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1、高考英语词汇(同义、近义、相似词)精选练习 1. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above_ . A. averageB. ordinary C. regularD. normal 2. When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had_to visit London on business. A. opportunityB. possibility C. occasionD. chance 3. The most important_of his

2、 speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people. A. elementB. spot C. senseD. point 4. It has always been the_of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities. A. planB. campaign C. procedureD. policy 5. I remember her face but I cannot_ where I met her. A. recal

3、lB. remind C. rememberD. remark 6. The open university was started in order to help those who_having a university education when they were young. A. stoppedB. failed C. missedD. ceased 7. We wont know whether it will be successful. We wont know whether there will be good_ . A. endsB. results C. effe

4、ctsD. causes 8. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginias waving, but then it_his mind that she was trying to tell him something. A. crossedB. passed C. occurredD. opened 9. Before the final examination, many students have shown_of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appe

5、tite. A. anxietyB. marks C. signsD. remarks 10. The old man got into the_of storing money under the bed. A. traditionB. habit C. useD. custom 11. I caught a_of the car before it disappeared around the bend. A. glanceB. glimpse C. glareD. stare 12. Ill_him off this time but next time he ll be punishe

6、d. A. leaveB. letC. putD. set 13. Who on earth could it be? It was_other than Peter. A. noneB. nothing C. notD. nobody 14. In the_of proof, the police could not take action against the man. AlackB shortage CabsenceD failure 15. Does this car give you good_for your money ? A. valueB. price C. worthD.

7、 cost 16. As they havent had a child of their own,theyre going to_a little girl. A. acceptB. receive C. adaptD. adopt 17. After careful research, it was decided that the spaceship should reenter the Earths_ . A. surfaceB. air C. environmentD. atmosphere 18. He had a talent for music and was_ conduct

8、or of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of 30. A. assignedB. appointed C. namedD. honored 19. After many years waiting, Chinese people _ realized their dream to hold the Olympic Games. A. constantlyB. eventually C. lastlyD. generally 20. Such noble deeds of the doctors and nurses cant be only_w

9、ith money. A. rewardedB. awarded C. praisedD. valued 21. Shanghai is so full of_ ; it seems as if things never stop. A. strengthB. spirit C. forceD. energy 22. When we finally arrived, a lady gave us a _introduction to the university. A. clearB. brief C. mainD. abstract 23. If you build a house with

10、 good_ , it will last long. A. foundationB. floor C. basisD. ground 24. Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didnt make any_to me. A. meaningB. importance C. senseD. significance 25. As civilization_ , more and more people have realized the importance of preservin

11、g rare animals from extinction. A. stretchesB. spreads C.extendsD. expands 26. In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully_ . A. admittedB. acknowledged C. absorbedD. considered 27. He has impressed his employers considerably and_he is soon to be promoted. A. eve

12、ntuallyB. yet C. finallyD. accordingly 28. His new appointment takes_from the beginning of next month. A. placeB. effect C. postD. office 29. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and_him of speeding. A. chargedB. accused C. blamedD. deprived 30. The number of tickets_will be determined

13、 by the size of the stadium. A. adaptableB. acceptable C. advisableD. available 31. He was not_to the club because he wasnt a member. A. allowedB. admitted C. permittedD. approved 32. We are interested in the weather because it_us so directlywhat we wear,what we do, and even how we feel. A. benefits

14、B. guides C. affectsD. effects 33. A university is an educational institution which_degrees and carries out research. A. rewardsB. awards C. grantsD. presents. 34. The boy had a_escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus. A. closeB. short C. narrowD. fine 35. It is wrong for someone in s

15、uch a high _ in the government to behave too badly in public. A. situationB. position C. employmentD. profession 36. How can we get this language point_ to the students? A. downB. round C. acrossD. into 37. Lawyers often make higher_for their work than they should. A. billsB. charges C. pricesD. cos

16、ts 38. It isnt quite_that he will be present at the meeting. A. sureB. right C. exactD. certain 39. My brother likes eating very much but he isnt very_about the food he eats. A. specialB. peculiar C. particularD. unusual 40. Roses are quite_flowers in English gardens. A. ordinaryB. common C. usualD.

17、 general 41. Is there a_flight to Beijing, the capital of China, at your airport? A. commonB. regular C. usualD. normal 42. Dont be worried; I ll go home as early as_this evening. A. commonB. normal C. usualD. regular 43. Dont you think 500 dollars a month cant cover all our living_ ? A. billsB. pri

18、ces C. chargesD. expenses 44. This is my life goal and Ill try to realize it at any_ . A. priceB. cost C. chargeD. expense 45. It is said that the final score of the basketball match was 95-96. Our team was only_beaten. A. slightlyB. lightly C. nearlyD. narrowly 46. Dont blame yourself too much. Eve

19、ryone has his_and weaknesses. A. powersB. forces C. energiesD. strengths 47. The_music on the radio reminded the little girl of her sweet childhood. A. similarB. familiar C. particularD. curious 48. What a terrible_ ! Everything in the room is in disorder. A. lookB. scenery C. viewD. sight 49. The y

20、oung man climbed to the top of the tree to have a good_of the football match. A. sightB. scene C. sceneryD. view 50. Dont you know that a dark cloud is a_ of rain? A. sceneryB. sight C. signD. scene 51. The young woman is beautiful and her beauty is_description. A. overB. beyond C. aboveD. past 52.

21、You neednt take a bus to get to the station. It is_a walk distance from here. A. withinB. belowC. underD. inside 53. The couple are of the same_ ; they both want to send their daughter to school. A. spiritB. heartC. mindD. soul 54. Something wonderful must have happened to him because he is in high_

22、today. A. mindB. heartC. soulD. spirits 55. Dont you think that you should learn how to deal with difficult_ ? A. situationsB. conditions C. positionsD. locations 56. We must do what we can to raise peoples living_ . A. positionsB. locations C. conditionsD. situations 57. He felt he had done a good

23、deed, but his teacher didnt praise him;_he scolded him. A. howeverB. therefore C. indeedD. instead 58. Everyone thinks this problem is easy, but_ I just cant work it out. A. anywayB. however C. insteadD. somehow 59. I myself is also very busy, but_Ill try to help you. A. somehowB. instead C. otherwi

24、seD. anyway 60. Before you take the medicine, read the _ on the bottle. A. descriptionsB. instructions C. introductionsD. explanations 61. Dont do your homework while watching TV; you should_a good study habit. A. growB. raise C. developD. increase 62. The news that Liu Xiang dropped out of the comp

25、etition of the 110m hurdles_ a heated argument all over the country. A. liftedB. raised C. heldD. increased 63. Mary, would you like to offer me a good_ to the study of physics? A. meansB. method C. wayD. approach 64. She is a famous actress, but none of my classmates have_heard about her. A. justB.

26、 everC. evenD. just 65. The old woman_her furniture and found her camera missing. A. examinedB. tested C. inspectedD. checked 66. When we have decided the date and address of the meeting, we will_ you of it. A. remindB. inform C. rememberD. memorize 67. I dont_of your staying up too late every night

27、 to learn your subjects. A. agreeB. support C. approveD. praise 68. It is well-known that apples_a lot of sugar. A. includeB. keep C. containD. hold 69. Dont buy this skirt because it doesn t _ your shirt. A. fitB. match C. agreeD. obey 70. His wife pointed out his mistake in a public place; as a re

28、sult, he felt very_ . A. embarrassedB. ashamed C. shamefulD. disappointed 71. He is my classmate, but I didnt_ him at yesterdays party.A. knowB. recognize C. realizeD. understand 72. It is not what one says but what one does that really_ . A. performsB. acts C. doesD. counts 73. My repeated explanat

29、ion_him of my honesty and he agreed to help me. A. convincedB. reminded C. informedD. told 74. If it is_to you, I would like to treat you to some mutton this evening. A. easyB. ready C. availableD. convenient 75. The little girl studies very hard, so her passing the exam is only a_of time. A. questi

30、onB. problem C. thingD. matter 76. Much work_to be done, so I cant go out to play with you. A. leavesB. delays C. remainsD. removes 77. In my opinion, only by working hard can you_your goal. A. achieveB. acquire C. finishD. conclude 78. Were you made to work hard every_day? No, I_to do so. A. hadB.

31、chose C. enjoyedD. offered 79. I will buy this kind of car because it is environmentally_ . A. friendlyB. kind C. gentleD. close 80. He is still a child, so he is not to_ for this traffic accident. A. scoldB. blame C. criticizeD. punish 81. It is getting dark and the little girl is _ to get home bef

32、ore dark. A. gladB. anxious C. worriedD. upset 82. You are always cold to others, so you should change your_to them. A. ideaB. opinion C. thoughtD. attitude 83. I dont know whether you can_me a few minutes to have a word with me. A. spareB. giveC. lendD. draw 84. To tell you the truth, I have forgot

33、 how many people_that traffic accident. A. livedB. passed C. survivedD. remained 85. The_of your products is not so good, so you should try to improve them. A. quantityB. quality C. numberD. amount 86. Whenever I visit the West Lake, I cant help being_by its beauty. A. hitB. beaten C. knockedD. stru

34、ck 87. What do you think of my composition? _, it needs improving. A. PersonallyB. Generally C. ActuallyD. Unfortunately 88. This problem is really very important, so it cant be_ . A. droppedB. missed C. ignoredD. removed 89. If weather_ , I will go to visit that mountain village next week. A. promi

35、sesB. allows C. permitsD. agrees 90. As we all know, the biggest star in the red flag_the Communist Party of China. A. representsB. reflects C. indicatesD. presents 91. Last month, his brother was_to be manager of a large company from a common worker, which surprised everyone. A. liftedB. raised C.

36、increasedD. promoted 92. Have you decided to sell your old house_to buy a large one? No, I only_to do so. A. tendB. determine C. chooseD. intend 93. You cant see this film because it is not_ for children. A. tendedB. intended C. attendedD. attempted 94. Though he didnt want to, but he was actually_i

37、n a murder. A. lostB. absorbed C. buriedD. involved 95. As we all know, a postmans work is to_ letters and parcels. A. spreadB. pass C. deliverD. cast 96. This is an interesting lesson, which _ itself upon my mind. A. hitB. impressed C. struckD. beat 97. Dont be absent-minded again; you should_ your

38、 attention on what the teacher is teaching. A. focusB. throwC. castD. pull 98._her parents strong objection, the young girl went to work in the country. A. Because ofB. Thanks to C. Regardless ofD. Due to 99. When the new teacher gave the first lesson, he found the happy_in the classroom. A. situati

39、onB. condition C. tasteD. atmosphere 100._about his health as well as safety,I wrote a letter to him. A. ClearB. Careful C. ConcernedD. Curious【高考英语词汇(同义、近义、相似词)精选练习参考答案】 1. D。normal 正常的;ordinary 普通的;average 平均的; regular 有规律的,定期的。 2. C。 occasion 作可数名词时,意为“时机” ,作不可数名词时,意为“必要;需要” ,本题中 occasion 意为“必要”

40、。从句语法结构上看,本句中用 opportunity (难得的) 机会,chance(偶然的)机会均可,但其前面均无冠词且为单数,所以不对,故应用 occasion。 3. D。point 要点;论点,主旨:I dont see your point. 我不明白你的意思。He said nothing to the point. 他说的不切题。 4. D。policy(尤指政党、政府、大企业、商行等的) 政策,方针。campaign( 政治或竞选的)运动;(军事的)行动,procedure 做事的手续、程序,plan 计划,均不合题意。 5. A。recall 想起,回忆起; remind s

41、b. of . 使想起。 6. C。miss doing sth. 没有做某事。 7. B。result 意为“由某种活动或某种原因所产生的结果” ,如:obtain(= get, attain, gain, win, secure) good results(取得好结果) ,publish the results(公布成绩) 。 8. A。cross (enter) ones mind 想起: A sudden thought crossed my mind. When Jane did not come home by midnight, many terrible fears passe

42、d through Mothers mind. (= Mother thought of many things that might have happened to Jane.) That view of the case did not occur to me before. (对这个案件的那种看法以前我没有想到过。)It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child. (她想到,她可以收养一个无家可归的孩子。) 9. C。anxiety 与 tension 同义,意思为“紧张” ;mark“记号,痕迹” ; sign“迹象,

43、现象,标记” ; remark“评论” 。根据句意,应为 show signs of tension“表现出紧张的样子”。 10. B。get into the habit of doing sth.意为“养成了做 的习惯” 。habit 指个人的习惯,而 custom 则指社会的风俗习惯。tradition 传统。 11. B。catch or get a glimpse of 瞥见(强调行为的结果 ): I caught a glimpse of her in the crowd. 我在人群中瞥见了他。take a glance (or look) at 看一眼 (强调行为过程本身):Ta

44、ke a glance at the TV programs. 瞄一下电视节目。 13. A。none other than (表示惊讶)不是别人,不是别的;就是,正是。 Its none other than Tom! We thought you were in Africa! 是汤姆!我们以为你还在非洲呢! 14. C。in the absence of 没有;shortage 缺乏, 无此搭配。 15. A。good value for money 值得花那么多的钱。 16. D。adopt “领养” 。 A“接受” ;B “收到” ;C“适应” 。 17. D。atmosphere“

45、大气层” 。A“表面” ;B“空气” ;C “环境” 。 18. B。appoint“任命” 。A“布置” ;C“命名” ;D “给荣誉” 。 19. B。eventually“最终地” 。A“经常地” ;C“最后地 ”;D“通常地” 。 20. A。reward“回报” ,常用于 reward sb. with sth.结构。B“授予(奖品等)” ,常用于award sb. sth;C“表扬” ;D “评价,重视” 。 21. D。energy“精力,活力” 。A“力气” ;B “精神” ;C “力量,武力” 。 22. B。brief“简要的” 。A “清晰的” ;C“主要的” ;D“抽象

46、的” 。 23. A。foundation “基础” ,此处指地下的基础。B “地板,楼层” ;C“基础,根据” ,主要用于比喻方面,具有抽象意义;D “地面” 。 24. C。make sense“有意义 ”。句意为:虽然我把教授布置的书读了好几遍,但是我仍看不懂它。 25. B。spread“传播,扩散” 。A “伸展” ;C “延长” ;D “膨胀,扩大” 。 26. D。considered “考虑”; admit“承认”; absorb“吸收” 。acknowledge“承认, 供认,致谢” 。 27. D。accordingly (= for that reason, therefore) 因此, 所以。 28. B。take effect 生效。 29. B。accuse sb.


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