1、制定一项总的供应链性能指标,Process, Recommendations,McKinseyOctober 2003,本文件概述了不同的指标,可用来衡量供应链绩效,供应链欧洲委员会的目标是确定一个基准框架能力:比较通用的指标,用于可以测量的项目。进一步的基准数据采集的格式一致。伦敦中心的任务:发展概述了不同的指标来衡量供应链性能。选择最重要的指标,可用于各行各业。讨论如何最重要的数据链接其他业务指标在每个阶段的供应链。建议如何在供应链欧洲委员会应继续就这一议题。,我们使用了几个来源的资料在我们的项目,内部和外部文件:高级别基准框架的供应链绩效 (H .Cook):辅助研究( 1997年3月)
2、获取信息从现有的专家和过去的项目.供应链标准和最佳做法 (Dow Polyurethane & Epoxy April 1995).供应链基准评估(March 1997).供应链的评价和基准:(client X September 1997).讨论欧洲委员会与供应链:Graham Colclough.安德鲁摩根 李谢尔曼.德博拉赫夫(麦肯锡),可能的数据来源,采购与供应(英国) 采购(与供应链) APICS (美国) 供应链。CAPS (美国):采购及供应链(美国和法律) 研究基准工业表(http:/www.capsresearch/htm).全美采购经理人协会(美国) 采购。凯撒协会 基准的
3、专家顾问。美国大学研究:新的全球倡议(investigating entryopportunitiesBob Ackerman).,新的全球倡议业绩衡量是一个重要而复杂的问题,这份文件是一个初步的正确方向迈出的一步。,公司认为有必要指标,对发展中国家的“权利”的指标是一个挑战,“如果你无法衡量,则无法管理,你不能激励”建立适当的措施,不断提高组织,没有常用的“样板” 商业问题,令业绩衡量 不同的行业 不同的市场 涨跌加班费,没有一个“正确”的答案,我们使用了通用的供应链框架为基础,我们的分析.,供应链框架,采购,信息流,预测与生产计划,客户服务,库存管理,进货物流,制造,维修,市场营销&销售,
4、出境物流,集成供应链管理,这一框架配合Pov和欧洲委员会也类似框架的供应链诊断清单数据库。,. . .得出结论,有三个战略目标,我们应着重于在分析供应链,关键指标必须提供有关的公司是如何履行对旧的战略目标。,供应链框架,注:边界NPDI支持功能,关键指标必须符合公司的战略目标,我们的主要驱动力的质量,时间和费用,The complete picture can be found in the appendix.,我们必须从客户的角度 我们集思广益关于“什么可以去错沿供应链” 什么是驱动器的性能,质量,时间和成本的角度来看。,价格,服务,产品质量,产品数量,产品交付,延迟,不准时送货,库存成本,
5、产品成本,生产成本,交付费用,客户服务成本,质量,时间,成本,客户服务具体需要注意,注重所有的数据来源了解他们的因果关系认识到跨行业;在工业制造与商业贸易的相似点和不同点,客户服务需要具体注意的(续),认识到跨行业;在工业制造与商业贸易的相似点和不同点 接口的办法来解决目前的客户的措施,系统,流程和文化:随着时间的转移,确保问责制的收集和actioning是显而易见的。,可使供应链增值的 KPIs,关键绩效指标的帮助,以确定“凡”的性能问题是在供应链,并指导的领域,探讨“为什么”,精度,客户满意度,的客户满意度,总周期时间,时间(客户)由放置以便接收货物,的产品准时交货,总供应链成本的销售额,
6、产品销售成本,为销售额,成本的销售,的产品提供根据客户订单(数量质量),的客户满服务,订购的产品已在市场,缺陷率为的产品生产,满足交货指令(数量、质量)的供应商,时间顺序安排,以接收货物,时间从生产订单到交货到成品仓库,停机时间为的总生产时间,交付货物的及时供应,成本的销售,成本的销售,成本的销售,Number of stock turns/years,整个供应链,质量,时间,成本,的活跃供应商,占90 的总购买价值,小心相互关系,关键绩效指标的帮助,以确定“ 其中”每一个阶段的供应链有各种指标,以监测业务效率,These metrics help identify “why” there i
7、s a performance problem.,实际销售与预测的数据,可用于预测与计划,% of all active suppliers that account for 90% of total purchase value% of correct orders placed# of alternative sources of supply# of suppliers involved in product development/innovation# of suppliers per purchasing employee (purchasing professional)# of
8、 vendors products orderedPurchasing head count as % of total head count,% of goods delivered according to order (quantify/quality) by supplier# of carrier alliances# of overshipments% of direct material purchases that are not inspected at incoming quality assurance, going from stock to dock% of dire
9、ct material purchases that are not inspected at incoming quality assurance, going from stock to production% of orders delivered without unplanned communication or special attention,Defect rate of products as % of productionScrap rate as % of production# of changes per production period% of goods rep
10、ackagedActual vs. production capacity,Time from order placement to reception of goods,Time from production order to deliver into finished product warehouse,% of accounts payable handled before due date% of accounts payable handed in 130 days% of accounts payable handled in 3160 days% of accounts pay
11、able handled in 6190 days% of accounts payable handled in over 90 days% of suppliers connected via EDIAverage actual time to developed/negotiate a contract,% of goods delivered on time by supplierProportion of suppliers who deliver dailyProportion of suppliers who deliver frequently than monthlyProp
12、ortion of suppliers who deliver monthlyProportion of suppliers who deliver twice weeklyResponse time to schedule changesResponse time to unforeseen problemsTurnaround time on rejected items,Average production leadtimeCurrent manufacturing leadtimeMinimum production leadtime,Downtime as % of total pr
13、oduction timeDowntime due to parts shortage (or stock outs in general)Hours of unplanned downtime,Cost as % of sales,Cost as % of salesCost as % of total costsCost of orders purchased (rangeCost of vendor transactions (range)Cost of expedite repair materialsPurchasing spend per supplierPurchasing sp
14、end per purchasing employee (purchasing professional),Cost as % of salesCost as % of total sales,Cost as % of salesCost per saleable unitCost per unit produced,Cost as % of salesCost per unit produced,Source: H. Cook,Nos of strategies, or “uptime” service-based contracts,In addition to the KPIs each
15、 stage of the supply chain has a variety of metrics to monitor operational effectiveness (cont.),Quality,Time,Cost,% of products ordered already in stockDefect rate of products as % of products leaving warehouseAccuracy of inventory recordsInventory vs. service levelItems in inventory as % of total
16、unit purchasesObsolete vs. active inventory,% of correct orders taken# of additional sales from customer referrals# of order changes as % of orders filled% of orders handled with commitment to product/service delivery on first call,% of customers satisfied with service#of complaints as % of total or
17、ders# of phone calls to customer service development per order shipped# of complaints due to On-time delivery; Order Entry; Packaging; Product quality; Shipping Error# of complaints as % of total orders# of customer contacts per order#of enquiries (including complaints) that were not answered to the
18、 customers satisfaction# of information requests as % of customer orders% of calls abandoned, answered by recording, delayed% of customer contact through customer service% of customer follow-up handled by Customer Service Representative; Department Manager; Field Representative; Responsible Manager%
19、 of invoices containing errors% of orders delivered complete and without error (order fill rate)% of orders that are damaged on arrival at customer site% of respondents that can handle complaints without handing off to other person/dept.Average % of disputed invoices,% of products delivered accordin
20、g to customer order (quantity/quality)Degree of utilisation of facilities (%)Equipment utilisationloadEquipment utilisationweight,Time from order placement to start of delivery,Customer satisfaction (rating)% of satisfied customers% of information on credit history limit available On-line% of inform
21、ation on open-order history available On-line% of information on outstanding balance available On-line% of information on pricing available On-line% of information on product history available On-line% of information on product ID code available On-line% of information on shipping points available O
22、n-lineRatio of operations labour as % of passive labour,Average # of orders rejected,Average product time in warehouseNo. of days consumption in stock (A-goods)No. of days consumption in stock (B-goods)No. of days consumption in stock (C-goods)No. of days safety stock (A-goods)No. of days safety sto
23、ck (B-goods)No. of days safety stock (C-goods)No. of products with duplication stockPlanned days of inventory on hand,% of accounts receivable settled before due date% of accounts receivable settled in 130 days% of accounts receivable settled in 3160 days% of accounts receivable settled in 91 days%
24、of accounts receivable settled in6190 days,Delivery time% of products delivered early# of deliveries per manhour% of orders delivered on time (as defined by customer)% of orders delivered with an average delay of 1 monthAverage # of days delay after scheduled ship date,Total cycle timeTime (for cust
25、omers) from placing order to receiving goods% of products delivered on timeAverage customer quoted leadtimeAverage leadtime from receipt of order to shipmentAverage time taken to access informationCash to cash cycleLongest customer quoted leadtimeNew product introduction timeProduct changeover timeS
26、hortest customer quoted timeTime from receipt of order to receipt of shipment by customerTime taken to rectify incorrect or damaged orders,Average time taken to respond to requests,Cost as % of sales# of stock turns/yearCost as % of cost of goods purchasedCarried worth of expired lotsA-goods as a pe
27、rcent of inventoryAverage stock levelB-goods as a percent of inventoryC-goods as a percent of inventoryInventory cost as % of total assets (gross assets)Maximum stock levelMinimum stock level,Cost as % of sales,Cost as % of salesCost per delivery# of route miles per delivery# of warehousing faciliti
28、es# of warehousing of locations% of transportation units owned by companyCost per orderCost per route,Total supply chain cost as % of salesCost per product sold as % of sales% of profit from base purchase% of profit from increased purchases% of profit from premium pricing% of revenue generated by la
29、rgest customer group (top 20%)Cost per product sold as % of salesOperating profit per customer as % of operating costs per customerTotal cost per orderTotal cost per unit produced,Cost as % of sales,Source: H. Cook,鉴于众多的数据,建议分析供应链绩效使用的措施,. . . 通过挖掘供应链因果关系,以改善经验业绩.,关键绩效指标,支持质量,其它业务措施,这类措施,例如,最高级别的使用,
31、,关键绩效指标,Suggested Supporting Metrics,Other Operational Measures,关键绩效指标是通用的测量标准,而出境物流。,的产品可以满足客户订单,(These can often be driven by customer service metrics),Degree of utilisation of facilities (%)Equipment utilisation (load/weight),Delivery time% of orders delivered on time (as defined by customer),# o
32、f deliveries/man hour% of orders delivered early% of orders delivered with an average delay of 1 month,Average number of days of delay after scheduled ship date,Cost as % of sales,# of route miles per delivery# of warehousing facilities/locations% of transportation units owned by company,. . .,Cost
33、per deliveryCost per orderCost per route,Key KPIs,Suggested Supporting Metrics,Other Operational Measures,For maintenance, commonly used supply chain performance metrics relate to time and cost,The quality of maintenance is commonly measured by lag measures in terms of cost or as a production measur
34、e (downtime).We suggest the use of two lead measures that proactively monitor maintenance performance. . .,Number of service contractNumber of training days for maintenance staff,Downtime as % of total production time,Cost as % of salesCost per unit produced,Downtime due to parts shortage (or stock
35、outs in general)Hours of unplanned downtime,Just remember . . .,A large number of metrics exist, so be selective.A step by step approach to measuring supply chain performance should be undertaken in order to avoid being overwhelmed by data.The following segmentation gives us such an approach:23 key
36、KPIs allow us to identify “where” the problems” exist within the supply chain.Key supporting metrics then allow us to answer “why” the problems exist.Operational metrics allow us to go analyse the supply chain stage in more detail.The “right” set of metrics does not exist for a given industry or eve
37、n a specific company. The “right” set of metrics is dynamic like the business it measures and will change with the type of industry/problem and over time. . .,Next Steps for the Supply Chain CoE,Agree on how you will go forward after this project.Agree on objectives, scope and accountabilities.Eg. D
38、iscuss if each GMT needs its own supply chain metrics.Further populate the supply chain benchmarking framework.See example for Purchasing.Championing (S. Beck/Disc. Heads). . . and roll-out.Continuous improvement process.,Appendix,KPI Definitions.Causal Trees:QualityTimeCost,Purchasing Data: KPIs &
39、Benchmarks,a: CAPS Research: Chemical Purchasing Benchmark 1997; H. Cook shop research.,Service,Product Delivery,Wrong Info.,Higher Prices Than Competitors,Higher Margin Than Competitors,Badly Set Customer Expectations,Wrong Order Information,Unable to Meet Customer Demand,Produced Faulty Goods,Prod
40、ucts Damaged After Mfg,Price,Product Quantity,Product Quality,Delivered Faulty Goods,Definitions for the Supply Chain KPIs,Forecasting:Accuracy (as %of sales).Purchasing:% active suppliers for 90% spend.Time from order placement to receipt.% of goods delivered on time.Cost as % sales.Inbound Logisti
41、cs:% of good delivered according to order (quantity/quality) by supplier.Time from order placement to reception of goods.% of goods delivered on time by supplier.,Drivers and KPIs are however linked throughout the supply chain,They form a “causal tree” along the supply chain which varies between ind
42、ustries and over timeThey do not simply drive and explain just quality, time or cost, they may drive or explain all threeWe have simplified the tree in this presentation:We have left out the links and kept the model on a generic level,We have not developed a “perfect” model,These operational metrics
43、 should be used with care,Ideally they should support key KPIs by explaining why performance is meeting/below expectations.They should also give an in-depth picture into how well each supply chain stage is performing.However, their use calls for judgement:They vary across companies and industries (w
44、hich explains the large quantity of metrics available).Many are not directly linked to key KPIs but are useful secondary indicators of performance.They do not necessarily link to performance at just one stage in the supply chain (but accountability must be assigned to someone within one stage).For example: inaccurate order making could lead to more time being spent on puchasing, suppliers delivering the wrong goods and/or suppliers delivering the goods late.,