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1、胃癌患者胃液中特异性荧光物质初步确定,研究背景,1990年, 我中心开始致力于通过检测血清和胃液的荧光光谱来诊断胃癌的系列研究。先后利用288 nm 紫外光作为激发光, 对500例各种胃内疾患患者的胃液进行高效液相荧光光谱检测, 发现胃癌患者胃液中存在两种特异性荧光物质, 其含量较胃内良性病变明显增多。,研究背景,在上述实验的基础上, 我们试图通过联合使用高效液相及质谱技术分析高效液相荧光光谱中保留时间为11 .5 12 .5 min 的荧光物质成分, 从而对良恶性胃病患者胃液高效液相荧光光谱差异的物质进行初步分析。,研究目的,从胃癌患者胃液中发现特异性荧光物质 ,并以此来获得肿瘤标志物。,研

2、究方法,收集 10例胃癌患者与 10例非胃癌患者的胃液 ,浓缩后行高效液相分析 , 并收集高效液相荧光光谱中保留时间为 11.5 12 .5min的荧光物质 ; 再经质谱鉴定 , 所得结果与L-色氨酸的质谱比较 , 最终确定这种荧光物质的主要组分。,研究结果,在高效液相的荧光光谱保留时间为 11.5 12 .5min时 , 胃癌患者胃液中有特异性荧光物质 ,其含量较其他胃内良性病变患者明显增多。,胃良、恶性病变患者浓缩胃液的高效液相荧光光谱,研究结果,空白对照的一级质谱图中有共同质荷比为279及288 的峰;10 例胃癌患者的一级质谱图中, 均出现质荷比为205 , 217 , 279 , 2

3、88 , 404 , 790 及811 的峰, 有些还出现409。而10 例胃内良性病变患者的一级质谱图中, 均出现质荷比为279 , 404 ,790 及811 的峰。,胃良、恶性病变患者胃液荧光峰收集样品的一级质谱图,217,205,研究结果,推测胃癌患者胃液中含量较多的特殊荧光物质可能对应的是质荷比为205 及217 的峰。经质谱鉴定后显示 ,胃癌患者胃液中质荷比为 205的物质与L-色氨酸的三级质谱完全一致 , 证实该物质为L-色氨酸(L-tryptophan)。,讨论,近年来经大量研究证实, 机体内存在许多内源性荧光物质, 它们形成的综合荧光光谱, 在良性病变及肿瘤患者之间确实存在差

4、异。而体液是肿瘤发生、演进及转移的内环境, 肿瘤生长过程中分泌及代谢产物会直接影响体液的组成。对体液进行荧光检测, 有可能发现良恶性之间的差异。,讨论,在本实验条件下, 对应着高效液相保留时间为3 .5 4 .5 min 及11 .5 12 .5 min 的两种物质, 利用高效液相技术, 可以将胃液中保留时间在11 .5 12 .5 min 的特异性荧光成分分离出来, 减少其他物质的干扰, 并可进一步行质谱分析。,讨论,对比实验中, 从胃癌及胃内良性病变患者的质谱图发现, 两者均为混合物。证实在液相保留时间为11 .5 12 .5 min 的收集物中, 同时存在荧光及无荧光的物质。而胃癌患者独

5、有质荷比为205 及217的峰。据此推测, 胃癌患者特异性荧光物质的相对分子质量可能为204 或216 。,讨论,L -色氨酸是一种重要的可产生荧光的芳香氨基酸。其相对分子质量为204 .2 , 本实验证实, 它与胃癌特异性荧光物质之一的保留时间一致。与质荷比为205 物质的一、二及三级质谱的图形完全一致。可以肯定, L-色氨酸是胃癌患者胃液中特异性荧光物质的组成成分。,讨论,质荷比为217 的物质也有可能参与荧光峰的形成。且其二级及三级质谱与L-色氨酸一致。故怀疑它为一种与L-色氨酸相类似的物质, 其实际相对分子质量为216 。但因缺乏与本质谱配套的解析标准谱库,目前无法进一步搞清其结构。,

6、讨论,对质谱图中其他峰代表的物质, 也还应明确其结构及荧光特性。对高效液相保留时间在3 .5 4 .5 min 的物质, 尚有待进一步确认。,结论,本实验尝试联合使用高效液相和质谱技术来分析胃液中一种肿瘤标志物的方法。对新的胃癌肿瘤标志物的发现起铺垫作用, 具有广泛的应用前景。对揭示肿瘤发生、演进及代谢的生化过程有可能起关键作用。,李渊,林三仁,周丽雅,彭嘉柔,郭慧兰. 胃癌患者胃液中特异性荧光物质的初步确定J. 中华消化杂志,2003,01:11-14.,Threearomatic amino acidsingastric juiceas potential biomarkers forga

7、stricmalignancies,BACKGROUND,For screening early-stagegastricmalignancies, the existing serum biomarkers have limited sensitivity and specificity.Gastric juicebiomarkers are scarce and require further investigation.,研究背景,对于筛查早期胃恶性肿瘤,现存的血清学生物标志物在敏感性和特异性方面都有其局限性。胃液生物标志物稀缺,需要进一步调查。,OBJECTIVE,We divided

8、 this study on searching potential biomarkers into four parts: (1) detection of differential spectroscopy and HPLC, (2) identification and validation of differential peaks using LC/MS and NMR, (3) quantification of potential biomarkers, and (4) establishment of diagnostic detection.,研究目的,我们将这个筛选潜在的生

9、物标记物的研究分为四个部分:(1)联合使用荧光光谱和高效液相色谱法检测良恶性胃病患者胃液荧光光谱;(2)使用液相/质谱和核磁共振的方法来识别和验证良恶性胃病患者胃液荧光光谱的区别;(3)定量研究潜在的生物标记物;(4)建立诊断检测。,METHODS,In this study, discriminating fluorescence biomarkers were isolated and identified from gastric juice by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromat

10、ography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), and validated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).,研究方法,本研究中应用高效液相 (HPLC) ,液相/质谱(LC/MS)的方法,分离并识别差异的胃液荧光标志物,并且用核磁共振(NMR)的方法进行了验证。,RESULTS,The fluorescence spectroscopy of diluted gastric juice indicates that the FI of P1 from patients with gastric malignancies wa

11、s significantly different from that in patients with benign gastric lesions (Fig. 1a and b).,研究结果,稀释胃液固有荧光光谱表明,胃恶性肿瘤患者FIP1与胃良性病变者明显不同(图1A,B)。,Fig. 1. Discovery of fluorescence biomarkers. 图1 荧光标志物的发现Fluorescence emission spectra (excitation at 288 nm) of diluted gastric juice from the benign (a) and

12、 malignant (b) groups.稀释胃液的荧光激发光谱(激发光波长为288纳米),良性(a)和恶性(b)组。,RESULTS,HPLC was used for the discovery of valuable biomarkers in the gastric juice. The chromatograms are shown in Fig. 1cf. By comparing the chromatograms for the benign and malignant groups, the discriminating biomarkers could be associ

13、ated with peaks I, II, III and IV, which were eluted around 8, 12, 16.5 and 33 min, respectively.,研究结果,采用高效液相色谱法测定胃液中有价值的生物标志物。色谱图如图1cf所示。对良性组和恶性组色谱图进行比较,有助于鉴别I,II,III和IV相关峰的生物标志物,它们的洗脱时间分别约为8,12,16.5和33分钟。,Fig. 1. Discovery of fluorescence biomarkers. 图1 荧光标志物的发现Fluorescence chromatograms ( ex = 28

14、8 nm, em = 360 nm) of gastric juice from benign (c) and malignant (d) groups. 稀释胃液的荧光质谱图(激发光波长为288纳米,发射光波长为360纳米),良性(c)和恶性(d)组。,Fig. 1. Discovery of fluorescence biomarkers. 图1 荧光标志物的发现UV chromatograms ( = 205 nm) of gastric juice from benign (e) and malignant (f) groups.稀释胃液的紫外质谱图(激发光波长为205纳米),良性(e

15、)和恶性(f)组。,RESULTS,The fluorescence intensity (FI), tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and total protein content were significantly higher in thegastric juiceof patients withgastric malignancies (all P0.01).,研究结果,胃恶性肿瘤患者胃液中酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、色氨酸的荧光强度(FI)和血清总蛋白含量明显高于胃良性病变患者 (P值均0.01)。,Fig. 2. (a) Scatter plot

16、indicates values of tyrosine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, total protein and FI in gastric juice from benign and malignant groups. 图2(a)散点图显示良性和恶性病变组患者胃液中酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、色氨酸、总蛋白和荧光强度(FI)值。,RESULTS,With all P0.001, the areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves of the biomarkers were tyrosine, 0

17、.838; phenylalanine, 0.856; and tryptophan, 0.816. At a specificity of 79.4%, the sensitivity forgastricmalignancy detection with phenylalanine was 87.9% only.,研究结果,在所有P 0.001的生物标志物中,受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)下面积分别是: 酪氨酸,0.838;苯丙氨酸,0.856;色氨酸,0.816。在特异性为79.4%时,苯丙氨酸用于胃恶性肿瘤检测的灵敏度为87.9%。,Fig. 2. (b) ROC curves for

18、detection of gastric malignancies were plotted with the use of tyrosine (Tyr), phenylalanine (Phe), tryptophan (Trp), protein and FI. 图2(b)使用酪氨酸(Tyr),苯丙氨酸(Phe),色氨酸(Trp),总蛋白和荧光强度(FI)绘制的受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线用于检测胃恶性肿瘤。,DISCUSSIONS,The elevation of aromatic amino acids in gastric juice may be explained as foll

19、ows.First, malignant cells are extremely invasive, and they can synthesize and secrete many enzymes (e.g., matrix metalloproteinases, MMP and proteinases) that could degrade the basement membrane and extracellular matrix.,讨论,胃液芳香族氨基酸升高的机制如下:首先,恶性细胞的侵袭性极强,它们可以合成并分泌许多酶类(例如,金属基质蛋白酶 MMP和蛋白酶)降解基底膜和细胞外基质。

20、,DISCUSSIONS,Collagen fibers and elastin contain endogenous fluorophores (aromatic amino acid residues), which have fluorescence properties, and are rich in the basement membrane and the extracellular matrix.Therefore, the elevation of aromatic amino acids in gastric juice might be a phenomenon that

21、 results from degradation of basement membrane and extracellular matrix.,讨论,胶质纤维和弹性蛋白包括内源性荧光物质(氨基酸残留物),在细胞基底膜和细胞外基质的含量丰富。因此,胃液氨基酸含量的升高可能预示着基底膜和细胞外基质的降解。,DISCUSSIONS,Second, due to increased protein synthesis and rapid growth, more essential amino acids (especially for aromatic amino acids) may be up

22、-regulated in malignant tissue.Some cells show exfoliation or necrosis and release cytoplasm enriched with essential amino acids, which could enhance the aromatic amino acids levels in gastric juices.,讨论,第二,因为恶变组织蛋白质合成增加,生长加快,所以需要上调必须氨基酸(尤其是芳香族氨基酸)的表达。一些脱落或坏死的细胞释放必需氨基酸含量丰富的细胞基质,可以提高胃液芳香族氨基酸的水平。,DISC

23、USSIONS,Third, excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced during chronic immune activation around tumor tissue may interrupt the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine. Hence, the phenylalanine concentration increases.Moreover, amino-acid-metabolizing enzymes (e.g., indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase a

24、nd monoamine oxidase) that are expressed aberrantly in malignant cells, may affect the aromatic amino acids levels in gastric juice.,讨论,第三,在肿瘤组织周围发生的慢性炎性反应过程中产生的过多的活性氧簇(ROS)阻止了苯丙氨酸转化为酪氨酸。因此,苯丙氨酸的浓度升高。此外,氨基酸代谢酶(例如,吲哚胺2,3-双加氧酶和单胺氧化酶)在恶性组织细胞中表达异常,可能会影响胃液芳香族氨基酸的水平。,DISCUSSIONS,All the above causes could

25、 elevate the concentration of aromatic amino acids in the gastric juice of patients with gastric malignancies.,讨论,所有上述原因均可以提高胃恶性肿瘤患者胃液中芳香族氨基酸的含量。,CONCLUSIONS,Aromatic amino acidsingastricjuices could be used as potential diagnostic biomarkers to screengastricmalignancies. It is a less-invasive and economical method compared togastricbiopsy.,结论,胃液芳香族氨基酸可以作为潜在的诊断生物标记物用于筛查胃恶性肿瘤。这是一个比胃粘膜活检侵袭性更小和更经济的方法。,Deng K, Lin S, Zhou L, et al. Three aromatic amino acids in gastric juice as potential biomarkers for gastric malignancies. Anal Chim Acta. 2011; 694(1-2): 100-7.,Thanks for your attention!,


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