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1、看不见的威胁 沉寂中的杀手Invisible threaten, silent murderTongji Hospital of Tongji University Wang Le-min同济大学附属同济医院 王乐民,Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Pulmonary embolism (PE) 肺栓塞,Character: 特 点 concealment 隐蔽性 high morbidity: 高发病率 incidence of DVT in Dept. of surgery and internal medicine is 56 fatal outcome 常常致命,

2、深静脉血栓形成,DVT 静脉血栓形成,Hyperfunction of Blood clotting凝血功能亢进,Slow blood flow 血 流 缓 慢,Damage of Vein静脉壁损伤,DVT,Thrombosis血栓形成,Extend血栓延伸,DVT深静脉血栓栓塞,Defluxion 脱落Ambulation 迁移,PE肺栓塞,Death死 亡,Etiology of Heritage Thrombosis,遗传性易栓症的病因,1、Deficit of anticoagulation 抗凝缺陷,2、Deficit of fibrolysis 纤溶缺陷,3、Deficit of

3、 Metabolism 代谢缺陷,4、Hyperfunction of blood clotting凝血功能亢进,Acquired thrombosis and risk factor 获得性易栓症及其危险因素 Trauma (创伤) Operation(手术) Caging (制动) Aging(增龄) Malignant tumor (恶性肿瘤)Gravidity(妊娠) Heart failure(心功能衰竭) Dropsical nephritis(肾病综合症) Oral contraceptive agent(口服避孕药),DVT:importance 问题的重要性,DVT 2 00

4、0 000,Post thromb syndrome,PE 600 000,Death 60 000,PAH 30 000,Low:age40,small Operation,no other risk factors,Hierarchy of risk for VE in surgical patients 外科病人静脉血栓危险分层(ACCP),Medium:age40,big operation,no other risk factorsHigh: age40,big operation,has another risk factor (MI, tumor, hypercoagulabal

5、e state)Very high:age40,operation combining multi risk factors (Cancer, stroke, serious trauma, spine damage),Precaution for thromb before & during operation,and at least 5 weeks after operation,DVT 40%80% (proximum deep vein15%50%) mortality of PE 0.30.5,Lack of precaution for high risk patients 高危

6、病人未作预防,Incidence of PE in hospitalized patients PE在医院病人中的发生率,age(years),Annualy incidence %,PE:main cause of death in US美国死亡的主要病种,Mortality of Embolism diseases is higher than sum of AIDS, breast cancer and traffic accident in US Disease Annual mortality PE 200 000 AIDS 13 426 BC(乳腺癌) 40 200 Traffic

7、 accident(高速公路灾难) 41 800 unexplained event(意外事件) 97 835 CAD 459 841,Autopsy research of Fuwai Hospital阜外医院尸解研究报道: 900 cases PE above segment occupied 11% among all the CVDs,PE: Autopsy research of Asia亚洲尸体解剖研究,8 published researches: Chinese HK 3 Japan 3 Singapore 1 Tailand 1 (19581994),Incidence of

8、 fatal PE: Chinese HK 4.7 Japan 6.0 close to western countries(4.013.0),PE: Autopsy research of Asia亚洲尸体解剖研究,Fatal or contributory PEin autopsy studies尸解研究中的致死性PE,20,10,6.0,0.2,13.0,4.0,Asian studies,Western studies,PE: Autopsy research of Asia亚洲尸体解剖研究,Incidence of fatal and non-fatal PE is close to

9、 western countries Incidence of PE in Asian countries tends to be higher,Problems in China国内目前存在的问题 (1),1、缺乏足够的流行病学资料2、不同医院、科室及医生对血栓预防的认识存在较 大差异3、医生依靠临床经验,远多于应用以循症医学为依 据的指南进行工作,Problems in China目前存在的问题(2),4、对高危病人,也未充分实用预防措施5、需要易操作的早期识别方法,需要简单、易操作 的危险分级方案和防治指南,Strategy 对 策(1),提高医生和病人对于静脉栓塞疾病的认识 更多的国内

10、流行病学资料 继续教育:静脉栓塞疾病的危险性、诊 断方法和血栓预防指南 危险评估:使用更简单的方法 预防措施:对不同危险分级的病人进行 疗效利益评估,Strategy 对 策(2), 加强学科间联系和交流,建立对静脉栓塞疾病立体化 的防治网络 心内科、血管外科、呼吸内科、急诊科、 监护中心、普通外科、骨科、肿瘤科、 妇产科、泌尿外科、老年科,Strategy 对 策(3), 充分发挥多学科专家的咨询、指导作用 提出观点比较明确、内容比较具体、措施比 较可行的早期识别和“预防指南”,供国内 广大医院与 医师参与使用,Conclusion: VE is around us! 静脉栓塞就在我们身边,

11、 一种常见与遗传与环境相关静脉血栓性疾病 高发病率、高死亡率、高误诊率 是无声而潜在的杀手 多数可以预防和治疗 我们已经做的,比我们应该做的少得多 情况已有所改善,PE Management after Operation术后发生PE如何对应,Etiology of Acute PE急性肺栓塞发生机制与相关脏器,Shape形 状,Concentrate and reflux 集中回流否,Degree of PA clog阻塞肺A程度,Clinical type临床类型,VE静脉血栓,Indication of interventional therapy 介入性治疗的适应症 (1)seriou

12、s and acute PE (2)unstable homodynamic (3)thrombolytic therapy fail or taboo (4)PCPS taboo (5)skilled doctors for catheter operation,Category of interventional therapy 介入性治疗方法的种类Per cutem catheter thrombolysis 经皮导管溶栓术,RU pulmonary artery showed BF defectunder Pulmonary arteriography肺动脉造影可见右肺中下叶动脉血流缺

13、损,Imaging of Pulmonary arteriography during thrombolysis by UK用尿激酶溶栓期间肺动脉造影图像,BF of pulmonary artery showed smooth after thrombolysis溶栓后,右肺中、下叶动脉血流畅通,Per cutem thromb-suction operation 经皮导管吸栓术,Before clot suction 血栓抽吸前,After clot suction血栓抽吸后,Clot sucked by catheter导管吸出的血栓,Thromb-crashed operation b

14、y per cutem catheter and guide wire经皮导管、导丝、球囊碎栓术,Selective opacification for RU CA by 7F PTCA guide catheterRU pulmonary artery showed BF defect7F右冠PTCA导引导管选择造影,右肺上动脉血流缺损,Pulmonary arteriography by 5F pigtail catheterRU pulmonary artery showed BF defect5F猪尾导管肺动脉造影,可见右肺上动脉,血流缺损,Imaging after thromb-c

15、rashed OP by 7F guide catheter and wirecontrast agent could pass by partly,Floating clot appeared clearly(arrow marked)7F导引导管和泥鳅导丝碎血栓后造影,造影剂可部分通过,浮游血栓清晰可见(箭头所指),Image after thromb-smashed operationfloating clot in RU Artery has disappeared and BF smooth碎栓术后造影,右上动脉浮游血栓消失,血流通畅,Pre,After,After,Pre,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,(mmHg),58.3,39.6,n=12,n=12,0,1,2,3,4,5,4.1,4.8,PASP,SD,(l/min),Effect of suction operation through catheter for acute PE 急性PE导管吸栓术的效果,Thank you!,


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