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1、中国生物多样性相关部门间的协调与合作,张风春ZHANG Fengchun,中国-欧盟生物多样性项目机构政策专家 Institutional/Policy Expert of ECBP,2010年9月26日长沙26 September, 2010 Changsha,Coordination & cooperation among BD-related sectors in China,主要内容Outline,生多相关部门概况Current Situation of BD-related Sectors,生多相关部门间的协调与配合案例Cases of Coordination and Cooper

2、ation,面临的挑战Challenges,生多相关部门概况Current Situation of BD-related Sectors,BDC SC 生多履约协调组,CAS 中科院,MST 科技部,NDRC 发改委,MoF 财政部,AQSIQ 质检总局,MLR 国土资源部,MoA 农业部,SFA 林业局,与生物多样性履约有关的机构Agencies involved in CBD implementation,MFA 外交部,MOFCOM 商务部,MOC 建设部,MPS 公安部,MOE 教育部,SAIC工商总局,MEP 环保部,SARFT 广电总局,GAC海关总署,SATCM中医药局,SOA

3、 海洋局,SIPO知识产权局,MWR 水利部,GMD 光明日报,PD人民日报,XNA 新华社,第6条 保护与可持续利用的一般措施General Measures for Conservation and Sustainable Use第7条 识别与监测Identification and Monitoring第8条 就地保护In-situ Conservation第9条 迁地保护Ex-situ Conservation第10条 生多资源的可持续利用Sustainable Use of Components of Biological Diversity第11条 激励措施Incentive Me

4、asures第12条 研究与培训Research and Training,生物多样性公约中的主要条款(1)Main action-related articles of CBD,第13条 公共教育与意识提高Public Education and Awareness第14条 影响评价Impact Assessment and Minimizing Adverse Impacts第15条 遗传资源的使用权Access to Genetic Resources第16条 技术转让权Access to and Transfer of technology第17条 信息交流Exchange of In

5、formation第18条 科技合作 Technical and Scientific Cooperation第19条 生物技术及其惠益分配Handling of Biotechnology and Distribution of its Benefits,生物多样性公约中的主要条款 (2)Main action-related articles of CBD,第20条 资金来源Financial Resources第21条 资金机制Financial Mechanism第22条 与其他国际公约的关系Relationship with Other International Conventio

6、ns第23条 缔约方大会Conference of the Parties第24条 秘书处Secretariat第25条 科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构 Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice第26条 报告Reports,生物多样性公约中的主要条款 (3)Main action-related articles of CBD,公安部MPS质检总局AQSIQ工商总局SAIC海关总署GAC知识产权局SIPO外交部MFA商务部MOFCOM发改委NDRC财政部MOF科技部MST教育部MOE住建部 MOC,中国履约

7、协调组成员的职责 Mandates of CBD SC members,环保部MEP林业局SFA农业部MoA海洋局SOA水利部MWL中医药局SATCM国土部MLR广电总局SARFT新华社XNA人民日报PD光明日报GMD中科院CAS,8,914,1614,168,9,14-1615-1922-2318,226-1220-216-12,14-1912,138,9,6-266-22,256-22,256-22,256-106-106-1012,1312,1312,1312,1312,13,18,25,部门Sectors,条款Articles,条款Articles,部门Sectors,生多相关部门间的

8、协调与配合案例Cases of Coordination and Cooperation,20多个部门参与了中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划的编制和完善过程。More than 20 sectors have been involved in the formulation of NBSAP, during which these sectors well cooperated and were coordinated,共同完成项目任务 Joint implementation of project activities,案例 Case 1,中国生多战略与行动计划编制过程NBSAP Formu

9、lating Procedure,专家组TF,环保部 MEP,专家审阅Review,国际会议Intl Wksp,相关部委Line Min.,国务院S. C.,中国生物多样性保护战略与行动计划的编制和审批过程就是一个各方协调与配合的过程。Process of NBSAP formulation is a coordination and cooperation process,共同参与项目管理Joint management of projects,案例 Case 2,指导委员会Steering C.,利益相关者会议Stakeholder M.,部际会议Inter M M.,国务院S. C,中国

10、生多战略与行动计划编制过程NBSAP Developmental Flow Chart,ECBP协助安徽省安庆市建立了永久性的具有编制的生物多样性管理办公室, 通过政府行为实现部门间的配合。With the facilitation of ECBP, Anqing Municipal Government established a permanent “Biodiversity Management Office” which has been incorporated into the institutional structure of the government.,成立生多部门并与其

11、他部门并列 Establishment of a BD Department under Government,安庆市政府 Anqing Municipal Government,案例 Case 3,办公室 Admin.,工业 Industry,政策 Policy,土地 Land Res.,水利 water,农业 Agriculture,环保 Environ.,生多 BD,案例 Case 4,CBPF通过伙伴关系加强合作和协调。CBPF Launched a broad partnership which strengthens coordination and cooperation bet

12、ween sectors,CBPF,伙伴关系 partnership,ECBP通过广泛的合作打破横向和纵向的合作障碍。在中央层面100多、示范项目70多以及宣传教育20多部门参与了ECBP。 Both the vertical and horizontal institutional barriers have been broken through a partnership. 100 at central level, 70 at joined implementing level, and 20 sectors in the awareness campaigns were involv

13、ed under ECBP.,合作关系 Cooperation,ECBP,政府部门Government agencies,国内组织National organizations,其他国家Other countries,非政府组织NGOs,研发机构 R&D Units,私有部门Private Sector,案例 Case 5,Partnership,国际机构Intl Organizations,社区Rural Communities,ECBP在新疆裕民县建立生态环境委员会,包括12个相关部门,试行大部制生多管理模式 ECBP helped Yumin County of Xinjiang to d

14、emonstrate a mega-bureau model for BD governance at county level. 12 BD-related sectors were involved,建立综合部门 integrated governance of biodiversity,裕民县生态环境委员会Yumin County Eco-environment Committee,办公室 Admin.,水利Water,发改委PDRC,畜牧Ani. Husb.,农业 Agriculture,林业Forestry,环保Env. Prot.,土地Land res.,旅游Tourism,福利W

15、elfare,能源Energy,公安Pub security,案例 Case 6,Official Document by the county government,政府的一把手负责生物多样性相关的项目或工作。The first in commend of the government takes charge of biodiversity or related-planning or projects,一把手挂帅The first in commend takes charge of BD,案例 Case 7,市长 Mayor/Governor,办公室 Admin.,水利Water,发改

16、委PDRC,畜牧Ani. Husb.,农业 Agriculture,林业Forestry,环保Env. Prot.,土地Land res.,旅游Tourism,福利Welfare,能源Energy,贫困 P. Alliev.,Project/Programme,Mining,Tourism,Herb medicine,Land use,Land degradation,Afforestation,Climate change,生多的战略与项目影响评价使各行各业及不同部门的发展规划和项目都遵循同一的标准。All of the sectors are brought under a common

17、developmental standards through BD SEA/EIA,生多环评将各部门发展统筹考虑BD SEA/EIA bring all sectors under a common standard,案例 Case 8,政府的一把手负责生物多样性相关的项目或工作。The first in commend of the government takes charge of biodiversity or related-planning or projects,项目合作Projects/programmes dealing with more than two fields,

18、案例 Case 9,生多与气候变化,生多与操场管理,生多与湿地管理,生多与土地利用,生多与土地退化,环保部 MEP,农业部 MoA,发改委NDRC,国土部MLR,林业局 SFA,林业局 SFA,ECBP湿地项目组成了一个跨2省4县的“诺尔盖高原湿地保护委员会”。委员会包括2省4县的相关部门。A Ruoergai Wetland Conservation Committee was formed under ECBP. The committee consists of various related sectors at provincial and county levels,跨行政区的合作

19、Inter-Administrative Regional Cooperation,案例 Case 10,甘肃,四川,面临的挑战Challenges,观念落后 The conventional concept needs updated,职责不明 Mandates and responsibilities are not clear,利益冲突 Conflict of interests,面临的挑战Challenges,面临的挑战Challenges,缺乏知识 Lack of know-how and knowledge,缺少意识 Lack of awareness,缺少方法 Lack of approaches and technology,面临的挑战Challenges,缺少战略与规划 Lack of strategy and plans,政策需要完善 Polices need improvement,政绩衡量标准需要完善 Take BD into ones achievements in his official career,谢谢Thank you,


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