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1、1越南驻华使馆商务参赞陶玉章的发言(摘录)这几年来,越南经济仍然保持良好的发展势头 2004年,国内生产总值增长了 7.7% ,进出口总额达 584.6 亿美元 ,其中,出口额达到 265亿美元,比 2003年增长了 30%, 进口额达 319.5亿美元,比 2003年增长 26.7%,在投资方面,在 2004年,越南政府已签发了 5130个外贸投资项目,投资总金额 459亿美元,其中直接利用资金达 267亿美元 在对外经济合作方面,越南政府主张与世界经济和地区经济接轨,在双边与多边框架下与世界各贸易强国 ,包括中国在内加强并扩大经贸合作 越南正在尽最大的努力在今年年底完成加入世界贸易组织的市

2、场准入谈判 越南与中国的经贸关系,这几年不断强劲发展在 2004 年,双方贸易额已达 71.9亿美元,比 2003年增长 47.68%,超额完成两国总理所提出的在 2005 年达到 50亿美元的目标 仅在 2005 年头 4个月,双方的贸易投资额达 24.6亿美元 ,比 2004年增长 32.4% 至此,中国成为越南最大贸易伙伴 在投资方面,截至 2005 年 3月,中国向越南投资 323个项目 ,投资总金额达 6.65亿美元 在向越南投资的国家和地区中排名第 15位(香港台湾除外) 其中直接利用资金达 1.74亿美元 ,占 26.2% 的注册总金额 自从越南政府颁布外商投资法以来 ,中国的投

3、资商可以说是最早的 2越中双方旅游合作方面已有可喜的结果 目前,全广西已形成两条水路陆路旅游路线,例如东兴-下龙湾-海防-河内, 凭祥-下龙湾-海防-河内 ,防城港-下龙湾-海防-河内据越南旅游局统计,2004 年中国旅客到越南旅游达 77.8万人次 ,比 2003年增长 12.3% ,占到越南旅游旅客总数量的 26.5%随着河内-南宁高速公路的通车和两条经济走廊, 即昆明-老街-河内-海防和南宁-谅山-河内-海防的建成, 双方旅游业将会获得更多的成功 在边贸方面,越南政府已经颁布了履行两国政府签署的边境货物贸易协定的通知,为边贸健康稳定发展提供了法律框架与此同时,两国政府与两国各部委及接壤边

4、境各省份相互配合,对大力促进两国经贸关系稳健发展起到重要作用 双方也提出了旨在大力发挥彼此经济方面的巨大优势潜力及互补性的一系列措施,指导两国有实力的大企业签署并履行有关双方最有优势性的产品的长期合作比如天然橡胶果菜 水产煤炭 原油木制品成品油 农业物资钢铁机器设备等双方非常注重农林水产 生产加工纺织 皮革类 原材料等生产领域,加强加工合作以供应彼此市场 ,并向第三国出口 A tends to the opening up of the Vietnamese economy has remained a rather high rate of rise in the recent years.

5、 2004GDP growth rate was 7.7%, and the volume of import and 3export reached US$58.46billion, nearly 30% increase from the previous year. For foreign investment, up to the year 2004, Viet Nam has approved 5,130 foreign fun projects, with the total funds of US$45.9billion, of which US$26.7billion has

6、been used. In foreign economic cooperation, Viet Nam continuous and firmly carries out its policy on intergradation into regional and world economy. Standly developingbilateral as well as multilateral structures for economic cooperation with partners around the world including China. Viet Nam is doi

7、ng all the best in market opening up to join the WTO by the end of this year. Sino-Vietnams international trade and economic relations has continuously developed rapidly in recent years. Last year, bilateral trade reached US$7.19billion, 47.68% increased from 2003. For the first four months of this

8、year, trade volume between the two countries has reached US$2.46billion, 32.4% increase on the period of previous year. At present, China has become the No.1 trade partner of Viet Nam. Up to March, 2005, China has 323 investment projects in Viet Nam, the registered funds reached US$665.2 million, of

9、 4which US$174.5billion on 26.2% of total has been used. China ranges the 15th among the 68 countries and regions have been invested in Viet Nam. Chinese investors, have been invested in Viet Nam from the early stages immediately after the foreign invests rules of Viet Nam went into force and have a

10、ttained the highest successes. Guangxi Province has been opened various tourist routes both on land and on sea to Viet Nam. Chinese tourists to Viet Nan have increased rapidly in number. In 2004, 778,000 Chinese tourists came to Viet Nam, with the increase of 12.3% on the previous year, and comes to

11、 26.5% of total tourists to Viet Nam. In the future, tourism cooperation between the two countries surely went further developed and get rapid results after the accomplishment of highway linking Hanoi and Nanning and two economic corridors between Nanning, Kunming and Vietnamese are established In b

12、order trades, the Vietnamese government also has issued value stipulation to further supply favorable conditions to goods exchange at the border. In economic, the two sides have brang into firm advantages and supportive factors to each 5other such as for the big companies to sign the long-term contr

13、acts in trading caoutchouc, fruits and vegetables, aquatic product, coal, crude oil, woods production from Viet Nam, and gasoline, agricultural material, iron, machinery, etc. from China. The two countries have to cooperate in production and processing agricultural, aquatic product, materials for textile and leather shoes industries to supply each other and to export to third countries.


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