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1、1英语对话短文A:“hello。you do not look well ,whats wrong with you?”B:well,i find it is hard for me to sleep wellC:there must be some pressure disgusting youB:yeah.i want to get a high score ,so i can not relax wellD:oh,come on.do not think too much of that .please do some exercises,which can help you keep

2、mental healthE:you can also listen to light music.F:maybe,when you feel terrible,you can communicate with us,and all of us can help youB:thinks very much,i will get better as soon as possibleA:“ hello.you 看上去气色不好,你怎么啦? ”B,我发现我很难睡个好觉c:必须有一些压力。恶心B;是的。我要得到一个高的分数,所以我不太能好好放松一下D:噢,拜托。不要想太多了。请做些练习,可以帮助你保持心

3、理健康E:你也能听轻音乐。F:也许,当你感觉很糟糕,你可以与我们交流,我们可以帮助你B:多想了 ,我会尽快好转安:你为什么不高兴?Ann: Why are you unhappy?你为什么不开心呢?Lily: I want to stay away from school.我想逃课。Ann: What do you want to do?你逃课想做什么?Lily: I want to have a trip.我想去旅行。Ann: To where?去哪?Lily: No matter where I want to go, it must be quiet and could make me

4、regain the strength.不管是去哪,它一定要是安静的能够让我重新获得力量的地方。Ann: I know you have been repressed your emotion for a long time, and you need give vent to your pain.我知道你压抑了很久,你需要发泄你内心的苦闷。Lily: Yes, I think so. Do you agree to cut class?是的,我也这么认为,你同意我逃课吗?Ann: I dont agree, but you can try another way to release you

5、rselves. And you can find a near place to make yourselves clam down where you can come back during the weekend.2我不同意,但是你可以试着另一个方法来发泄你自己,你也可以找一个近一点的周末就可以来回的地方。让你自己冷静一点。Lily: Thank you.你怎么还醒着?难道昨晚到现在你都没合眼吗?我最近一直很难入睡。据我说知,失眠往往是由压力引起的。你压力很大吗?是的,我真的很担心我的考试成绩。我没想到这门课压力会这么重。你是个好学生。我相信你能学的很好。你需要做的是放松心情。你也许是

6、对的。我只是希望能简简单单的。我怎么才能不这么焦虑呢?上个瑜伽班或者学习一些能够让自己放松的方法,这些能够帮你减压。我实在没时间学习任何新玩意了。我得把时间都用来学习。你一天中总得休息几次。整天都在学习,那效率也不会太高的。你说的对,我常常对着电脑发呆,或者收看电子邮件,而作业却没写。另外,学瑜伽其实不怎么难。其实,我可以教你一个动作,没准儿可以帮你入睡。你只需要像这样坐着,弯腰然后深呼吸。N: how come youre still up? Shouldnt you be asleep by now?G: Ive been having a hard time sleeping latel

7、y.N: as far as I know, insomnia is usually caused by stress. Are you stressed at all?G: well, Im really worried about my grades. I didnt think this course would be so stressful.N: youre a good student. Im sure you can do well. What you need to do is to relax.G: youre probably right. I just wish it w

8、ere that simple. How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time?N: taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress.G: I dont really have time to learn anything new. I need to spend my time studying!N: you need to take some breaks throughout the day. Stud

9、ying all day isnt very usually effective.G: youre right. I usually end up starting at my computer or checking my email instead of doing my work for class.N: besides, its not diffciult to learn yoga. In fact, I can teach you a move thats supposed to help you fall asleep! You just have to sit down lik

10、e this, bend over and breath in deeply.G: thats fantastic. Im going to go try that out in my room now. good night!N: good night, sleep tight; dont let the bed bugs bite!今天 Larry(LL)到 Li Hua(LH)的宿舍去串门,Li Hua 正在为期末论文和考试做准备,压力很大。我们要学两个常用语:hang in there 和 stressed out。LL: Li Hua, you look exhausted. Is

11、everything OK?3LH: 哎哟, Larry,我得在星期五以前赶出两篇论文,星期五还有一门课要大考,你说我能不累吗?I AM exhausted!LL: Hang in there, Li Hua! After Friday it will be all over, and then you can relax.LH: Hang in there? 那是什么意思呀?LL: Hang in there. Hang in there just means “to keep enduring“ or “to persist through a difficult situation.“L

12、H: 噢,hang in there 的意思就是,在困难的情况下再忍一忍,或者坚持下去。 Hang in there - Hmm这个说法很有意思。不过 hang 这个词本意不是“悬挂”吗?LL: Thats right, but “hang in there“ can also mean “to stay the same“ or “to not give up“.LH: 噢,我明白了,hang in there 就是要“坚持下去,不要放弃“的意思。LL: Exactly! Remember last semester when you had two tests and a term pap

13、er due the same week, you hung in there and even managed to get good grades. When things get tough, you just have to hang in there.LH: 我当然记得上学期的那个礼拜。一个星期里,我有两门课要考试,还要交一篇学期论文。我当时咬紧牙关坚持学习,结果还得了好分数。所以你说,这就是 hang in there的意思吧?LL: Youre right! Let me give you another example. If someone is having an emer

14、gency and calls the 9-1-1 emergency hotline, the operator might say, “Hang in there, an ambulance will be there in a few minutes“.LH: 噢,你说要是遇到紧急情况打 911 电话,接线员可能会说,Hang in there! 也就是说:“别着急,坚持一下,救护车马上就到“ 的意思。LL: So, just hang in there, Li Hua. Youll finish the papers before Friday and get good grades

15、for the test too!*LH: 嗨,Larry, 我刚考完试。现在好了,我可以轻松一下了。LL: Well, Im glad to see you so happy now that your test is over and those papers are done. You were really stressed out last week!LH: 就是啊,我现在好高兴。可是,你说我上星期怎么了?Stressed out?4LL: I said you were “stressed out“. Stressed out means that you were under s

16、o much stress and pressure that you barely made it.LH: 噢, stressed out 意思就是“压力太大,几乎承受不了” 。Hmm, 这话一点没错,我上个星期还真是有点顶不住了。Larry, 你倒是好像不太容易 stressed out。LL: Thats because I know that to be stressed out usually makes things worse. I find that I do better on a test when Im not stressed out about it.LH: Hmm,

17、 我也有这种感觉,你越是感到压力大,越会坏事。在这种情况下,考试都是考不好的。LL: Last week, you appeared a little bit impatient, but I understand its because you were really stressed out about your papers. So I encouraged you to HANG IN THERE.LH: 我上星期显得很烦躁呀!哟,我自己还没有察觉呢。Larry, 我要是对你显得不耐烦,对不起哟!下次再遇到压力很大的情况,也就是我 stressed out 的时候,我一定会记住,要坚持

18、下去,要 hang in there.LL: Oh, dont worry about it. The last thing I want is for you to stress out about making me upset. By the way, did you call Michael last night?LH: 对,我打了。他说他还不太习惯那儿的生活,我让他 hang in there! Try not to be stressed out. 他还让我向你问好呢!LL: Thats nice!你好,伙计们。美好的一天,不是吗?B、C、D、钾:真的。店员: 嗯,现在我们要来谈谈

19、我们的研究课题“压力” 。维:没错,它非常接近最后期限的。凯西: 那么我们必须给 outlineabout它吧。首先,让我们告诉自己的一些看法。哦,在我看来,压力是一个大的交易为成人,特别是对美国大学的学生。是的,我同意你的看法。作为成年人,我们必须做出我们住在 ousrselves,那是我们所面临的就业压力。那正是我思想。另一个是婚姻。他们应该做些准备。凯西:我再同意不过了。但是作为一个学生,我们最好集中学生的压力。我们都知道,我们是在巨大的压力,现在,不要5你这样认为吗?一个 B C D:那是真的。嗯,我们现在可以使我们在大学生使劲特征想试着得到一个证书是最重要的一个。为了得到它,我们应该

20、干得很努力。乙:同样的,自己准备准备我们的未来的工作也很有挑战性。顾客: 压力当然存在,而我们可以谈谈如何释放它。凯西:那是个好主意。也许我们可以让我们的同学帮忙的。答:那听起来很好。好的 ,我们可以单独采取行动。明天这个时候,我们将会在这里。Bye.BCDK:再见。A: Hello,guys.A good day,isnt it?B、C 、D 、K: Really.C: Well,now here we are going to talk about our research topic pressure.D: Right,it is very close to the deadline.K

21、: So we must give a outlineabout it then.A: OK,first,lets tell some opinions from ourselves.B: Er,in my opinion,pressure is a big deal for adults,especially for us university students.C: Yes, i agree with you.As an adult,we have to make our living by ousrselves,then we are facing job-seeking pressur

22、e.B: Thats exactly what i thought.Another is marriage.They should do some preparations for it.K: I cant agree more.But as a student,wed better concentrate on students pressure.As all we know,we are in great pressure now,dont you think so?A B C D: Thats true.A: Well,we can now make our piont at colle

23、ge students pressure.I think trying to get a certificate is the most important one.In order to get it,we should work very hard.B: Also,how to prepare ourselves ready for our future jobs is also very challenging.C: Pressure is surely existed,and we can talk about how to release it.K: Thats a good ide

24、a. Maybe we can ask our classmates for some help.A: That sounds great.OK, we can take actions separately. Tomorrow this time,we will meet right here. Bye.BD:Bye.大学生应该如何缓解压力?今天的大学生面临许多压力,主要来自父母的期望、学习、经济、就业和各种各样的竞争。1尽管压力在某种程度上可以提供动力,过期压力有严重的负面影响。压力可以毁掉一个学生的信心。2更严重的是,它可能使一些学生失去控制他们的情绪和行为。3考虑滞纳压力极大的损害,大

25、学生应该学会如何缓解压力。 2第一,我们应该要有一个正确的评价自己4,5利用优势,趋利避害。2 第二,我们应该6 设定一个目标明确的斗争。目标能给我们动力,令我们变得活跃。2第三,7参加集体活动是一种有效的缓解压力。2最后,如果你发现压力几乎是8超过你能控制的,你最好向专业心理指导。从 :J。2对我而言,我的压力主要来自未来的就业。4以减少它,我问我的父母帮我分析一下我的优势和劣势,并产生一个更实际的工作提出异议。2所以我很放心就业压力很大。现在我变得自信于我的未来,我9相信我能得到一份理想的工作后 ,我的毕业典礼。6关于大学生压力的英语作文-高分范文 How Should College S

26、tudents Relieve Pressure? Todays college students face many pressures, mainly from parents expectation, study, economy, employment and all kinds of competition. 1Although pressure to some extent can provide motivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. Pressure can destroy a students c

27、onfidence. 2More seriously, it might make some students lose control of their emotions and behaviors. 3Considering the great damage of overdue pressure, college students should learn to how to relieve pressure. 2First, we should have a right evaluation of ourselves 4so as to 5make use of advantages

28、and avoid disadvantages. 2Second, we should 6set a clear aim of a struggle. The aim can give us motivation, and make us become active. 2Third, 7attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve pressure. 2Finally, if you find pressure is nearly 8beyond your control, youd better turn to

29、professional psychological guidance. From :J.2As to me, my pressure is mainly from future employment. 4In order to reduce it, I asked my parents help me analyse my advantages and disadvantages, and produce a more practical job objection. 2So my employment pressure was relieved greatly. Now I become

30、confident in my future, and I 9do believe I can get an ideal job after my graduation. 【作文地带亮点点评】1although 引导让步状语从句。2过渡衔接词语,使文章条理清晰、衔接紧密。3“考虑到,鉴于”,介词。4表示目的。5“扬长避短” 。6“设立一个明确的奋斗目标” 。7动名词短语作主语,用不同于前两点的句式提出缓解压力的第三种方式。8“超出范围或能力” 。9强调动词 believe。作文地带佳句临摹 1.佳句:Although pressure to some extent can provide mo

31、tivation, overdue pressure has a serious negative effect. 临摹:尽管兼职工作能够带来很多好处 ,但我们不应该在它上面花费太多的时间。 _. 2.佳句:Attending collective activities is an effective way to relieve 临摹:学会如何与人沟通是步入社会的第一步也是最重要的一步。 _. 3.佳句:In order to reduce it, I asked my parents help me analyse my advantages and disadvantages 临摹: 为

32、了在激烈的竞争中获得优势 ,大学生们必须全面发展自己的能力。 _. 【Joozone Editors Note KEY】 1. Although a part-time job does much good to us, we should not spend too much time on it. 2. Learning how to deal with people is the first and the most important step to enter into the 7society. 3. In order to get their priority in the fi

33、erce competition, college students have to develop their abilities in an all-around way.精品 源自地 理 科 可是一切都好吗?不但是有一个找我的麻烦。克鲁德:什么?我能帮你吗 ?你可以跟我们分享吧?也许我们可以找个办法来帮助你。我想找一份工作。butther 没有答复。是的,这是一个非常大的问题,因为我们没有工作经验。顾客:另一方面,有太多的毕业生在我国各省市。是的,受力情况在我国是真的很喜欢这个。随着事实情况上,我们应该努力改进我们的能力。顾客:在我看来,我们应该自信地就业。别紧张。是的,我们是年轻人,我

34、们有足够的能量为我做任何事。答:振作起来。我们还有很长的路要走。A :does everything goes well?B :Not too bad。But there is a trouble for me.C :What?can I help you?A:can you share it with us?maybe we can find a way to help you.B:I want to find a job.butther is no reply。A:yes,its really a big problem for us that without working experi

35、ence.C:on the other hand,there are too many graduates from each province in our country.B:yes,the working situation in our country is really like that.A:as the matter of fact,we should improve the ability of us.8C:in my opinion,we should be confident in finding jobs.dont be nervous about it.B :yes ,

36、we are young men, we have enough energe for anything.A:cheer up.we still have a long way to go. 大学生毕业后就业压力的英文对话答:一切都好 B ?我试图找份工作,但是没有找到一个月后C:别泄气 B,我一直想找一个工作三个月前以来,现在仍在进行这项工作。一个 Hmm,这似乎有点困难,我们没有工作经验的毕业生很难找到工作是的,许多公司不喜欢浪费时间 greenhands 发展顾客:我不认为这是唯一的原因 ,你看,有很多大学毕业生每年从所有的省份,竞争很激烈肯定有工作的选择,但是,我们中的很多人不想做的工

37、作薪水低,但是繁重的工作。乙:你有理由,我已对人力资源管理 (人力资源)的许多公司,我不要太在意工资和工作负荷,我不明白为什么我没通过面试顾客:我的观点是,也许,你已经太紧张了 ,而不是有足够的信心在面试过程中也许我们不得不改进我们的专业技能你们两个都对 B,似乎只有懂得一些专业远不够的我们必须使其他不同的 domaines 知识好的,一个男人多才多艺的普遍赞赏A : how is everything going B?B: Im trying to find a job, but not found after a month C :Dont be upset B,I have been l

38、ooking for a job since three month ago,and now stilling working on it .A Hmm,it seems kind of difficult for us graduates without working experence to find a jobB: YEAH,many companies dont like spending time developing greenhandsC:i dont think it is the only reason ,you see ,there are so many college

39、 graduates from all the provinces every year ,the competition is really fierceA There are for sure job offers ,but many of us dont wanna do the jobs with low salary but heavy 9work.B: you got reason, i have expressed to the HR( human resource )of many companies that i dont care too much about salary

40、 and work load, i dont understand why i failed in the interviewC:My opinion is that maybe ,youve been too nervous and not confident enough during the interviewA Maybe we have to improve our professional skill B Both of you are right ,it seems that only knowing somthing professional is far not enough

41、 we have to get other knowledge of different domaines C:Certainly ,a man versatile is generally appreciated高额学费带来的经济压力,父母要求过高所带来的精神压力 College PressureI see two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels to blame the

42、 colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing them too far. But there are no rebels, only victims.The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowl

43、y pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I dont know if they are getting A or C, and I dont care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them t

44、o relax, but they cant.Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy. Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation.Encouraged at commencement to go forth into the world, he is alrea

45、dy behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure. Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated.Poor students! They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt.

46、 The parents mean well: they are trying to steer their sons and daughters toward a secure future. But the sons and daughters want to major in history or classics or philosophysubjects with no “practical” value. Wheres the payoff on the humanities? Its not easy to persuade such loving parents that th

47、e humanities do indeed pay off. The intellectual faculties developed by studying subjects like history and classics are just the faculties that make creative leaders in business or almost any general field. 10Luckily for me, most of them got into their field by an indirect route, to their surprise,

48、after many roundabout ways. They can hardly conceive of a career that was not preplanned. They can hardly imagine allowing the hand of God or chance to nudge them down some unforeseen trail.391 words行文点评本文脉络清晰。第一段第一句直接点题,提出大学生面临的两种压力:economic pressure 和 parental pressure。段末“victims”一词的运用,奠定了本文的感情基调:



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