Translation Under The Impact of East-West Cultural Differences【开题报告】.doc

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1、毕业 论文 开题报告 英语 Translation Under The Impact of East-West Cultural Differences 一、选题的背景和意义 As is known to all, there has great development of cultural exchanges between countries in the world in the 21st century. In the cultural exchanges between different ethnic groups, the translation played a crucia

2、l role, because it is a media for people of different languages and cultural backgrounds communicating with each other, exchange of ideas, the approach of mutual understanding , and through the mechanism of the transformation language to connect their own culture and the exotic cultural bridge. Thus

3、, translation and culture, is inseparably related.Translation is to convey the essence of culture. As a result, scholars have made a lot of rearch on cultural differences and translation effects, conflict and integration, and have made a large number of academic reports. The research aims to talk ab

4、out the effects of East-West cultural differences on translation and analyse some used translation ways. And to make a conclusion of how to make a good translation to lessen our cultural gap, and to deepen our communication. Due to the totally different developing background, the difference of East-

5、West culture lie in thinking,social customs, personal values and codes of conduct. One expert once said that “Language is a specific form of communication tools to express the thinking, The formation of the concept of human is the commencement of reasoning. Language needs to have the form of package

6、 to consolidate and interpretations out.” As from one language to another, translation is of the conversion activities, the role in the way of thinking. Therefore, thinking is the basis of language conversion, which determines the language the specific way of thinking conversion will inevitably be l

7、imited. Different ways of thinking not only affect both Chinese and English language conversion,but also two cultures co-translation, thus affecting Chinese-English translation practice. The famous American translation theorist Eugene. Nida, in his Theories of Translation,states: “The role of langua

8、ge in culture and in the culture meanings, idioms with the meaning of such a universal, so that without careful consideration on the linguistic and cultural background of the case, any text can not be properly understood “.Nida states that “It is the mistakes in cultural assumptions that causes the

9、most serious errors occuring in translation and interpretation,rather than caused by improper because of the unproper words. Different cultures brings different personal values, different ideological basis and different world views. Chinas traditional values dont allow the personal interests above t

10、he group, so the Chinese people like to say “who“ has always been particular about the collective consciousness,so as not to engage in individualism. But the American have always flaunted a personal struggle, the pursuit of personal values. So that translators should make a correct and excellent tra

11、nslation based on the understanding of the different personal values and codes of conduct between two different cultures. According to our translation industry development, we are familiar with several translation methods. The first is Yan Fus translation principles of faithfulness, expressiveness a

12、nd elegance. In the following decades, Chinese translators are deeply influenced by this theory. The faithfulness here refers to express the main concept of an article, paying importance to what dose the work say rather than how does it say. The expressiveness means the translator consummate the tra

13、nslation after digest of the resource work and have a good understanding of it. In addition, make some explanatory notes when somewhere is difficult. The highest level is elegance, is to perfect the translation from the target language. Furthermore, a very popular translator in western countries is

14、Nida. Nidas functional equivalence is the first theory that was introduced into China after the opening-up of academic circles. The theory not only brings fresh air to Chinese translation industry, but also infuses new blood into the translation theories. It is defined in terms of the degree to whic

15、h the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language. No translation is ever completely equivalent. A number of different translations can in fact represent varying degrees of equivalence. This means that “equival

16、ence” cannot be understood in its mathematical meaning of identity, but only in terms of proximity, i.e. on the basis of degrees of closeness to functional identity. In 1964, Nida pointed out 4 main principles in Towards a Science of Translation: true to the original,vivid , smooth and natural, equi

17、valence of response。 No doubt, equivalence of response is the key. In addition, there are two basic expects in translation which are domestication and foreignization. The choice of domestication and foreignization is a flexible and dynamic process, not completely opposite, or the other, mutually abs

18、olutely exclusive. Successful translation of the event should be made between these two strategies with scientific thinking, in order to achieve a better cultural exchange and dissemination purpose. Whether naturalization or alienation, subjected to many factors, should serve to a better translation

19、. Always, language translation has the national and local color. Translation must be in accordance with the specific context of the situation to determine its significance. After the comparison of the two languages and cultures, try to guarantee for the original contour, or the equivalent. So that r

20、eaders can have the same or similar feelings. Generally speaking, approach to cultural factors, translation strategies may generally be divided into two methods: domestication and foreignization. Both in fact are not contradictory, but a different tropiom . What is of Importance is how to make scien

21、tific choices between the two during the process of translation. The choice of domestication and foreignization is a flexible and dynamic process, not completely opposite, or the other, mutually absolutely exclusive. Taking many translations for examples, we can find many cultural factors make influ

22、ence on and many translation ways are used. Generally speaking, we can distinguish the obvious cultural diversity in the translation of idiom and phrases and proverbs, translation of rhetoric, translation of the association of specific figures. Different people share different ideas about Yan Fus tr

23、anslation theory and Nidas functional equivalence. Zhao Zhiying states her opinion about the measurement criteria of functional equivalence and other theories and whether the translation methods can be available during translation. She believes that from the definition, the functional equivalence in

24、cludes semantic functional equivalence and stylistic functional equivalence. There are semantic differences between Chinese and English due to the cultural difference. Firstly, there are some words in a language that have no equivalent words in another language. For example, cowboy. Secondly, In bot

25、h languages, certain words appear to refer to the same thing or a concept actually refers to two different things. Thirdly, for some objects or concepts in one language, there are only one or two expressions, while in another language where there are a variety of expression, that is, things and conc

26、epts that have a more subtle difference. Fourthly, the basic meaning of certain words is almost the same, but the derived meaning of these words may have great difference. On the one hand, Ren Qiang thinks that the functional equivalence of Nida is rich in content and is exhaustive; the majority of

27、the translator will always have a practical reference value. On the other hand, he puts forward the deficient of Nidas functional equivalence. One is the translator changes the original information according to his/her own understanding. The other is it obscures the cultural differences between diff

28、erent languages. Objectively speaking, it has played the role of cultural naturalization. He points out the correct models of cultural transmission. To sum up, when deal with cultural elements, the translator often use the following several modelsthe Go-ahead Model, the Block Model, the Integration

29、Model, the Adaptation Model and the Annotation Model. At the present, cultural communication between East-West countries is going on depths. Therefore, how to make a successful translation to lessen the cultural gap is of great significance. Due to cultural differences, there are four main reasons r

30、usulting in translation errors: first, the lack of in-depth understanding of the difference of the observation and thinking in English-Chinese people , and we are accustomed to the literal meaning of translation; second, English-Chinese peoples associations and cultural differences in understanding

31、of ambiguous symbolism, resulting in the wrong association expressions; third, Translators have very little understanding of Anglo-American nations religious beliefs and their history and culture. Forth, The scarcity of knowledge of Anglo-American nation, geographical, political and cultural life .A

32、nd we can not understand the semantics of the English sentence, or pragmatic meaning. At the same time the author also believe that the handling of cultural phenomena or translation, currently and mostly is the usage of two ways , dissimilation (transliteration + comment) and the naturalization. Eit

33、her dissimilation or naturalization, faithful to the original translation must be the first principle or standard. It is proved the necessity of inter-sentence translation according to the results of the study between English and Chinese, which has a certain semantic features and stylistic features.

34、 The use of inter-sentence translation includes dealing with independent clauses and dealing with dependent clauses two principles. To sum up, the translation is the conversion between different languages. The conversion was proceeded in the comparison of languages. We should overcome the difference

35、s in the process of translation between English and Chinese, not only familiar with the language of two forms,but understand the obstacles which posed by culture difference behind the language. As a result, we should make full attention to cultural factors, attention to their differences and similar

36、ities. Whats following, translators must make a analysis of the choose of the means and strategies of translation in order to make a better translation and intercommunication. Whats more,Mr. Wang Zuoliang has said:“ Translators must be a real intellectual.“(王佐良,1989: 78) Language translation is not

37、only between the conversions, but also cultural exchanges from cross-cultural point of view. Only by fully understand the cultural differences between East and West, understand the true meaning of the words, grasp the causes and scale of translation, translators can make their translation closer to

38、the target one and more natural. 二、研究目标与主要内容 (含论文提纲) The subject mainly talks about the impact of East-West Cultural Differences on translation and analyse different translation theories, then recommend nowadays how to carry out a successful translation, by combination with the situation. The outlin

39、e of the paper: 1. Introduction 1.1 The introduction of current situation of more frequent cultural communications(for the purpose of economic, polotics,culture,etc.). 1.2 The introduction of specific cultural differences between East and West. (aspects like differences in thinking,social customs, p

40、ersonal values and codes of conduct) 2. Different Cultural Factors in The Effect of The Process of Translation 2.1 The introduction of several well-known translation strategies. 2.2 Learn the effects of cultural diversity on translation from three aspects. 2.2.1 Translation of idiom and phrases and

41、proverbs. 2.2.2 Translation of rhetoric. 2.2.3 Translation of the association of specific figures. 2.3 Analyse the translation ways used in the given examples. 2.4 Conclusion 3. How to carry out a successful translation combined with the differences. 3.1 The characteristic of current translation. 3.

42、2 Peoples views on a better and right translation. 3.3 My view on current translation 三、拟采取的研究方法、研究手段及技术路线、实验方案等 First I looked up many books from school library and copy the materials that will be needed in the paper. Then I surfed the Internet for other materials. I looked other peoples opinions

43、about their views on translation. Last, I share my own suggestion and made a conclusion. 四、参考文献 1 Baker. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation StudiesM. London and New York.: Routledge, 2001. 2 Eugene A. Nida. Language, Culture and Translating M. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,

44、1993, 116-130. 3 Nida. Theories of TranslationJ. 上海:上海外国语学院 学报, 1989. 4 Ren Qiang. Some Considerations on Functional Equivalence J. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(Social Science Edition), 2004, (01):33-35 5 Shuttleworth 2. In late November, 2010: Finish the worksheet; 3. In mid-Decembe

45、r, 2010: Finalize literature review; 4. In late December, 2010: Finish the thesis report; 5. January February, 2010: Finish the first draft; 6. In mid-March, 2011: Finish the second draft; 7. In late April, 2011: Finalize the thesis; 8. May, 2011: Defend the thesis. 六、研究的预期目标及主要特点及创新点 The research a

46、ims to talk about the effects of East-West cultural differences on translation and analyse some used translation ways. And to make a conclusion of how to make a good translation to lessen our cultural gap, and to deepen our communication. Some information I got from a lot of materials and my personal opinion will be connected in the paper.


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