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1、闽教版英语五年级上册导学案班级: 姓名: 座号: 闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit1 Meeting New Friends Part A 导学案Class _ Team _ Name _ Mark_I. 预习一、 预习生词,在课文中圈出,并做到会读会写会理解。tall beside pupil Australia 二、 自读课文, 并用适当 be (am/is/are) 动词填空。1. A:How _ you, Yang Ming ? B: I_ fine, thank you. 2. Yang Ming and Lily _ in Grade Five now.3. A: Who _that

2、 boy? B: That_ Peter, he. _a new pupil.4. Peter_from Australia.5. He _tall and he_good at sports.II. 课文学习一、跟读课文录音,完成以下练习。1.问答句配对连线。1)Who is the new friend? A. Yes, he can.2)Where is Peter from? B. Peter.3)Can Peter play basketball? C. He is from Australia .2. 根据课文内容提问题,并在小组里合作解答。例如:Is Lily in Grade

3、Five now? Yes, she is.1) _? _.2) _? _.3)_? _.二、看图补全问答句。1. A: Whos that boy? B: Which boy?A: The boy_.B: Thats_. 2. A: Whos that boy?B:Which boy? A:The boy_. B:Thats_. 3. A:Whos that boy?B:Which boy?A:The boy_.B:Thats_.4. A:Whos that boy?B:Which boy?A:The boy_.B:Thats_.III. 拓展练习一、介词填空。1.The cat is _t

4、he box. (在上面 ) 2.The cat is _the box. (在后面)3.The cat is _the box. (在旁边 )4.The cat is _the box. (在里面)5.The cat is _the box. (在下面)闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit1 Meeting New Friends Part B 导学案Class _ Team _ Name _ Mark_语言知识目标 1.学习词汇:short long hair with2.学习句型:Whos that girl? Which girl? The girl withCome and play ba

5、sketball with us.I like to watch you play.语言技能目标 1.能用所学形容词描述人物特征。2.能用方位介词表达他人所处的位置。I. 复习一、背诵 Unit1 PartA 课文并回答问题。1. Which grade is Peter in? _2. Is Peter in China now? _3. Where is Peter from? _4. Can he play basketball? _5. Is he a new pupil? _二、小组背诵课本 P3 的问答句。II. 预习一、 预习生词,在课文中圈出,并做到会读会写会理解。short

6、long hair with二、 自读课文,并用适当 be (am/is/are) 动词填空。1. Lilys hair_ short, but Sallys hair_long.2. Lily_(not) good at playing basketball.3. Julia_sitting behind Sally in the classroom.4. Peter and Yang Ming_playing basketball.5. The girl with an umbrella_Kate.III. 课文学习一、听课文录音1. 听录音,回答问题:Who is not good at

7、 playing basketball? 请写出答案:_.2. 写出 be good at 的中文意思: 3. 我会举一反三: Peter is ( 打篮球 ) They ( 拉小提琴 )I 二、跟读课文录音,小组回答问题1. 写出 Come and play basketball with us.的中文意思 2. 写出 I like to watch you play. 的中文意思 3. 写出 The girl with short hair.的中文意思 三、对比上面第 1,3 题中的两个 with,说说它们的不同点,并完成下列练习。1.拿着风筝的女孩 the girl _a kite 2.

8、蓝色眼睛的男孩_ _ _blue eyes3.跟爸爸一起去 go _ my father4.和我一起跳舞_ _ meIV. 拓展练习一、看图补全问答句。 1. A: Whos that girl? B:Which girl?A:The girl _. B:Thats_.2. A: Whos that girl?B:Which girl?A:The girl _.B:Thats_.3. A: Whos that girl? B:Which girl?A:The girl _. B:Thats_.闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit1 Meeting New Friends Part C 导学案Clas

9、s _ Team _ Name _ Mark_1、听音,选择正确的答案。( ) 1.What grade is Eric in? Hes in _.A. Grade One B. Grade Four C. Grade Three ( ) 2. Eric has _ eyes. A. big B. small C. blue( ) 3. Eric is good at_A. English B. swimming C. math( ) 4. Jenny has _eyes.A. big B. small C. blue( )5. Jenny is good at _.A. English B.

10、 dancing C. math( )6. Jennys hair is _.A. short B. black C. long2、记忆大搜索(汉译英) 。1. 澳大利亚_ 2. 头发 _ 3.长的 _ 4. 短的 _ 5. 小学生_ 6.学生_7. 高的 _ 8. 矮的 _ 9.在后面 _10. 在旁边_ 11.在.上面 _ 12 在.里面. _三、根据本单元内容填入适当的介词完成词组,并写出中文意思。1. _ the bike( ) 2. _ the door ( ) 3. _ a basketball( ) 4. _ the chair ( )5. _long hair( ) 6. _a

11、n umbrella( )7. be good _( ) 8. _Australia ( )四、课文大回顾(根据本单元课文填空 ) 。 A new school year is coming. Lily and Yang Ming _ in Grade 5 now. This year they have a new friend. His name_Peter. Peter _ from Australia.He_tall and good_sports. He_(喜欢)playing basketball. So Yang Ming, Wang Tao and Peter will oft

12、en_basketball together. But Lily isnt good_it . She_(喜欢)to watch them play. Look! They _over there. The tall boy _ WangTao is Peter. Peters eyes _blue. The girl _ hair is Sally. The girl _ hair is Lily. They _ (看起来)very happy.五、语法训练营。【be 动词的一般现在时态 am,is ,are。 】(一) 、今天我们先来认识其中的一个朋友 is, is 的中文意思 “是” 。

13、例如:This is a dog. (这是一只狗。) 注意 this 的意思哦。This is an apple. (这是一粒苹果。)(二) 、那么它们的否定句是怎样的呢?请看:This is not a dog. / This isnt a dog. (这不是一只狗。) This is not an apple. / This isnt an apple. (这不是一粒苹果。 )(三) 、它们的一般疑问句及回答呢?思考:Is this a dog? (这是一只狗吗?) Yes, it is. (是的,它是。 ) No, it isnt. (不,它不是。)Is this an apple? (

14、这是一粒苹果吗? ) Yes, it is. (是的,它是。) No, it isnt. (不,它不是。)(四) 、我会小结了: be 动词 is 表示“是” ;肯定句变否定句 is 后面加 not 或者缩写成isnt;肯定句变一般疑问问句,只要把它( is)来提前,千万记住句首字母要大写。(五) 、我会把含有 be 动词 is 的句子大变脸。1.This is a pig. (改为否定句).2.The girl in white dress is Julia. (改为否定句).3.This is my cousin. (改为一般疑问句)?4.That is a beautiful flowe

15、r. (改为一般疑问句,并用 Yes,/ No,来回答)? .(六) 、我会翻译含有 be 动词的句子。1. This _(是) a boy. 2. This_(不是) a girl.3. _(是) this an Australia boy? Yes, he_.(是 ) No, he _.(不是)4. This _ _lovely _. (这是一只可爱的猴子)5. This _ _ _ _.(这是一粒橙色的橘子)6. _ _ _ _? (这是彼特的篮球吗? )7. Yes, it _. / No, it _.六、小练笔-我的好同学例如: In my class I have a good c

16、lassmate. She is a girl with short hair. Her face is round. Her eyes are ver big and bright. She is beautiful.She is good at music. She can play the violin.Who is she?My Good Classmate. .闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit 2 Teachers Day Part A 导学案Class _ Team_ Name _ Mark_.复习1、请写出下列节日的英文表达。_ _ _ _ _ 2、你能用英语写出教师节的日期吗?如

17、果可以,再写写上面其它节日的日期。_三、写出下列方位介词的中文意思。 on _ in _ behind _ beside _ under _ near _四、写出图中物体、人的位置。_ the classroom _ _ the tree _ .预习一、生词预习,看图写单词或词组。_ _ _ _二、请写出下列五个疑问副词的中文意思,并记住它们。when _ where _ who _ what _ why _ .新课导入一、请写出与以下图片相关的动词词组。 _ _ _ _ _ 2、你能写出更多表示动作的单词或词组吗?写得越多越好哦!动词: _动词词组: _3、自学课文,判断下列问题,对的写 T

18、,错的写 F。( )1. Today is September 10th, Teachers Day.( )2. Yang Ming is drawing a picture in the classroom.( )3. Yang Ming wants to draw a panda for Miss Gao.4、学习由特殊疑问副词 where 引导的特殊疑问句。【我知道】特殊疑问句是由_提问的句子。由疑问副词“where”引导的特殊疑问句,其结构为“_+ _+_?”主语是单数名词或不可数名词时用_,主语是名词的复数形式时用_。 请将下面三个句子补充完整。1. -Where _ Yang Mi

19、ng? - _ _ _ the classroom. (他在教室里。)2. -Where _ my pens? - _ _ _the _. (它们在书桌上。)3. -Where _ my book? - _ _ _ the cup. (它在杯子下。)五、复习现在进行时态。【我知道】现在进行时表示“_” ,其结构为“_+ _+_.”主语是单数名词或不可数名词时用_,主语是名词的复数形式时用_。 如果想问“某人正在做什么?”则用疑问副词_,结构为“_+ _+doing?”主语是单数名词或不可数名词时用_,主语是名词的复数形式时用_。请将下面两个句子补充完整,并根据图片,用 what 引导的特殊疑问

20、句来进行问答。1. -What _ Yang Ming doing? - _ _ _ a picture. (他正在画画。)2. -What _ the girls doing? - _ _ _ a book. (她们正在看书。)_ 闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit 2 Teachers Day Part B 导学案Class _ Team_ Name _ Mark_.复习。根据 Part A 课文内容,回答下列各题。1. Where is Yang Ming?_ 2. What is he doing?_ 3. Why does he want to draw a picture? _ 4.

21、When is Teachers Day?_ 5. What will Yang Ming say on Teachers Day?_6. Miss Gao is a _ teacher.A. kind B. bad C.lovely.预习一、生词预习,看图写单词。_ _ _ _二、火眼金睛正确区分 this 和 these。this 表示 “_”this 修饰 _或者 _由 this 引导的句子,后面的 be 动词用_these 表示 “_”these 修饰_由 these 引导的句子,后面的 be 动词用_请根据图片,用 this 或 these 将句子补充完整。_ _ orange ju

22、ice._ _ story books._ _ some flowers._ _ a pupil.新课导入一、预习课文,回答问题。( ) 1. 教师节那一天,你想对老师说“教师节快乐 !”用英语怎么说?A:Happy Teachers Day! B:Happy Teachers Day! ( ) 2. 当你想说“这些是纸花。 ”怎么说?A: This is a paper flower. B: These are paper flowers.( ) 3. 教师节当天,你想送给老师一件礼物,用英语怎么说 ?A: This is a present for you. B: Its a presen

23、t of you.4. 你想为班上的同学拍张照,用英语怎么说?_2、语法训练营。1. This is .表示“_” ,它的否定句型为 This is + _. 它的一般疑问句型为_+_.? 它的肯定回答为 Yes, _ _, 否定回答为 No, _ _.2. That is .表示“_” ,它的否定句型为 That is + _. 它的一般疑问句型为_+_.? 它的肯定回答为 Yes, _ _, 否定回答为 No, _ _.3. It is .表示“_” ,它的否定句型为 It is + _. 它的一般疑问句型为_+_.? 它的肯定回答为 Yes, _ _, 否定回答为 No, _ _.4. 翻译下列句子,并写出它们的否定句、一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答。(1)那是一棵大树。_否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_(2)它是我的猫。_否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_闽教版英语五年级上册 Unit 2 Teachers Day Part C 导学案Class _ Team_ Name _ Mark_一、复习课文,写出以下单词和词组。1. 哪里 _ 2. 附近 _ 3. 熊 _ 4. 纸 _5. 图画 _ 6. 照片 _ 7. 微笑 _ 8. 九月 _ 9. 明天 _ 10. 可爱的 _ 11. 亲切的 _ 12. 客厅 _


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