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1、11 月 3 日用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There is a big bedroom in Yang Lings new _(房子).2. How many _(房间) can you see in this picture?3. Look ! Theres a monkey_(在.前面) the tiger.4. Dont push _(她) !5. The basketball is _(在.旁边)the chair.11 月 4 日1.There are forty _(学生) in our class.2._(停)! Theres a hole.3.Your _(教室 )are

2、over there.4._(给) me a cake please. I;m hungry.5.Dont _(读) on the bus, its bad for your eyes.11 月 5 日1.Lets _(唱) this beatiful song now.2.We all like _(跳舞) very much.3.The monkeys have thin _(身体).4.A rabbit has four _(脚)and red _(眼睛).5. I have two cats, one is black and _ (另一个)is white.16. The boy h

3、as only one _(手臂) and one_(腿).17. Lets_(看) films together.18. Theyre _(I) good friends.19. Lets (go) (skate).20. I like ( bear ). I like (draw) them. I can (draw) very well.21. _ (that) cows are on the farm.22. Nancy (have)an animal,but Mike (not have)any animals.23. _ Mike and Liu Tao _ (have) any

4、toys? No, they _.24. _ Nancy _ (have) a rabbit? No, she _ .25. _ (it) name is Mimi.26. I want _ (draw ) flowers in the park. 27 She is good at _ ( dance ).28. _ they _ ( go ) to school on foot ? 29. What _ Nancy _ ( eat ) every day ?30. Toms sister (have) a lot of (hobby).二、单项选择。( ) 1.What Nancy hav

5、e? She two goldfish.A. do; have B. does ; has C. does ; have( ) 2. What _they like doing? They_ running in the playground.A. do, like. B. do, likes C. does, likes( ) 3.The rabbit has tail.A. a short B. short C. a long( ) 4. Nancy _ likes apples.A. too B.either C.also( ) 5. _ a cup of coffee on the t

6、able.A. Have B. There are C. There is ( ) 6.- _ the pigs have fat bodies?- Yes,_ _.A. Does ;they do B. Do ;they ,do C. Do ;it ,does ( ) 7. I have two rulers. _ is long, _ is short.A. One, two B. 0ne ruler, two C. One, the other( ) 8. Are Su Hai and Su Yang in the classroom? A. Yes, there are. B. No,

7、 there arent. C. No, they arent.( ) 9. What does your _ have? She has a lovely cat.A. mother B. friends C. Nancy( )10. There _ a cow on the farm. _ body is white and black.A. are; Its B. is; Its C. is; Its( )11. Im hungry. Give _ a hot dog, please.A. me B. I C. us( )12.We can see kangaroos in _.A. t

8、he US B. Canada C. Australia( )13. Ben and I _draw pictures.A. can B. are C.like( ) 14.My mother likes watching TV, but my father_.A.isnt B.doesnt C.dont( ) 15.What_your mother like_?A.do; doing B. do ; do C. does; doing( ) 16.They are talking _their hobbies in the classroom.A. about B. to C. with(

9、) 17 Mike can sing, he _ good at it.A. likes B. can C. is二、句型转换。1. My sister has an animal friend. (改成一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_ _sister _an animal friend ?Yes,_ _ . 2. It has two legs.(改成否定句 )It _ _ two legs.3. My animal friend can fly.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ animal friend _ ? 4. The dogs have no wings.(改为同义句)The dogs _

10、 _ any wings. 5. We can draw some pictures. (改成一般疑问句)draw pictures? 6. Su Hais parrot can talk and fly. (改为否定句)Su Hais parrot _talk _ fly.7. They have big bodies. (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _?8. My friend likes playing football.(对划线部分提问)What _ _ friend _ _?9. I like watching films. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_ _ like w

11、atching films?_, I _.10.He also likes playing football. (改成同义句)He playing football .11. I can swim very well. (改成同义句)I am at .12.He likes playing football.(改为否定句)He_ _ _football.13. They are good at basketball. (改为一般疑问句)_ they good _ basketball?14.Su Yang likes reading. Su Hai likes reading too.(两句合并为一句)Su Yang and Su Hai _like _.三、联系上下文完成对话,每空一词。 (共 10 空,每空 1 分,满分 10 分。A: _he? B: _ my cousin.A: Does he have any _?B: Yes, he does. He likes _ basketball. He can _ it well.A: _ he good _football? B: No, he _. A: What else does he like _?B: He likes singing_.


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