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1、8A 作文复习讲义Unit 1请根据下面的中文提示介绍你最好的朋友。1 Mary 长得好看,有一双大眼睛,方方的脸,直发,很可爱,我喜欢她微笑的眼睛;2 她总是面带微笑,她对朋友很慷慨,她认为应该与朋友分享一切,应该在别人需要时帮助他们;3 她很有幽默感,常讲笑话给朋友们听,让他们开心,与她在一起时从不觉得无聊;4 她会替朋友保守秘密,他是一个真正的朋友;5 Mary 工作很努力,她想和孩子们一起工作,长大后成为一名老师,我认为她讲成为一名杰出的老师。Mary is my best friend, she is good-looking and lovely with a pair of bi

2、g eyes on her square face. I like her smiling eyes. She always wears a smile on her face. She is generous to her friends. She thinks she should share everything with friends and help people in need. She has a good sense of humour. She always tells funny jokes to make her friends happy. Her friends n

3、ever feel bored when they are with her. Moreover, she can keep secrets, she is a true friend. Mary works really hard, she wants to work with children, so she hopes to become a teacher when she grows up. I think she will make an excellent teacher in the future.Unit 2请根据下面的中文提示介绍你理想的学校。1 每天上午 8:00 上课,

4、下午 4:00 结束。你们有足够的时间进行课外活动;2 你们在学校餐厅吃午饭,可以吃到种类多样的可口的食物,还能在那儿聊天;3 你们有一个很大的图书馆,里面有许多有用的书,你们经常可以借书看;4 每天你们只有半小时的作业,周末你们不做作业;5 你们还经常去参观博物馆或去电影院看电影。My ideal school start s at 8 a.m . every day and finishes/ends at 4 p.m. So we have enough time for after-school activities. We have lunch at the school dinin

5、g hall. We can eat all kinds of delicious food there and we can also chat with each other. We have a very big library with lots of useful books. We can often borrow some books from the library. Every day we only have half an hour of homework and we dont need to do much homework at weekends. We also

6、often visit the museum or go to the cinema. My ideal school li fe is so wonderful and colourful.8A Unit2 School life 知识归纳与拓展 单词拓展1mixedn. 男女混合的;混合的 mix vt.&vi.混合2foreign adj.外国的foreigner n.外国人3discuss vt.讨论,议论 discussion n.讨论4win vt.&vi.赢得;赢,获胜 winner n.获胜者5dailyadj. 每日的,日常的day n.一天,白天6weeklyadj.每周的

7、weekn. 周,一星期7quickadj. 快的 quickly adv.快地,迅速地8real adj.真实的,真的 really adv.真正地9French n.法语 French adj.法国的France n.法国10American adj.美国的America n.美国11British adj.英国的Britain n.英国12advertisement n.广告advertise vt.&vi.做广告,做宣传 短语归纳1have plans for the weekend 有周末安排 2have a lovely time 玩得高兴,过得愉快3keep(on)doing s

8、omething 继续做某事,重复做某事4finish school 放学 5wear school uniforms 穿校服6go on a school trip 进行一次学校旅行7among all my subjects 我所有的学科当中8during the week 在一周期间9borrow more books from the school library 从学校图书馆借更多的书10bring in books and magazines from home 从家里带来书和杂志11near the end of the week 在一周快结束的时候12discuss somet

9、hing with somebody 和某人讨论某事13in the 8th grade 在八年级141isten carefully to my problems 仔细倾听我的问题15offer somebody somethingsomething to somebody 向某人提供某物16earlier than usual 比平常更早17win two games 赢两场比赛18read an article by a boy from the USA 读一篇美国学生写的文章19have some time off 休一段时间假201ook through the questions

10、浏览问题 句型分析1Why dont dogs go to school,Eddie? 这是个否定疑问句。这句话的意思是:“埃迪,为什么狗不上学呢?”。言外之意:“埃迪,狗也应该上学啊 !”。 “Why dontdoesntdidnt+ 主语+谓语动词+其他”相当于“why not+谓语动词 +其他”,意为“ 为什么不;为何不”,通常表示一种建议或责备。如:Why dont you(=Why not)go to the party and see for yourself? 你为什么不亲自去聚会上看看呢?Why didnt they go to the cinema last night? 他

11、们昨晚为什么没有去看电影呢?Why not have a goodsleep?为什么不好好睡一觉呢?2Shall we go together?此句意为:我们一起去好吗?Shall we?意为“我们 好吗?”,用于征求他人意见、向他人提出建议或请求他人的许可。如:Shall we go to the museum this afternoon? 今天下午我们去博物馆好吗?表示提建议的常用句型还有:CouldWould you please do something?请你做某事好吗?Shall weI do something?我们我做某事好吗?Lets do something让我们做某事吧。

12、Why dontweyou do something? 我们你们为什么不做某事呢?Why not do something? 为什么不做某事呢? Youd better do something你最好做某事。Would you like to do something?你想要做某事吗?HowWhat about somethingdoing something? (做)某事怎么样?3Learning foreign languages is fun.此句意为:学习外语很有趣。这里的 learning foreign languages 是一个动名词短语,在句中充当主语。在英语中,当动名词(短语

13、)用作主语时视为一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。如:Swimming is my favourite sport游泳是我最喜爱的运动。Living in the country is much quieter than living in the city住在乡下比住在城里要安静得多。4I read all article by a boy from the USA此句意为:我读了一篇文章,是一个美国男孩写的。句中的 by 用作介词,意为“由被创作”,an article by可表示成 an article written b y ,意为“由写的文章”。如:This is an article(

14、written)by Lu Xun这是一篇鲁迅写的文章。Who was the music by?这首乐曲是谁创作的?It was by Mozart是莫扎特创作的。5I spend less time doing homework than Nancy句中的 doing 可以改为 to do 吗?不可以。这里用了一个 spend(in)doing something 的结构,意为“花费 做某事”。此时,spend 的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是“时间、金钱、精力” 等,用 on 接名词或用 in(通常省略) 接动词-ing 形式,不能跟动词不定式。如:He spends a lot of m

15、oney on story-books.=He spends a lot of money(in)buying story-books他花费很多钱买故事书。We spend one and a half hours on homework every day=We spend one and a half hours(in)doing homework every day我们每天花一个半小时做家庭作业。 语法点拨 数量的比较1两者之间数量上的比较(1)可用 morethan 结构表示 “比一多” ,more 后可接可数名词复数或不可数名词。如 He has more books than me

16、他的书比我多。She has more free time than me她的空闲时间比我多。(2)可用 fewerlessthan 结构表示“比”+ 少”,fewer 后接可数名词复数,less 后接不可数名词。如:Tom is in fewer clubs than Jack 汤姆参加的俱乐部比杰克少。We drink 1ess coffee than tea 我们喝咖啡不如喝茶多。2三者或三者以上数量上的比较(1)用 the most“最多” ,它后面既可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词。Bob got the most points in our class鲍勃在我们班里得分最多。Si

17、mon drinks the most milk西蒙喝的牛奶最多。(2)用 the fewest 或 the least 表示“ 最少”,前者用来修饰可数名词复数,后者用来修饰不可数名词。如:She can sing the fewest songs in our class我们班里她会唱的歌最少。He finishes the least homework of us three我们三个人里,他完成的家庭作业最少。3副词比较等级的用法(1)A+动词(实义动词)+副词比较级 +than+B当 than 前后使用的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面自动词,该动词或助动词可以省略。如:He work

18、s harder than you(do)他比你工作更努力。I got up earlier than my mother(did)我起得比我妈妈早。(2)说明“和 B 比起来,更喜欢 A”时,要用 well 的比较级 better,用“SbLike(s)A better than B”句型。如:I like sppring better than winter春天和冬天,我更喜欢春天(3)当询问对方比较两者后作出选择,可用句型 Which/Who do you like better,A or B?如:Which do you like better,red or blue? 红色和蓝色,你

19、更喜欢哪个?Who do you like better,Li Ming or Zhang Hua? 李明和张华,你比较喜欢谁 ?(4)副词比较级前可加 much,a little,even,far ,a lot;修饰词来加强语气。Tony jumps much higher than Jim托尼跳得比吉姆高得多。4副词的最高级用法常用句型:A+动词(实义动词 )+(the)副词最高级+of/in among。如:Amy writes(the)most carefully in our class在我们班埃米写得最认真。Bill swims(the)fastest among the thre

20、e of us我们三个人中比尔游得最快。 易混辨析1. used to do sth. (过去常常做某事) be used to do sth.(被用来做某事) be used to doing sth. (习惯于做某事)This building is a department store now. It_a cinema.A.was used to be B.used to be C.is used to doing D.used to be Children at the beginning of last century _ a lot and _ themselves greatly

21、 even without television.A.used to read,enjoying B.used to read,enjoyedC. were used to reading,enjoy D.were used to read,enjoying2.pleasant, pleased, pleasure(1)pleasant 令人高兴的,令人愉快的,作定语,用来修饰事物不能修饰人。(2)pleased 一般作表语,常用的结构:sb. be pleased at sth. /doing sth.Sb. be pleased with sth., sb. be pleased that

22、(3)pleasure n.愉快,乐趣 Its a pleasure to do sth. dosth. with pleasureIts _for me to work with her His voice is _.You have had a life of joy, and _,and successIm very _that you have decided to come.3.retrun n. Hong Kongs return to China. v. return sth to sb.=give sth,back to sbreturn to sp=go / come bac

23、k to sp4.win,beat, hit We are sure we can _them.Im very pleased when the boys _the relay race.He was _ by a falling stone.They _us at basketball last week.Unit 1 Friends 单元复习知识点一、重点词组1. have something to drink 喝点东西2. some more food 多一些食物3. plan to do sth.计划去做某事4. care about 关心,关怀5.tell lies 撒谎6. one

24、 of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一7. be willing/ready to do sth. 乐意 /准备好去做某事8. have a good sense of humor 有很强的幽默感9. walk past 走过,路过10. knock onto 把撞到上 11. say a bad word about 说的坏话12. the tallest boy in our class 我们班最高的男生13. help them with their problems 帮助他们解决问题14. travel around the world 环游世界15. both an

25、d 两者都,既又16. have a smile on ones face 某人面带微笑17. play a joke on sb. 取笑某人18. be patient with 对有耐心19. be friendly to sb.对某人友好 20. in the future 在将来21. be famous as 作为而出名22. be famous for 因而出名二、重点句子(一)Comic strip& Welcome to the unit 1. Can I have something to drink? 我能喝点什么吗?本句用于征求对方意见,希望能够得到对方的肯定回答。som

26、ething to drink 意为 “一些喝的东西” ,动词不定式 to drink 作后置定语修饰不定代词 something。 翻译:你想要喝点什么吗?2.What about some milk? 来点牛奶怎么样?what/how about + sth./doing sth.?是向别人提出建议时常用的句型,也可以在具体语境中表示对上一个问题的省略。其中 about 是介词。3. What makes your friend so special? 什么使你的朋友如何特别呢?(what 作主语) 此处make 为使役动词,意为“使,让”,,结构为“make+ 宾语+宾语补足语(无 to

27、 不定式/adj.) ”翻译:我的礼物使他很高兴。他的笑话使我大笑。拓展:keep,find,think 等也可以接形容词作宾语补足语,eg. We should keep our classroom clean.我们应该让我们的教室保持干净。I found it interesting to learn English.我发现学英语很有趣。4.Can you tell him/her everything about yourself? 你能把关于自己的所有事情都告诉他 /她吗?tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事tell sb. (not) to do sth.叫某人(不要)去做某事t

28、ell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事tell jokes/stories/lies 说笑话/故事 /谎 辨析:tell talk say speak 补充:speak 有时指演说或正式发言,也可以用于“speak to sb.和某人通电话” 。翻译:指示牌上写着“禁止吸烟” 。 你妈妈能说英语吗?告诉他晚上别出去?你们在谈论什么?5. Do you believe what he/she says? 你相信他/ 她说的话吗?此句为 believe+宾语从句,宾语从句要使用陈述句语序,即“主+谓+其他” ,如果是特殊疑问句在宾语从句中应改为“特殊疑问词+主+谓+ 其他”的语序。翻

29、译:你知道他住在哪儿吗?那个售货员知道这双鞋多少钱。我以前并不知道是谁在我生病的时候帮助了我。6. You can trust them because they never tell lies.你能信任他们因为他们从不说谎。trust 意为“信任,信赖” ,多指相信人,是及物动词; believe 意为“相信” ,多指相信语言或事情的真实性,后可跟宾语从句。 Reading 1. Betty is one of my best friends. 贝蒂是我最好的朋友之一。one of +复数, 之一,one of + 形物/the + adj.最高级+名词复数,意为“最之一”one of th

30、e biggest countries 最大的国家之一one of his best paintings 他最好的作品之一翻译:李雷是我们班最高的男生之一。马铃薯是我最喜欢的蔬菜之一。2. She is willing to share things with her friends.她愿意和她的朋友们分享东西。be willing to do sth. 愿意做某事share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物杰克乐意帮我打扫房子。她总是和我们分享她的故事书。3. She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need. 她总是在公共汽车上把座位让给有需要的人。give ones seat to sb.给某人让座someone in need 有需要的人(be) in (great) need of sth. (急)需要某物鲍勃经常帮助那些有需要的人。这个贫困家庭急需要钱。4. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.她长大后想成为一名歌手。when 引导的时间状语从句(if 引导的条件状语从句)通常用一般现在时表示一般将来时,主句常用一般将来时,即“主将从现” 。如果明天不下雨,他将去钓鱼。爸爸没告诉我他什么时候来。当他来时,我会给你打电话。(二)Grammar


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