An Analysis of the Application of Polite Languages in Business Negotiation【毕业论文】.doc

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1、 本科毕业论文 ( 20 届) 英语 An Analysis of the Application of Polite Languages in Business Negotiation 外语学院学生毕业论文独创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在导师的认真指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的研究成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人或集体已经发表的学术成果,也不包含为获得浙江万里学院或其它教育机构的学位证书而使用过的材料。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体, 均已在文中以明确方式表明。如本文涉及上述声明及任何知识产权纠纷,本人将承担一切责任。 学生签名:日期: Abs

2、tract After Chinas entry into the WTO, the connection between China and the world has been strengthened. Meanwhile, trade disputes increase inevitably. Under this situation, polite languages as a strategy of business negotiation may reduce trade disputes. This study aims to reveal the importance of

3、polite languages in business negotiation and explore proper way to apply polite languages strategies, thus improve the rate of success in international business negotiation. This study explores polite languages from two perspectives, the natural behaviour based on Leechs politeness principles and th

4、e social behavior based on language skills like careful listening, polite but clear debating, etc. Although there are a number of related studies about polite languages skills and strategies, there are still some details and application styles is need to be exploration, and its value is still worth

5、promoting. Key Words: polite languages application strategy business negotiation 摘 要 自从中国加入世界贸易组织后,中国与整个世界的联系更加紧密。同时,也不可避免地增加了贸易争端。在这种情况下,就需要用谈判来解决争端,礼貌用语作为一种谈判策略,有利于减少贸易争端。该论文旨在从英语礼貌用语策略的角度揭示礼貌用语在国际商务谈判中的重要性,从而增进中国企业在国际商务谈判舞台上的成功率。本文从两方面来研究礼貌用语,一方面以利奇礼貌原则为基础 的自然表现,另一方面用认真倾听和礼貌而又清楚争论等语言技巧为基础的社会表现。纵然

6、目前有相当一部分的研究在挖掘礼貌用语的技巧和策略,其细节和应用的方式方法场合仍值得探究,其应用价值仍值得推广。 关键字 :礼貌用语 运用策略 商务谈判 Contents 1 Introduction .1 2 Polite Languages and Business Negotiation: Definition and Relation 2 2.1 Definition of Business Negotiation .2 2.2 Definition of Polite Languages . 3 2.3 The Effects of Polite Languages in Busine

7、ss Negotiation .4 3 Application of Polite Languages in Business Negotiation .6 3.1 Application of Sincere Natural Principle in Business Negotiation .6 3.2 The Social Behavior of Applying Polite Languages to Business Negotiation.9 4 Conclusion .12 Works Cited . 14 Acknowledgements 1 An Analysis of th

8、e Application of Polite Languages in Business Negotiation 1 Introduction Under the background of economic globalization, Chinas foreign trade develops rapidly. At the same time, because of the policy of Chinas reforming and opening, there has been a rapid development of Chinas economy. However, unde

9、r such circumstances, the trade disputes between countries also increase. Therefore, facing with the fierce competitions among the world in nowadays, it is more necessary to settle the trade disputes properly. As a strategy in business negotiation, polite languages play an important role (Liu Yuan,

10、2011). Reasonable application of polite languages may help the variety of trade disputes be settled. In order to keep a good relationship with customers both at home and abroad, it is important for the negotiators to acquire proper application of polite languages, which attracts many specialists joi

11、ning in this research field. In the field of polite languages research, Leechs politeness principles, Brown and Levinsons “face” theory are influential and widely acknowledged. Although there are some shortcomings of these theories, it is beneficial to analyze the influence of polite languages in bu

12、siness negotiation. Therefore, this study will analyze the application of polite languages through their theories. The aim of this study is to explore the role of polite languages played in business negotiation and the way of how to apply them properly and effectively, so as to reduce the disputes i

13、n business negotiation, and promote the development of global business. This study contains four parts. First of all, it is an introduction to polite 2 languages. The second part is about the basic concepts of business negotiation and polite languages, and the effects of polite languages in business

14、 negotiation. The third part is about how to apply polite languages in business negotiation. As to the last part, it is a conclusion to the whole study, and there is also a brief introduction between the cultural difference and polite languages. 2 Polite Languages and Business Negotiation: Definitio

15、n and Relation In order to have a good understanding of polite languages applied in business negotiation, it is necessary to know the basic concepts of business negotiation and polite languages. Only when people understand the concepts well can they be better to analyze the application of polite lan

16、guages in business negotiation. As we all know, with the rapid development of foreign trade, the trade disputes between countries also increase. This requires business negotiation to settle the disputes in most cases, during which the application of polite languages is necessary and often have a gre

17、at effect. Sometimes whether polite languages are used properly or not may relate to the business negotiations success or failure. 2.1 Definition of Business Negotiation Negotiation is one of the most important parts of international business activities. It is “a process in which two or more parties

18、 aim to settle what each shall give and take in transaction between them.” (Sokolova & Szpakowicz, 2006, p. 289) Although there are many different forms about negotiation, the main aim of negotiation is to promote trade successful. In addition, Zhang Jiguo (2010) deems that business negotiation is a

19、 behavior process of reaching an agreement between negotiators, with the purpose to obtain economic interest and satisfy their own economic demand through information exchange. 3 Besides, business negotiation is a bilateral information disseminate behavior, with the purpose of facilitate transaction

20、s and settle the disputes in business negotiations, thus to maintain themselves economic interest (Xu Pengfei, 2006). Politeness may not be the most important factor in business negotiation, but if without it some unnecessary troubles may occur. Business negotiation is a way of communication. Throug

21、h the business negotiation, both parties can understand each others idea and share the information. The reason why business negotiation exists is that both parties have common interests, so business negotiation is inevitable. At the same time, business negotiation is beneficial to the development of

22、 the companies. 2.2 Definition of Polite Languages Polite languages are that people frequently used to show respect and friendship in some occasions. It is a way of keeping a good relationship with people. Li Xinxia (2009) pointed out that polite languages mean a strategy for the negotiators used to

23、 achieve some particular goals. For example, a negotiator intents to express his disagreement on an issue, he may say “I cant accept your idea” or “I am sorry to tell you that it is hard for me to accept your idea”. Obviously, the former one is firmed and strong, and may affect the subject, while th

24、e later disagreement with polite language sounds more acceptable. Therefore, politeness may offer other party a chance to adjust the opinion, and this is benefit to achieve win-win situation. Furthermore, polite languages can be divided into two parts. One is a sincerely behavior to the speaker, whi

25、ch is ones natural behavior. The other is a skill of politeness, which is ones social behavior applied in some business negotiation. Fore example, “please” is a polite word, which means someone demand somebody to do something with politeness. It is a standard social language, but it may gives people

26、 an impress of strong tone. While “will you please” is more sincere and emotional, the way of this speaking is politely. See two examples in table one. 4 Table 1. Two Parts of Polite Languages natural politeness with sincere social politeness with language skills A Will you please repair the compute

27、r to me? Please repair the computer to me. B Will you please show me the book? Please show me the book Source from Bu Changqing (2007) From these two examples in Table 1, we can see that the left column is more sincere. Through using question sentence, it gives people a good impression from heart, r

28、ather than a skillful expression of politeness. Although the right column is also politeness, but it gives people another impression. It is just a skill of expressing politeness. What more, it may lead to a different result to the same thing, though these two expressions of politeness are a little d

29、ifferent. Too much use of imperative sentence in negotiation may sound unnatural, while question sentence like “will you please” is easier to be accepted and better to express their requirements. 2.3 The Influence of Polite Languages in Business Negotiation The relationship between business negotiat

30、ion and polite languages are interactional. The proper use of polite languages is of vital importance to the business negotiation. Especially in some negotiation occasions, proper use of polite languages means half success. Polite language is benefit to settle the trade disputes. The business negoti

31、ation and polite languages are complementary to each other. This will be helpful to accommodate to the complex business negotiation environment in the future. 5 In business negotiations, polite language is one of the main factors to know more about others information. Whats more, it is beneficial to

32、 settle some business disputes. Zhang Aiwen and Zhang Dejiang (1995) suggest that politeness in business negotiation is benefit to both parties interests, while impoliteness may lead to the failure of business negotiations. In addition, “Politeness is an integral part of affective conversational beh

33、avior, as impoliteness exhibits negative feeling towards the hearer, and may hurt the hearers feelings or make the hearer angry.” (Gupta, et al, 2007, p. 204) When there existing the contradictions in the business negotiations, polite languages can help deepen the understanding of each other. In add

34、ition, it is beneficial to promote long-term cooperation. Liao Ying (2004) deems that correct use of polite languages may promote the effect of negotiations and accelerate the realization of negotiating goals. Jin Xiaodong (2007) considers that polite languages could be used as a negotiation strateg

35、y to define ones position and get rid of some unnecessary responsibilities, which is a benefit to ones own interests. However, improper use of polite languages may also leave people a bad impression. Certainly, too much polite languages may leave an impression of pretense to others. While Brown and

36、Levinson (1987) point out a different theory to the polite language, stating that the “face” is linked to the politeness. Brown and Levinson (1987) consider that the politeness is used to maintain the “face” during the negotiation. Whereas some specialists (1994) disagree to this opinion, holding th

37、at the value orientation of the Brown and Levinson pointed out is not just maintain the “face”, there are also some other advantages, such as help to create a harmonious atmosphere for negotiation and promote partnership. In their opinion, some unknown areas about effects of polite languages are needed to explore in future. In addition, different use of polite languages may have different effects to the


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