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1、Unit 3 What were you doing for vacation?(1)重点短语go camping 去野营 make camp 扎营 summer camp 夏令营 go on vacation 去度假 go on holiday 去度假 go on a picnic 去野餐go on a trip 去旅行 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 go away 离去;出去be away from 远离 far away 很远 run away 逃走send away 把打发走 send for 派人去请 send out 发送,派遣be/ come back 回来 go

2、back 回去 ride on a horse 骑马give sb. a ride 让人骑马/乘车 go sightseeing 去观光 take walk 散步take a vacation 度假 take a bath 洗澡 be famous for 因为而著名be famous as 作为而出名 think about 考虑 decide to do sth. 决定做某事forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事( 2) 语法1. plan to do sth. 计划去做某事What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?Do

3、 you agree to my plan? 你同意我的计划吗?When do you plan to take your holiday ?你打算什么时候休假?【练习】(1) Im planning _ fishing this Sunday.25A. go B. to go C. going D. went (2) 他总是那个制定出一些好的计划。He always _ _ _ _.2. What is like? 问“如何?”Whats that kind of bike like ? 那种自行车怎么样?Very nice and fine. 既美观又精巧。Whats your mothe

4、r like? 你母亲是个什么样的人?She is quite nice. 他相当好。What does .look like ? 用于询问人或事物的外部特征What does your elder brother look like? 你哥哥长得怎么样?Hes tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。【练习】(1) Whats your math teacher like?26_.A. Hes twenty-seven years old B. He works in our schoolC. Hes creative and outgoing D. He likes physics an

5、d biology(2) What does the lady look like ?_.A. Shes fine and well B. Shes really a nice ladyC. Shes tall and thin D. She like wearing skirts(3) 美国的天气怎么样?_ _ the weather _ in the USA?4. think about 对看法;考虑 Theyre thinking about/of buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。回想过去的事情;考虑某事、某计划是否实可行We did think about m

6、oving to Tokyo.我们确实考虑过要搬到东京。think of 想到,想起;一般不和 think about 换用 I cant think of his name. 我想不起他的名字。think over 仔细考虑 Let me think it over, and Ill find a way.让我仔细想想,我会找到一个方法的。【练习】(4) 你觉得这部戏剧怎么样?What do you _ _ the day?26(5) 他苦苦地思索这个问题,但还是没有找出答案。He _ this problem _, but he still couldnt find out the ans

7、wer.(6) The computer is much too expensive. Lets _ it.Atalk about B. think to C. think about D. say about5. 不定代词 26There is something on the floor. 地板上有点东西。【练习】(7) Theres _ wrong with my chair. Can you mend it?26No problem.A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything(10) Is there _in todays new

8、spaper?No, theres _.A. anything special; something unusualB. anything special; nothing unusualC. special anything; nothing unusualD. special anything; unusual nothing6. leave 的用法【练习】(1) Sorry, Mr Green. I _ my English book at home.Thats OK, but dont forget next time.A. forgot B. forget C. left D. ke

9、pt(2) We cant leave our grandparents by_.A. they B. them C. themselves D. their7. finish 的用法:They all finished their homework except Jim. 除了吉姆外他们都完成了家庭作业。【练习】(1) Please show your CD player to me as soon as you finish _ your letter.A. write B. to write C. wrote D. writing(2) 你必须按时完成你的作业。You must _ _

10、_ on time.8. “希望”:hope 与 wish 【练习】(1) Bob, we are moving this weekend.Congratulations! I _ you happiness in your new flat.A. wish B. hope C. expect D. send (2) I hope _ them in Tianjin.A. to meet B. you to meet C. you meeting D. you not to meet9.take 的用法:take sth. with sb. 某人随身带着某物【练习】(1) Dont forge

11、t _ a shopping basket _ you.A. take; with B. to take; on C. to take; with D. take; on10. How long 和 whenhow long 意思是“多久,多长”,询问某个动作或状态持续了多久,与延续性动词连用,回答一般用for表示时间段 的词组。when 意思是“什么时候,何时”,可指比较泛的时间, 也可指比较具体的时刻。 【练习】(1) did he stay here? For two days.。(2) are you coming to see me? Tomorrow.11.表示时间的 in, at

12、, on 的区别【练习】(1)Your uncle is leaving for Jinan Sunday morning.A. in B. on C. for D. at(2)He learned English four years.A. in B. on C. for D. at12. go + V.ing 结构go swimming 去游泳 go boating 去划船 go bike riding 骑自行车旅行 go dancing 去跳舞 go fishing 去钓鱼 go sightseeing 去观光 go skating 去滑冰 go hunting 去打猎 go skiin

13、g 去滑雪 go climbing 去爬山 go walking 去散步 go camping 去野营 go hiking 徒步旅行【练习】(1)She is with her mother this afternoon.A. going to shop B. go to shop C. going shopping D. go shopping重点语法 一般将来时(1) 【构成】 “助动词 shall / will动词原形” 构成【将来时间的状语】tomorrow, next week, in two days, from now on, soon, in 2050 等。【用法】表示将来要发

14、生的动作或情况。例如:He will come back soon. 他很快就会回来的。It will be Tuesday tomorrow. 明天是星期二。We shall / will not be there till eleven. 我们要到 11 点钟才会到那里。When will the train arrive? 火车什么时候到?注意: shall 有时在疑问句中,用来有礼貌地征询对方的意见。例如:-Shall I open the window? (= Would you like me to?) 我把窗户打开好吗?-Yes, please.好,请吧。(2)现在进行时表将来-

15、 -be + V-ing 形式:表示将要发生的动作时,常有“意图、安排或打算”的含义,表明主语对某事已经做好安排或计划,而且动作不久将会发生。【区分 “be + V-ing 形式” 结构是表示现在进行的动作,还是表将来】1)时间状语2) 谓语动词我们经常用动作指示词(如 look, listen 等) 来表示所要看到、听到的某个动作正在发生。Listen! The girl is singing! 能够用“be + V-ing 形式”表示将来的动词往往是表示位置移动的动词,如 come, go, leave, start, begin, fly, get, arrive 等 The Green

16、s are coming to my party tonight.例题 ( )1. Did you find ? A. something unusual B. unusual something C. anything unusual D. unusual anything( )2. He is so careless that he always his school things at home. A. forgets B. forget C. leaves D. left( )3. It Yang Liwei about 21 hours the earth 14times in hi

17、s spaceship. A. spent, circling B. took, travelling C. spent, to travel D. took, to circle( )4 Could you tell me youll be away?About three weeks. A. how long B. how far C. how soon D. how often( )5. There is in the art exhibition. Please come and visit it. A. something new B. nothing new C. new some

18、thing D. new things( )6. His parents were worried that he too much time chatting online. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. had( )7. The best thing to do in Hainan Island is scuba diving. The fish and the coral reefs are beautiful.That really cool! A. looks B. sounds C. becomes D. feels( )8. Is there in to

19、days news paper?Yes, Shenzhou will be sent up into space in the near future. A. nothing new B. new nothing C. anything new D. new anything( )9. The summer vacation will begin next week. David to stay with us. A. will be coming B. comes C. came D. is coming( )10. Youve left the light on. Oh, sorry. a

20、nd turning it off.A. Ive gone B. Ill go C. I went D. Im going( )11. How long the film KING KONG(金刚) ?For just several minutes. A. did, begin B. has, begun C. has, been on D. did, be( )12. How long are you going to ? For about two weeks.A. leave B. be away C. leave away D. be left课后练习单选( )1. They are

21、 _.A. staying walk B. going walks C. taking walks D. going walk( )2. _ is the weather today?A. What B. How C. Which D. Who( )3. There is _ for him to do today.A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything( )4. How about _ with us to the Great Wall?A. come

22、B. comes C. came D. coming( )5. I am thinking _ what to do next.A. out B. of C. about D. for( )6. They decided _ in the mountains .A. hiking B. on hike C. to hike D. on hiking( )7. She looks _ because she has a _ vacation.A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing, re

23、laxed( )8. What are we going to do on Sunday? How about _?A. to go bike riding B. going bike to ride C. going to bike riding D. going bike riding ( )9. The doctors said that there was _ wrong with Janes legs. They could not do _ to help her.A. something; anything B. something; nothing C. nothing; an

24、ything D. everything; something( )10. Im sorry I forgot _ the letter for you! It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted用单词的适当形式填空1. Hes _ (plan) his vacation to Qing dao this summer.2. _ you _ (leave) for Hong Kong tomorrow?3. That _ (sound) interesting.4. I though

25、t about _ (visit) her.5. He plans to have a very _ (relax) and _ (excite) vacation.6. Im taking walks and going _ (fish) there.7. Shes _ (babysit) her sister.9. Can you show me those _ (photo)?完形填空It must have been after two oclock in the morning when the last guest left. Though we had enjoyed their

26、 stay, my wife and I were very thankful to close the door on them. We 1 all the dirty dishes and glasses as they were ,and after opening several windows to let some 2 air in and the smell of food out, we climb in bed and 3 asleep.I couldnt have been asleep for more than half an hour when I awoke wit

27、h a strong smell of smoke. 4 half asleep, I stepped into the living-room, and there, though heavy clouds of smoke, I saw one of my curtains was on fire. I should have5 the windows first, _ 6 _ instead I tried to beat about the fire with a folded newspaper. When this failed ,I hurried into the kitche

28、n to 7 a bucket of the water. At the same time I shout to Barbara, who 8 called the fire brigade(消防员)before coming to helped me . We have to work at top speed carrying buckets of the water. From the kitchen to 9 the fire, fanned by the wind from the windows, spreading. We were unable to 10 out the f

29、ire .Luckily, the fireman arrived in no time, and they had little difficulty in putting out the fire.1. A. laid B. left C. washed D. put2. A. hot B .warm C. fresh D. cold3. A. fell B. felt C. fresh D. went4. A. Not B. Still C. No D. Only 5. A. broken B. opened C. closed D. removed6. A. and B. but C. so D .or7. A. bring B. find C .take D. carry8. A. eagerly B .nervously C. hurriedly D. certainly9. A. beat B. fight C. stop D. make10. A. get B. put C. keep D. take


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