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1、 1目 录北京市东城区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .2北京市西城区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .20北京市海淀区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .35北京市朝阳区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .48北京市丰台区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .60北京市石景山 2017 年初三一模试卷 .71北京市通州区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .85北京市顺义区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .100北京市门头沟 2017 年初三一模试卷 .112北京市房山区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .124北京市平谷区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .135北京市怀柔区 2017 年初三一模试卷 .150北京市燕山区 2017 年初三

2、一模试卷 .1602北京市东城区 2017 年初三一模试卷英语 2017.5听力理解 (共 30 分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)A B CA B CA B CA B CA B C二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳选项,每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 (共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)6. What does the woman want to buy?A. A skirt. B. A sweater. C. A dress.37.What c

3、olor does the woman choose?A. Pink. B. Yellow. C. Purple.请听一段对话,完成第 8 至第 9 小题8.What does the man ask the woman to do?A. To go to a movie.B. To enjoy a concert.C. To have a picnic.9.When will they meet?A. At 5:00. B. At 5:30. C. At 7:30. 请听一段对话,完成第 10 至第 11 小题。10.How does the boy feel at first?A. Rel

4、axed. B. Bored. C. Surprised.11.What can be the girls hobby?A. Watching TV. B. Drawing pictures. C. Playing the piano.请听一段对话,完成第 12 至 13 小题。12. Whats the boys problem?A. His friend didnt return him the money.B. His friend didnt lend him any money.C. His friend didnt trust him any more.13. Whats the

5、girls advice?A. To have a talk with his friend.B. To ask other friends for help.C. To make a new friend.请听一段对话,完成第 14 至 15 小题。14. What can we learn from the speaker?A. The campers are free in the afternoon.B. The campers can start lunch at 12 oclock.C. Each camper needs two pairs of sports shoes.15.

6、 Whats the speaker doing now?A. Making a plan.4B. Offering an invitation.C. Giving an introduction.3听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺失的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。本段对话你将听两遍。Student Information Form Course: No.139 for English beginners,the _ (16) course (12 weeks) Name: Maria _ (17) Nationality(国籍 ): _ (18) Address: 24 _

7、 (19) Road Telephone: _ (20)知识运用(共 25 分)四,单项选择(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B 、C 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.- Peter, the bike looks cool. Is it_?- Yes. My mother bought it for my birthday.A. his B. yours C. hers D. ours22. My grandparents often do some exercise _ the morning.A. on B. in C. at D. of23.Its

8、raining outside. Put on your raincoat, _you will get wet.A. and B. but C. or D. so24. - _ you help me lift this box?- Yes. Of course.A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need25.I am in a hurry. Whats_ way to get to the airport?A.fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest26. - What language does your foreign teach

9、er speak?- He _English and German.A. will speak B. spokeC. speaks D. has spoken527.He loves traveling and _to many countries since 2007.A. travels B. traveledC. will travel D. has traveled28.Hurry up, please! Everyone _for you.A.waits B. waitedC.is waiting D. was waiting29.The Dragon Boat Race _ever

10、y year on the Dragon Boat Festival in southern China.A.holds B.is heldC. will hold D. will be hold30. -Do you know _on my trip to Shanghai last week.-Some candies? I guess.A.What I bought B. what did I buyC. what I am going to buy D. what am I going to buy五、完型填空 (共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文

11、后各题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。A Move to SafetyThe Turners sat at the kitchen table. The sun was shining and filled the kitchen with a warm light. It was a perfect day for having a picnic or going surfing. But in the Turners kitchen, no one seemed to be paying attention to the _ (31).“Okay, girls,” sa

12、id Mrs. Turner. “I can tell by the expressions on your faces that you have a pretty good idea of why we need to have this family _ (32).” Linda and Kala exchanged looks and slowly nodded.“Your mom and I have had many talks lately about the possibility of _ (33),” said Mr. Turner. “We were hoping tha

13、t it wouldnt come to this, but we dont have other choices.”“But Dad,” said Kala, “Kilauea has been an active volcano (火山) since 1983! Nothing has happened to us or to our house yet. I know well be _ (34) here. ”6“But your dad and I care about all the recent warnings given by the government. Even tho

14、ugh weve been safe up to now, there is no way to guarantee (保证) that a larger eruption (喷发) isnt coming up,” said Mrs. Turner.“Mom, this is our _(35). I cant even remember living anywhere else!” Linda said, fighting back tears.Mrs. Turner put an arm around her daughters shoulder. “This wont go _ (36

15、) for any of us,” she said. “Dad and I love this house, too. We have so many happy memories here. But were tired of living with such uncertainty. The most important thing in the world to us is that our family stays safe.”Mr. Turner _ (37).“ Girls, there are other places in Hawaii where well feel saf

16、er. Well have to give up our house, but you know home is wherever we go as a family. Well make new memories, and well find things to love about our new home.”The girls were quiet for a moment as they considered what it would mean to move. “There are so many things Ill _ (38) here, ” said Kala quietl

17、y.“We all will, ” said Mrs. Turner. “But one of the places that your dad and I have looked at is only a few minutes walk to the beach.”Kala and Linda couldnt help _ (39) when they heard that. They both spent every spare minute they had surfing. If their parents told them that they could actually liv

18、e in the water, they would have been perfectly happy.Mr. Turner walked around to the other side of the table. He put one large hand on each of his daughters shoulders. “Im proud of you two,” he said. “Thank you for trying to _ (40) why this is so important to your mom and me.”Linda and Kala smiled.

19、Dad was right: home was wherever the family was.31. A. kitchen B. table C. picnic D. weather32. A. trip B. meeting C. dinner D. celebration33. A. moving B. traveling C. returning D. rushing34. A. happy B. safe C. brave D. relaxed35. A. dream B. choice C. home D. island36. A. early B. easily C. quick

20、ly D. successfully37. A. nodded B. shouted C. judged D. repeated738. A. sense B. stress C. respect D. miss39. A. smiling B. arguing C. worrying D. doubting 40. A. explain B. wonder C. understand D. discuss阅读理解(共 50 分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (共 30 分,每小题 2 分)AAre you interested

21、in studying in the US as an exchange student? Here are four schools for you to choose from.Folly Quarter Middle SchoolFQMS serves students in grades 68. Besides common curriculum(课程),there is a program for gifted children in art.Each grade takes part in a community project. For example, 8th graders

22、have raised $6,000 for St. Judes Hospital.The school offers a weekly newsletter to parents about what is happening at school. Stowe Middle SchoolSMS is a school for grades 68. It offers a curriculum in world languages, math, music, art, P. E. and so on.At least four hours of community service is req

23、uired for all students every week.The school prepares a monthly newsletter to parents. It gives parents suggestions on helping their children to be successful.Lincoln Akerman SchoolGrades 612 are taught at LAS. The school offers a special program in math and science. Each grade is separated into tea

24、ms to have math and science lessons.Friday wellness classes allow students to take part in skiing, swimming, skating and other team sports.Falmouth Middle SchoolFMS serves students from Grade 5 to Grade 8. An online free library is provided to all students. It has a website that helps students in fi

25、nding books and reading online.For after-school fun, students can sign up for skiing, ping pong, and relay races, among 8other activities. 41. Folly Quarter Middle School has a program for gifted students in _.A. languages B. sports C. music D. art42. If you study at Stowe Middle School, your parent

26、s can get a school newsletter _.A. every week B. every month C. every term D. every year43. If you are interested in math and science, you can choose _.A. Stowe Middle SchoolB. Falmouth Middle SchoolC. Lincoln Akerman SchoolD. Folly Quarter Middle School44. If you study at Falmouth Middle School, yo

27、u _.A. can read books online freeB. should raise money for a hospitalC. can have swimming classes on FridayD. should do community service every weekBA Trip to the SmithsonianMs. DeJohn stood at the front of the room.“Okay, everyone,”she began,“as you all know, Well visit the Smithsonian Institution

28、on Monday. We are going to spend some time this morning discussing what you would like to see there.”Ty raised his hand.“How many museums are we going to see?”he asked.“Thats a good question, Ty, ”replied Ms. DeJhon.“Were going to choose four museums. Id like to hear some of your suggestions. What i

29、nterests you most at the Smithsonian?”“Can we go to the National Museum of Natural History?”asked Emma.“Id like to see the dinosaur skeletons (恐龙骨骼) there.”“I want to see Anita and Arabella,”said Calvin.“Theyre the space spiders(蜘蛛). A student wanted to know if spiders could spin webs in space, so t

30、wo spiders were sent into 9space on Skylab . Anitas and Arabellas bodies are housed at the National Air and Space Museum.”Ms. DeJohn began to list the students suggestions on the board.“If we go to the National Zoo,”said Deepak,“we can see pandas from china. I think that getting to see them in perso

31、n would be really amazing.”“Id like to go to the Museum of the African Art,”said Imani.“My parents moved from Kenya when they were children, but Ive never been there to visit. My family collects African art, so Id like to learn more about it.”“I think we should go to the National Museum of American

32、History.”said Chris.“They have show on the Information Age. It has some of the very first computers and even Samuel Morses telegraph (电报) machines.”I like this idea, too.“ agreed Emma.“They have a hands on history room where you can actually try things from history, like sending a telegraph.”Ms. DeJ

33、ohn smiled at the class.“How knowledgeable you all are! Now, all we have to do is take a vote, and well be on our way to the Smithsonian!”45. How many museums is the class going to visit on Monday?A. One.B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.46. Anita and Arabella are _.A. teachers B. students C. spiders D. pand

34、as47. Which museum does Imani want to visit?A. The National Museum of America History.B. The National Museum of Natural History.C. The National Air and Space Museum.D. The Museum of African Art.48. What can students do in the National Museum of American History?A. Send a telegraph.B. Collect African

35、 art.C. Take photos of pandas.D. See the dinosaur skeletons.10CSummer is almost here, and the weather is heating up. Are you drinking enough water? Many kids arent, according to a new study in the American Journal of Public Health.Erica Kenney, a scientist at Harvard, is the studys leader. At the be

36、ginning, she planned to look into the amount (数量) of sugary drinks kids were drinking in schools. However, during her research she found that many kids were simply not drinking enough water.Kenney and her team examined data (数据) from a group of 4,000 children, aged 6 to 19, between the years of 2012

37、 and 2015. While examining the data, she noticed that more than half of the kids didnt drink enough water. Of that group, boys were 76% more likely than girls to not have enough water in their system. Nearly one quarter of the kids reported drinking no plain water (白水) at all.“These findings are ver

38、y important because they point out a potential health problem that has not been given a lot of attention in the past.” Kenney said. “Even though for most of these kids this is not an immediate, serious health problem, this is a problem that could really have a harmful influence on health and life fo

39、r many children years later.”The human body is made up of 60% water. Not drinking enough water can lead to health problems like headaches or poor physical performance. Your body needs more water when you are in hot weather, when you are physically active, and if you have a fever.The United States Na

40、tional Agricultural Library says on average, kids need between 10 to 14 cups of water every day. This water can come from both drinks and foods that have high amounts of water, such as celery, melon, or tomatoes. It is also suggested that fluids (液体) come from water instead of sugary drinks that are

41、 high in calories (卡路里) and can lead to weight problems.“The good news is that this is a public health problem with a simple solution.” said another scientist. Steven Gortmaker, “If we can help children drink more water a low cost, no calorie fluid we can improve their health, which may allow many children to feel better throughout the day and do better in school.” 49. What is Erica Kenneys purpose of doing the study?A. To prove that plain water is the best for kids.


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