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1、 1 威 海 市 外国专家需求信息手册 威海市人力资源和社会保障局 2018.03 目 录 2 山东凯丽特种纸股份有限公司 .1 山东樱聚缘农业科技发展股份有限公司 .4 天润曲轴股份有限公司 .6 威高集团有限公司 .8 威海 晨源分子新材料有限公司 .10 威海高德船艇有限公司 .12 威海海朝机械有限公司 .14 威海弘顺生物科技有限公司 .16 威海口腔医院 .18 威海浦源食品有限公 司 .26 威海市正大环保设备股份有限公司 .28 威海威仕泰医疗科技有限公司 .30 威海文润测控设备有限公司 .32 山东威海职业学院 .36 文登市凯程机械有限公司 .40 1 2018 年 高层

2、次外国专家需求表 REQUEST FOR EXPERTS 用人单位名称及地址 Name and address of requesting organization /company 山东凯丽特种纸股份有限公司 Shandong kaili specialty paper co., ltd 山东省荣成市河阳东路 198 号 NO.198 heyang east road rongcheng city shandong 联系人 Person to be contacted 职务 Position 于彦凤 Yu Yanfeng 总工 General Engineer 电话 Tel 传真 F ax

3、0631-7572758 0631-7571946 用人单位的主要工作领域,业务范围(含主要产品产量) Main areas of organization/company activity 工作领域:造纸及纸加工 主要产品:防伪纸、艺术纸、艺术包装纸、涂布纸和充皮纸等特种纸 产量:年产量 5 万吨 3 台国产纸机: ZWQ29A 1575mm 短长网纸机、 ZW24 1760mm 长网多缸纸机、 1880mm长网多缸纸机 3 台加工纸机: 1760mm 涂布纸机、 1575mm涂布纸机、 1092mm涂布机 Work field: papermaking and paper converti

4、ng Products: security paper, art paper, art wrapping paper, coated paper, leatherette paper and other special paper. Annual output: 50,000 tons Machine-made paper production line 3 and the converted paper production line 3: ZWQ29A 1575mm PM, ZW24 1760mm fourdrinier multi-cylinder PM, XZM404 1880mm f

5、ourdrinier multi-cylinder PM, 1760mm coating machine,1575mm coating machine and1092mm coating machine. 2 项目名称 Project: 造纸及纸加工技术 The technology of papermaking and paper converting 需解决的主要问题 Nature of activity requested (project description) 1.涂布纸的印刷发花主要是哪些因素导致的?应该如何避免? How to avoid the printing proble

6、m (eg, mottling) of coated paper? 2.印刷相关知识的介绍,不同类型的颜料涂布的纸对印刷性能的影响。 The knowledge of printing: the influence to the printing with diffident coating pigment. 3.彩色涂料废水处理的相关方法 The method of colored coating wastewater treatment. 4.介绍一两种比较精确的涂布量在线检测方法 Please introduce one or two method to test coat weight

7、 on -line 5.涂料在线消泡设备的介绍 Please introduce some defoaming equipments on line. 6.表面施胶对纸张掉粉问题的影响以及控制方法(表面施胶剂、净化、其他影响因素)。 Which factors of surface sizing( eg. surface sizing agent, water quality) may cause surface pick (or pull-up) of paper, and how to control them. 7.我厂使用商品浆(无自制浆系统),但三台纸机生产不同品种,如何最大限度回用

8、白水和全厂综合排放废水(电导率高、有时含有增白剂)。 In our mill ( use commercial pulp as raw material, without pulping system) there are three paper machines, they usually produce different kinds of paper, how to reuse whitewater and waster water(high conductivity, and sometimes contain fluorescent whitening agent) to the m

9、aximum. 8.封闭涂层技术。 Please introduce some technology of coating to make porosity of paper zero. 9.木浆发泡技术及泡沫抄纸技术。 Please introduce the low pollution foaming process of pulp, and how to make paper product with it. 10.电气绝缘纸的生产技术及纸张中氮含量的控制技术。 Please introduce some technology of electrical insulating paper

10、, and how to control nitrogen content of paper. 11.可吸湿放湿的全热交换材料生产技术。 Please introduce some technology of the heat exchange material that can absorb and desorb moisture and be made of paper. 12.医疗级透析纸生产技术 Please introduce the technology of medical dialyzing paper. 需达到的预期目标或指标(请填写技术数据或对产品改进的数据要求) Assi

11、gnment target 需达到目标:可使产品质量达到客户需求。 Assignment target: The quality can meet customersneed. 3 专家来华具体日期(年 /月)及期限 Assignment target data (start/end),and duration 2018 年 10 月 10 日至 10 月 20 日 From October 10th to October 20th, 2018 具体工作地点 Location of assignment 中国山东省荣成市山东凯丽特种纸股份有限公司 Shandong Kaili Specialt

12、y Paper Co., Ltd, Rongcheng city, Shandong, China 对专家的要求(专业,语言等) Expert qualification required (professional linguistic, etc) 希望聘请在造纸或工业用 纸加工方面有一定技术或经验的专家,会说英语。 We want to invite an expert who have a lot of technique and experience in industrial paper making or converting. He( or she) can speak Engl

13、ish. 其它有关情况 Other information (专家工作条件及交通食宿条件,如办公室、翻译、技术助手,住房有无空调、能够提供洗衣服务) 便利的工作和生活条 件。 Convenient work and living conditions. 4 2018 年 高层次外国专家需求表 REQUEST FOR EXPERTS 用人单位名称及地址 Name and address of requesting organization /company 山东樱聚缘农业科技发展股份有限公司 Shandong Yingjuyuan Agricultural Science and Technol

14、ogy Development Stock Company Limited 山东省威海市临港区汪疃镇王家产村 Wangjiachan Village, Wangtuan Town, Weihai International Port Economic and Technological Development District, Weihai City, Shandong Province 联系人 Person to be contacted 职务 Position 王仙林 技术经理 Sharelinwang Technical manager 电话 Tel 传真 F ax +86 13176

15、482769 +86 06315298677 用人单位的主要工作领域,业务范围(含主要产品产量) Main areas of organization/company activity 山东樱聚缘主要从事 现代苹果矮砧集约高效栽培、苹果良种苗木繁育 、果品加工和 旅游观光采摘等业务 。目前拥有苹果园 1200 亩;苹果苗木繁育基地 600 亩; NFC果汁厂正在建设中,预计 2018 年底投产,年产 8000 吨;旅游观光采摘区 300 亩,包含樱桃园和桃园各 30 亩。 目前主要产品: 苹果: 4000 吨每年 苗木: 200 万棵每年 Yingjuyuan is mainly engage

16、d in the high efficiency cultivation of the modern dwarf apple, the breeding of apple cultivar trees, fruit processing and sightseeing and picking. Currently, there are apple orchard 1,200 mu and apple trees breeding base 600 mu. NFC fruit juice factory is under construction. It is expected to start

17、 production at the end of 2018 with an annual output of 8000 tons. The tourist and sightseeing area is 300 mu, including the cherry orchard and the peach garden each 30 mu. Main products for now: Apples: 4000t/Year Nursery trees :2000,000/Year 5 项目名称 Project: 矮砧密植苹果综合管理技术提升项目 The synthesis managemen

18、t technology improving project.of drawf apple 需解决的主要问题 Nature of activity requested (project description) 1.矮砧苹果高效修剪技术 The technology of high efficient prunning of drawf apple 2.矮砧苹果疏花疏果技术 The technology of thinning of drawf apple 3. 矮砧苹果高效水肥管理技术 The technology of high efficient water fertilizer man

19、agement of drawf apple 4.苗木繁育高效水肥管理技术 The technology of high efficient water fertilizer management of drawf apple trees 需达到的预期目标或指标(请填写技术数据或对产品改进的数据要求) Assignment target 1.苹果商品率提高 10%以上 The commodity rate of products is increased by more than 10% 2.苗木出圃合格率提高 5%以上 The qualified rate of apple trees is

20、 increased by more than 5% 专家来华具体日期(年 /月)及期限 Assignment target data (start/end),and duration 2018 年 3 月 -5 月 March-May ,2018 具体工作地点 Location of assignment 威海市临港区汪疃镇 Wangtuan Town, Weihai International Port Economic and Technological Development District, Weihai City 对专家的要求(专业,语言等) Expert qualificati

21、on required (professional linguistic, etc) 专注于矮化苹果生产和苗木繁育工作,英语流利。 Specialized in dwarf apple trees breeding and apple producing, speak fluently English. 其它有关情况 Other information (专家工作条件及交通食宿条件,如办公室、翻译、技术助手,住房有无空调、能够提供洗衣服务) 我们会提供良好的食宿和办公环境。 We will provide good accommodation and office environment. 6

22、 2018 年 高层次外国专家需求表 REQUEST FOR EXPERTS 用人单位名称及地址 Name and address of requesting organization /company 天润曲轴股份有限公司 山东省威海市文登区天润路 2-13 号 Tianrun Crankshaft Co., Ltd No.2-13 Tianrun Road, Wendeng City, Shandong Province, P.R.China 联系人 Person to be contacted 职务 Position 慈惟红 Ciweihong 项目工程师 itern-engineer

23、电话 Tel 传真 F ax 13475109911 0631-8982396 用人单位的主要工作领域,业务范围(含主要产品产量) Main areas of organization/company activity 天润曲轴股份有限公司是以生产“天”牌发动机曲轴为主导产品的中国规模最大的曲轴专业生产企业之一,同时生产汽车铸件、涨断连杆等产品。生产的“天”牌曲轴被认定为“中国公认名牌产品”,成为潍柴、东风康明斯、上汽、一汽锡柴、大柴、玉柴、上柴、哈东安等国内著名主机厂首选整机配套产品,并随主机远销 20 多个国家和地区,部分系列型号的产品以及铸件产品,直接出口韩国、印度、土耳其、英国、意大利

24、、日本、美国等国外著名公司。天润公司拥有完善的营销网络体系,国内设立200 多家区域重点代理与专卖商, 产品覆盖全国 31 个省市区,主导产品市场占有率达30%以上。 2013 年曲轴产量超过 17 亿元。 Tianrun Crankshaft Co., Ltd. is one of the largest professional crankshaft manufacturers in China, whose main product is Brand TIAN Crankshafts, auto casting parts and fracture split con-rod.Brand

25、 TIAN crankshaft is regarded as “ Chinese Public Famous Products” , and becomes the first option for the OEMs, such as Weichai Power, Dongfeng Cummins, SAIC, FAW Wuxi Diesel Engine Works, Dalian Diesel Engine Works, Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Company Limited, , Harbin Dongan Automotive Engine Manufact

26、uring Co., Ltd., etc. and the main products has been expanded to more than 20 countries and regions with the original engine, and some series and casting parts has even been imported to South Korea, India, Turkey, Britain, Italia, Japan and U.S. Tianrunhas the perfect marketing network system, and s

27、et up over 200 important regional agents and wholesalers, and the product has covered 31 provinces across the country, above 30% of market has been occupied by the main product. 2013 crankshaft output of more than $ 1.7 billion. 项目名称 Project: 提高球墨铸铁曲轴扭转疲劳强度 Improve torsional fatigue strength of nodu

28、lar cast iron crankshaft. 需解决的主要问题 Nature of activity requested (project description) 优化表面淬火或氮化工艺,提高曲轴扭转疲劳强度 ;优化油孔口加工工艺,提 高曲轴扭转疲劳强度;其它提高曲轴扭转疲劳强度的方法(不得影响曲轴使用)。 Modify process of surface quench or nitrogen to improve torsional fatigue strength of crankshaft;Modify process of oil hole to improve torsio

29、nal fatigue strength of crankshaft;Other method to improve torsional fatigue strength of crankshaft. 7 需达到的预期目标或指标(请填写技术数据或对产品改进的数据要求) Assignment target 曲轴扭转疲劳强度提高 30以上或达到钢轴水平。 Crankshaft torsional fatigue strength increase at least 30% or reach to the level of steel crankshaft. 专家来华具体日期(年 /月)及期限 As

30、signment target data (start/end),and duration 由双方协商确定 Determined by mutual agreement 具体工作地点 Location of assignment 天润曲轴股份有限公司 山东文登 Tianrun Crankshaft Co., Ltd Shandongwendeng 对专家的要求(专业,语言等) Expert qualification required (professional linguistic, etc) 专业:精通曲轴、连杆的设计或制造,具有锻 造、铸造、热处理、机加工及金属材料疲劳知识。 Profi

31、cient Design or manufacturing of Crankshaft, connecting rod, With forging, casting, heat treatment, machining and metal fatigue knowledge 要求语言:英语 /中文 Language: English/Chinese 其它有关情况 Other information (专家工作条件及交通食宿条件,如办公室、翻译、技术助 手,住房有无空调、能够提供洗衣服务) 公司为专家提供独立的办公场所,办公场所宽敞明亮,环境宜人,空调、电脑、电话、打印机、传真机、饮水机、沙发等

32、设施齐全。楼内设有烟感及自动喷淋灭火装置。 公司为专家提供具有三层交换功能的 1000MIN TERNET 网,骨干层采用国内最先进主干交换机 Big hammer 400,背板采用先进的 CROSSBAR 技术,提供 128 Gbps 的内部交换速度。汇聚层采用支持三层交换的 Flex Hammer 24。 公司可以为专家提供 3000 平方米的实验室。实验室引进了一大批国外 先进的检测设备,保证专家试验的顺利进行。 Company provides experts with independent office space, which is spacious and bright and

33、 the environment is pleasant. There are all kinds of facilities, such as air condition, computers, telephones, printers, electrograph, water dispenser, sofa and so on. There are smoke detectors and automatic sprinkler installations inside the building. Company provides experts with 1000MIN TERNET ne

34、twork which owned the three layers exchange function. The backbone layer adopts Big hammer 400,which is the most advanced backbone exchanger. The backboard adopts advanced CROSSBAR technology which provides 128 Gbps internal exchange speed. Convergence layer adopts Flex Hammer 24 which supports thre

35、e layers exchange. Company provides experts with 3,000 square meters laboratory. Laboratory introduced a large number of foreign advanced testing equipments to ensure the expert s test smoothly. 8 2018 年 高层次外国专家需求表 REQUEST FOR EXPERTS 用人单位名称及地址 Name and address of requesting organization /company 威高

36、集团有限公司 WEGO Holding CO.,LTD. 联系人 Person to be contacted 职务 Position 项泽逸 Daniel Xiang Staffing Manager 固定电话 Tel 手机 MOB 0631-5622105 15588688379 电子邮箱 EMAIL 用人单位的主要工作领域,业务范围(含主要产品产量) Main areas of organization/company activity WEGO Holding CO.,LTD. was established in 1988 with USD3000, starting from d

37、isposable infusion se and becoming a leading company in the medical device industry today. Now the registered capital is 1.2 billion yuan (USD180 million) ,it has 9 sub-group and more than 50 subsidiaries, more than 20,000 employees , over 500 kinds of medical device products and 80,000 specificatio

38、ns. WEGO instant on relying on technological innovation to instead import, cooperating with Chinese academy of sciences, Chinese academy of engineering, military academy of medical sciences and other units to establish production, research and develop international advanced technology. WEGO break fo

39、re ign monopoly on more than 100 kinds of products, more than 30 kinds of products were listed in the national project, 3 projects won national awards. In 2016, the sales revenue was 33.6 billion yuan(USD5 billion). 项目名称 Project: 1体外诊断、医学影像设备、输注泵、监护仪、医疗材料研发 项目 IVD, imaging medical devices, infusion

40、&injection pump, monitor and medical material industries research and development projects 2.海外并购基金项目 International buyout fund projects 3海外市场拓展 International market business development 需解决的主要问题 Nature of activity requested (project description) 1. 体外诊断、医学影像设备、输注泵、监护仪、医疗材料等领域新产品研发、工艺改进、技术合作 IVD, im

41、aging medical devices, infusion&injection pump, monitor and medical material industry new product research and development, technology improvement, and technical cooperation. 2. 海 外 并 购 、 投 后 管 理 工 作 International project mergers and acquisitions, post-investment management. 3.全球海外市场、医疗器械产品的销售和市场拓展 Medical devices product sales and marketing development in international market.


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