香水wrist watch手表jewelry珠宝toilet articles化妆品portable radio手提收音机cassette tape recorder卡式录音机micro-cassette tape recorder超小卡式录音机electric razor电动刮胡刀02美国观光英语会话 02Dialog 1 Having a porter Help You对话 请服务生帮你忙A:Porter!:服务生!B:Yes,

12、 sir.:是的,先生。A:Please carry these bags to the taxi.:请把这些行李搬到出租车上。B:How many do you have?:你有几件行李?A:Three.:三件。B:All right.:好的。A:Thanks. How much do I owe you?:谢谢,多少钱?B:Sixty cents a bag.:一件行李分。A:Fine. Heres $2.00. Keep the change.:好的,这是两块钱,不用找了。B:Thank you.:谢谢你。Dialog 2 Taking a Taxi to the Hotel对话 坐出租

13、车去旅馆A:Yes, sir. Where to?:请上车,先生,去哪里?B:To the Park Hotel.:去公鸭旅馆。A:Here we are, sir. Thats $26.40.:到了,先生,总共元。Dialog 3 The Limousine Drops You Off at Your Hotel对话 大型轿车送你去旅馆A:Do you go near the Drake Hotel?:到公鸭旅馆附近吗?B:Yes, we do. Its on our route.:是的,那是我们的行车路线。A:What do you charge, please?:请问要多少钱?B:The

14、 fares are all the same, $5,00 to the downtown airline bus terminal. You can get off anywhere along the way.:车费都是一样的,到市中心的航空公司大巴总站元。你可以在沿途任何地方下车。A:How long does it take?:要多少时间?B:Oh, about 45 minutes.:哦,大约分钟。B:Drake Hotel!:公鸭旅馆!A:I get off here. What about my baggage?:我在这里下车,我的行李呢?B:Its loaded in the

15、 back of the bus. Give me your claim check. Ill get it for you. Anyone else for the Drake Hotel?:放在大巴后面,把行李牌给我,我拿行李给你,还有没有人要在公鸭旅馆下车?Useful Expression常用语句Wheres the bus stop (taxi stand)?公共汽车站牌(出租车停靠点)在哪里?Please call a taxi for me.请帮我叫辆出租车。Please take me to the Park Hotel.请送我到公园旅馆。This is where Id li

16、ke to go.这是我想去的地方。Do you stop at (go by, pass by) the Tower Hotel?你们停靠(到,经过)塔旅馆吗?How much does it cost to go to the Drake Hotel?去公鸭旅馆要多少钱?How much does a ticket cost?一张票多少钱?I want to get off here.我要在这里下车。How much will that be?总共多少钱?How much do I owe you?多少钱?What does that come to?要多少钱?Vocabulary词汇ai

17、rport bus (coach)机场大巴taxi; cab出租车limousine大型轿车hotel旅馆motel汽车旅馆porter服务生tip小费baggage行李baggage claim check行李领取牌fare车费taxi zone; taxi stand出租车停靠点bus stop公共汽车站牌off duty不当班airline bus terminal航空公司大巴总站 在饭店-美国观光英语会话 03、在饭店(1)Checking In at the Hotel()订房登记Model Dialogs标准对话Dialog 1 Arriving at the Hotel对话 抵达

18、旅馆A:Here. Ill take your suitcases, sir.:先生,我帮你提行李。B:Thank you.:谢谢你。A:Right this way, sir.:先生,请这边走。B:Thanks. Here you are.:谢谢,这是给你的小费。A:Thank you, sir.:谢谢你,先生。B:Good afternoon. I believe you have my reservation.:下午好,我相信你们登记有我的预订。C:Your name, please?:请问贵姓大名?B:Yes, Terry Chen.:是的,陈泰利。C:Oh, yes, Mr. Che

19、n. We have a single with bath for you. Now, will you fill in this card, please?:哦,是的,陈先生,我们为你准备了一间单人套房,请你填写这张卡片好吗?B:Oh, surely. Incidentally, what time are the meals?:哦,当然,顺便问一下,用餐时间是什么时候?C:Breakfast is from six to nine, lunch is from eleven to two, and dinner is from five to eight.:早餐是从点到点,午餐从点到点,而

20、晚餐是从点到点。B:I see. And whats the check-out time?:我知道了,退房时间是什么时候?C:Twelve noon, sir.:中午点,先生。B:OK. There you are.:好的,填好了。C:Thank you. Now, Ill have the bellboy take you to your room.:谢谢你,我现在请服务生带你去你的房间。B:Thank you.:谢谢你。Dialong 2 Reserving a Room对话 预订房间A:Park Hotel? Reservation desk, please.:公园旅馆吗?请转预订部。

21、B:Reservation desk. May I help you?:预订部,有什么我可以效劳的吗?A:Yes, please. Im phoning from the airport here in Los Angeles. Id like to reserve a m for tonight.:是的,请帮我一个忙,我现在在洛杉矶机场打这个电话,我要预订今晚一间B:All right, sir. Thats a single with bath?:好的,先生,是单人套房吗?A:Thats right. How much will that be?:对,多少钱?B:Our singles b

22、egin at forty-five, sir.:我们的单人房从元起,先生。A:Good.:好的。B:Your name, please.:请问你的姓名?A:My name is Terry Chen. C-H-E-N.:我叫陈泰利,陈。B:Thank you, Mr. Chen. When will you be arriving?:谢谢你,陈先生,你什么时候到达?A:Im arriving soon. Im taking a taxi to the hotel.:我很快就到,我正坐出租车去旅馆。B:Right, sir. Well hold your room for you until

23、9 P.M.:好的,先生,我们会帮你保留房间直到下午点。Dialog 3 No Rooms Available对话 房间客满A:Id like a room, please.:请给我开一个房间。B:Do you have a reservation, sir?:先生,请问你有预订吗?A:No, Im sorry, I dont.:不,抱歉我没有。B:Well, Id like to help you, but Im afraid all our rooms are taken.:嗯,我想帮你忙,但是恐怕我们的房间都已经客满了。A:I see. In that case, could you s

24、uggest another?:明白了,如果是这样的话,你能推荐另一家旅馆吗?B:Why dont you try the Royal Hotel? Its right down the street.:你何不试试国王旅馆?就在这条街上。A:Thank you.:谢谢你。Useful Expression常用语句Just up to (as far as) the front desk.就拿到前台。Just carry (take) them to the front desk.提到前台就好。Thanks. Here you are (go).谢谢,这是给你的(小费)。You have a r

25、eservation for me, I believe.我想你们登记有我的预订。Ill be here for two nights.我要在这里住两天。Im planning to stay a week.我打算停留一个星期。Where it says “Date of Departure“, Im not quite sure yet.在这里所说的“离开日”我还不十分确定。Well, I think Ill probably be here for a week.嗯,我想我可能会在这里停留一个星期。No, I dont have a reservation.不,我没有预订。Id like

26、to stay a day longer.我想再多停留一天。Id like a single with bath for about $45.00 a night.我想要一晚上大约元的单人套房一间。Do you have any accommodations available at that price?你们有没有这种价位的房间?Dont you have anything less expensive?你们没有比较便宜的房间吗?Could you give me a cleaner room, please?请给我一个比较干净的房间好吗?Do you have any vacancies for tonight?今晚你们还有空房间吗?Vocabulary词汇front desk; reception desk; registration前台information desk服务台cashier出纳doorman门迎reservation预订vacancy空房a single room一间单人房


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