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1、1第二课 Soundtracks 电影配乐FELTON: I dont agree. I think a soundtrack is very important to a movie. Soundtracks arent boring. I agree that not all soundtracks are great. But movies like Jaws and Superman and Indiana Jones have some of the best action movie soundtracks of all time. 我不同意。我认为电影配乐对电影很重要。电影配乐不

2、无聊。我同意不是所有的电影配乐都很好。但是像大白鲨、超人和夺宝奇兵这种电影一直都有一些最好的动作电影配乐。 FELTON: I think it was genius to use classical music in the science fiction movie 2001: Space Odyssey. Love Story has one of the saddest soundtracks of all dramas. 我认为在 2001 年的科幻电影太空漫游中使用古典音乐是很聪明的。爱情故事在所有的剧情中都会有段最悲伤的配乐。 IAN: My favorite movies ar

3、e westerns. The stories are good. The characters are great and theres just never a dull or boring moment. 我最喜欢的电影是美国西部片。故事很棒。角色不错,而且没有一个枯燥或无聊的情节。 第三课 Classic film 经典电影KEVIN: Whats he doing to her? 他在对她做什么? IAN: I think hes about to shoot her in the head. Oh, God, no. Oh! Oh. Almost. 我想他打算在她的头部开枪。喔不。

4、差点要射了。 KEVIN: Wow. I cant believe he did that. Thats some pretty bad acting actually. 哇。真不敢相信他这么做了。事实上有些演技真的有些糟糕。 IAN: Its in black and white. 这是黑白的。 KEVIN: Why is it in black and white? 为什么是黑白的呢? IAN: Its like nineteen thirty two. The special effects arent brilliant. Its an old movie, but its a goo

5、d story. Why the subtitles? We all speak English here, right? 就像是 1932 年的。特效不是很出色。这是一部老电影,但故事情节非常好。为什么要字幕?我们这里都说英语,对吧? IAN: I like her. Good actress. 我喜欢她。很棒的女演员。 KEVIN: Really? You think so? No, I dont agree. 真的吗?你是这么认为的吗?不,我不同意。 2IAN: Its a really good story. 这真的是个很好的故事。 KEVIN: Its not very origin

6、al. I already know whats going to happen. 它不是很新颖。我已经知道要发生什么了。 IAN: How do you know? 你怎么知道的? KEVIN: Westerns are always the same. 美国西部片都是一样的。 IAN: You saw the remake. Thats how you know. 你看了翻版的。这是你知道的原因。 KEVIN: I didnt see the remake. 我没有看翻版。 IAN: Did you read the book? 你看过书吗? KEVIN: No, I just know

7、how its going to end. 没有,我只是知道它的结局。 第四课 A difference of opinion 意见分歧IAN: I dont agree with Kevin. He thinks that books are better than movies. I think movies are more fun. Some actors are amazing. They dont have to be famous. 我不同意 Kevin。他认为书比电影好。我认为电影更有趣。有些演员太棒了。他们不需要很有名。 KEVIN: Ian likes westerns.

8、Some westerns are dreadful. The plot and the setting are always the same. The characters are too simple: a good guy and a bad guy. First, theres a town. Ian 喜欢西部片。一些西部片很糟糕。情节和场景都是一样的。人物太简单了:就一个好人和一个坏人。首先, 有一个小镇。 KEVIN: Everybodys happy there. Then, the bad guys arrive and then people arent happy any

9、more. Next, a new sheriff comes to town to help these poor people. Finally, there is a fight in the middle of the town between the new sheriff and the bad people. Guess, who wins? 每个人都幸福地在那里生活着。然后,坏人来了,人们就不再幸福了。接着,一个新的警长来到小镇帮助了这些可怜的人。最后,警长和坏人在小镇中心进行了一场决斗。猜猜谁赢了?3KEVIN: Its so simple, a good guy and a

10、 bad guy, good against evil, saving a girl, always a happy ending. I just mean. I prefer dark stories. 太容易了,一个好人和一个坏人, 正义对抗邪恶,拯救了少女,总是大团圆结局。我也是这个意思。我更偏爱阴暗的故事。 第五课 Classical concert 古典音乐会IAN: See you later mate. Date? Excuse me, KEVIN? 待会见,伙计。约会?抱歉,KEVIN? KEVIN: Where are you going? 你去哪儿? FELTON: Im

11、going to class. Then, Im going to a Beethoven concert later tonight at the theatre. Would you like to come? 我打算去上课。那么,我今晚稍后打算去剧院听贝多芬音乐会。你想来吗? KEVIN: Yeah, sure. 是的,当然。 FELTON: Great! The concerts at 6. Im going to be there at 530. Let me give you the address. So you can take the subway if you want,

12、I think its the Orange line, get off at Mission street, or you can take the bus, number 18 to Green and Second, or instead of that you can just take a taxi if you want. 好极了!音乐会是 6 点的。我打算 5:30 到那儿。我把地址给你。所以如果你愿意的话你可以坐地铁,我想可以坐橙线列车,在密逊街下车,或者你可以坐公共汽车 18 路去 Green and Second,或者如果你愿意的话可以只坐出租车。 FELTON: Soun

13、d good? The concert, its at 600. Dont be late! 听上去不错?音乐会是在 6:00 的。不要迟到了! KEVIN: OK. 好的。 第八课 All apologies 十分抱歉KEVIN: Im sorry Felton. 很抱歉,Felton。 FELTON: Its OK. 没关系。 KEVIN: Look. I went to the subway station in time but the subway train didnt stop at Alan Station. It re-routed to Highland Park. And

14、 I couldnt find a taxi and I tried to get on a bus. I went 4to Hollywood and the Rose Bowl and Chinatown and then there was this huge traffic jam and I just couldnt get out of it. 看。我最后去地铁站了,但是地铁没有在 Alan 站停站。地点改在高地公园。我叫不到出租车,于是试着找公共汽车。我去了好莱坞、 玫瑰碗足球场和唐人街,然后遇到了交通堵塞,我差点出不来。 FELTON: Fine. 好吧。 KEVIN: How

15、 was the concert? 音乐会怎么样? FELTON: Good. 不错。 KEVIN: Look. I told you Im sorry. 看吧。我对你很抱歉。 第九课 People watching 旁观者EMMA: That hair! Yeah, its horrid, its pretty terrible. So much wax in it. Like if you have a boyfriend Yeah. You want to be able to do be able to do this with his hair but? 那个发型!是的,很恐怖,相当

16、糟糕。这么多的蜡。如果你有男朋友的话会喜欢的。你想做他的那种发型吗? KATE: Shes wearing socks with sandals! 她凉鞋里穿着袜子! EMMA: Thats nasty. Its quite nasty actually. 真恶心。事实上很邋遢。 KATE: Yeah, it is. Oh, look at that guy. Im sorry but hes far too old to be wearing those baggy jeans and that baseball cap. 的确如此。哦,看看那个家伙。很抱歉,但是他实在太老了,因此不能穿那些

17、袋装裤和戴棒球帽。 EMMA: Come on he wants to feel young again. 来吧,他想再次感受一下年轻。 KATE: I know but its not a good look for a forty year old man. Ooh, too much makeup. Her shoes are cool. Handbags plastic! Its a plastic handbag. 我知道,但是对于一个 40 岁的老人来说不是很好看。噢,妆太浓了。她的鞋子很酷。手提包是塑料的!这是个塑料的手提包。 5KATE: Its my pet hate. 这是

18、我宠物的帽子。 EMMA: Youre crazy. 你疯了。 KATE: Look, too much sun. 看,很多阳光。 EMMA: Way too much sun. 周围很多阳光。 KATE: Yeah. Not enough sun! 是的。阳光不够! EMMA: And not enough sun. 阳光不足。 KATE: Look at him. Somebody call the fashion police! 看看他。有人给时尚警察打电话了! EMMA: Kate! He can hear you! Kate!他能听见你! KATE: No, he cant. Loo

19、k at his outfit! Look. His hair! Hes wearing polyester. 不,他听不见。看看他全套的服装!看呀。他的发型!他穿着涤纶衣服。 KATE: Im sorry, but that jackets too small for him. 很抱歉,但是那件夹克衫对他来说太小了。 EMMA: Well, keep it down. Not everybody cares much about fashion as you do. 嘘,小声点。不是每个人和你一样这么关注时尚的。 第十课 Trying on clothes 试穿服装NINA: Hello!

20、My business is fashion. People think that fashion is all about following the seasons trends. But it isnt just about what the designers say is in style. Its about finding your own style. 你好!我的工作很时尚。人们认为时尚是跟随季节的趋势。但是这不仅仅是设计师说是时髦的,它就是时髦的。关键是发现你自己的风格。 NINA: Fashion is personal. Its about expressing your

21、self. Having fun. Wearing the clothes that you like. Is everything ok in there? 时尚是个人的事。关键是表达你自己。玩得开心点。穿你喜欢的衣服。那儿一切还好吗? 6CUSTOMER: The magazines say tight jeans are going to be really in this autumn, what am I going to do? 杂志上说这个秋天紧身牛仔真的很流行,我该怎么办? NINA: Tight jeans arent for everyone. If it doesnt l

22、ook good dont wear it. 紧身牛仔不适合所有人。如果穿上去不好看,那就不要穿。 CUSTOMER: My legs dont look good in pants like these. 我穿这样的裤子显得腿形不好看。 NINA: You know what, skirts are also going to be important this season. This skirt will look great on you. How about this one? What size are you? Ten? 你知道的,这个季节衬衫也是很重要的。你穿这件衬衫会很好看的

23、。这件怎么样?你是什么尺码? 10? CUSTOMER: Twelve. 12。 NINA: Here, try on this one. 这里,试试看这件。 CUSTOMER: Thanks. 谢谢。 NINA: That skirt looks great on you! 你穿那件衬衫真好看! CUSTOMER: It does. 的确很好看。 第十一课 Fashion designer 时装设计师KATE: You know, I could be a designer. Every season, its something different. “Hats will be the h

24、ottest thing. Red could be the color this fall. “Tight jeans will be so hot“ Who decides these things? 我可以成为设计师。每个季节总有些不同。 “帽子会是最热销的。Red could be the color this fall. “Tight jeans will be so hot!“ Who decides these things? KATE: I could! 可能是的!EMMA:Sorry. its just. Well, can you draw?抱歉。只是. 好吧,你会画画吗?

25、7KATE:I know clothes. Im good at putting together outfits. Sometimes I buy things beforetheyre even in style!我了解衣服。 我擅长搭配服装。 有时候我会在衣服流行之前就买下来!EMMA:True, but designers go to fashion school. They learn how to draw, how to sew, theywork very hard to become designers.真的,但是设计师上的是时装学校。 他们学习怎么画画,怎么缝纫,他们为了成

26、为设计师努力工作。KATE:Maybe Ill go to fashion school.可能我会去时装学校。EMMA:Yeah. You should.是的。 你应该去。KATE:Yeah! I will!是的! 我会的!第十五课 Find him a job 为他找工作PETER:Leos my best friend. Weve been friends for years. We went to the university together. Igraduated from the university, and he didnt. Hes worked at a pet shop

27、since last year.Leo 是我最好的朋友。 我们成为朋友很多年了。 我们一起上大学。 我大学毕业了,但是他没有。 他从去年起就在一家宠物商店工作。PETER:Thats one year of feeding animals, walking animals, cleaning animals. In the past,hes been a waiter, a gardener. I mean, theres nothing wrong with that. but Leos reallyclever. Hes reliable, outgoing, honest, he cou

28、ld do anything he wants. The problem ishe wants to do nothing.需要 1 年时间来饲养动物,带动物散步,清洗动物。 他过去是一名服务生,一名园丁。我的意思是这样并没有错. 但是 Leo 真的很聪明。 他可靠,开朗,诚实,他能做任何他想做的事情。 问题是他不想做任何事情。PETER:Hes totally disorganized, hes just not ambitious. Im the opposite. I graduated from theuniversity and Ive been working hard for t

29、he last five years. I am ambitious. I havegoals.他完全混乱了,他只是没有雄心壮志。 我正好相反。 我大学毕业,并且已经努力工作了5 年了。 我是有抱负的。 我有目标。PETER:Leos never had a good job. Hes never tried to find one. I dont understand it. Im gonnafind him a real job.Leo 从来没有过一份好工作。 他从来没试图去找份新的工作。 我不明白。 我打算帮他找8份真正的工作。第十六课 Arranging an interview 安排

30、面试PETER:How about working for a law firm?在律师行工作怎么样?LEO:Pete, Ive never had an office job in my life.Pete,我人生中从来没有过一份办公室工作。PETER:Heres one. Are you looking for an interesting career in sales这里有一个。 你正在销售方面寻找一份有趣的工作吗?LEO:No, Im not! Here. The First Bank are seeking young, ambitious employees. Pete, Imn

31、ot looking for another job. Ive already got one.不,我没有! 这里。 第一银行在招聘年轻、有抱负的员工 。 Pete,我没在找另一份工作。 我已经准备得到一份工作了。PETER:Excuse me. I have to go to the restroom. Hi, I saw your advertisement on a job searchwebsite and would like to apply for the bank clerk position. Sure my name is Leo, LeoCole. Yes, some.

32、Im sorry could you repeat that?打扰一下。 我必须要去休息室。 你好,我在一个求职网站上看到你们的广告,并且想申请银行职员的职位。 我的名字当然是 Leo,Leo Cole. 是的,大约。 不好意思,你可以再说一遍吗?PETER:suemoteFirstBankcom. Have I got it correct? OK. So when are you interviewing? OK,then.sue.moteFirstB。 对了吗? 好了。 那你什么时候面试? 好的。PETER:Well, Ill send you an email with my CV a

33、nd cover letter this afternoon. Yes OK. Thankyou very much. Thank you for your time. Goodbye.我今天下午会发送一份附有我的简历和求职信的邮件给你。 好的。 十分感谢。 多谢你的宝贵时间。 再见。第十七课 Internet dating 网络约会NINA:thirty five next year. All my friends are married with children. My mums really impatient.She always says “Nina, youll be alone

34、 for the rest of your life“ “You must find asuccessful man and have children“明年 35 岁。 我所有的朋友都结婚生孩子了。 我的妈妈确实没有耐心。 她总是说“Nina,你以后的生活将会孤单一人。 ” “你必须找个成功男士,然后生孩子。 ”9NINA:I mean where am I going to find a man? Time is definitely a problem. I have my ownbusiness. My friends told me to try Internet dating. I

35、 dont know.我的意思是我到哪里去找个男人? 时间的确是个问题。 我有自己的事业。 我的朋友让我去尝试网上约会。 我不知道。NINA:You see someones photo on the Internet. Maybe hes good looking, but he may alsobe weird or boring, or he could even be crazy! On the other hand, there are probablysome normal people just like me. I mean, who knows, it might be th

36、e answer.你可以在网上看到某些人的照片。 也许他长得不错,但是他也可能很古怪或无趣,或者他可能很疯狂! 另一方面,也可能会有一些正常人,就像我一样。 我的意思是,谁知道呢,也许这就是答案。第十八课 Personality profile 个性概述NINA:Welcome to dating. com. Do you want to open an account?欢迎来到 dating. com。 你想开个帐户吗?RICHARD:Thank you for opening a datingcom account. Please answer the questions below.Wh

37、at is your name? Richard Barnett. Age?感谢您开通 帐号。 请回答下面的问题。 你的名字是什么? Richard Barnett。年龄?RICHARD:Thirty eightthirty five.38.35 岁。NINA:Nina Harvey. Age thirty four. Describe your personality.Nina Harvey。 34 岁。 描述下你的性格。RICHARD:I am hard working, ambitious, successful, Very successful. What kind of a per

38、son areyou looking for?我工作努力,有抱负,成功,非常成功了。 你想找什么类型的人?NINA:Im looking for. Im looking for a man. Im looking for a kind man, someone whosintelligent, smart, and funny. He must have a job. He must have a job and not live withhis parents.我正在找。 我在找一个男人. 我在找一个亲切的男人,他要有智慧,精明而且有趣。 他必须有份工作。他必须有份工作,而且不和父母一起住。

39、NINA:He must be responsible.他必须有责任心。第十九课 Dating Secrets 约会秘诀10NINA: Perhaps this isnt a good idea. People can be dishonest on the Internet. A guy could say hes kind but when you meet him hes actually really rude. Or he could say that hes interesting when actually hes really boring. I dont know. 也许这不

40、是个好主意。人们在网上可能会不太诚实。一个男的可能会说他是亲切的,但是当你和他见面的时候,实际上他真的很粗鲁。或者他可能会说他很有趣,但事实上他真的很无趣。我不知道。 NINA: Either I do it or I dont. 我要么做,要么不做。 RICHARD: Datings about lying, or maybe I should say white lies. “I dont like football“ “Me neither“ You like ballet? Me, too! Shy? So am I! They just talk and talk and talk

41、and then they order dessert. 约会是在撒谎 ,或者我可能应该说善意的谎言。 “我不喜欢足球。 ”我也不喜欢。 ” 你喜欢芭蕾?我也是!害羞?我也是!他们只是一直在说话,然后他们点了甜点。 RICHARD: What are you supposed to do? Women want a man whos strong and successful. But they also want a man whos soft and kind! So you have to lie a little maybe. 你应该做什么?女人希望男人是强壮且成功的。但是她们也想男人

42、是温柔和亲切的!所以你必须撒点小谎。也许吧。 第二十二课 I cant stop smoking! 我无法戒烟!SARAH:What am I going to do? I cant stop smoking. Ive tried everything, chewing gum, eatinga thousand mints a day. I even bought this ah, stop smoking patch.我该怎么办? 我忍不住要抽烟。 我已经尽力了,每天嚼口香糖,吃 1 千个薄荷。 我曾经买过这个来防止吸烟斑。第二十三课 Its hard to give up smoking

43、 戒烟很难SARAH:I dont know why I ever started. I mean, smoking, makes your hands stink. Marksalways thinking about my health. Thats one reason I decided to come on this trip. Ithought if I could go two weeks, in a car, with Mark, without smoking, Id definitely breakthe habit.我不知道为什么我会开始吸烟。 我的意思是,吸烟会让你的手发臭。 Mark 总是在考虑我的健康。 那是我决定开始这次旅行的一个原因。 我想,如果我能和 Mark 在不吸烟的情况下驱车旅行 2 星期,我肯定能改掉习惯。SARAH:I should give up smoking. I really should.我应该戒烟。 我真的应该这么做。MARK:Do you want to stop?你想停止吸烟吗?


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