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1、计算机专业英语作业答案(供参考)计算机专业英语作业 1第 13 章作业一 Vocabulary( 词汇)(一)Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。) 1central processing unit(CPU)中央处理器 2.title bar 标题栏 3operating system 操作系统 4personal computer 个人计算机 5menu bar 菜单栏 6desk publishing 桌面排版 7electronic spreadsheet 电子表格 8hard disk

2、 硬盘 9database 数据库 10Cursor 光标 (二)Fill in the blanks with the corresponding English abbreviations.(根据汉语写出相应的英语缩写。)1随机存储器 RAM 2只读存储器 ROM 3传输控制协议 TC P 4数字视频光盘 DVD 5通用串行总线 USB 6计算机辅助设计 CAD 7计算机辅助制造 CAM 8中央处理器 CPU (三)Translate the following Chinese into English.(根据汉语写出相应的英语。) 1键盘 keybord 2鼠标 mouse 3扫描仪 s

3、canner 4打印机 printer 5输入 input 6输出 output 7显示器 monitor 8存储器 storage 9数据库 database 10操作系统 operating system 11应用软件 application software 12字处理器 word processor 13网络浏览器 web browser 二 Tell whether the following statements are true(T) or false(F).(判断正误。) 1As soon as you turn the computer off, the contents o

4、f RAM will disappear. ()2Windows XP is Microsofts most advanced desktop operating system. ( )3Software can be divided into two general classes: system software and application software. ()4Microsoft Word XP is a member of Microsoft office 2000 . ()5Application software (also called end-user program)

5、 is designed to perform a specific function directly for the user. ()6. Without systems software, application software in a computer is useless. ()7. WinZip, WinRAR and Microsofts Internet Explorer are all data compression software. ( )8. Word doesnt have the feature to accessing to World Wide Web.

6、( )9. Menu bar displays the names of the application and document. ( )10. Microsoft Word can help you design and manipulate spreadsheet electronically. ( ). 三 Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column.(将左列的词汇与右列相应的汉语匹配。)(一) 1. cent

7、ral processing unit(CPU) a. 操作系统2. hardware b. 输入.3. RAM(random access memory) c. 只读存储器4. ROM(read-only memory) d. 应用软件5. input e. 中央处理器6. output f. 系统软件7. operating system g. 硬件8. application software h. 随机存储器9. system software i. 内存10. memory j. 输出1 e 6. j 2 g 7a 3 h 8. d 4 c 9. f 5 b 10. i (二) 1.

8、 binary system a an input device2. printer b a compression software3. Microsoft Word c an operating system4.Winzip d a numbering system based on the digits 0 and 15. Internet Explorer e a part of Microsoft word interface6. mouse f an electronic spreadsheet7. Microsoft Excell g an output device 8. DO

9、S h a word processor9. title bar i a web browser1 d 6. a 2 g 7 f 3 h 8. c 4 b 9. e 5 i 四Fill in the blanks with suitable words or expressions from the list given below, and change the form where necessary. (从下面方框中选择合适的词或表达,以其适当的形式填空。 )1The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer s

10、ystems. Among other things, its configuration determines whether a computer is fast or slow in relation to other computers. The CPU is the most complex computer system component , responsible for directing most of the computer system activities based on the instructions provided. As one computer gen

11、eration has evolved to the next, the physical size of the CPU has often become smaller and smaller, while its speed and capacity have increased tremendously. Indeed, these changes have resulted in microcomputers that component heart result in speeddetermineare small enough to fit on your desk or you

12、r lap.2.Word processor, _Spreadsheet _, Database are all application software. Word processor, a special program can enable a computer user to create a _dobument_, store it on a _disk_, display it on a screen, even print it on a _printer_. The software such as _ Microsoft Word _, WPS, StarOffice are

13、 word processors. Spreadsheet is different from a simple table, for whose _ value _ have predefined relationship to each other, and each of them sits in a _cell_. Among the spreadsheet applications, lotus 1-2-3 and _ Microsoft Excel _ are the most famous. To access information from a database, the c

14、omputer user need a _ DBMS(database management system) _.3. Microsoft Word XP is the current Window version of Word, and documents created in Word XP can be easily _ incorporated into _ Excel, Power Point and Access files. In the interface of Word, the _title bar_ displays the name of the current ap

15、plication and name of the current document; the _menu bar_lists the names of the menus available; the _toolbar _gives the user quick access to frequently used editing functions; the _ruler_enables the user to change left and right _ margin _. 五Translation. (翻译。 )(一) Translate the following sentences

16、 into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。 )1Most microcomputer printers print one character at a time, usually at rates varying from 30 to perhaps 180 characters per seconds.大多数的微型计算机打印机一次打印一个字符,通常以每秒 30180 个字符的速度打印。2Windows XP has a wide range of entertainment features and multimedia support designed to fully int

17、egrate digital media into the PC.Windows XP 具有很多娱乐性能,并支持多媒体技术,将数字媒体集成于 PC 之中。3An application software is any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program.Microsoft Word printer DBMS(database management system) Spreadsheet di

18、sk cell value Microsoft Excel documentmargin standard toolbar ruler title bar menu bar incorporateinto应用软件是为用户设计的具有专门功能的软件,或在某些情况下,为另一种应用程序设计的软件。4A word processor enables you to create a document, store it electronically on a disk, display it on a screen, modify it by entering commands and character

19、s from the keyboard, and print it on a printer.字处理器使你能够创建文档,并将它存在磁盘上,在显示器上显示,通过从键盘输入命令和字符进行修改,并在打印机上输出。5There are several applications called Web browsers that make it easy to access the World Wide Web, two of the most popular being Netscape Navigator and Microsofts Internet Explorer.有一些叫做网络浏览器的应用软件

20、可以使我们访问万维网,其中两个比较流行的是Netscape Navigator 和 Microsoft Internet Explorer.6Spreadsheet applications are computer programs that let you create and manipulate spreadsheets.电子表格软件(有时简称为电子表格)是能够使你创建和操纵电子表格的计算机程序。7Word offers many features, including desktop publishing and access to the World Wide Web.Word 提

21、供很多功能,包括桌面排版和访问万维网。8As you create a specific document, such as a business letter or resume, Word provides wizards, which ask questions and then use your answers to format the document before you type the text of the document.当你要产生一个文件,如一封商业信函或一份简历时,Word 会提供向导,它先提出一些问题,然后在输入文字之前,根据你的回答规定该文件的格式。9Users

22、 often save their work frequently onto nonvolatile secondary storage devices such as diskettes or hard disks.用户经常在保存工作在非易失性的二级存储设备上例如磁带或硬盘。10When editing in Word, a user can change left and right margins with the Ruler.在 Word 中进行编辑时,用户可以用标尺改变左边距和右边距。(二) Translate the following paragraphs into Chines

23、e.(将下列各段翻译成汉语) 。1The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer systems. Among other things, its configuration determines whether a computer is fast or slow in relation to other computers. The CPU is the most complex computer system component, responsible for directing most of the co

24、mputer system activities based on the instructions provided. As one computer generation has evolved to the next, the physical size of the CPU has often become smaller and smaller, while its speed and capacity have increased tremendously. Indeed, these changes have resulted in microcomputers that are

25、 small enough to fit on your desk or your lap.中央处理器(CPU)是计算机系统的心脏。一台计算机相对于其它计算机的速度是快还是慢,除了别的因素外,CPU 的配置起着决定的作用。CPU 是最复杂的计算机系统设备,它根据提供的指令负责指挥协调计算机系统的全部活动。当老一代计算机被新的一代计算机代替的时候,CPU 的实际尺寸往往变得越来越小,而其速度和能力却增加了许多。这种变化的结果就使得微机缩小得可以放在你的桌子上或你的膝上。2Personal computer software is based on specific operating syste

26、ms and machines. Operating systems software defines the personality of the computer by specifying the way in which programs are controlled, files are stored and retrieved, and how the systems hardware components are held together. Software written to run on a specific PC operating system cant run on

27、 another. To use PCs effectively, one must understand the capabilities of their operating systems software.个人计算机软件建立于特定的操作系统和计算机。操作系统软件通过一系列措施定义了计算机的性能,包括如何控制程序执行、文件如何存储和读取、系统硬件组件如何管理等。基于某一特定的 PC 操作系统编写的软件不能用于其他操作系统。为了充分利用 PC 机,用户必须了解操作系统的特性。3An application software (also called end-user program) is

28、 any program designed to perform a specific function directly for the user or, in some cases, for another application program. Examples of application software include word processors; database programs; Web browsers; development tools; drawing, paint, and image editing programs; and communication p

29、rograms. Figuratively speaking, application software sits on top of system software because it is unable to run without the operating system and system software.应用软件(又称作终端用户程序)是直接为用户设计的具有专门功能的软件,或在某些情况下,为另一种应用程序设计的。应用软件的例子有:字处理器,数据库程序,网络浏览器,打发工具,绘图和图像编辑程序,通信程序等。比喻的说,应用软件坐在系统软件的上面,这是因为如果没有操作系统和系统公用程序

30、应用软件将不能运行。计算机专业英语作业 2第 4-6 章作业一Vocabulary( 词汇)(一)Translate the following words and expressions into Chinese(写出下列词组的汉语。)1database 数据库 2 flat-file database 平面数据库 3relational database 关系数据库 4data structure 数据结构 5built in 内置 6 coding 编码 7machine language 机器语言 8Property Window 属性窗口 9software crisis 软件危机

31、10object model 对象模式 11black box testing 黑盒测试 12white box testing 白盒测试 13Bug 错误 14software maintenance 软件维护 15Requirements Analysis _ assembly language _ and machine language _. There are different high-level programming languages. Fortunately, most of them have many kinds of _ construct _ in common

32、and vary only in the way that these must be _ written _ . Therefore, first thing to be decided about a task is to choose which programming language is best suited for the job.3Software testing, which is defined as the execution of a program to find its_ faults _, is a vital part of the software life

33、cycle. There are different types of testing, mainly, they are _ black box testing or functional testing, which tests whether the _ output _ is the expected result with the _ valid _ input; and _ white box testing _ (or glass box testing) which is performed to _ reveal _ problems with the_ internal _

34、 structure of a program . Debugging is the process of analyzing and locating bugs when software does not behave as expected. Software testing is a much more _ thorough _ means of identifying software _ bugs _. Therefore, debugging supports testing other than replacing testing.四Translation.(翻译。 )(一)

35、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(将下列句子翻译成汉语。 )1. A database system is a software system which can manage a database stored in computer files.一个数据库系统是能够管理计算机中存储的数据库的软件系统。2. Relational databases also have functions “built in“ that help them to get, sort and edit the data in many different ways.关系型数据库还具有“内置”的功能帮助其用多种方式获取、排序和编辑数据。high-level language assembly language writtenmachine language facilitate notation constructblack box testing internal bug thorough reveal output faults valid white box testing


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