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1、at  once, Jumbo r ef used to move. Fi ft en poli cemen had to push ver y har d to get  him off  t he main street. The pol ice had a dif icul t ime, but they were most  amused. 'Jumbo must  wei gh a f ew tons,' said a policeman aft er war ds, 'so i t was fort unat

2、e that  we didn't  have t o car y hi m. Of  cour se, we should ar est him,  but  as he has a good r ecord, we shal  let hi m off  this t ime.'  Leson66 Swet as honey!  像蜜一样甜!  The Hathel d Puf fi n is a modern aer o- pl ane, but i ts designer

3、 , Mr  John Wi mpenny, is fi nding it  dif ficult to get  it  off  the ground. The reason for this is that hi s pl ane is also a bi cycl e.  It s pi lot has to pedal  har d to get  i t i nt o the ai r. After  Mr Wimpenny had t he plane buil t, it was test

4、ed thor oughl y.  I n 1961,  it  was t he f ir st man- power ed air cr af t to fl y half  a mi le. Whil e being f lown by a champion amateur cycl ist  i n 1963,  the pl ane crashed on an ai rf ield. Since then, Mr Wimpenny has had it  r ebuilt . He has had the leng

5、th of the wings i ncreased so that hey now measure 93 f et-almost  as l ong as t hose of  a Dakota. Many people have shown i nter est in t hi s new and unusual spor t.  But  t hough air  cycli st  may lear n how to fl y over shor t distances,  and may, eventual ly,

6、 even get acr oss the Engli sh Channel , i t i s doubt ful whether  t hey wil l ever  cycle acr oss the Atlantic.  Leson67 Vol canoes 火山  Haroun Tazief the Pol ish scient ist , has spent hi s lif e- ti me studyi ng active vol canoes and deep caves in al  par ts of the wor ld

7、. I n 1948,  he went to lake Ki vu i n the Congo to observe a new vol cano whi ch he later named Ki turo. Tazief f was abl e to set  up hi s camp very close t o the volcano whil e it was erupt ing violent ly. Though he managed t o take a number of  bri li ant photogr aphs,  he co

8、uld not  st ay near  the vol cano for very l ong. He not iced t hat a river of  li quid r ock was coming towar ds him.  I t hr eatened t o surr ound hi m completely, but Tazief managed to escape j ust i n ti me.  He wai ted unti l t he volcano became quiet and he was able t

9、o return two days l at er . This ti me,  he managed to climb i nt o the mout h of  Kit ur o so t hat he  coul d take phot ographs and measur e temperatur es. Tazi ef f has of ten ri sked his l ife i n this way.  He has been able t o tel us more about acti ve vol canoes than any m

10、an ali ve.   Lesson68 Persistent 纠缠不休  I  crossed the str et to avoid meeting him, but  he saw me and came r unning towar ds me. It was no use pretending that I  had not sen him, so I  waved to him.  I never  enj oy meeting Bert Dykes. He never  has anyth

11、ing to do. No mat er  how busy you are, he al ways insi st s on comi ng wi th you.  I had to t hi nk of a way of pr event ing hi m f rom f ol lowing me ar ound al l morning. 'Hul lo, Bert ,' I said. 'Fancy meet ing you her e !' 'Hullo, El izabeth,' Ber t answered. &

12、nbsp;'I  was just  wonder ing how to spend t he mor ni ng- unti l I saw you. You're not busy doing anything,  are you ?' No, not at al l,' I answered.' I'm going to.  .' 'Would you mind my coming wit h you ?' he asked, before I  had f inis

13、hed speaking. Not at al l,' I lied, 'but I'm going to t he dent ist.' ' Then I 'l l come wi th you, ' he answered.' There's al ways plent y to read in the 'wait ng r oom !'  l esson69 But not  murder!  并非谋杀!  I  was being test ed f

14、 or a dri vi ng l icence for t he t hi rd t ime. I  had been asked to dr i ve in heavy tr af fi c and had done so successfully. After  having been inst ruct ed t o dr ive out of  t own, I began to acquir e conf idence.  Sur e that  I  had passed, I  was almost begi

15、 nning to enjoy my test . The examiner  must  have been pl eased wit h my perf ormance,  f or  he smi led and said, 'Just one mor e thing,  Mr  Eames.  Let us suppose t hat a chil d suddenl y cr osses the road in f ront  of you.  As soon as I  ta

16、p on the window, I want t he car  t o be stopped immedi at el y. ' I  conti nued dr iving and after some ti me,  the examiner  t apped l oudly. Though the sound could be heard clearly, it took me a l ong ti me to r eact . I  suddenly pressed the br ake pedal  har d

17、and we were bot h thrown forward. The examiner l ooked at me sadl y.  'Mr  Eames,' he sai d,  in a mournful voice,' you have just  kil ed t hat chil d !'   leson70 Red f or danger 危险的红色  Duri ng a bul lf ight , a drunk suddenly wander ed i nt o the middl

18、e of t he r ing.  The cr owd began to shout, but the dr unk was unaware of the danger.  The bull was busy wit h the mat ador at the time, but it  suddenly caught  si ght of  t he drunk who was shouti ng r ude remarks and wavi ng a r ed cap. Apparent ly sensi tive to cri ti c

19、ism, the bull  f or got al l about the mat ador and char ged at he drunk.  The cr owd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk,  however , semed quit e sure of hi mse lf . When the bull  got  close t o hi m, he cl umsil y st epped asi de t o let i t pas. The cr owd br oke into cheers

20、and t he drunk bowed.  By this ti me,  however , t hr e men had come i nt o the ri ng and they qui ckly dr agged the drunk to safety. Even the bull  semed to fee l sor ry f or  him,  for  it  looked on sympatheticaly until  the drunk was out  of t he way

21、bef or e once mor e turning it s at enti on t o the mat ador.  Leson71 A f amous cl ock 一个著名的大钟  When you visit London, one of  t he f irst things you wi l  see is Big Ben, t he f amous clock whi ch can be heard al  over the wor ld on the B.B.C. If  the Houses of Parl i

22、ament had hot  been bur ned down i n 1834,  the great  clock woul d never  have been er ected. Bi g Ben takes i ts name fr om Sir Benjamin Hal  who was responsible f or t he making of  the clock when t he new Houses of Parl iament wer e being built . It is not  onl

23、 y of  imm ense size,  but  is ext remel y acur at e as wel.  Of ficials f rom  Gr enwi ch Obser vatory have t he cl ock checked t wi ce a day. On the B. B.C. you can hear the cl ock when it  i s actual ly st ri ki ng because mi cr ophones are connected to t he clock t

24、ower.  Bi g Ben has r ar el y gone wr ong. Once, however,  it  f ai led to give the corr ect tim e. A pai nt er  who had been wor ki ng on t he t ower hung a pot of pai nt on one of t he hands and sl owed it  down !   Lesson72 A car call ed Bl uebird “蓝鸟”汽车  The gr

25、eat  r acing dr i ver, Si r Mal colm Campbel , was t he fi rst m an t o dri ve at over 300 m il es per  hour.  He set up a new worl d r ecord i n Septem ber 1935 at Bonnevil le Sal t Fl at s, Utah.  Bl uebi rd, t he car he was dri vi ng, had been speci al ly bui lt for him . I t

26、was over 30 f eet in l engt h and had a 2500 horse- power  engi ne. Al though Cam pbel l r eached a speed of over  304 m iles per hour, he had gr eat di f icul ty i n cont roll ing the car because a t yr e burst duri ng t he f ir st run.  Aft er his at empt, Cam pbel l was di sappoi n

27、ted t o l ear n t hat hi s aver age speed had been 299 mil es per  hour.  However, a few days later, he was told t hat a mi st ake had been made. His average speed had been 301 mil es per hour . Si nce that  ti me,  r acing dr ivers have reached s peeds of over  400 miles an

28、 hour . Foll owi ng his father's footsteps many year s later, Si r Mal colm's son,  Donald, al so set  up a wor ld recor d.  Like hi s father , he was dr iving a car caled Bluebi rd.  Leson73 The record-holder 纪录保持者  Lit le boys who pl ay t ruant from school are unim

29、agi nati ve. A qui et  day's fi shing, or ei ght hours in a cinema seei ng t he same f ilm over and over agai n,  is usualy as far as t hey get.  They have al been put to shame by a boy who, whi le playi ng t ruant,  tr aveled 1600 mil es. He hit ch-  hiked t o Dover &nb

30、sp;and, towar ds evening, went i nt o a boat  t o find somewher e t o sl ep. When he woke up next  morning,  he di scovered that  the boat had, i n the meant ime, travel led to Cal ai s.  No one not iced t he boy as he cr ept of f.  From t here, he hitch-hiked t o Par i

31、s in a l or ry. The dr iver gave him a few biscuits and a cup of  cof fee and left  him just  out side the city. The next car the boy st opped di d not  take him  into t he centr e of  Paris as he hoped it  woul d,  but  to Perpignan on the Fr ench- Spani

32、sh border. There he was picked up by a policeman and sent  back to Engl and by the l ocal author it ies. He has surely set  up a record f or t he t housands of boys who dream of  evading school.  Leson74 Out of  the li melight 舞台之外  An anci ent bus st opped by a dry ri

33、ver  bed and a party of famous act or s and actr esses got  off . Dr essed in dar k glases and old clothes, they had taken speci al  precaut ions so that no one s hould r ecognize them.  But  as they soon discover ed, di sgui ses can someti mes be too perf ect.  'Th

34、is i s a wonderf ul place f or  a picni c, ' sai d Glori a Gleam.  ' It  couldn't be beter,  Glor ia, ' Br inksley Meer s agreed. 'No newspaper  men,  no fil m f ans!  Why don't  we come more oft en ?'  Meanwhil e,  two ot

35、her  act or s,  Rockwal l Sl inger and Merl in Greeves,  had car ri ed t wo large food basket s to a shady spot  under some trees. When t hey had al made themselves comfortable, a str anger  appeared. He l ooked very angry.  'Now you gut  out  of here, al

36、 of  you! ' he shouted:  'I 'm sher if f here. Do you see that  not ice ? It says“ No Camping“- in case you can't read ! '  ' Look, sheri f , 'said Rockwal l,' don't  be too hard on us.  I'm  Rockwal l Sli nger and this

37、is Mer lin Gr eves.'  ' Oh,  is i t ?' said the sheri f wit h a sneer.  'Wel , I 'm Br inksley Meer s,  and my other name is Glori a Gleam. Now you get  out  of here f ast ! '  lesson75 SOS 呼救信号  When a li ght  passenger pl ane fl

38、ew of f cour se some t ime ago, it cr ashed in t he mount ai ns and its pil ot  was kil led.  The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daught er s,  wer e unhur t.  It  was t he mi ddl e of  winter.  Snow lay thick on the gr ound.  The woman knew th

39、at he near est vil lage was mil es away. When it  grew dar k.  she t ur ned a suit case i nt o a bed and put t he children inside it,  cover ing them wit h al l t he clothes he coul d fi nd. Dur ing the ni ght,  it  got  t er ribly cold. The woman kept as near as she co

40、ul d to the chi ldren and even tr ied to get  into t he case her self , but i t was too smal . Earl y ,next mor ni ng she hear d pl anes pasing overhead and wondered how she could send a si gnal. Then she had an idea. She st amped out the leters' SOS' i n the snow. Fortunat el y,  

41、a pilot saw t he signal and sent a message by radio to t he near est own. It  was not l ong bef or e a heli copter ar ived on t he scene t o rescue the survivor s of  t he plane crash.  Lesson76 Apri l Fools Day 愚人节  'To end our special news bull et in,' said t he voice o

42、f  the televi si on announcer ,' we ar e taki ng you to the macaroni f ields of  Cal abr ia. Macar oni has been gr own i n this area for over  six hundred years. Two of t he l eading gr owers, Giuseppe Moldova and Ri cardo Brabante, t el l me t hat they have been expect ing a sple

43、ndid crop thi s year  and harvesting has begun earl ier than usual. Her e you can se t wo wor kers who,  bet wen them, have just f inished cut ting three car t-l oads of  gol den brown macaroni  stalks. The whol e vi l age has been wor ki ng day and night  gat heri ng and th

44、reshing this year 's cr op before the September  r ains. On t he r ight , you can see Mr s Br abant e hersel f.  She has been hel ping her husband f or  t hi rty year s now. Mrs Brabante i s t al ki ng to the manager of  t he l ocal factory wher e the cr op i s pr ocesed. Thi

45、s l ast scene shows you what wil  happen at the end of  t he har vest :  the famous Calabr ian macaroni -eat ing compet it on !  Signor  Fratel i, the pr esent  champi on, has won it ever y year since 1961.  And that  ends our speci al bul let in f or  to

46、day, Thursday, Apr il 1st. We are now returning you t o the studio.'  Leson77 A successf ul  operat ion 一例成功的手术  The mummy of an Egypti an woman who died in 800 B.C. has just had an operation. The mummy is that  of Shepenmut  who was once a si nger i n the Temple of Theb

47、es.  As ther e wer e st range marks on t he X- ray pl at es taken of the mummy, doctors have been tr yi ng t o find out  whet her the woman died of  a rare disease.  The only way to do this was t o operate. The operation, which last ed f or over  four hours, proved t o be ve

48、r y dif icul t because of the hard r esin which cover ed t he ski n.  The doct ors removed a sect ion of t he mummy and sent it  to a l abor at ory. They also found somethi ng which the X-r ay of the god Duamutef.  Thi s god which has the head of  a cow was nor mal y pl aced i ns

49、ide amummy.  The doct or s have not yet deci ded how the woman di ed. They fear ed t hat the mum my would f al l t o pi eces when they cut  i t open, but fort unat el y this has not  happened.  The mummy successf ul l y sur vi ved t he oper at i on.     Lesson78  T

50、he l ast  one? 最后一枝吗?  Af t er  r eadi ng an ar t i cl e ent i t l ed 'Ci gar et t e Sm oki ng and Your  Heal t h' I  l i t  a ci gar et t e t o cal m  m y ner ves.  I  sm oke d wi t h concent r at i on and pl easur e as I  was sur e t hat &n

51、bsp;t hi s woul d be m y l ast  ci gar et t e.  For  a whol e week I  di d not  sm oke at  al l  and dur i ng t hi s t i m e,  m y wi f e suf f er ed t er r i bl y.  I  had al l  t he usual  sym pt om s of  som eone gi vi ng up sm oki

52、ng:  a bad t em per at  once, Jumbo r ef used to move. Fi ft en poli cemen had to push ver y har d to get  him off  t he main street. The pol ice had a dif icul t ime, but they were most  amused. 'Jumbo must  wei gh a f ew tons,' said a policeman aft er war ds,

53、'so i t was fort unate that  we didn't  have t o car y hi m. Of  cour se, we should ar est him,  but  as he has a good r ecord, we shal  let hi m off  this  t ime.'  Leson66 Swet as honey!  像蜜一样甜!  The Hathel d Puf fi n is a modern a

54、er o- pl ane, but i ts designer , Mr  John Wi mpenny, is fi nding it  dif ficult to get  it  off  the ground. The reason for this is that hi s pl ane is also a bi cycl e.  It s pi lot has to pedal  har d to get  i t i nt o the ai r. After  Mr Wimpenny had

55、 t he plane buil t, it was tested thor oughl y.  I n 1961,  it  was t he f ir st man- power ed air cr af t to fl y half  a mi le. Whil e being f lown by a champion amateur cycl ist  i n 1963,  the pl ane crashed on an ai rf ield. Since then, Mr Wimpenny has had it  

56、;r ebuilt . He has had the length of the wings i ncreased so that hey now measure 93 f et-almost  as l ong as t hose of  a Dakota. Many people have shown i nter est in t hi s new and unusual spor t.  But  t hough air  cycli st  may lear n how to fl y over shor t distanc

57、es,  and may, eventual ly, even get acr oss the Engli sh Channel , i t i s doubt ful whether  t hey wil l ever  cycle acr oss the Atlantic.  Leson67 Vol canoes 火山  Haroun Tazief the Pol ish scient ist , has spent hi s lif e- ti me studyi ng active vol canoes and deep caves in al  par ts of the wor ld. I n 1948,  he wen


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