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1、1酒店初级英语情景对话一、房务部(前厅)1、Making a Reservation 预订客房Reservationist(R): Good afternoon. What can I do for you?下午好,我能帮您什么吗?Client (C) : Good afternoon. Im calling from Beijing Foreign Trade Company. Is it possible for me to have a suite?下午好,这里是北京外贸公司,我想订一间套房,有吗?R: Certainly, can you give me your name pleas

2、e, sir?有的,先生,可以告诉我您的名字吗?C: West, W-E-S-T.R: Thank you, Mr. West. But by the way, how long will you stay here?谢谢,WEST 先生。请问你要住多久呢?C: Ill stay here for quite a long time.我将会住很长一段时间的。R: Im glad you will be staying at our hotel for a long time.很高兴你将会在我们酒店长住。C: How much is the suite, please?请问套房多少钱呢?R: Y

3、our suite is 320 yuan (RMB) per day.您订的套房一天是 320 元。C: Does that include attendance? 2有包括服务费吗?R:Three hundred and twenty yuan a day, service included.320 元一天,包含服务费。C: Meals included?餐费有包含在内吗?R: Meals are extra, not included.餐费是另外算的,不包含在内。C: What services come with that?都还有些其他的什么服务吗?R: For three hundr

4、ed and twenty yuan a day, you will have one bedroom with air-conditioning, a sitting room, a bathroom, a colour TV set, a telephone and a major international newspaper delivered to your room every day. 您的房间有一间带空调的卧室,一间客厅,一间浴室,一台彩电,一部电话并且每天都有主要的国际新闻报送到您的房间。C: Do I have to pay in advance? 我需要提前预付吗?R:

5、Yes, you may pay half of it. The account will be settled later.要的,您需要先预付一半,稍后会设定一个帐户。C: On which floor is the suite?套房在几楼呢?R: We have reserved two suites for you to choose. One is on the first 3floor, the other on the thirteenth floor. Both of them have a bathroom and face to the south.我们提供两个套房供您选择。

6、一个是在一楼,另一个是在十三楼。两个套房都带浴室并且都是朝南的。C: Whats the difference between them?它们之间有什么不同呢?R: The conditions and the prices are the same. No difference.。条件和价格都是一样的,没什么不同。C: Which is quiet? I want a quiet one. I hate noise at night.哪一间更安静?R: The one on the thirteenth floor is very quiet. The room number is 1316

7、.三楼的那一间是非常安静的。房间号是 1316。C: I think Ill take the one on the thirteenth floor.。我想我还是订三楼的那一间吧。R: OK. And your arrival and departure dates? 好的,那您抵店和离店的日期是?C: I dont know, but it could be seventeen to twenty days.不知道,但是大概会住 17 至 20 天吧。R: Then we can only confirm a room from the 10th to the 27th. Im afrai

8、d we wont be able to guarantee you the room after the 27th.那我们只能确认一个房间给您,从 10 号至 27 号,恐怕我们不能保证 27 号之后有房间给您了。4C: What if there isnt any room then? 是不是那之后都没有房间了?R: Dont worry, sir, We can either put you on a waiting list or find you a room in a nearby hotel. 不要急,先生,我们也可以将您列在等候名单上或者在最近的地方为您找一家酒店。C: Fin

9、e, thank you. Good-bye. 好的,谢谢,再见。2、Reception 接 待Scene: A car pulls up in front of Landscape hotel and a doorman (Dm) goes forward to meet the guests, opening the door of the car for them. 一辆车在山水大酒店前停下了,行李员上前为客人打开车门。Dm: Good evening, sir and madam. Welcome to our hotel. 晚上好,先生女士。欢迎光临我们酒店。Mr. Bellow (

10、B): Thanks. Good evening.晚上好,谢谢。Dm: (Opening the trunk, taking out the baggage and looking at the name on the baggage tags)打开车后箱,取出行李并看着行李标签上的名字。Im the doorman, Mr. Bellow. So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage? 5我是这儿的行李员,BELLOW 先生。您一共有四件行李是吗?B: Er Maybe five, Margaret (M) 嗯。 。 。可能有五件吧,M

11、ARGARET 。Dm: Five? Oh, sorry. Let me have a check again.五件?对不起,我再检查一次。M: Oh, no, Henry, Always poor memory! Weve got only four. 不是的,HENRY,你老是健忘,我们只有四件行李的。B: I see. 我知道了。(To the doorman) Sorry, boy, Youre right. Four pieces. 对行李员说:对不起,你是对的,我们只有四件行李。Dm: Never mind, Mr Bellow. The Reception Desk is str

12、aight ahead. After you, please.没关系。BELLOW 先生。总台就在前面,您先请。B: Yes, thank you. 好的,谢谢。3、Inquiring Information 询 问Receptionist (R) : Good afternoon, sir. 下午好,先生。Mr Bellow (B) : Good afternoon, Could you please mail a letter for me? 下午好,你能为我寄一封信吗?R: Yes, Have you stuck on the stamps yet? 好的,请问邮票贴了吗?B: No.

13、I need to buy some. 还没有,我得去买一些。R: (Looking at the letter) is it to San Francisco? (看着信件)这是寄到圣弗兰西斯科的吗?6B: Yes. And Id like to send it by ordinary air mail. 是的,我想就普通的航空邮寄就可以了。R: (Weighing the letter on the scales) Two yuan and sixty fen。(将信件称重)2.6 元。B: Overweight? 超重了吗?R: Yes.是的。B: Two yuan and sixty

14、fen. 2.6 元(60 分=6 角 )R: thank you. Here it is 给你,谢谢。(Giving the money).(付钱)R: Here are your stamps. Please stick them on together with the air mail sticker on the front of the envelope.这是您的邮票,请将它们和航空信件的标签一起贴在信封的前面。B: All right. One more thing, I want to send a telex and a fax to New York. Can you ar

15、range it for me?好的,还有一件事,我想发一份电报和一份传真到纽约,你能为我安排一下吗?B: Oh, yes, sir. We have telex and fax service in our hotel. Would you please go to the business centre? You can send your telex and fax there.可以的,先生。我们酒店吸提供电报和传真服务。您可以在那儿发电报和传真。R: Well, Ill be going there. Thank you for your information. 好的,我这就过去。谢

16、谢你提供的信息。7B: You are welcome. 不客气。4、Dealing with leaving Procedure 办理离店手续Bell Captain (BC): This is the Bell Captains Desk. May I help you? 这里是礼宾台,有什么可以帮到您的吗?Guest (G): Im going to check out soon. Could you pick up my luggage, please? 我要退房了,你能上来拿行李吗?BC: Certainly, sir. May I have your room number, pl

17、ease?可以的,能告诉我您的房间号码吗?G: Yes. Its 2932. 。好的, 2932 房。BC: Room 2932.We will send a bellman immediately. Could you wait in your room, please? 2932 房,我们会马上派一名行李员上去,您在房间里等,行吗?Bellman (B): Good morning, sir. Ive come for your bags. 早上好,先生,我是来帮您出行李的。G: Thank you. Could you take these two suitcases, please?

18、Ill bring the shoulder bag with me. 谢谢,你帮我拿这两个行李箱好吗,我拿背包。B: Certainly, sir. Two suitcases? 好的,两件行李箱是吗?G: Yes. 是的。B: Is there anything valuable or breakable in them? 里面是否有贵重物品或者易碎物品呢?G: No. 没有。8B: This is your claim tag, sir. We will keep your bags at the Bell Captains Desk. Could you pick them up th

19、ere, please? 这是您的行李标签,我们会将行李放在行李台。您到那儿取行李好吗?G: Certainly. 好的。B: Thank you, sir. 谢谢您。5、Smiling welcome 微笑相迎Scene:The Smiths (G)emerge from a lift.A floor attendant (FA)meets them in the corridor. Smiths 一家人从电梯里出来,一个楼层服务员在通道迎接他们。FA:(Smiling)Good morning,sir and madam.May I show you to your room?(微笑)早上

20、好,先生、女士们。我可以带你们到房间吗?G:Yes,please.Here is our room key.好的,请。这是我们房间的钥匙。FA:Please come this way.(after a while)Here we are. After you,sir and madam.(The FA opens the door, they enter the room.) 这边请(一会儿后) 。我们到了,你先请,先生女士们。 (服务员打开门,他们进房间了。 )G:Thank you. When will our baggage arrive?谢谢你,我们的行李什么时候送上来。FA:The

21、 bellman will take it up soon.行李员一会就会将行李送上来的。G: Very well.9非常好。(The bellman comes with the baggage and knocks at the door.)(行李员将行李送上来了并敲门)B:May I come in?Your baggage is here.我可以进来吗?你们的行李送到了。G:(opening the door)Oh,good.Come in, please.(开门)好的,请进。B:Four pieces altogether.Is that correct?总共 4 件,是吗?G:Ye

22、s, thank you.是的,谢谢。B:You are welcome.不客气。6、Dialog A. checking in a Guest 登记住店Scene: Mr Smith has just arrived at the hotel. The receptionist(R) is receiving him.史密斯先生刚到旅馆,接待员正接待他。R: Good afternoon, sir, May I help you?下午好,先生,我能帮得上忙吗?G: Good afternoon,Id like to have a single room here.下午好,我想要一下单间。R:

23、 Do you have any reservations, sir?先生,您有预定吗?G: Yes, I made a reservation two weeks ago.是的,我两周前预定了。R: May I have you name?您贵姓?G: John Smith. Mr Smith.约翰史密斯。R: Just a minute, Mr Smith. Ill check the arrival list.史密斯请稍等,我想核对一下到达名单。10Yes, we do have a reservation for you. Mr Smith, youd like to have a s

24、ingle room for three days. Am I correct?是的,我们确实有一个预订是您的。史密斯先生,您要一个单间三天,是吗?G: Yes.是的。R: Well, would you please fill in this form?好的,请填下这张表格好吗?G: All right. Here you are. Is everything all right?好的,给你,我填的对吗?R: Let me see Name, Address, Nationality, Forwarding address, Passport number, place of issue,

25、Date of departure and Signature. Thats all right. Thank you.May I have a look at your passport ,sir?我看看,姓名,地址,国籍,转递地址,户照号码,发行地址,离开日期和签名,可以了,谢谢。我能看下你的户照吗先生?G: Here you are.给您。R: Thank you. (He gives it back after checking.) Here you are.谢谢。 (看完后还给了他) 。还您。Mr Smith, you room number is 1820, and here is your room key. The room rate is US $ 60per night. 史密斯先生,你房间的号码是 1802,这是钥匙,房价是每晚 60 美元。


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