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1、 第 1 页 共 9 页 英语七年级上册知识点归纳 Unit 1 1、 Good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上 /下午 /晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚上告别) 2、 glad / nice to meet / see you 见到你很高兴 (回答也一样) 3、 welcome to + 地点 欢迎来到 (回答: Thank you 或者 Thanks) 4、 let s + V(原) 让我们做 5、 stand up 起立 sit down 坐下 6、 this is- 这是 (用于介绍第三者的用语) 7、 How do you do ?你好 (回答

2、也是: How do you do ? ) 8、 How are you ? 你好吗? Fine ,thank you .and you ? 很好;谢谢;你呢? I m OK / I m fine , too . 我也很好。 9、 see you = see you later = see you soon = good-bye 再见 10、 excuse me 打扰一下;请问 11、 I m -= my name is - 我是 12、 be from = come from 来自 eg He is from Cuba=He _ _Cuba. Are you from England?= _

3、you _ _England? Who is the letter from? = Who _the letter _ _? I am from Canada. (提问 ) _ are_ _? 13、 in English 用英语 Whats this _English? Can I sing this song _Japanese? 14、 Can you spell it ? Yes / No 你能拼写它吗? 能 /不能 15、 Thank you (very much) = thanks( a lot) (非常 )谢谢 回答: Thats OK/Thats all right/You a

4、re welcome/ Not at all.(不用谢;别客气 ) 注: all right=OK (好的,行,可以 ) Youe right=Thats right =Right(对) Youre wrong= Wrong (错 ) 16、 years old 岁 17、 telephone number 电话号码 QQ number QQ 号码 ID number 身份证 18、 the same (相同的) 反义词是 different (不同的) the same +单名 (相同的 ); different+复名(不同的 ); a different +单名 (一个不同的 ) eg.T

5、hey are in the same _(school) , but in different _(grade). Im in Class One, but he is in a different _(class) , Class Five. 例 : We are in the same_( grade), but we are in different _(class) 19. a/ an 的用法: an 用在元音前, a 用在辅音前。 _apple _ egg . _eraser. _orange . _idea. _English car, _ old man . _ “ f” ,

6、_“u” , _office worker , _good idea, _desk 20. 可数名词的复数 P113 photo_ zoo_ Man_ snowman_ woman_ fish _ knife_ foot_ Mouse_ Chinese (中国人 )_ Japanese(日本人 )_ baby_ family_ box _ bus _ class_ 下列词后 + 可数名词复数: some ,any , many , how many , a lot of . a pair of,数字(大于 1)等 。 pants. trousers, glasses ,shoes, 常以复数形

7、式出现, 用作主语时,谓语用复数;他们前有 pair/pairs of 时,其后谓语的单复数由pair 的单复数决定。 eg. My shoes_(be) old, This pair of shoes _(be) old. The two pairs of shoes _(be) old . 代词也有复数 : I _ you_ he/she/it_ this_ that_ Am/is _ (1) I am a student (变为复数) _ _ _ (2) Are you a farmer? (变为复数 ) _ _ _? ( 3) It is an orange (变为复数 ) _ _ 第

8、 2 页 共 9 页 _(4) Are those apples? (变为单数 ) _ it _ _? 21. 不可数名词: hair food rice fish (鱼肉 ) chicken (鸡肉 ) meat milk water juice tea(茶 ) orange(橘汁 ) salt fun(乐趣) breakfast lunch supper. 不可数名词的用法:前不可用 a/an, 其后没有复数。 用作主语时,谓语用单数。其前可用 some, any, much ,how much , a lot of , a bottle of , a glass of ,a kilo o

9、f , a cup of , a bowl of (一碗 ) eg. My hair _( be) long My favorite food _(be) fish Do you have a water?(改错 ) Would you like some milks? (改错 ) food 指食物 种类 时有复数 foods. eg.His foods _(be) rice and bread. fish 指鱼的 条数 时是可数名词,且单复同形。 eg. There are three _(fish) in the glass. He often catches(捉 )_(fish) in

10、the river(河 ) fish 指时鱼肉是不可数名词。 eg, Help yourself to some _(fish). Would you like _( have) some _(fish)? Yes, _.No,_ 22. and 与 with (和 ) , and 是连词 , A and B 充当主语时, 谓语用复数, A with B 充当主语时, 谓语与 A的单复数一致 . With 是介词 其后代词用宾格 Tom and I _(be) students. Tom with _( I) _(be) a student. I ofen go to school with

11、_( she) With(有 ) sb +be +形容词 +with . (描述长相 ) eg He is tall_long hair Tom is stong _short legs have/has (有 ) 动词, 句子中充当谓语 eg. They _good teachers (变为否定句 ,一般疑问句 并回答 ) Maria _a box (变为否定句 ,一般疑问句 并回答 ) 句型: 1. What is your name ? 你的名字是什么? 2. Where +be + 主语 + from? 某人来自于哪里?(回答:主语 +be+地点) Where are you from

12、? I am from quanzhou. 3. How old + be + 主语? 某人几岁? (回答: 主语 + be + 数字 ) 例: How old are you ? Im forteen. 4. What is your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少 ? (回答: My telephone number is-或者 Its -) 注意:读出号码的时候要 逐个读出 。 5. What class / grade +be + 主语 + in ? 某人在哪一个班级 /年级? 例: what class are you in ? I am in Class F

13、ive. (注意: Class 和 Five 需要大写) what grade are you in ? I am in Grade Seven.(注意: Glass 和 Seven 需要大写) 6. What s this/ that (in English) ? 这是什么? (回答: Its a/an + 单数名词 . 这是) What re these/ those (in English) ? 这些是什么?(回答: Theyre + 复数名词 这些是) 7. How do you spell it ? 你怎么拼写它? E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. (注意拼读方法 ) Uni

14、t 2 1、 sb + has/ have ( an /a ) + adj + 五官 = sbs 五官 is / are + adj (描述长相 ) 例: Lily has a small nose. = Lilys nose is _ My eyes are big=_ _ _ _. 2、 I know = I see 我明白了 3、 That s right =youre right =Right 那是对的 4、 look the same (看起来一样 ) look like 看起 来相像 look different 看起来不同 例: Jim and Lilei look the sa

15、me.= Jim looks _ Lilei. They look different=They_look _ _ 5、 look at + n 看某物 look for +n 寻找某人 /某物 look after +n 照顾某人 例 : please look _ the Picture 1 Do you usually look _yourslf? 第 3 页 共 9 页 6、 both 两者都 all 三者或者三者以上都 Both 和 all 位于 be 动词或情态动词后,位于行为动词前。 Both of +宾格 /the+复名。 Both and 连接并列主语时,谓语用复数 例: W

16、e are _ students.=Both of _are students They _ have black eyes.= Both of_ Have black eyes We can both speak English. Both of the parents are workers= The parents _ _workers Both Tom and I _(be) farmers Both KangKang and LiPing _(speak) Chinese. 7、 give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物 给某人; (注意:如果 sth是 it

17、或 them,只能用前者 give it/them to sb) eg. Please give this book _Maria=Please _Maria _ _ Can I give Jane this pencil?=Can I _this pencil _Jane Please give it to her 不能说 Please give her it. 类似短语: buy/ sing/ cook /carry sb sth= buy/sing/cook/carry sth for sb 为某人买 /唱 /提某物 My moher often buys me new shoes=My

18、 mother often _new shoes_me Can you sing the students a song= Can you _a somg _the students? Ill carry them some water=Ill _ some water_them 8、 have different looks = look different 有着不同的长相 (看起来不相像 ) have the same look. =look the same 有着相同的长相 (看起来很相像 ) the same +单名 (相同的 ); different+复名(不同的 ); a diff

19、erent +单名 (一个不同的 ) eg.They are in the same _(school) , but in different _(class). Im in Class One, but he is in a different _(class) , Class Five. They dont look the same= They _ _=They have_ _ 9、 over there 在那边 come in 请进 go out 出去 10、 in + 颜色 或 in a/an/the +颜色 + 衣服 表示穿着颜色的衣服 常常接在名词的后面,表示穿 -颜色衣服的 如

20、 the girl in red is my sister The woman_a yellow dress is Miss Chen The man _black is Mr Wang 对 “ in + 颜色 或 in a/an/the +颜色 + 衣服 ”用“ which+名词 ”提问 如 The boy in green is LiLei (提问 ) _ _is LiLei? The woman in a blue skirt is Janes mother. (提问 ) _ _ _Janes mother? “sb +be+in+ (a/an/the ) +颜色 + (衣服 )” “某

21、人穿着颜色的衣服” 如 Jane is _red Michael is _a black shirt today _Kate _a brown T-shirt this morning? 11、 too + adj 太 12、 pants 和 shoes 做主语 ,谓语动词用复数;但 a pair of pants/ shoes 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式 例: His shoes _ (be)black. A pair of shoes _ (be) under the bed. 13、 in the morning/ afternoom/ evening 在早上 /下午 /晚上 at n

22、ight 在晚上 14、 go shopping = go to the shop 去购物 类似的有 go swimming go fishing go skating 等等 _your mother uasally go_(shop) ? Lets _(go)_(fish) this afternoon! 15、 help sb. ( to ) do sth = help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 注意: sb 用代词时必须用宾格 Can you help _(I/me)_my English?=Can you help me (_) _my English? Lets hel

23、p you _your Chinese=Lets_you _your Chinese 16、 high school =middle school 中学 go to school 去上学 17、 play +球类 play the 乐器 18、 think of 认为,想 think about 考虑 We/I think + 从句 我们 / 我认为 I think he you are right. 否定式常否定主句,但翻译时要否定后面的从句 例: I dont think he can come. 我认为他不会来了 .(不能说:我不认为他会来 ) (1) We think (2) He i

24、snt a docter.(把 1.2 句合成一句 ) We _think he_a docter (3) I think (4) They dont like apples(把 3.4 句合成一句 ) I _think they_like apples What do you think of ?= How do you like ? 你认为 怎么样?回答: I like a lot/very mush。 I dontike at all This skirt is 680 yuan, Ill_ _it. 第 4 页 共 9 页 19. 形容行物主代词 +名词 =名词性物主代词: This

25、is _(我的) book. _(你的 )is in your school bag . Theyre their apples =Theyre_ KangKang, is this _ (你的 )eraser?No , it is not _(我的) . I think it is _ (简的)。 Jane, is this _(你的 )? Yes, it is_(我的) 20. 主格在句子中作主语(动词前) ; 宾格在句子作 行为动词 、 介词 的宾语 如 Excuse me , Can you help_( I) Mrs. Liu is our teacher, we like _(sh

26、e) very much Please give it to _(he) Can you buy some books for _(they)? Would you like to go to school with_(we)? Peter teaches _(our/ us) English 句型: 1、 What do/does + 主语 + look like ? 询问人的长相 look like=be like 例: What does your English teacher look like ? =What _your English teacher_? What is your

27、 mother like?= What_your mother _ _? 2、 What s -and -? 加是什么?(回答: Its -) 例: Whats red and yellow? Its orange. Whats two and five? Its seven. 3、 Whose + 东西 + is this/ that ? Whose + 东西 +are these/ those ? 这 /这些 是谁的? 例: _ coat is this ? It is mine. _ shoes are these ? They are hers. This is Toms cap.(提

28、问 ) _ _is this? Theyre Janes pants. .(提问 ) _ _ _ they? 4、 Who is the letter from? 这封信来自于谁? Its from Lily. 它来自于莉莉。 5、 What color be + 东西? (回答: Its +颜色 或者 Theyer + 颜色 ) 例: What color is your dress? _ black. What color _the tousers? _blue That dress is red (提问 ) _ _ _that dress? Unit 3 1、 Could you ( p

29、lease)( 后接动词原形 )你愿意做某事吗?回答: sure May I ( 后接动词原形 ) 我能做某事吗 ? 情态动词 can could may must would 等没有人称和数的变化,其后 +be/行为动词原形。否定句在其后 +not, 一般疑问句把 can could may must would 放在句首。 must =have to Could you please_(tell)me your name? May I _(help) you? I can speak English (变为否定句、一般疑问句 ) I can _ _English. _you_Engish?

30、 Must he go now?= _he _ _go now? Jane _ (have to) look after her mother at home = Jane _ _ _her mother at home 2、 the English corner 英语角 3、 live in + 地点名词 / live+副词( here/there/where) 住在某地 live with + 人 (宾格 ) 和某人住在一起 He lives _Shanghai Mr Wang lives _here My grandparents live with _( we/us) Jane liv

31、es in Beijing now (提问) _ _Jane _now? Their uncle lives with them(提问) _ _ their uncle _with? 4、 What does he say in the letter? 他在信里说了些什么? What does he say on the photo? 他在电话里说了些什么? 5、 a lot = very much 放在句末,修饰动词,非常 例: I like the boy a lot/ very much. not at all 一点也不 例: I dont like the boy at all. No

32、t at all=youre welcom=Thats OK =Thats all right (别客气) 6、 each other 相互,彼此 students often talk to each other in class. 7、 do sth with sb 和某人一起做某事 8、 No problem 没问题 9、 speak + 语言 /speak in+ 语言 / speak to+人 说某种语言 speak English speak in Chinese Can I speak _Kate? Say+sth 说 tell sb sth =tell sth to sb te

33、ll sb about sth 告诉某人某事 tell sb (not) 第 5 页 共 9 页 to do sth 告诉某人(不)做某事 Can he _Japanese? I can_in English I can_it in English Could you please _me your name? = Could you please _your name _me? Ill _him_it Please _my sister not_(wait) for me Please _her _(come) here tomorrow 10、 the Great Wall 长城 11、

34、come/go to + 地点 去某地 但 home 、 here 、 there 这些是副词,前面不能加 to 例: go home / come here / go there go to do sth 去做某事 例: They go _( play) basketball. 12、 like doing sth 喜欢做某事 like to do sth 想要做某事 13、 It s + adj +to sb 对某人来说是的 14、 help sb with sth =help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人某事 15、 be at home = be in =be not out

35、 在家 go home 回家 get home 到家 in ones home 在某人的家里 He is not in=He isnt _ _ =He is _ 16、 have a seat / take a seat / sit down 请坐下 17、 office worker 办公室职员 cook 厨师 cooker 炊具 My mother is _(a /an) office worker 18、 on a farm 在农场上 on the sofa 在沙发上 My uncle works on a farm(提问 ) _ _ _uncle_? 19、 a photo of on

36、es family 某人的全家照 Family Tree 家谱 (首字母都大写 ) 20、 in a hospital 在医院( 纯属地点概念) in hospital 因病住院 例: He is ill in hospital. 他生病住院 He is in a hospital.他在医院里 (不一定是因为生病来到医院 ) 21、 look after sb = take care of sb 照顾某人 22/ teach sb(宾格 ) sth = teach sth to sb 教某人某东西 teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 Mr Wang teaches _(our/

37、 us ) Chinese= Mr Wang _Chinese _us My uncle teaches me _(speak) Japanese Who teaches you _(sing) songs? 21、 help oneself ( to sth. ) 请随便(吃) help yourself/ yourselves (to fish) eg. Help_ _some chichen, Jane Help _ _some apples, kids 22、 I d like sth = I would like sth. 我想要 24、 Would like to do sth =

38、 want to do sth 想要做某事 25、 Would you like something to eat (drink)? 你想要一些吃(喝)的东西吗? to eat 或 to drink 修饰 something,作为后置定语。 Would you like sth? 回答 yes, please . No, thanks Would you like to do sth? 回答 Oh/Yes, Id love/like to Would he like _(go) with me?= _he_ (go) with me? This boy wouldnt like to go t

39、o school =This boy_ _ _go to school 26、 Here you are . 给你 Here we are. 我们到了 27、 What about = How about 怎么样? 后接代词或名词,还可以接动名词(即 What about doing sth ) How /What about _ (eat ) out this evening? What about _(have ) a picnic? Im here, how about _(he /him)? You would like some water, what about _(they/them)? How about _(some/any) juice? Would you like _(some/ any)apples? Yes,_No,_ 28、 all right 好的 29、 a cup of tea 一杯茶


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