八年纪Unit 1 section A.doc

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1、Unit1 How often do you exercise? Section A一、 教材分析1 教材的地位和作用本单元要求学生掌握 What do/doesusually do on weekends? What is favorite? How often do/does 这几个问答的句型。除此之外还让学生掌握 Unit1 Section A 里面要求掌握的新单词。通过学生自主练习、小组操练、集体操练等活动,进一步提高学生关于以上句型还有听说读写的综合能力。2 教学目标 知识目标 能力目标 情感目标1) 知识目标Key words 重点单词Pencil, pen, book, eras

2、er, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary, spell.Key structures 重点句式-Whats this/that in English? Its . How do you spell it? -Is this/that-Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. ItsE.g. :( 1) A: Whats this in English? Its a pen.B: How to spell it? P-E-N, pen.(2) Is this your pencil? Yes, it i

3、s/ No, it isnt, its Toms.2) 能力目标通过教师引导,在操练两个句型中让学生不断熟悉并熟练的掌握,并在活动中不断运用新单词,达到掌握的程度。通过这些轻松有趣的活动,让学生在这个有利的环境中轻松掌握本节课所学内容,并利用与生活中。3)情感目标有助于帮助学生培养怎样和他人沟通的技巧。4)教学重难点重点:掌握 always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never.的用法掌握 What do/doesusually do on weekends? What is favorite? How often do/does 句型难

4、点:掌握 What do/doesusually do on weekends? What is favorite? How often do/does 句型学生学情分析学情分析:本课话题与每位学生的学习生活息息相关,这有助于学生对课本的亲身体会和了解并掌握。初二的学生具有天真、好动、富有丰富想象力、表现欲强的特点,因此,对本课学习应该采用丰富多样的教学方法,比如,画简笔画、图表等,让学生能够很直观的感受。并开展课堂活动,活跃气氛并且激发学生的学习兴趣。二、 教学过程Step1 新课导入 1What day is it today? Yes, it is a new weekend. I us

5、ually play basketball and ride bike with my friends on weekends. How about you? What do you usually do on weekends? You please what do you usually do on weekends. What does she/he do on weekends? And what do you do with your friends on weekends? Step2 呈现加操练Work with your partner; ask what does she/h

6、e do on weekends.10 活动一,写上重点掌握单词,画好简笔画 always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never 的区分和运用练习。Do you like eating apples? You are in school five days a week, right? If you eat an apples once a day in five days, there must be five apples. We can also say you always eat apples10 活动二,分发卡片,操练 Onc

7、e a week,Twice a week,Three times a week,Four times a week. Now, if our school hopes you to make a school timetable, how often do you want to have these classes a week? There are four choices on the blackboard. I want to divide class into four groups, each group will get a card, please work with you

8、r group then choose a group leader give a brief report. You have 5 minutes.5 操练 What is favorite?How often do/does Once a week/month,Twice a week,Three times a week.Oh, good ideas. Whats her/he favorite class? Yes, English. Whats your favorite sport? Oh, I hope you can teach me after class, will you

9、? How often do you.?Step3 10 呈现和操练 some, most, no, all 让学生区别这几个词的用法。Who is monitor? How many students in class? There are 60 students, a large number.画出图表。Do you like watch TV? How many students like playing football? .Step4 总结 5 即将结束本课时,应当做好总结为学生理清一下思路,回忆本课重难点,帮助学生更好的记忆、学习和掌握。1, Read the new words

10、2, Use the new sentenceWhat do/doesusually do on weekends? What is favorite? How often do/does Step6 Homework1Please make a survey about your family members. What do they usually do on weekends? What is their favorite? How often do they do?三、 黑板布置Notes Unit 2 Is this your pencil?Always usuallyoftensometimes hardly everneverWhat do/doesusually do on weekends?What is favorite?How often do/does Once a week/monthTwice a weekThree times a weekFour times a weekDrillsSchool timetableFavorite四、 教学所需物品卡片 课本 教案


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