1、My favorite country1. Which country is my favorite country?Everybody have his/her favorite country, maybe it is America or China. In my heart, there was a country it was the biggest country in the world and there was a war between it and NATO the country called the SOVIET UNION. What is your favorit
2、e country?2. Why do I like it? Why do I like it? because them military and their government was give a hand to CHINA , our country .they help us to build our city, our ARMY, NAVY and AIRFORCE And the other reason that I like it because it is the only country can be the same to America3. Souviet Unio
3、n militarySOUVIET UNION has the biggest, and the best army in the world, it was called the red army If a war began, the red army will begin pairs for only1week!4. Soviet Unions governments friendsAlso to America the Soviet Unions government and their friends made a military group, called WTO. There
4、were 10 countries. The group was made in 1950 and end at 1991. The SOUIET UNION break up.5. Why did SOUIET UNION break up THE Soviet Union was a really bad news for The Soviet Partys lovers and the NATO haters, whys THE SOVIET UNION broke up, because the Soviet Partys leader was very friendly to America, but the WTOs other leaders were unfriendly to them, so Soviet Union broke up 6. My hopeNows Soviet Union become many countries hope they can be more beautiful