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1、1毕业时的心情My Feeling at the Graduation (Ben tells Jim several important things in his life that he will never forget. One was his first date with Yen and the other was his graduation day. Jim asks Ben what is graduation day like in America.) Jim:Hey, Ben. Youve graduated from university, right? Ben:Tha

2、ts right. I graduated a year ago. Jim:What was it like? Is it different from graduation in China? Ben:Thats a tough question to answer, Jim. I dont really know. (Ben flashbacks to graduation day, describing to Jim what happened) Paul:You should be proud of yourself! Todays a big day. Ben:Yes, it is.

3、 You look really smart in that robe and hat! Paul:I cant wait to get my hands on that degree. Ben:You must be very proud! Way to go! Paul:Can I take a look at your certificate? 2Ben:Sure. I think they all look the same, though. Paul:Sure is a beauty! I am going to have mine framed! Ben:You always we

4、re one to show off! Paul:What are you doing after graduation? Ben:Im going to work for an aid organization in Uganda. Paul:No, seriously. Are you doing a Masters/PhD? Ben:Ive had enough of school, for now. You? Paul:No, Im off to law school. Ben:Law school, huh? Your family always spoiled you! Paul:

5、Youre jealous, thats all! Ben:No, Im not. I just think you stuffed shirts are so phony! Paul:Well, of all the things to say! Ben:Congrats on your graduation. Make your parents proud, kiddo! Paul:Thanks, I guess. Im having a little party afterwards; would you like to come? Ben:No, thanks. Im going to

6、 celebrate with my girlfriend. Paul:Oh. Well, keep in touch. Ben:Sure thing. You better hurry; theyre calling your name! Paul:Oh my god! 3(Ben 告诉 Jim几件在他生命中十分重要、他永远不会忘的事情,一个是他第一次和 Yen约会,另一个是他的毕业典礼。Jim 问 Ben毕业典礼在美国是什么样的。 ) Jim:嘿,Ben,你已经从大学毕业了,是吧? Ben:对啊,我去年毕业的。 Jim:毕业典礼什么样?和中国的有什么不同吗? Ben:这是个不好回答的问题啊

7、,我真的不知道,Jim 。 (Ben 回想毕业那天,他向 Jim形容那天的情景。) Paul:你应该为自己感到骄傲!今天是个重要的日子。 Ben:是啊,你戴那个帽子和礼服看起来真精神。 Paul:我已经等不到领毕业证书的那一刻了。 Ben:你一定很自豪吧!好样的! Paul:我可以看一眼你的毕业证书吗? Ben:当然,尽管我想它们看起来是一样的。 Paul:真是漂亮。我一定要把我的证书装在镜框里。 Ben:你总是喜欢炫耀。 Paul:毕业后你有什么打算? Ben:我要在乌干达的一个医疗机构工作。 Paul:不,我认真的,你打算继续攻读硕士/博士学位吗? Ben:目前为止,我上学已经上够了。你呢? Paul:我没有,我要去上法学院。 4Ben:法学院!你的家人一定惯坏你了! Paul:你就是嫉妒,就是这么回事。 Ben:不,我才不,我就是觉得你的想法有点假。 Paul:反正你爱怎么说就怎么说好了。 Ben:祝贺你毕业,你叫你的家人骄傲了,小子! Paul:谢谢,我想是吧。我想之后去聚会玩玩,你想去吗? Ben:不,谢了。我想和我的女朋友一起庆祝。 Paul:哦,好的,保持联络。 Ben:当然,你快走吧,他们在叫你的名字呢。 Paul:哦,天哪!


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