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1、重庆大学 2013 级本科人才培养方案 勘查技术与工程专业本科培养方案 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in the Exploration Technology and Engineering 一、修业年限及授予学位名称 、 Length of Schooling and Degree 四年;工学学士 Four-year program, Bachelor of engineering 二、培养目标 、 Educational Objectives 本专业培养具有扎实的数学、地质学及力学等基础理论及 较系统的工程地质、勘察工程方面的基本知识、基本理论、

2、基本技能和方法的,能成为独立从事各种建设工程中的勘察、设计、施工、评价和管理等的具有广泛适应能力的高素质复合型勘查技术与工程高级专门技术人才。毕业生能在从事各类建筑场地的勘察与评价,地质灾害的调查、评价、监测与防治,地质环境的调查与综合评价等领域的高等院校、科研生产部门和管理部门从事教学、科学研究、科技开发和管理工作。 The goal of the program is to provide training that will enable participants to become senior technical personnel in Exploration Technology

3、 and Engineering. A trainer will aim to inculcate solid theories on mathematics, mechanics and geology, and professional knowledge in engineering geology, exploration technology and so on. Graduates in Exploration Technology and Engineering will be able to perform: (1) site inspection and evaluation

4、 in various types of construction site, (2) geological hazards investigation, evaluation, monitoring and control, and (3) survey and evaluation of geological environment. They will also be trained to undertake jobs in institutions of higher learning, scientific research and production departments an

5、d administrative departments engaged in teaching, research, technology development, engineering design, and construction management. 三、培养规格及要求 III、 Skills Profile 本专业学生通过系统的理论学习,掌握勘查技术与工程方面的基本理论和基本知识,接受科学研究的思维和实验训练,具有较好的科学素养。通过实践性环节的学习,参加社会实践和课外科技学术活动,掌握勘查技术与工程的基本技能和工作方法。初步具备生产、教学、科学研究、科技开发和工程建设管理的

6、基本 能力。 毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识、能力和素质: (1) 具有坚实的数学、力学和地质学基础。 (2) 系统掌握勘查技术与工程学科的基本理论、基 本知识、基本技能和方法。 (3) 具有运用勘查技术与工程理论和近 现 代科技手段,解决各类建设工程中的有关勘查技术与工程问题的基本能力。 土木工程学院 勘查技术与工程专业本科培养方案 (4) 具有认识和保护地质环境、评价和规划地质资源开发和地基基础、边坡治理、地质灾害治理结构设计的初步能力。 (5) 了解勘查技术与工程学科的理论前沿及技术发展动态。 (6) 掌握一门外语,能较熟练阅读本专业技术文献资料。 (7) 掌握计算机应用、程序设计和运用计

7、算机技术获得科技知识和信息的技能,初步具有运用计算机完成勘查技术与工程及其相关工作的能力。 (8) 掌握文献检索、 资料查询的基本方法。 (9) 了解体育的基本知识,掌握科学锻炼身体的基本技能,达到国家规定的大学体育的合格标准,身心健康。 Through theoretical study, the students will possess the basic theories and professional knowledges on Exploration engineering Geology and exploration engineering, receive skills t

8、raining on scientific thinking and experimental practice, and finally form a fine scientific literacy. By professiona practice course training, to participate in social practice and extra-curricular academic activities, the graduates are expected to have qualified ability in teaching, scientific res

9、earch, technology development and engineering construction management. The required knowledge and ability for the graduates are as follows: (1) Have a solid grounding in mathematics, mechanics and geology; (2) Grasp the basic theory and knowledge on exploration technology and engineering; (3) Have t

10、he basic ability of solving problems on exploration technology and engineering in various types of construction sites by using technology and theory of prospecting and modern scientific and technological means; (4) Have the preliminary ability of geological environment evaluation, geological resourc

11、e planning and development, the ability of performing design and treatment works of foundation, slope and geological hazards; (5) Grasp the theory front and technologies developments of exploration technology and engineering; (6) Master a foreign language and be able to read professional and technic

12、al literatures. (7) Be skilled in computer, have the skills of program design and the ability of obtaining scientific and technological knowledge from internet, be able to fulfill the engineering problems of prospecting projects; (8) Grasp the general methods about how to look up data and literature

13、, how to acquire the related information by means of modern information techniques; and (9) Know the basic knowledge of sport, master the basic skills of scientific exercise, and meet the state standards on college sports, be healthy physically and mentally. 四、主干学科和主要课程 IV、 Major Disciplines and Cou

14、rses 主干学科:地质工程 、土木工程 Major Disciplines: Geological Engineering, Civil Engineering 主干课程:矿物岩石学、水文地质学基础、 理论力学、材料力学 、 结构力学、 构造地质学、工程结构基础、土力学、岩体力学、工程地质学基础、工程物探、基础工程、地下水动力学、岩土工程勘察 Main Courses: Mineralogy and Petrology, Fundamentals of Hydrogeology, Classic Mechanics,重庆大学 2013 级本科人才培养方案 Material Mechanics

15、, Structural Mechanics, Structural Geology, Basic Principles of Engineering Structures, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mass Mechanics, Foundation of Engineering Geology, Engineering geophysics, Foundation Engineering, Hydraulics of Groundwater, Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering. 五、 研讨型 课程 V、 Seminer C

16、ourses 岩土工程勘察 , 工程地质学基础 Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation of Engineering Geology 六、 全英文课程 VI、 Foreign Language Taught Courses 七、 课程体系的构成及学分、学时分配和最低毕业学分 、 Hours/Credits of Course system and Minimum Graduate Credits 课程类别 学时 /周数 学分 学时比例 必 修 通识教育基础 936 58.5 34.82% 学科大类基础 496 31 18.45

17、% 专业主干 216 13.5 8.04% 集中实践环节 39 25.5 15.18% 选 修 文化素质 96 6 3.57% 通识教育基础 80 5 2.98% 学科大类基础 248 15.5 9.23% 专业选修 208 13 7.74% 最低毕业学分 168 八、集中实践环节及要求 、 Practical Training and Requirement 工程测量实习、 制图综合训练、普通地质 实习 、构造地质学课程设计、 工程地质 学基础实习、工程物探实习、土木工程施工课程设计、 基础工程课程设计、岩土工程勘察课程设计 、 生Type of Course Hours/Weeks Cre

18、dits Percentage (%) Required Courses Basic Course in General Education 936 58.5 34.82% Basic Course in General Discipline 496 31 18.45% Major Courses in Specialty 216 13.5 8.04% Internship and Practical Training 39 25.5 15.18% Elective Courses Culture Elective Courses 96 6 3.57% Basic Course in Gene

19、ral Education 80 5 2.98% Basic Course in General Discipline 248 15.5 9.23% Selective Courses in Specialty 208 13 7.74% Minimum Graduate Credits 168 土木工程学院 勘查技术与工程专业本科培养方案 产实习、毕业实习 、 毕业设计及毕业答辩。安排 40 周 。 Fieldwork Of Surveying In Civil Engineering, Engineering Drawing Training, Fieldwork Of General Ge

20、ology, Design Practice Of Structural Geology, Field Practice of Engineering Geology、 Engineering Geophysics Practice, Design Practice Of Civil Engineering Construction, Design Practice Of Foundation Engineering, Design Practice Of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Practice Of Graduation, Gradu

21、ation Design & Pleading. Arranging 40 weeks for this part. 九、 教学安排指导表 、 Table of Teaching Arrangement (一) 必修课 Required Courses 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Speci alty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总 学 分 Credits 总 学 时 Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课 Theory 实验 课 Experiment 上机 O

22、perating 通识教育基础课程 BasicCourses in GeneralEducation勘查技术与工程 Exploration Technology and Engineering67000625 形势与政策 Studies of Current Social Situations 2 32 32 01000920 中国近 现代 史纲要 Essentials of Modern History for Chinese 2 32 32 1 04033330 大学英语( 1) College English( 1) 3 48 40 16 1 10019750 高等数学( -1) Hig

23、her Mathematics( -1) 5.0 80 80 1 18012625 大学计算机基础 Fundamentals of Computer 2.5 40 24 32 1 20023110 新生研讨课 Freshman Seminars 1 16 16 1 25000110 体育( 1) Physical Education( 1) 1 16 32 1 67001420 军事课(含军事训练、军事理论) Military Theories 2 32 32 3 周 1 01000220 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ethics and Rudiments of Law 2 32 32 2 04

24、033430 大学英语( 2) College English( 2) 3 48 40 16 2 10001060 高等数学( -2) Higher Mathematics( -2) 6 96 96 2 10019035 大学物理( -1) College Physics( -1) 3.5 56 56 2 10020815 大学物理实验 The Experiment of College Physics 1.5 24 48 2 10025520 线性代 数( ) Linear Alagebra( II) 2 32 32 2 25000710 体育( 2) Physical Education(

25、 2) 1 16 32 2 01021230 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism 3 48 48 3 04033530 大学英语( 3) College English( 3) 3 48 40 16 3 10002040 大学物理( -2) College Physics( -2) 4 64 64 3 重庆大学 2013 级本科人才培养方案 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Speci alty 课程 编号 Co

26、urse Code 课程名称 Course Name 总 学 分 Credits 总 学 时 Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课 Theory 实验 课 Experiment 上机 Operating 10029830 概率论与数理统计( I) Probability & Mathematical Statistics 3 48 48 3 25000810 体育( 3) Physical Education( 3) 1 16 32 3 01001030 马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Basic Principle 3

27、48 48 4 04033630 大学英语( 4) College English( 4) 3 48 40 16 4 25000910 体育( 4) Physical Education( 4) 1 16 32 4 通识教育基础课程小计 Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Education 58.5 936 800 240 32 学科大类基础课程 BasicCourses in GeneralDiscipline勘查技术与工程 Exploration Technology and Engineering20018225 工程测量 Engineering

28、 Surveying 2.5 40 34 12 1 20025035 建筑制图与识图( I) Architecture Graphing and Graph Recognization 3.5 56 56 1 20023010 勘查技术与工程概论 Introduction to Exploration Technology and Engineering 1 16 16 1 20018620 理论力学 ( III) Classic Mechanics 2 32 30 4 3 20024320 普通地质学 General Geology 2.0 32 32 3 20024530 矿物 岩石学 M

29、ineralogy and Petrology 3 48 44 8 3 20018920 材料力学( III) Material Mechanics( III) 2 32 30 4 4 20030420 水文地质学基础 Fundamentals of Hydrogeology 2 32 32 4 20031230 构造地质学 Structural Geology 3 48 46 4 4 20001325 结构力学 (III) Structural Mechanics(III) 2.5 40 40 5 20019925 土力学 Soil Mechanics 2.5 40 36 8 5 20020

30、220 岩体力学 Rock Mass Mechanics 2 32 30 4 5 20032030 工程结构基础 Basic Principles of Engineering Structures 3 48 48 5 学科大类基础课程小计 Sub-total of Basic Courses in General Discipline 31 496 474 44 专业主干课程 MajorCourses in Specialty勘查技术与工程 Exploration Technology and Engineering20027130 工程地质学基础 Basic Principle of En

31、gineering Geology 3 48 48 5 20020330 基础工程( I) Foundation Engineering ( I) 3 48 48 6 20030825 地下水动力学 Hydraulics of Groundwater 2.5 40 40 6 20031125 工程物探 Engineering geophysics 2.5 40 36 8 6 土木工程学院 勘查技术与工程专业本科培养方案 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Speci alty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总 学 分 Credits 总

32、 学 时 Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课 Theory 实验 课 Experiment 上机 Operating 20031625 岩土工程勘察 Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering 2.5 40 36 8 7 专业主干课程小计 Sub-total of Major Courses in Specialty 13.5 216 208 16 必修课程学分合计 Total of Required Courses 103 1648 1482 300 32 (二) 选修课 Elect

33、ive Courses 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Specialty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总 学 分 Credits 总 学 时 Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课 Theory 实验 课 Experiment 上机 Operating 文化素质Culture文化素质教育选修课 Culture Elective Courses 6 通识教育基础选修 BasicElectiveCourses in GeneralEducation勘查技术与工程 Ex

34、ploration Technology and Engineering18012735 C 程序设计技术 * C Programming Technology 3.5 56 40 32 16 2 22000220 大学化学 ( )* College Chemistry( ) 2 32 32 2 22000105 大学化学实验 * College Chemistry Experiment 0.5 8 16 2 18015925 JAVA 程序设计技术 JAVA Programming Technology 2.5 40 32 16 5 通识教育基础选修课程小计 Subtotal of Basi

35、c Elective Courses in General Education 8.5 136 104 16 48 16 通识教育基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为 Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Education 5 80 学科大类基础选修 BasicElectiveCourses in GeneralDiscipline勘查技术与工程 Exploration Technology and Engineering15009625 电工学原理 * Principle of Electricity 2.5 40 32 1

36、6 3 19008720 房屋建筑学 ( ) Building Architecture ( ) 2 32 32 3 13034025 土 木工程材料 * Material of Civil Engineering 2.5 40 32 16 4 20013925 流体力学( ) * Fluid Mechanics( ) 2.5 40 36 8 4 20029320 地貌与第四纪地质学 * Geomorphology and Quaternary geology 2 32 32 4 20004120 弹性力学 Elastic Mechanics 2 32 32 5 重庆大学 2013 级本科人才

37、培养方案 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Specialty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总 学 分 Credits 总 学 时 Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课 Theory 实验 课 Experiment 上机 Operating 学科大类基础选修 BasicElectiveCourses in GeneralDiscipline20029715 工程 水文学 Engineering Hydrology 1.5 24 24 5 20020530 专业英语

38、* Specialized English for Exploration Technology and Engineering 3 48 48 5 20024020 结构分析中的有限元法 Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis 2 32 26 12 6 20005020 建筑结构 CAD CAD Computer Aid Design of Building Structures 2 32 22 20 7 200030120 结构抗震设计 Seismic Design of Structures 2 32 32 7 学科大类基础选修课程小计

39、Subtotal of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 24 384 348 40 32 学科大类基础选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为 Minimum Credits of Basic Elective Courses in General Discipline 15.5 248 专业选修 SelectiveCourses in Specialty勘查技术与工程 Exploration Technology and Engineering22016015 城市地下空间概论 Introduction of Underground Space

40、 1.5 24 24 5 20002230 土木工程施工( I) * Civil Engineering Construction( I) 3 48 48 6 20005215 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering 1.5 24 24 6 20005730 桥梁工程( ) Bridge Engineering( ) 3 48 48 6 20020025 房屋结构设计 Design of Building Structure 2.5 40 40 6 20028615 道路工程 ( ) Road Engineering 1.5 24 24 6 20006615 建设项目管理 Constr

41、uction Project Management 1.5 24 24 7 20007515 工程概预算 Engineering Budget 1.5 24 24 7 20007815 高层建筑基础设计 Design of Tall Building Foundations 1.5 24 24 7 20007915 地基处理 * Foundation Treatment 1.5 24 24 7 20019220 边坡工程学 * Slope Engineering 2 32 32 7 20020425 地下建筑结构 * Design of Underground Structure 2.5 40

42、 40 7 20032815 工程钻探 * Drilling Engineering 1.5 24 20 8 7 20029220 地理信息系统 Geographical Information System 2 32 24 16 7 专业选修课程小计 Subtotal of Selective Courses in Specialty 27 432 420 24 专业选修课程对学生的最低学分要求为 Minimum Credits of Selective Courses in Specialty 13 208 土木工程学院 勘查技术与工程专业本科培养方案 课程 类别 Type of Cour

43、se 专业 方向 Specialty 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总 学 分 Credits 总 学 时 Hours 课内学时 Hours 课外 实践 Prac tice 开课 学期 Semester 理论 课 Theory 实验 课 Experiment 上机 Operating 选修课程的最低学分要求合计 Total of Minimum Credits for Selective Courses 39.5 632 (三) 集中实践环节 Practical Training 课程 类别 Type of Course 专业 方向 Speci alty

44、 课程 编号 Course Code 课程名称 Course Name 总学分Credits 总周数 Weeks 课外 实践 Practice 开课 学期 Semester 必修 Required Courses 勘查技术与工程 Exploration Technology and Engineering20021010 工程测量实习 Fieldwork of Surveying in Civil Engineering 1 2 2 1 01000110 思想道德修养与法律基础实践 Ethics and Principles of Law in Practice 1 1 1 2 2000801

45、0 制图综合训练 Engineering Drawing Training 1 1 2 01021330 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论实践 Overview of Theoretical System of Maoism and Chinese Characteristics Socialism 3 3 3 3 20028010 普通地质学 实习 Fieldwork of Professional Cognition 1 1 1 3 20027810 构造地质学 课程设计 Design Practice of Structural Geology 1 1 4 20026410 工程

46、地质 学基础实习 Field Practice of Engineering Geology 1 1 1 5 20009110 基础工程课程设计 Design Practice of Foundation Engineering 1 1 6 20027710 工程物探 实习 Engineering geophysics Practice 1 1 1 6 20008310 土木工程施工课程设计 Design Practice of Civil Engineering Construction 1 1 6 20021245 生产 实习 Geological Field Practice 4.5 9 0 7 20028410 岩土工程勘察课程设计 Design Practice of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation 1 1 7 20021210 工程钻探实习 Drilling Engineering Practice 1 1 7 20027510 毕业实习 Practice of Graduation 1 1 0 8 20032860 毕业设计及毕业答辩 Graduation Design & Pleadin


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