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1、CET-4 Listening 大学英语四级听力专题材料 突破地点、方向类短对话 1. M: How long can I keep these out? W: Two weeks. Then you will be fined for each day they are overdue. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? 答案为:B 本组对话的关键词是 keep out“保留,保存” ;fine“罚款” ;overdue“过期” 。一般情况下这些词发生逻辑联系的场合应当是在图书馆,借书过期要罚款,在书店、旅行社和医院这三

2、者之间一般不会有直接相关性。 2W: Could you have my car ready at half past four,please? M: All right,the damage is not great. Q: Where did this conversation probably take place? 答案为: C 本组对话的关键词是 car;ready;damage “损坏” 。显然,在维修站这些词最有可能发生逻辑联系, “四点半能修好车吗?” “可以,损坏不算严重。 ”也可以说,damage 和 service 在此具有极强的相关性。 3M: Id appreciat

3、e it if you would send a copy of my transcript to State University as soon as possible. W: All right,Dr. Smith. But I must charge you 4 dollars as our usual fee. Q: Where did this conversation probably take place? 答案为:D 本题解答的关键信息是 send a copy of my transcript to State University,指送一个抄本备份给州立大学,它与学校的关

4、系更为密切;另一方面对话中虽然谈到了收费问题,但是结合上一个关键信息就应当排除饭店、电影院和宾馆等活动场所的可能性。 4.M: Miss, Im checking out, how much shall I pay? W: Let me see, a single room with a bath, oh, its 8 dollars, please. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 答案为: D 解答本题的关键词是 checking out (结帐离馆)和 a single room (单间)。从这两个词组可以

5、推测对话是发生在旅馆中的服务员与顾客之间。 5W: Why dont we just go in and see the exhibit now since we dont have class this afternoon? M: Good idea, Crag Thomason is one of my favorite painters. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? 答案为: C 根据 exhibit(展览)和 painter(画家)可知这是一个有关绘画方面的展览,从而可解。注意 A 项和 D 项都是干扰项。

6、6.W: Im going to the museum Sunday afternoon. There is a new exhibition of Indian art from Arizona and New Mexico. Will you go with me? M: Id love to,but my best friend is getting married on Sunday and I wouldnt miss it for anything. Q: Where is the man going on Sunday afternoon? 答案为: B 本题的关键信息是 my

7、best friend is getting married;I wouldnt miss it。 去参加婚礼是合乎逻辑的选择。其中,主要干扰信息是 going to the museum,但是从 Id love to,but 这种常见的表示让步的表达就可排除干扰项,确定重要信息所在。 7M: Excuse me. Im looking for the textbooks for Prof. Petersons course. W: Im afraid theyre out of stock now. Youll have to order them,and it will take thre

8、e weeks for the publisher to mail them to us. 1CET-4 Listening Q: Where did this conversation probably take place? 答案为: D 本组对话的关键词是 textbooks for Prof. Petersons course;out of stock;order。比德森教授的课程用书没有库存,须定购。根据一般知识,买大学里的固定课程的教材应该在学校书店里。 8W: Im sorry,sir. Youll have to come with us. Mirrors and hidden

9、 cameras have detected what you have done. Leave the merchandise here. M: Ill come along,but I assure you that I can prove my innocence. Q: Where did this conversation most likely take place? 答案为: B 本组对话中,Youll have to come with us;mirrors and hidden cameras;merchandise;innocence 提供了关键信息。从内容上看,男士有偷窃

10、商店货物的嫌疑,从时间上看,他将被带走问话,商店是事发地点。由此可排除干扰项 in a police station。 9M: Are you glad that you came to Washington? W: Yes,indeed. Id considered going to New York or Boston,but Ive never regretted my decision. Q: Where is the woman probably living? 答案为: B 本题的关键信息是 came to Washington,女士很高兴来到华盛顿。干扰信息是 Id consid

11、ered going to New York or Boston,排除干扰的关键是对时态的把握,曾打算去纽约或波士顿,也就表明事实上并没有成行。 10W: Oh,my God! Its already half past five and I havent finished typing these business letters. M: Your watch must be half an hour fast. Its five oclock now,and you still have one good hour to do them. Q: Where does the convers

12、ation probably take place? 答案为: B 本组对话的关键词是 typing; business letters。打出商业信函最有可能是秘书的工作,正确答案是在办公室。 11M: How awful does that violin sound? W: Yes, Ive not been to a worse performance; I wish we could get a refund. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 答案为: A 从女士说的“ 我没听过比这更坏的演奏”来看,他们是

13、在听一场小提琴音乐会。请注意:refund 是“退款”的意思。 12M: Hello, Amy. This is Peter David here. Could I speak to Tom please? W: Im afraid hes not in at the moment. Ill ask him to call back when hes back. Q: What are they doing according to the conversation? 答案为: D 该题测试对常见情景对话的熟悉程度。除了根据对话中的惯用句型外,还可以根据一些信息词,如“call back(再打

14、电话) ”来帮助理解对话。 13M: Excuse me. Id like to place an advertisement for a used car in the Sunday edition of your paper. W: OK. But you have to run your advertisement all week. We cant call the rates for just Sunday. Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place? 答案为:D 本组对话中的特色词是 place an adver

15、tisement,Sunday edition, paper(报纸) 。虽然,讨论中提到 a used car,但从对话可以得出男士是想在报纸上登出有关二手车买卖的广告,干扰项可以排除。 14W: Excuse me,please! Wheres the school? M: Which one?The Infants School is over there. The Boys School is on the right. The Girls School is straight ahead on this street. Q: Where is the Boys School? 答案为:

16、 B 本组对话中,主要信息明确直接,但是同时存在两组干扰信息,解题过程中记录和确2CET-4 Listening 定正确的对应信息是关键所在。问题的核心是 the Boys School,相应的正确答案是:on the right。 15M: Can I pay for this jacket with my credit card? W: Im sorry,sir,we cant process cards. Youve got to pay it in cash. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? 答案为: B 本组对

17、话的关键词是 jacket,credit card,cash 。如单考虑付款对话,对话可能发生在杂货店或商场里;但根据常识,杂货店里一般不卖夹克,干扰项可以排除。 16W:Can I borrow this magazine, please? M: Sorry, this is the newest issue. You can only borrow the older ones. Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place? 答案为:C 本题可直接根据相关提示词做出判断。由 borrow magazine 和 newest

18、 issue,可判断出答案:在图书馆里。 17W: May I make a recommendation, sir? The chicken with our special sauce is very delicious. M: Thank you, but Id like to have some beef. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place? 答案为: C 从相关信息词 chicken、 special sauce、 beef,以及 recommendation (推荐,介绍)和 delicious可知此对话是关于吃

19、饭的,由此可知发生在饭店。 18W: I need some souvenir stamps and Id like to send this package to Los Angles. M: Here are your stamps, and it takes nine dollars and fifty-five cents for the package. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 答案为:C 从关键词 stamps 和 package 可知是与邮寄物品有关,所以对话发生的地点应该是邮局。 19M

20、: Please hold the line, Mrs. Black. The doctor will talk to you in a minute. W: Im afraid I may have to hang up. I dont have any more coins and the line will be cut soon. Q: Where is Mrs. Black most probably? 答案为:C 在对话中女士回答:“我恐怕要挂断电话了。我没有硬币了,电话线很快就要被切断。 ”这说明该女士正在电话亭里使用投币付费电话。coin 这个信息词可以帮助你选出正确答案。20

21、W: Excuse me,I want some dictionaries,please. Where can I find them? M: The regular-priced ones are here,and on that table we have some more on sale. Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? 答案为:B. regular-priced dictionaries 和 on sale 表明这是在书店,并非在图书馆里。 21M: How is your mother feeling thes

22、e days? W: Much better, thanks. She should be coming home in a few days. The operation was a success and the doctors say shell recover in no time. Q: Where is her mother now? 答案为:D 从女士的回答中,我们可以捕捉到 “operation”,“doctors”,“recover”这些关键词,从而得出女士的母亲生病了。 “She should be coming home in a few days”这句话帮助我们进一步了

23、解到她的母亲正在住院治疗,过几天就会出院回家。因此 D 项是正确答案。22W: Whats keeping you,Tony? Dinner is ready. M: Ill drive over right away. I was helping my colleague move into his new office or I would have already been back. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? 答案为: C 从对话听出,女的在家准备晚饭,男的说马上就回家并解释了为什么回家晚了。很明显

24、两个人不在一起,但两个人在说话。所以只能是在通电话。 23W: George, look at the long waiting line. Im glad youve made a reservation. M: More and more people enjoy eating out now. Besides, this place is especially popular with overseas 3CET-4 Listening students. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 答案为:D 对话

25、中的关键词“ make a reservation”,意为“做好预定安排” ,可以指旅馆房间、饭店、飞机的预定。此外,通过对话中的特色词“eating out (去饭馆吃饭) ”也可以很容易找到正确答案。 24W: These tomatoes are huge! You must have watered them a lot! M: Yes,I did. They ought to be ripe enough to pick by next Friday when we have our picnic. Q: Where did the conversation most probabl

26、y take place? 答案为: C 由 tomatoes,water 和 ripe 可知,西红柿是自己种的,还没到成熟的时候。所以应该是在菜园里。选项 B 中的 orchard 意为“果园” ,种植的一般为果树,如: an apple orchard(苹果园 )。 25M: Where are you going,Miss Black? The chairman should be here any minute. W:I wont be far. Look there! “Ladies and Gentlemen”. Q: Where is Miss Black going? 答案为:

27、 D 一提到 Ladies and Gentlemen,考生往往会最先想到这是在开会,因此毫不犹豫地选择 A 项;但请注意上下文提示词 Look。这个词很关键,说明此处有明显的问话人和答话者都能看见的标识,根据自己的生活常识,可判定该处指的是“洗手间” 。 26W: Dear,I feel hungry now. How about you? M: So do I. Let me call room service. Hello,room service,please send a menu to 320 right away. Q: Where are the two speakers? 答

28、案为: C. hungry 和 menu 很容易诱使人选择“在餐厅”或“在吃饭”等选项;而本对话中 room service(客房服务部)却暗示对话者在 hotel(宾馆)里。 27M: Where did John come from? W: He was born in Switzerland and grew up in Sweden,but now hes a citizen of England. Q: What country does John presently call his home? 答案为: B 以下几题中出现了多处地点交叉现象。由于问题只针对某一个地点,所以适当简单

29、地作些笔记是很必要的。以本题为例,可以用单词的首字母在选项旁给自己以提示: A. America. B. England. c(=citizen) C. Switzerland. b(=was born) D. Sweden. g(=grew up) 要答对这道题还有一点很关键:听懂问题。题目中的 presently(现在)和答话人话中的 now 是同义词。 28M: Whats all that noise? It sounds as if its coming from next door. The Nelsons arent back yet, are they? W: I dont t

30、hink so. It must be the window-cleaners working upstairs. Q: Where does the woman think the noise is coming from? 答案为:B 在这个对话中出现了三个方位:next door, upstairs, the Nelsons house, 其中两个是作为干扰项设置的。该题主要考查考生对录音内容中细节的掌握,因此不要听到了某个方位词就匆忙做出选择。 29W: I only want to get a can of cola to take back to my dormitory. M:

31、You dont need to wait in the food line for that. There is an auto vending machine over there. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 答案为:A 该题为综合推断题。根据第一个讲话人所提到的要买一罐可乐带回宿舍,及第二个讲话人提到的 food line 和 vending machine(自动售货机) ,可将干扰选项排除,从而确定答案。 4CET-4 Listening 30W: Where did you say you fo

32、und this bag? M: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building. Q: Where did the man find the bag? 答案为:A 三个地点的方位关系要弄清楚:大树在公园和公寓楼之间,而包是在大树底下找到的。 数字、时间类短对话 1W: Weve been hard at work for a fortnight. So why dont we take it easy this evening? M: How about seeing a play? I he

33、ar “Hamlet”is on at the National Theatre. Q: How long have they been working? 答案为: C 本组对话中的关键词是 fortnight,意思是“两星期” 。女士说已经辛苦了两周了,今晚该轻松一下了。男士提议去看戏。 2M: Is this the check-in counter for flight 914 to Los Angeles? W: Yes. But Im sorry the flight is delayed because of a minor mechanical problem. Please w

34、ait for further notice. Q: What do we learn from this conversation? 答案为: D 对话中的 check-in counter 是指办理登机手续的柜台。对话中男士询问这里是否是办理 914 航班登机手续的柜台,女士的回答是肯定的,同时又说明了班机延误的原因以及登机时间尚未明确(即需要等待进一步通知) 。由此可以看出,正确答案为 D,解答关键是理解对话的主要内容,而不是停留在某一细节上。 3W: Excuse me. Do you know when the plane from San Francisco will arrive

35、? M: The plane was due at 815, but it has been delayed half an hour. Q: What can we infer from the conversation? 答案为:D 该题考查考生综合推断的能力。首先, “be due”在这里的意思是“应到达的,预期的” 。然后,从对话中可以得知飞机本应 815 到,但实际上晚点半小时到达,因此飞机实际到达的时间是 845。 4M: How much will I have to spend renting an apartment in New York?Ill be paid 400 a

36、 month. W: Your rent should be about a quarter of that if you share with somebody. Q: How much should the mans rent be? 答案为: A 本组对话的关键信息是 rent;400;a quarter of that。男士要在纽约租公寓,他只有每月四百美元的收入;女士告诉他如果跟别人合租的话,租金应当是那个数目的四分之一,所以男士应付租金是一百美元。 5W: Id like to trade this curtain that I bought yesterday for the b

37、edcover,please. M: Lets see now. The bedcover is only 10.30 and the curtain is 11.60. Q: How much money does the clerk owe the woman? 答案为: D 本组对话的关键是 curtain 和 bedcover 之间的价差。trade 是“交换”的意思,即“以物易物” 。听题过程中只要做到对号入座,再进行简单的减法运算就能判断正确答案: 11.60-10.30 =1.30 6M: Is this the vacuum cleaner you recommended? W

38、: Yes,its our regular 600 vacuum cleaner on sale today for 550. If you buy a pair,you can save another 50 for each. Q:How much will the man pay if he buys two vacuum cleaners? 答案为: C 根据对话可知,吸尘器原价每个 600,廉价销售每个 550,如果买两个还可以每个再便宜 50,所以如果他买两个,只需付 1000。 7M: How much are these books? W: Oh, let me seethe

39、used book is 50% discount off its original price and that would be four dollars and forty-five cents. The novel is six dollars, the dictionary fifteen dollars. Q: How much is the used book? 答案为:B 该题属于细节辨认题。对话中出现的价格(数字)较多,要求考生首先理清这些数字所对应的对象,然后根据对话后面给出的问题从众多数字信息中筛选出正确答案。 8M: When does the next shuttle

40、 bus leave? W: You have just missed one by 15 minutes. We have a bus every 50 minutes,so youll have to wait for a while. Q: How long does the man have to wait to get on the next bus? 答案为: B 本组对话的关键信息是 missed one;by 15 minutes;every 50 minutes。接送车每五十分钟开出一辆,但前一辆是在 15 分钟前开出的,略一计算就可知下一辆在应 35 分钟之后。 注意辨别

41、fifteen 和 fifty 在发音和意义上的区别。 9M: How many students are there in your class? W: There are originally 35 students in my class. But several students are absent today and there are only 14 boys and 15 girls. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 答案为:C 本组对话的关键是听清今天上课的男生(14 人)与女生(15 人)的人数。原文中提到了全班人数(

42、35 人) ,但是在第二句中表明部分学生缺席。所以,D 项是干扰项。 10M: These airmail envelopes cost 50 cents a dozen. W: A couple of dozen should certainly do. Q: How many envelopes will the man and woman buy? 答案为: B 本组对话中的关键信息是 a couple of dozen;do。 “两打就够了” ,所以正确答案是:他们要买 24 个信封。尽管男士提到了每打信封的价格,但是问题并没有问及这一点。 11W: I wonder if you c

43、an finish your paper by Monday evening. M: Im sorry,Dr. Snow. I dont think I can finish it that early. I need at least three days more before you could have it. Q: When will the man hand in his paper? 答案为: D 本组对话要注意捕捉以下信息,要求时间、实际能完成时间,即 Monday evening, three days more,星期一再加三天就是星期四。选项 C. Thursday mor

44、ning 具有迷惑性,其实这个时间离星期一不到三天。 12M: Hurry up! The meeting will start in twenty minutes. W: Its only a quarter to eight. Havent we been informed that the meeting will be postponed half an hour later than schedule? Q: When was the meeting scheduled for? 答案为: A 本组对话中的关键词是 start in twenty minutes,a quarter

45、to eight,原定计划二十分之后开会,现在是八点差一刻,那么原定开会时间是八点零五分。half an hour 是干扰项,与问题无关。 13M: Did Adam get on his train yesterday? W: No, he missed it. He left at 6 oclock but didnt get to the railway station until 7 oclock and missed his train by 15 minutes because of the traffic jam. Q: What do we learn from the con

46、versation? 答案为:B 该题为细节判断题,需要从众多类似信息(多个表示时间的词)中听清内容,才能选6CET-4 Listening 出正确答案。从对话原文可以得知,Adam 七点钟才到达火车站,由于交通堵塞被耽搁了 15 分钟,而没有赶上火车。所以,火车在 645 发车。 14M: I was in the gas station at 100. How did I miss you? W: I got there at a quarter to 1200 and waited a while. But I guess I left before you got there. Q:

47、When did the woman probably leave the gas station? 答案为: A 女士 1145 到加油站,男士 100 到加油站,而两人没有碰面,显然女士应当是在1145 之后 100 之前离开的,符合要求的选项只有一个。 15W: Mrs. White is very experienced as an English teacher, isnt she? M: Definitely, she is fifty-three years old this year and she has been teaching English since she gra

48、duated from university when she was twenty-three. Q: What can we learn about Mrs. White? 答案为:C 该题要求考生从相类似信息中分辨出这些由数字表述的不同时间(即年龄)所对应的具体内容。Mrs. White 今年 53 岁,23 岁大学毕业时开始教书,由此可以推断出她具有三十年的教书经验。 16M: I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 oclock. W: Her husband said she left home at 430; she should be here a

49、t 510, maybe 515 at the latest. Q: What time did Suzy leave from home? 答案为: C 解答关键是从对话的众多信息中捕捉到所需要的信息,即“she left home at 430” 。 17W: Heres a 20-dollar bill,I want two tickets for the show tonight,please. M: Sure. Your tickets and heres 2.40 change. Q: Whats the price of a ticket? 答案为: D 20 买两张票,找零 2.40,说明花去 17.60。问的是单价,所以选 D 项。听本组对话时,要集中精力判别各个数字所代表的意义,并及时地做出记号以表明各个数字之间的关系。如:20p (pay 20.00),2t (buy 2 tickets),选项 A 后


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