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1、DIC的现状CURRENT ASPECT OF DIC, DIC不是一种独立的疾病而是一个由多种病因引起的出血性病理过程,其特征是微循环内发生广泛的纤维蛋白沉积和血小板聚集,导致弥漫性微血栓形成,继发性凝血因子和血小板大量消耗以及纤溶亢进,从而引起微循环障碍、出血与溶血等一系列严重的临床症状。国际血栓与止血学会的DIC定义:DIC是多种原因与成分引起的全身性血管内凝血过程。DIC的病理变化主要在微血管,并引起微血管病变,严重时可导致脏器功能障碍。,Underlying Conditions Associated with DICBasic disease ratio of the diseas

2、e to all (%)Infection diseases 36.94Obstetric complications 24.81Malignancies 24.21Surgery and trauma 4.34Iatrogenic factor 1.45Other factors 8.25,DIC is characterized by the increasing loss of localization or compensated control in coagulation activation.,DIC pathogenesis is not just related to “co

3、agulation gone haywire,” but fully involves all components of the inflammatory and innate immune response.,不同原因DIC的临床特征,不同疾病引起的DIC的临床表现不同。败血症DIC易发生肾脏损害;早期以组织缺血为特征,然后才有明显的出血。创伤后DIC可能表现有成人呼吸窘迫综合征。APL引起的DIC主要表现为出血。,弥散性血管内凝血诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2012),临床表现:因原发病不同而差异较大1出血:特点为自发性,严重者可发生危及生命的出血。2休克或微循环衰竭:早期即出现肾、肺、大脑

4、等器官功能不全。3微血管栓塞4微血管病性溶血,弥散性血管内凝血诊断与治疗中国专家共识(2012),DIC的实验室检查包括两方面,一是反映凝血因子消耗的证据,包括(PT、APTT、纤维蛋白原浓度及血小板计数;二是反映纤溶系统活化的证据,包括FDP、D一二聚体、3P试验。,国际血栓与止血学会的分步骤分级诊断标准1诱发因素:患者是否有与DIC有关的基础疾病?如果有,继续以下步骤;如果没有,不再继续2一般的凝血试验(血小板计数,PT,纤维蛋白原,sFM或FDP)3对一般的凝血试验结果进行积分血小板计数(100 = 0;3sec但6sec = 2)纤维蛋白原水平(1.0g/l = 0;5:符合DIC;每

5、日重复做检测如5:提示(但不肯定)为非显性DIC;每12日重复检测,麻省大学医学中心对DIC的常用指标的评价检测指标 敏感性(%) 特异性(%) 诊断效率(%)1 单个试验血小板计数 97 48 67PT 91 27 57APTT 91 42 57TT 83 60 70Fbg 22 100 65AT 91 40 70 FDP 100 67 87D-D 91 68 80破碎红细胞 23 73 512 联合试验(几个试验均为阳性)PT+APTT+TT 83 11 51 PT+APTT+Fbg 22 100 65PT+APTT+FDP 91 71 86FDP+D-D 91 94 95,D-二聚体在D



8、指南(2009),The cornerstone of the treatment is treatment of the underlying condition. Transfusion of platelets or plasma should be reserved for patients with bleeding. Severe hypofibrinogenaemia may be treated with fibrinogen or cryoprecipitate. In cases of DIC where thrombosis predominates, heparin s

9、hould be considered. Patients with DIC characterised by a primary hyperfibrinolytic state and who present with severe bleeding could be treated with lysine analogues.,意大利DIC治疗指南(2012),The treatment of the underlying disease. We do not suggest the use of AT or rFVIIa. Heparin or LMWH is not suggested

10、 except for thrombo-embombolic prophylaxis in patients without active bleeding. In patients with sepsis/DIC we suggest the use of hr APC. In patients with DIC and active bleeding we suggest transfusion therapy (platelets, plasma, cryoprecipitate). In patients with chronic DIC or without active bleed

11、ing we do not suggest transfusion therapy based only on laboratory parameters.,Expert consensus for the treatment of DIC in Japan, 2010,In asymptomatic or bleeding DIC, LMWH, synthetic protease inhibitor (SPI), and AT are recommended. In case of severe bleeding, SPI is recommended since it does not

12、cause a worsening of bleeding. Blood transfusions are also required in cases of life threatening bleeding. In the organ failure type, including sepsis, AT has been recommended. DIC with thrombosis and may thus require strong anticoagulant therapy, such as LMWH, UFH, and DS.,DIC and hyperfibrinolysis

13、 in acute promyelocytic leukemia,Zhaoyue WangJiangsu Institute of HematologyThe Affiliated Hospital of Soochow UniversityChina,Alterations of SFC, FDP and D-dimer in APL patients n SFC(mg/L) FDP(pg/L) D-Dimer(pg/L)Control 40 49.716.4 215.363.2 177.143.9DIC 15 958.6202.3* 764.497.8* 151662788 * Non-D

14、IC 35 316.9195.4* 322.8175.2 23661135 DIC corrected 6 376.7123.6* 366.9113.7 25791679 Compare with control,*P005,*P001, * P 0001;Compare with DIC,P005,P001,P 120s,TT 15.8s,Fg 3.1g/L,血小板165109/L。拟诊为DIC。追问病史,因10年前瓣膜置换每日服用华法林(近半年为3mg/d),未作监测。,晚期肝硬化的凝血改变,男,52岁,晚期肝硬化肝功能衰竭,牙龈出血,皮肤少量瘀斑。APTT48.2s,PT31.4s,TT

15、19.1s,纤维蛋白原0.87g/L,凝血酶原31%,因子42%,因子22.7%,因子104%,因子64%,因子37.8%,56.6%。,VOD,女,22岁。ALL化疗后复发3次,接受来自母亲的半相合骨髓移植。术后第5天出现腹痛、腹胀、黄疸与肝肿大;体重每日增加10斤。全身皮肤粘膜广泛出血。T-BIL 84.5mol/L,ALT 1820 U/L, AST 2670U/L,LDH 2880 U/L。APTT 45.4s,PT 35.4s,TT 23.4s,Fg 1.03g/L,AT 38%,D二聚体3.18 mg/L,F:C 18%,F:C 4%,F:C 91%,F:C 23%,ADAMTS1

16、3 100%,Murine coagulation factor VIII is synthesized in endothelial cells,The primary cellular source of FVIII biosynthesis is controversial, with contradictory evidence supporting an endothelial or hepatocyte origin. Lman1 mutations result in combined deficiency of FV and FVIII, with levels of both

17、 factors reduced to 10% to 15% of normal in human patients. Endothelial cells from multiple, but not all, tissues contribute to the plasma FVIII pool in the mouse. Blood. 2014;123(24):3697-3705,女,2岁,外伤性肝破裂。入院后经大量输血、纤维蛋白原并给予重组活化因子与血凝酶等止血药物。经保守治疗后出血停止,恢复进食,一般情况良好,但凝血检查测不出,纤维蛋白原明显降低,抗体凝血酶水平与血小板计数正常。拟诊为DIC。,The diagnosis and treatment of DIC remain extremely controversial. Diagnosis and treatment DIC: Guidelines of the Italian Society for Haemostasis and Thrombosis, 2012,由于医疗卫生的改善,近年来DIC的发病率明显下降, 2004年为41.6/10万人,2010年已降至21.2/10万人,但死亡率没有显着的变化。 Singh B. Chest. 2013;143(5):1235,THANK YOU,


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