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1、最适合学生唱的英语歌曲 为了帮助大家更好的使用这种方法进行学习巩固,我特别为大家准备了20 首英文歌曲供大家学习。这些歌曲将古典、通俗、流行、时尚等各种曲风全部囊括,无论你喜欢哪种音乐,相信你都可以找到自己喜欢的类型。这 20 首歌曲我已经按照数字顺序,将歌词与歌曲相配套,以方便大家学习。接下来,我将这 20 首歌曲进行一个大致的介绍。根据难易等级,我将歌曲分为 A-B-C-D 四个等级,由易到难。A 级第 1 首 big big world 甜美曲风,旋律悠扬,适合练习爆破音。第 2 首 fly me to the moon 爵士曲风,经典老歌,意味深长。第 3 首 try to remem

2、ber 四兄弟组合带来的这首歌曲,将你带回对往日岁月的回忆,温馨而上口的旋律,相信你一定会非常喜欢。第 7 首 you are my sunshine 经典老歌新唱法,甜美女生版的演绎带给你不一样的感受。是练习歌词听写的绝好材料。第 8 首 edelweiss 奥斯卡获奖音乐剧音乐之声的原版插曲,中气十足的男声演绎,在悠扬的旋律中模仿地道发音。B 级第 4 首 autumn leaves 深情的女声演绎,将对爱人的思念和秋日的忧伤一曲全囊括,相信这样的一首歌会很快帮你找到宁静优雅的感觉。第 10 首 take me to your heart 这是几年前街知巷闻的一首翻唱歌曲,也让很多中国人知

3、道了一个外国乐队麦克学摇滚,熟悉的旋律,朗朗上口。第 12 首 every time 出自小甜甜布兰妮 in the zone 专辑,歌曲融 合了钢琴,小提琴,大提琴,竖琴等乐器,整体感觉很舒服,宁静,真挚。歌词也十分有意思。第 13 首 She德国新晋乐队 Groove Coverage-闪舞精灵继“God is a girl”之后又推出新单曲“She” ,一经推出就受到广大乐迷的一直好评,并广为传唱。这首歌曲曲风轻快,充满着夏日海边的浪漫风情. 第 15 首 Lemon tree 由 5 个德国小伙子组成的 Fools garden “愚人花园”乐队带来的这首歌曲,节奏轻快,在年轻人中很是

4、流行。很多人知道这首歌是一个台湾女孩子(苏慧伦) 翻唱成中文版,这才让它在这个东方大国漂起! C 级第 9 首 promises dont come easy 一首经典的奥斯卡金曲,浪漫的气息随着音乐响起的那一刻丝丝蔓延。女主唱的声音圆润深情,值得一听再听。第 11 首 aesthetic 日剧医龙的插曲,风格轻灵,有令人一听钟情的魅力。第 14 首 I love you for sentimental reason 这是一首很浪漫的歌曲,以致很多人想把这首歌最为婚礼的背景音乐。嘿嘿第 16 首 season in the sun 这是由一个真实的故事而来的一首歌曲,故事中充满了爱情、背叛和友

5、谊, 歌词是故事主人公的遗言,所以充满了忧伤和回忆的感觉。第 17 首 forever young 这首歌有很多的版本,我带给你们的是黄莺莺的版本,黄莺莺的英文情歌, 总是牵动那些蜇伏内心里似曾相识的记忆,曾经热恋、曾经失恋抚伤,一遍又一遍,而我们总是舍得。从听见黄莺莺之后,似曾相识的经典再度传唱。第 18 首 yesterday once more 唱者卡伦卡彭特被称为美国的邓丽君,当她死于神经性厌食症时,人们突然发现,在所有那些包装精良,华美诱人的热门金曲中,可能只有卡伦卡彭特的声音值得被收藏,她把悠长的旋律唱得光芒耀眼,即使怀旧,都充满了对生活的感恩,她的歌声始终在呼唤人们热爱的本能。D

6、 级第 5 首 the big bang theory theme song 流行美剧天才也性感第一季的主题曲,曲风欢快,节奏明快,对你的听力反应速度是一大考验哦。第 6 首 timeless 这是一首男女合唱曲目,由第一届美国偶像歌唱比赛冠军 Kelly Clarkson 与亚军 Justin Guarini 诠释,将对爱情永恒的期待融入歌曲中。不论从歌曲的演唱还是模仿难度上来说,这首歌有一定难度。第 19 首 1234 这首歌是 Ipod 最新的广告歌,旋律轻快,以 one two three four 的歌词开头, 很有新意。让我们随着音乐的旋律来做一次时尚达人吧。第 20 首 Unwr

7、itten 这首歌曲的旋律你一定很熟悉,它是潘婷洗发水的广告歌,可能对于有些学员来说难度偏大了,但是旋律歌词都不错,值得一听。1. Big big world Im a big big girl in a big big world its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much. I can see the first leaf falling its all yellow and nice its so very cold out

8、side like the way Im feeling inside Im a big big girl in a big big world its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much. outside its now raining and tears are falling from my eyes why did it have to happen why did it all have to end Im a big

9、big girl in a big big world its not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much I have your arms around me ooooh like fire but when I open my eyes Youre gone. 我是个重要的女孩! 在一个大世界里! 如果你离开我, 那不是件大事. 但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你! 我将会非常想念你! 太过想念你了! 我能看见第一片落叶. 是那样黄也那

10、么的美. 外面是那么的冷. 就象我内心的感受. 我是个重要的女孩! 在一个大世界里! 如果你离开我, 那不是件大事. 但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你! 我将会非常想念你! 太过想念你了! 现在外面正在下雨. 而我的眼睛也在流泪. 这一切为什么要发生? 这一切又为什么要结束? 我是个重要的女孩! 在一个大世界里! 如果你离开我, 那不是件大事. 但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你! 我将会非常想念你! 太过想念你了! 我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的. 但当我醒来张开眼睛. 你却已经走了Im a big big girl in a big big world its not a big bi

11、g thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much. im a big big girl in a big big world its not a big big thing if you leave me but i do feel i will miss you much miss you much. 我是个重要的女孩! 在一个大世界里! 如果你离开我, 那不是件大事. 但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你! 我将会非常想念你! 太过想念你了! 我是个重要的女孩! 在一

12、个大世界里! 如果你离开我, 那不是件大事. 但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你! 我将会非常想念你! 太过想念你了! 2. Fly me to the moon Fly to the moon Let me play among those stars Let me see what spring is like On Jupiter and Mars In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby Kisses me Fill my heart with song Let me sing for ever more You are all

13、I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you3. Try to remember try to remember the kind of September when life was slow and though so mellow try to remember the kind of September when grass was green and grain was yellow try to remember the kind of Sep

14、tember when you were a tender and callow fellow try to remember and if you remember then follow follow try to remember when life was so tender that no one wept except the willow try to remember the kind of September when love was an ember about to billow try to remember and if you remember then foll

15、ow, follow follow4. Autumn leaves The falling leaves Drift by my window The autumn leaves Of red and gold I see your lips The summer kisses The sunburned hands I used to hold Since you went away The days grow long And soon Ill hear Old winters song But I miss you most of all My darling When autumn l

16、eaves Start to fall 5. The Big Bang Theory Theme Song Our whole universe was in a hot dense state, And then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait The Earth began to cool The autographs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools, We built a wall we built the pyramids, Math, scie

17、nce, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with a big bang.6. Timeless - kelly Clarkson &Justin guarini Baby come close, let me tell you this In a whisper my heart says you know it too Maybe we both share a secret wish And youre feeling my love reaching out to you Timeless, dont let it

18、 end no Now that youre right in my arms where you should stay Hold tight baby Timeless, dont let it fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away Lifting us to where, we both agree this is timeless, love I see it all baby in your eyes When you look at me, you know I feel it too (yes I do

19、) So lets sail away and meet forever baby Where the crystal ocean melts into the sky We shouldnt let the moment pass (moment pass) Making me shiver, lets make it last Why should we lose it? Dont ever let me go Yeah yeah yeah yeeeaah yeah Baby its timeless (oh baby its timeless) Timeless Dont let it

20、fade out of sight Just let the moments sweep us both away (just let the moments) Lifting us to where we both agree this is timeless This is timeless, love7. You are my sunshine You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are gray Youll never know dear How much I love you Please

21、 dont take my sunshine away The other night dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken So I hung my head and I cried. 8. Edelweiss (雪绒花- 音乐之声) Edelweiss, edelweiss Every morning you greet me Small and white, Clean and bright You look happy to meet me Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow Bloom and grow forever Edelweiss, edelweiss Bless my homeland forever


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