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1、 1 / 9英语高考短文改错训练来源:学科网请修改下面的短文。短文中共有 10 处语言错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏子符号() ,并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10 处,多着(从第 11 处起)不计分。一、In China, people and giant pandas had been living together for thousands of years. But Chinas human population

2、 has been great growing. More population means more land is needed for farming. It also mean more forests are cut for wood to build and heat houses. Loss of habitat in lowland areas has forced pandas live only in the mountains. The most damaged result of development has been that it has divided the

3、pandas habitat into little islands of forest. Today, many panda are isolated in these small sections of forest, because of they will cross into areas which people live. The result is that the giant pandas can connect with one another to mate and have babies.Besides, to our relief, there is still som

4、e good news that people are trying to help the giant pandas by creating protected areas.【答案】【小题 1】had- have【小题 2】great- greatly【小题 3】mean-means【小题 4】live 前加 to【小题 5】damaged -damaging【小题 6】panda- pandas【小题 7】of 划掉【小题 8】which- where / in which/ live 后加 in【小题 9】can-cant /cannot【小题 10】Besides -However二、

5、Dear mum and dad,I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize I won last year. I have toremind yourself constantly that I am real in AD 3008. Worrying about the journey,I was unsettled for the first a few days. As a result, I suffer from “time lag”. Thisis similar with the “jet lag” you get

6、 from flying, but it seems that you keep gettingflashbacks from your previous time period. So I was very nervous and uncertainat first. However, Wang Ping, my friend and guide, were very understandingbut gave me some green tablet which helped a lot. Well-known for their expertise,his parents company

7、 transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.Yours,Li Qiang【答案】【小题 1】yourselfmyself【小题 2】realreally2 / 9【小题 3】Worrying-Worried【小题 4】去掉 a【小题 5】suffer-suffered【小题 6】with-to【小题 7】were-was【小题 8】but-and【小题 9】tablet-tablets【小题 10】parentsparents三、I am good at all the subjects, and always ready

8、help othersAt school I get along well with my classmatesTherefore, I have a problem that troubles myself all the timeIts the relationship among my desk mate and meHe is a hard-working student, who keeps school rule wellBut hes a person with few wordsWhats more, he got angry easilyI dont know what to

9、 deal with himMaybe that s why weve seldom sat down to exchange our feelings and thoughtsI value our friendshipI hope we can know more about with each other and understand each other betterI do hope we will be close to each other than before.【答案】【小题 1】加上 to【小题 2】Therefore-However【小题 3】myself-me【小题 4

10、】among-between【小题 5】rule-rules【小题 6】got-gets【小题 7】what-how【小题 8】why-because【小题 9】去掉 with【小题 10】close-closer四、Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes past, but no bus came. Both sad and annoyed, I decided to walk on foot. But no sooner had

11、I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take a next bus, I would have to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste all the effort that we have put it in. Now whenever I a

12、m close to lose my patience, Ill think of the experiences.【答案】【小题 1】去掉 a【小题 2】minute-minutes【小题 3】and -but【小题 4】with -on【小题 5】when - than【小题 6】waited 前面加 had【小题 7】other- another【小题 8】do -did【小题 9】possible - possibly【小题 10】lose-losing五、3 / 9One cold evening during the holiday season, a little boy abo

13、ut six or seven was standing out in the front of a store window. The little child has no shoes and his clothes were just rags. A young woman passes by saw the little boy and could read the desire in his pale blue eyes. She took the child by the hand and led him into the store. There she bought her s

14、ome new shoes and a complete suit of warmly clothing. They walked back outside into the street, so the woman told the child to come home and have a happy holiday. The little boy looked her and asked how she was God. She smiled and replied that she was just one of His child.【答案】【小题 1】去掉 the【小题 2】has-

15、had【小题 3】passes-passing【小题 4】her-him【小题 5】warm-warmly【小题 6】so-and【小题 7】come-go【小题 8】looked 后面加 at【小题 9】how-if /whether【小题 10】child-children六、Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention, please?I have something important to tell you. Our plan to visit the countryside has to put off

16、till tomorrow because the rain. Now I will introduce their plan for today. we would go to visit a middle school by bus on this morning. A school has a history of 85 years. Then well go to an exhibition of some new invention. I think it will be interested. The bus will wait at the gate of the hotel.

17、Well set out at 8:30. Taking everything necessary with you and please get on the bus on time. You are welcome to ask me unless you still have any questions. Thank you for listening.【答案】【小题 1】加上 be【小题 2】加上 of【小题 3】their-our【小题 4】would-will【小题 5】去掉 on【小题 6】A-The【小题 7】invention-inventions【小题 8】interest

18、ed-interesting【小题 9】Taking-Take【小题 10】unless-if七、Miss Jones was math teacher. Her home not far from her school, but she always walked there in the morning. All the pupils in the school was very young. In a cold and windy morning, Miss Jones walked to the school, and the cold wind goes into her eyes.

19、 and big tear began to run out . she reached school. opened the door and going into the classroom. It was nice and warm here and Miss Jones was happily, but then a small boy looked at her for a few seconds, to put his arms around her and said kind. “Dont cry, Miss Jones .School isnt very bad.“【答案】【小

20、题 1】加上 a【小题 2】but-and4 / 9【小题 3】was-were【小题 4】In-On【小题 5】goes-went【小题 6】tear-tears【小题 7】going-went【小题 8】happily-happy【小题 9】去掉 to【小题 10】kind-kindly八、Yesterday I stepped into a restaurant for lunch. As I was waiting my order to come, I noticed the old man in a wheel chair roll himself over to a table.

21、 No one and me seemed to notice him. I got up and go over to his table and asked if that I could get him something to drink. He smiled and said, “Thank you. You are generously. Id like any orange juice, please.” When I was getting ready to leave, I walked by the old mans table to saying goodbye. He

22、thanked me again and told me I had made his days, coming over and helping him out. I gave him a hug and told him he had made my day, either.【答案】【小题 1】waiting 后面加 for【小题 2】the 改为 an【小题 3】and 改为 but/except【小题 4】go 改为 went【小题 5】去掉 if 后面的 that【小题 6】generously 改为 generous【小题 7】any 改为 some【小题 8】saying 改为

23、say【小题 9】days 改为 day【小题 10】either 改为 too九、I was working in a beer company, helped the president do something important. At the same time, my mother was in the final stages of the cancer. I worked during the day and drive 40 miles home to be with her every night. It was tired, but it was that I wante

24、d to do. I didnt want to bother the president with my trouble, yet I felt someone at the company needed to know about it. So I told a friend and asked him not to share the information with someone. Therefore, the president called me into his office one day. He faced me from across her large desk, lo

25、oked at me and said, “Alice, I hear your mother is very ill.” I was caught by surprise and burst into tear. He just gentle said a sentence I will never forget: “Whatever you need.”【答案】【小题 1】helped -helping【小题 2】the cancer【小题 3】drive drove【小题 4】tired-tiring【小题 5】that - what【小题 6】someone-anyone【小题 7】T

26、herefore- However【小题 8】her - his【小题 9】tear-tears【小题 10】gentle-gently5 / 9十、Lin Qiaozhi was a specialist in womens disease. She lived in a generation that girls education was second to boys. It was hard work and determination which got her into medical school. What made her success later on was the k

27、indness and consideration the showed to her patients. There is story after story of how she, tiring after a days work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay for her. She was said to have devoted her whole life to her patients and safe delivered about 50,000 babies.

28、 It seemed that she had been busy with her choosing career, in traveling abroad to study as well as write books and articles She also wrote a book intended for woman in the countryside. How greatly she was!【答案】【小题 1】that-when【小题 2】which-that【小题 3】is-was【小题 4】tiring-tired【小题 5】去掉 for【小题 6】safe-safely

29、【小题 7】choosing-chosen【小题 8】write-writing【小题 9】woman-women【小题 10】greatly-great十 一 、This morning on my way to school I was deep moved by what I saw outside a Patience is of a great importance in our daily life. One day I waited for a bus to come at a stop. 30 minute had passed, and no bus came. Upset

30、and annoyed, I decided to walk with foot. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I had chosen to take the next bus, I would have had to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will pos

31、sible waste the effort that we have put in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, Ill think of this experience.【答案】【小题 1】去掉 a【小题 2】minute-minutes【小题 3】and -but【小题 4】with -on【小题 5】when - than【小题 6】waited 前面加 had【小题 7】other- another【小题 8】do -did【小题 9】possible - possibly【小题 10】lose-losing十二、My d

32、ream school starts at 8:30 a. m and ends at 3:30 p. m. There have three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didnt need to do so many homework. Therefore, we have more time for after-school activities. For an example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one h

33、our every day.My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom, buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.6

34、/ 9【答案】【小题 1】have-are【小题 2】didntdont【小题 3】many-much【小题 4】去掉 an【小题 5】hour-hours【小题 6】look-looks【小题 7】去掉 the【小题 8】sat-sit【小题 9】加上 to【小题 10】helpfully-helpful十三、Well never forget a day when my classmates and I paid a visit a chemistry factory. It is a large one with nearly 20, 000 workers. It looks like

35、 a garden but we saw colorful flowers, grass and trees there. We also visited some workshop and found workers working hard. We talked to them and learned a lot of. We understood them farther. On the way home we felt very tiring, but we both thought we had a very good day. We really hoped what we cou

36、ld get more chances of learn about society.【答案】【小题 1】a the【小题 2】visit 后加 to 【小题 3】but and【小题 4】workshop workshops【小题 5】去掉 of 【小题 6】 farther further【小题 7】tiring tired 【小题 8】both all 【小题 9】去掉 what 或改为 that 【小题 10】learn learning十四、Senior Three student will face the question after they pass by the colle

37、ge entrance examination. “Should I choose a good major and a good university ?” Some students prefer to consider majors first so that they can learn what they are interested . It will also make it possibly for them to take their favorite jobs in the future. However, those who think differently belie

38、ves that the environment is important to ones development. They also believe that students graduate from leading universities are often more likely to find good jobs. In my opinion , a best choice is to choose a good major at a good university. But if we couldnt obtain both, the first thing to consi

39、der is a good major, because no matter where we study, they can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.【答案】【小题 1】student students【小题 2】去掉 by【小题 3】and or【小题 4】在 interested 后加 in【小题 5】impossibly possible【小题 6】believesbelieve【小题 7】graduate graduating 或 graduate 前加 who【小题 8】a the7 / 9

40、【小题 9】can cant 或后加 not【小题 10】they we十五、It is three years now since I graduate from Jixing High School. Last Sunday, the class that I was on held a get-together, which took us a long time prepare. It was indeed not easy to get in touch with everybody and set a properly time for all of us. We all enjo

41、yed a precious day greatly, remember the time we spent together. It reminded us of the interesting stories and the people they were familiar with. It was a pity which some of us were not present as they had gone to abroad for further studies, but they called back or sent greeting card from different

42、 places【答案】【小题 1】graduategraduated【小题 2】onin 【小题 3】time 后加 to【小题 4】properlyproper【小题 5】athe 【小题 6】rememberremembering 【小题 7】theywe 【小题 8】whichthat 【小题 9】去掉 abroad 前面的 to 【小题 10】cardcards十六、My next vacation will be wonderfully for me. I will go to Maryland to visit my friends. I have known her for el

43、even years since I am in high school. Right now, she is studying English at the University of Maryland. When I visit her, she will have to go to her classes, but we will have lots of free time together either. When we go to high school together, she didnt study very much hard. She wasnt getting very

44、 good grades. And now she is a very good student in American. She know that she should study hard to success. We will have a great time together this summer.【答案】【小题 1】wonderfully-wonderful【小题 2】friendsfriend 【小题 3】amwas【小题 4】either too【小题 5】gowent 【小题 6】去掉 much 【小题 7】and but 【小题 8】American America 【

45、小题 9】knowknows 【小题 10】successsucceed十七、Im an senior high school student. Im upset these days because my parents. They pay too much attention on my study. I have to report my test results to them every time. If I get good grades, they will be happy and satisfied. But if not, they will be worrying abo

46、ut me, especially my mom. I never want to let them down, but she has made a plan for my future. I was very bored with it and dont know how to do. I know they really love me. I also know knowledges is important for everybody. Therefore, I cant stand they are always making me to study. I really expect

47、 they can understand me.【答案】8 / 9【小题 1】ana【小题 2】because 后加 of 【小题 3】on-to【小题 4】worryingworried【小题 5】themher 【小题 6】wasam 【小题 7】how-what 【小题 8】knowledgesknowledge 【小题 9】Therefore However 【小题 10】to study 去掉 to十八、There are lots of experience in our life. The most unforgettable one for me is the speech c

48、ompetition holding last year. Im interested in English. When my English teacher told me that I had chosen to take part in the speech competition, I devoted me to the preparation. I was determined to win the first prize. I was such nervous when I stood on the stage that I forgot everything. Not until

49、 I caught a sight of my teacher did I calm down. Finally,I do a good job. When I heard I got the first prize,my heart was filled in joy and tears rolled down. Through this speech competition,I understand that it is confident that makes people successfully.【答案】【小题 1】experienceexperiences【小题 2】holdingheld【小题 3】beenchosen【小题 4】memyself【小题 5】suchso【小题 6】a 去掉【小题 7】dodid【小题 8】inwith【小题 9


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