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1、Lecturer: Li Lin,Stomach meridian of Foot-yangming,Stomach Meridian of Foot-yangming,Starting place: lateral side of the nosePertaining organ:StomachConnecting organ: SpleenTerminating place: medial side of the great toe,Spleen meridian of foot-taiyin,经脉循行概况,体表:起于鼻翼旁,上行眼眶下缘,折回下行口角,在下颌角前分成两支,一支上额角,另一

2、支下沿颈前外下行缺盆,循乳中,夹脐旁两寸,经下肢前缘下行,止于足次趾外侧端。胫部支脉从膝下三寸至中趾外侧,跗部支脉从足背至足大趾内侧端,与足太阴脾经相接。体内:属胃,络脾。入上齿龈。,1. 经脉与脏腑器官的联系:,(二). 足阳明经脉循行要点,足阳明胃经起于鼻旁,主要循行面 部、颈部、腹部及下肢外侧前面。,2.循行要点:,属胃络脾,与口、鼻、齿、喉咙、 目、 乳房有联系。,Points on the channel of Foot-Taiyin,本经共45穴:承泣、四白、巨髎、地仓、大迎、颊车、下关、头维、人迎、水突、气舍、缺盆、气户、库房、屋翳、膺窗、乳中、乳根、不容、承满、梁门、关门、太乙

3、、滑肉门、天枢、外陵、大巨、水道、归来、气冲、髀关、伏兔、阴市、梁丘、犊鼻、足三里、上巨虚、条口、下巨虚、丰隆、解溪、冲阳、陷谷、内庭、厉兑。(重点掌握17穴),Summary of indications,1.面部疾病: 眼、耳、口、鼻、齿、咽疾病;2.头颈部部疾病: 头痛、头晕、咽喉肿痛、不适;3.胃肠疾病:胃痛、呕吐、腹痛、泻,便秘等;4.热病、神志疾病:热病、痫证、癫狂等;5.外经疾病:痿废不用、痛、麻、拘挛等;6.其他疾病:咳喘、胸胁支满、乳痈、遗精、早泄、疝气、水肿、月经不调、带下、脚气等。,本经穴极善治疗阳明头痛,亦善治全头痛,“实则阳明”,主治所有面部病,水道、关门善治水肿;陷

4、谷善治面浮水肿,“治痿独取阳明”,足阳明较手阳明意义更大。,Dicang(ST4) 地仓,Location: Directly below the pupil, about 0.4 cun lateral to the corner of the mouthIndications: Facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, salivation.Needling: Oblique or transverse insertion 0.5 cun, towards Jiache(ST6) or Yingxiang(LI 20).,Jiache(ST6)颊车【L

5、ocation】 On the prominence of the masseter, 1 cun anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible.【Indications】 Facial paralysis, toothache, facial spasms, mumps【needling method】 Perpendicular insertion for 0.3-0.5 cun, or transverse insertion towards Dicang (ST4),Tianshu(ST25)天枢Front-Mu point of

6、 the Large Intestine 【Location】 2 cun lateral to the umbilicus.【Indications】 Acute or chronic enteritis or gastritis, bacillary dysentery, paralytic ileus, appendicitis, abdominal pain and/or distention, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal muscle paralysis, dysmenorrhea (irregular and/or painful menst

7、ruation). 【needling method】 Perpendicular insertion 1-1.5cun,Liangqiu(ST34)梁丘Xi-Cleft point【Location】 On the thigh, in the depression 2 cun above the superior border of the patella, along its lateral margin【Indications】 Acute gastric pain, gastrospasms, diarrhea, diseases of the knee, acute mastitis

8、, mastodynia (breast pain)【needling method】 Perpendicular insertion 1-1.2 cun,Modern studies show that acupuncture on Liangqiu(ST34) can inhibit the peristaltic action of the stomach. Strong stimulation can rapidly reduce peristalsis.,Zusanli(ST36)足三里【Location】 Below the knee, 3 cun below Dubi(ST 35

9、) (the depression in the lateral patella ligament), one finger-breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. 【Indications】 1. 全身强壮要穴,常用艾灸能强身健体。 2. 胃肠病之主穴,如胃痛,呕吐,腹胀,泄泻,便秘,疳疾等消化系病证。 3. 咳嗽多痰,癫狂,妄笑,痫证。 4. 心悸气短,产后血晕,晕厥。 5. 膝胫痠痛,下肢不遂,脚气,水肿。 6. 乳痈。【needling method】 Perpendicular insertion 1-2 cun.,足三



12、有异:胃张力、胃蠕动频率、胃排空时间等。,对免疫球蛋白中的IgG、IgA亦有一定影响。,对唾液分泌亦有影响:使唾液淀粉酶含量显著增加。,肠功能便秘:促进排便;泄泻:止泄。,Fenglong(ST40)丰隆Luo-Connecting point【Location】 Lower leg, 8 cun superior and anterior to the external malleolus, one finger-breadths lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. 【Indications】 1.哮喘,咳嗽多痰(本穴为全身祛痰之要穴)。

13、2.头痛,眩晕,癫狂痫证。 3.下肢痠痛,痿痹。【needling method】 Perpendicular insertion 1-1.5 cun.,主治要点 脾胃病:腹胀,腹痛,泄泻,胃痛,便秘,呕吐。 头面五官病:目赤肿痛,口眼歪斜,齿痛,眼睑瞤动。 外经病:下肢痿痹,脚气,膝痛,乳痈。,特殊作用 天枢治大肠病、妇科病。 足三里治虚证。 丰隆治痰湿证。,操作要点 面部血管丰富,进针要慢,防止出血和引起血肿,一旦引起皮下出血及血肿,24小时内应局部冷敷,以止血,24小时后可局部热敷,以消瘀血。 腹部,上有肝胆、脾胃,下有膀胱肠道等器官,进针必须缓慢,直刺达到一定深度时,应少提插,避免刺伤腹腔器官。少腹穴孕妇禁刺,癃闭者禁直刺,一般病人针刺前应排空膀胱。,


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