Unit2 SectionB 导学案.doc

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1、七年级 英语导学案 Unit 2 Is this your pencil 第三课时一学习目标:询问物品属性 Whats this in English? Its aHow do you spell it? P-E-N.会写招领和寻物启事 Lost FoundIs this your?二重点难点:失物招领写作: 失物招领: Found: Notebook.Is this your notebook?Please call Mary.Phone 235-0285. 寻物启事:Lost: My school ID card.My name is Tony.Please call 685-6034.三

2、学习过程【学案自学】Step:学习单词baseball . computer game. ring .watch .ID card. note booknumber: 0-9 数字Step:复习已学句型Whats this in English? Its aHow do you spell it? P-E-NIs this your?Call-at+电话号码失物招领:Found: Notebook. Is this your notebook? Please call Mary. Phone 235-0285.寻物启事:Lost: My school ID card. My name is T

3、ony. Please call 685-6034.【小组合作】操练失物招领失物招领: Found: Notebook.Is this your notebook?Please call Mary.Phone 235-0285. 寻物启事:Lost: My school ID card.My name is Tony.Please call 685-6034.【班级展示】操练已学句型A: Sonia, is this your key?B: (1) _. Its his key.A: (2) _?B: Its a baseball.A: (3) _?B: B-A-S-E-B-A-L-LA: (

4、4) _?B: Yes, it is my baseball.【质疑探究】单项选择1.Tom, is this _ book? No, it isnt. My book is in my bag.A. his B. you C. your2. This is his _.A. watch B. watches C. watchs3. Where is your pencil?_ is in my bag.A. Its B. Its C. It4. Is this your eraser? No, it isnt. I think _.A. it her eraser B. its her er

5、aser C. its her eraser5. Is this a picture of your family? _.A. Yes, its B. Yes, it is C. No, it not6. Is this _exercise-book?A. you B. he C. her7. _ do you spell ruler? R-U-L-E-R.A. How B. What C. Can【自悟自得】通过操练总结所学句型 【反馈达标】选择填空。( ) 1. Whats this ? _ a jacket . A. This is B. It C. Its D. Thats( ) 2.

6、 Is that a dictionary ? Yes, _ .A. its B. it isnt C. that is D. it is ( ) 3. _ do you spell yellow ?A. What B. How C. Why D. Who( ) 4. Is this _ key ? No, its _ key .A. you, he B. your, hes C. your, his D. you, his( ) 5. Jenny, is this your watch ? _ .A. Yes, OK B. No, excuse me C. No, it is D. Yes, thank you( ) 6. How do you spell ring? _.A. Its a ring B. r-i-n-g C. R-I-N-G D. a ring( ) 7. Please call Tom _ 345-6789.A. at B. of C. on D. with( ) 8. Whats that _ English? A. in B. at C. to D. on【课后反思】


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