1、项脊轩,旧南阁子也。室仅方丈,可容一人居。百年老屋,尘泥渗漉,雨泽下注;每移案,顾视无可置者。又北向,不能得日,日过午已昏。余稍为修葺,使不上漏。前辟四窗,垣墙周庭,以当南日,日影反照,室始洞然。又杂植兰桂竹木于庭,旧时栏楯,亦遂增胜。借书满架,偃仰啸歌,冥然兀坐,万籁有声;而庭阶寂寂,小鸟时来啄食,人至不去。三五之夜,明月半墙,桂影斑驳,风移影动,珊珊可爱。 项脊轩,是过去的南阁子。屋里仅仅一丈见方,只可容纳一个人居住。这是已有上百年的老屋子,(屋顶墙上的) 泥土从上边漏下来,雨水也往下流;每当移动书桌时,左看右看没有可以安放的地方。又朝北,不能照到阳光,天一过中午就已经昏暗。我稍稍修理了一
2、下,使它不从上面漏土漏雨。前面开了四扇窗子,院子四周砌上围墙,用来挡住南面射来的日光,日光反照,室内才明亮起来。又在庭院里错杂地种上兰花、桂树、竹子等,往日的栏杆,也就增加了新的光彩。借来的书籍摆满书架,我安居室内,长啸高歌,有时又静静地独自端坐,听到自然界各种各样的声音;庭院、阶前却静悄悄的,小鸟不时飞下来啄食。十五的夜晚,明月高悬,照亮半截墙壁,桂树的影子交杂错落,微风吹来,花影摇动,美丽可爱。 The Hsiang-chi Belvedere was formerly called the Southern Pavilion. It was less than twelve feet s
3、quare, just the size for one person to live in. An old shed about a hundred years in age, it was penetrated by dust and dirt, and when it rained, water would seep in. I used to try to relocate the desk and yet, looking around, could not find a dry spot for it. Also, the room faced north and therefor
4、e did not get any sunshine; as soon as noontime passed, it would grow dark inside. I made a few repairs. First I stopped the leak in the ceiling, installed four windows in the front, and had a wall facing the sun in the south built around the courtyard. Now the sunshine is reflected into the room fr
5、om the wall, brightening the room. I also planted in the courtyard orchid, cassia, bamboo, and some trees, which enhance the grace of the old balustrades and thresholds. Then I filled up the shelves with books. Now it has become a place where I may sit back or lie down, to chant or sing aloud. Often
6、 I sit alone in silence, and nature presents its myriad sounds against the quiet all around the courtyard. Little birds frequently come to peck at food, and do not leave even when people approach them. On the fifteenth of the lunar month, the bright moon lights up half of the wall, and the shadow of
7、 the cassia trees spreads out in a fine pattern. When a wind arises, the shadow stirs. A lovely sight indeed.然余居于此,多可喜,亦多可悲。先是,庭中通南北为一。迨诸父异爨,内外多置小门,墙往往而是。东犬西吠,客逾庖而宴,鸡栖于厅。庭中始为篱,已为墙,凡再变矣。家有老妪, 尝居于此。妪,先大母婢也,乳二世,先妣抚之甚厚。室西连于中闺,先妣尝 一至,妪每谓余曰:“某所,而母立于兹。 ”妪又曰:“汝姊在吾怀,呱呱而泣;娘以指叩门扉曰:儿寒乎?欲食乎?吾从板外相为应答。 ”语未毕, 余泣,妪也
8、泣。余自束发读书轩中,一日,大母过余曰:“吾儿,久不见若影,何竟日默默在此,大类女郎也?”比去,以手阖门,自语曰:“吾家读书久不效,儿之成,则可待乎!”顷之,持一象笏至,曰:“此吾祖太常公宣德间执此以朝,他日汝当用之!”瞻顾遗迹,如在昨日,令人长号不自禁。然而我住在这里,有许多可喜的事,也有许多可悲的事。 在这以前,庭院南北相通成为一体。等到伯父叔父们分了家,室外设置了许多小门,墙壁到处都是。东家的狗对着西家叫,客人得越过厨房去吃饭,鸡在厅堂里栖息。庭院中开始是篱笆隔开,然后又砌成了墙,一共变了两次。家中有个老婆婆,曾经在这里居住过。这个老婆婆,是我死去的祖母的婢女,给两代人喂过奶,先母对她很
9、好。房子的西边和内室相连,先母曾经来过一次。老婆婆常常对我说:“这个地方,你母亲曾经站在这儿。 ”老婆婆又说:“你姐姐在我怀中,呱呱地哭泣;你母亲用手指敲着房门说:孩子是冷呢?还是想吃东西呢? 我在门外一一回答。 ”话还没有说完,我就哭起来,老婆婆也流下了眼泪。我从十五岁起就在轩内读书,有一天,祖母来看我,说:“我的孩子,好久没有见到你的身影了,为什么整天默默地呆在这里,真像个女孩子呀?” 等到离开时,用手关上门,自言自语地说:“我们家读书长久没有收到功效,这孩子长大,就可以有指望了呀!”不一会,拿着一个象笏过来,说:“这是我祖父太常公宣德年间拿着去朝见皇帝用的,以后你会用到它!”回忆起旧日这
10、些事情,就好像发生在昨天一样,真让人忍不住放声大哭。 And yet for all the time I have lived here I hold as many happy memories as sad ones. The courtyard used to open to both the north and the south as one unit. When my father and uncles started living separately, small gates and walls were erected here and there, both in and
11、 out of the house. Dogs east and west barked at one another. Visitors had to pass through the kitchen to get to dinner. Roosters stayed in the front hall. The courtyard was first separated by fences and then by walls. Thus the look of the house has changed twice already. An old nanny in the family u
12、sed to live here. She was the maid of my late grandmother. Having been the nanny for two generations, she was well treated by my late mother. The shed was formerly connected on its western side to the inner chambers. My mother sometimes would come over here. The nanny would often tell me, “This was
13、the place where your mother used to stand.“ She would also say, “Your elder sister was crying loudly in my arms. Your mother tapped at the door with her fingers, asking, Is the baby feeling cold? Or is she hungry? And I would talk back to her from behind the door.“ Before she finished saying this, I
14、 started weeping, and the nanny also cried. After I had my hair tied up, I often read my books at the belvedere. One day, grandmother dropped by and said, “Sonny, Ive hardly seen you for a long time. Why are you staying here all day long, almost as quiet as a young lady?“ As she was leaving, she mur
15、mured to herself when she closed the door, “It has been a long time since the family had any success in studies. Maybe we can expect this boy to accomplish something.“ In a short while she was back again, holding an ivory court tablet in her hand. She said, “This was held in his hands by my grandfat
16、her, Chamberlain for Ceremonial, when he went to court during the Hsan-te reign.Some day you should be the one to use it.“ Looking around at all the relics, it seems as if what took place then happened only yesterday; I cant help crying out loud and long.轩东故尝为厨,人往,从轩前过。余扃牖而居,久之能以足音辨人。轩凡四遭火,得不焚,殆有神护者
17、。项脊轩的东边以前曾经是厨房,人们到那里去,必须从轩前经过。我关着窗子住在里面,时间长了,能够根据脚步声辨别是谁。项脊轩一共遭过四次火灾,能够不被焚毁,大概是有神灵在保护着吧 East of the belvedere there used to be the kitchen, and people on their way there would pass by the belvedere. Having stayed inside behind closed doors for a long time, I was able to tell who it was by listening
18、to the sound of the footsteps. The belvedere caught fire four times, but it never burned down, as if it were protected by divinity.项脊生曰:“蜀清守丹穴,利甲天下,其后秦皇帝筑女怀清台;刘玄德与曹操争天下,诸葛孔明起陇中。方二人之昧昧于一隅也,世何足以知之,余区区处败屋中,方扬眉、瞬目,谓有奇景。人知之者,其谓与坎井之蛙何异?”我说:“蜀国的寡妇清继承并守住了朱砂矿,利润天下第一。后来秦朝皇帝为她建造了怀青台。刘备与曹操争夺天下,诸葛亮从隆中起家,当诸葛亮和清在角
19、落不被人知道的时候,世人怎么能够知道他们两?我渺小地在项脊轩,正扬起眉毛眼睛一睁一闭,以为会有奇特的景象,知道这种情况的人认为我和浅井的青蛙有什么区别。Master Hsiang-chi observed, “Widow Ching of Shu held her place at the cinnabar mine, and made it the most profitable place in the world. Later the emperor of Chin had a tower erected in her memory.When Liu Pei and Tsao Tsao
20、fought each other for the state, Chu-ko Liang rose to power from Lung-chung.But when these two lived in obscurity in remote places, how was it possible for the world to know their talent? Now this humble gentleman here, who lives in this shabby belvedere, raises his eyebrows, looks all around, and b
21、elieves that he commands spectacular views. Those who hear of this may wonder what difference there is between him and the frog down in the well.“余既为此志,后五年,吾妻来归,时至轩中从余问古事,或凭几学书。 吾妻归宁,述诸小妹语曰:“闻姊家有阁子,且何谓阁子也?”其后六年,吾妻死,室坏不修。其后二年,余久卧病无聊,乃使人复葺南阁子,其制稍异于前。然自后余多在外,不常居。 庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。我已经作了这篇志,过了五年,我
22、的妻子嫁到我家来,她时常来到轩中,向我问一些古代的事情,或者伏在桌旁学写字。我妻子回娘家探亲,回来转述她的小妹妹们的话说:“听说姐姐家有个小阁子,什么叫阁子呀?”这以后六年,我的妻子去世,小轩破败没有整修。又过了两年,我很长时间生病卧床,闲极无聊,就派人再次修缮南阁子,格局跟过去稍有不同。然而此后我多在外边,不常住在这里。庭院中有一株枇杷树,是我妻子去世那年亲手种植的,现在已经像伞盖一样高高耸立了。Five years after I wrote the above note, my wife came to this house after our marriage. She would o
23、ften come over to the belvedere to ask me about things in ancient times, or lean over the desk to practice calligraphy. Once, when my wife came back from visiting her parents, she told me what her little sisters had said to her: “Sister, weve heard that there is a pavilion at your house. Now what is
24、 a pavilion?“ Six years later, my wife died. The belvedere turned into a wreck. Another two years later, I had nothing to do after being sick for a long time, so I had the Southern Pavilion fixed again. The structure now has become slightly different from before. Yet since then I have stayed away fr
25、om home most of the time, and hardly live there anymore. In the courtyard there is a loquat tree that my wife planted by herself in the year she passed away. It stands tall now, with its foliage spreading out like a canopy.汉语的历史可以追溯到大约公元前 2000 年中期的商朝(公元前 16前 11 世纪) 。那时留下来的文献就是可在甲骨上的卜辞。这种卜辞一般都很短,很公式化
26、,令人疑惑的是,这种简短的书面形式居然和后来周朝的丰富记载紧密相联。周朝(公元前 11前 3 世纪)的语言以钟鼎文的形式保留下来,所做记载内容丰富,所用语言无疑是以后各时期的汉语包括现代汉语方言的祖先。在远古时期,汉语在比今天小得多的范围内使用。当时的中心是黄河流域的大平原,到了周朝,汉语显然已扩展到边远地区了。以后几个世纪,说汉语的人一直向外扩展,渐渐压倒并同化了邻近的民族,最后占领了如今天那样的广阔领域。像论语 、 孟子这两种总所周知的周朝文献,很可能和当时文人的语言没多大差别。那种书面语和口语之间的严格区别大概是后来产生的。从汉朝开始(公元前 206220)开始,书面语和口语出现分歧,但
27、这种分歧但还不是很大,在书面语形成以后,书面语与口语之间的差别就以正比的形式向前发展。到了清代(公元 16441911)这种书面语和口语之间的距离确实已经很大了。The history of the Chinese language can be traced back to approximately the middle of the second millennium BC, to the period known historically as the Shang dynasty (sixteenth to eleventh century BC). The texts which s
28、urvive from that time are divinatory texts inscribed on bone and shell; the tend to be short and formulaic, but there is little doubt that they are written in a language closely related to the far more abundant written records of the succeeding Zhou dynasty, (Zhou 1956, 159). The Zhou dynasty (eleve
29、nth to third century BC) language is preserved in bronze inscriptions and in copious literary texts which have survived down to the present day; the language of these texts is unquestionably ancestral to all later stages of Chinese, including the modern dialects. At this early period, the Chinese la
30、nguage was spoken in a much smaller territory than it is today. Its center was the Yellow River Plain, but even during the Zhou dynasty it had doubtless already begun to spread to some peripheral areas. In subsequent centuries the Chinese (by which I mean Chinese-speaking peoples) were to spread out
31、ward, gradually overcoming and assimilating their ethnic neighbors until they would finally occupy the vast territory that they do at the present time. The language of such well-known Zhou texts as the Analects of Confucius and Mencius was probably not very different from cultured contemporary speec
32、h. The strict distinction between the written language and the vernacular was something that was to develop in later times. The schism between the written literary medium and the spoken vernacular began to develop in the Han dynasty (206 BC-AD220), but the differences between the two forms of Chines
33、e may still not have been very great. Naturally the gap between what was written and what was spoken increased in direct proportion to the distance from the formative period of the written language; by the Qing dynasty (AD 1644-1911) the difference between the literary language and the popular verna
34、culars was very great indeed.从商鞅时代起,秦的国力不断壮大,以致它战胜其他敌国只是一个时间问题。公元前325 年,当时的秦公称王,在此前后,一切大国的统治者也相继称王,这标志着当时周王室已经沦落到很低的地位。公元前 309 年,秦政府设丞相的新职位,丞相又分为左丞相(王以下的最高职位)和右丞相(次于左丞相的职位) 。公元前 256 年,秦消灭了周王室,但到此时,这个行动只具有象征性的重要意义。在公元前 338 年商鞅之死到公元前 221 年秦统一的一个世纪稍多的时期中所发生的大事,没有提供任何迹象可以说明秦的成就是蓄意制定的任何长期战略性计划或谋略的结果。可是人们
35、可以看到,在中国历史上屡次出现一个地处中国西陲的国家或统治者统治其他国家或区域的过程。因为一个地处西陲的国家由于其周围有位于今陕西省境内的山脉这一自然屏障的掩护,可以确保自身的安全;由此,它可以不惧东面的潜在敌人而不断地扩大其版图。就秦而言,这个过程的特点是取得西南作为预备的步骤,然后相当稳定地向东面扩张。最初的一步是在公元前 316 年从楚夺取蜀(今四川省成都平原地区)的领土,紧接着夺取巴(今四川省重庆附近地区)的领土。得到这些领土,不但使秦能确保其侧翼的安全,而且由于楚国丧失巴蜀,这个国家的国力,大大削弱,迄今为止,它也许是秦的主要敌人。与此同时,秦的几个敌国对它的国力和领土不断增长的情景
36、决不是无动于衷的。From the time of Shang Yang onward, Chins steadily growing power made it only a matter of time before it would triumph over its rivals. In 325 the then duke of Chin assumed the title of king (wang) - a step taken by all the major state rulers around this time, and one indicative of the low
37、estate to which the house of Chou had fallen by then. In 309 the Chin government instituted the new office of chancellor (cheng-hsiang), subdivided into a chancellor of the left (the highest office below the ruler) and a chancellor of the right (the next highest office). In 256 Chin destroyed the Ch
38、ou ruling house, but by this late date the act carried only symbolic importance. Events during the period of a little over a century between the death of Shang Yang in 338 and the unification of 221 give no indication that the latter achievement was reached as the result of any consciously devised l
39、ong-range strategic plan or design. Nevertheless, it may be observed that the process whereby one state or ruler, situated in western China, would come to dominate the other states or regions has often been repeated in the course of Chinese history. For a state situated in the west may be able to se
40、cure itself within the natural stronghold, bounded by mountain ranges, which lies within the modern province of Shensi; and from there it may be able to extend its dominion steadily in the face of potential enemies in the east In the case of Chin, the process was marked by securing the southwest as
41、a preliminary move, and thereafter proceeding fairly steadily in an easterly direction. The initial step was the seizure of the territory of Shu (the modern Cheng-tu plain area in Szechwan) from Chu in 316, quickly followed by that of Pa (the area around modern Chungking in Szechwan).Not only did th
42、e acquisition of these lands enable Chin to secure its flank, but their loss by Chu seriously weakened the power of that state, heretofore perhaps Chins major rival. In the meantime, Chins rivals were far from unmoved by the spectacle of its steady growth in power and territory.在中国,今天已经很少有人听说通道这个小集镇
43、(现名县溪镇) ,它在湘江左岸,位于这条宽阔的褐色河流连绵的丘陵之间。通道镇是湘、黔、桂三省交界之处的一个少数名族聚居区。它地势倾斜,有一条长长的泥土路和几家商店,几乎没有什么现代建筑,甚至连当地的居民也无可奈何地说,这儿几乎没有发生过什么有趣的事情。然而,那地方以前确实发生过一些事情。1934 年 12 月 12 日,红军曾聚集在那儿举行过一次会议,这次会议标志着毛开始升为红军的最高领导。通道仅仅作为红军长征路上经过的一个地方被极了下来,就像部队写在墙上的“人人参军作战,打到日本帝国主义的”标语口号一样,在风雨剥蚀中逐渐消褪,成为一幅古老的图片。当年所有的参与者都已逝世,没有一个人能确切地了
44、解:到底有哪些人参加了?会址到底在哪儿?后来,周恩来总理曾回忆,会议是在郊外的一座农舍里召开的,当时那里正举行一场结婚喜宴。那时离毛泽东的 41 岁生日只有两个星期。这个瘦高的男子,由于饮食与睡眠不足,脸颊凹陷,他身上那件灰棉布短上衣,像是随时都会从他的肩上滑下来。他得了几次疟,那时候不得不被人用担架啊抬着,但他仍然康复了。他比大部分其他领导人都要高大魁梧一些,脸上没有胡须,没有特别的特征,一头倔强的黑发从中间分开。Few people today, even in China, have heard of the little market town of Tongdao. It exten
45、ds for about a mile along the left bank of the Shuangjiang, squeezed into a narrow strip of land between the wide, brown river and a range of terraced hllls. Tongdao is the center of a small non-Han minority area where the three provinces of Guangxi, Guizhou and Hunan meet. It is a scruffy, run-down
46、 place, with one long, muddy main street, few ships and fewer modern buildings, where even the locals say resignedly that nothing of interest ever happens. Yet once something gathered in Tongdao for a meeting which was to mark the beginning of Mao Zedongs rise to supreme power.It was one of the most
47、 obscure events in the history of the Chinese Communist Party. The only written trace of the Red Armys passage is an old photograph of a faded slogan, chalked up by the troops on a wall: “Everyone should tae up arms and fight the Japanese!” All the participants are now dead. No one knows exactly who
48、 was present, or even where the meeting took place. Premier Zhou Enlai, years later, recalled that it had been in a farmhouse, somewhere outside the town, where a wedding party was in progress. Mao was two weeks short of his forty-first birthday, a thin, lanky man, hollow-cheeked from lack of food a
49、nd sleep, whose oversize grey cotton jacket seemed perpetually about to slide from his shoulders. He was still recovering from a severe bout of malaria, and at times had to be carried in a litter. Taller than most of the other leaders, his face was smooth and unmarked, with a shock of unruly black hair, parted in the middle.