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1、1单元要点概述使用翻译训练汉译英:自我陈述I. 索要入学申请表II. 毕业证明的翻译III. 个人简历及附信的翻译IV. 推荐信的翻译V. 自我陈述的翻译出国留学申请的翻译属于实用文体类,需要翻译的主要内容包括成绩报告单、各类证明书、推荐信、申请书、个人简历、自我陈述等。一般来说,留学申请应当用英语进行写作,但对于大多数母语为中文的学生来说,往往不能一步到位,多半是将精心准备的汉语个人资料翻译成英语。相对而言,成绩报告单、各类证明书、申请书之类的翻译都有比较固定的格式,翻译起来也较为容易。个人简历、推荐信、自我陈述等因人而异,其内容详尽,涉及面广,文句复杂,因此翻译起来难度也要大一些。本单元从

2、汉译英的角度,对几种常见的出国申请、毕业证明、推荐信、个人简历、自我陈述的翻译方法做了介绍,并用汉英对照的方式列出了几个成功的出国申请实例。Practical Translation TrainingChinese-English TranslationApplication documents for studying abroad usually include school report, graduation certification, application letter, letters of recommendation, resume, personal statement,

3、 etc. Strictly speaking, all these documents should be written in English without any translation. However, owing to their limitations of English, many the applicants have to translate them from the elaborated Chinese version- a roundabout way to success.I. Asking for Application Forms for Admission

4、The initial letter asking for application forms for admission should include the following 5 items:1. your education background, such as your specialty or related field of studies;2. the desired date of entrance or academic year (semester);3. a request for all of the application forms that are neede

5、d;4. our TOEFL and GRE scores, if any;5. your address in detail.And the following is a sample of asking for application forms for admission.索要入学申请表尊敬的先生:我愿共度诡笑化工专业博士学位,拟于 2003 年秋季入学。请在您方便的时候尽早将有关申请表寄给我。如有可能,我还希望得到一份助教工作,以便维持就读期间的生活,增长自己的阅历。我已获得清华大学化工专业学士学位和环保专业硕士学位,目前在该校任教。我已考过托福,成绩为 612 分, 并准备今年 10

6、 月考 GRE。请将贵校入学申请表及助学金申请表寄给我。谢谢。 2王国伟Asking for Application Forms for AdmissionDear Sir:I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Chemical Engineering at your university. My desired date of entrance is fall, 2003. Please send me all necessary application forms at your earliest convenience.If possible, I

7、also wish to obtain a graduate assistantship so that I can support myself and obtain more experience while pursing graduate study.I obtained my B.E (Chemical Engineering) and M.E (Environmental Protection) from Tsinghua University. At present, I work as a teacher at the same university. I received a

8、 score of 612 in my TOEFL test and I am going to take the GRE general test this coming October.Would you please send me the application forms for admission and financial support? Thank you very much.Sincerely yours,Wang GuoweiII. Graduation CertificationA graduation certification includes the name o

9、f the bearer, the nationality, date of birth, the year of entrance and graduation, specialty, academic records, etc. And the following is a sample of graduation certification translation.毕业证明书兹证明李小雪,女,中国河北省石家庄人,一九八零年十一月生,一九九八年九月考入北京师范大学外国语言文学系英语专业学习,于二零零二年七月毕业。一下是其第一至第七学期在校专业课成绩(第八学期未进行考核) 。第一学期:1.

10、英语基础课(考试) (口试:良;笔试:优) 。2. 语音(考试):良。3. 语法(考查):合格。 。 。 。 。 。第六学期:1. 英语阅读(考试):优。2. 听力训练(考查):合格。3. 专题实践语法(考查):合格。第七学期:1. 英语阅读的(考试): 优。 2. 英语作文(考试):优。Graduation CertificationThis is to certify that Li Xiaoxue, female, native of Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province P. R. China, was born in November 1980. She

11、 was enrolled to study English in Department of Foreign Languages and literature, Beijing Normal University in September, 1998, and graduated in July, 2002.The following is the report the academic records in her specialized course from the 1st to the 7th semesters (no exam or test for the last semes

12、ter:1st Semester: 1. Basic English ( Oral exam: good; Written exam: Excellent).2. Phonetics (Exam): Good; Grammar (Test): Pass6th Semester: 1. English Reading ( Exam): Excellent.2.Listening ( Test): Pass3. Monographic Grammar (Test): Pass.37th Semester: 1. English Reading ( Exam ): Excellent.2. Engl

13、ish Composition (Exam ): Excellent.III. Resume and Covering LetterA resume always goes with a covering letter, including 4 parts: 1. personal data, such as name, sex, date of birth, address, postcode, telephone number, email address, hobbies, etc.; 2. education background or experience; 3. scholasti

14、c honors; 4. reference. And the following is a sample of resume translation.个人简历个人情况:姓名:张伟性别:男出生日期:1980 年 12 月 5 日婚姻状况:未婚健康状况:良好通讯地址:北京清华大学 28 号楼 502 室邮编:100084电话:010-62775632电子信函地址:zhangwei 个人爱好:小提琴,足球学历1992 年 9 月-1995 年 7 月 成都市第三十八中学(初中)1995 年 9 月-1998 年 7 月 成都市第七中学(高中)1998 年 9 月-2002 年 7 月 清华大学土木

15、工程系获奖情况全国高中物理联赛一等奖(1997)四川省优秀学生干部(1998)清华大学学业优秀一等奖学金(1999-2002)清华大学结构设计大赛三等奖(2001)北京市大学生数学竞赛二等奖(2002)证明人张烛光 成都市第七中学校长 电话 (028-6345264)李宏建 清华大学土木工程系教授 电话 (010-62784563)Resume ( Curriculum Vitae )Personal DataName:Zhang,WeiSex: MaleDate of Birth: December 5,1980Marital Status: SingleHealth: ExcellentA

16、ddress: Room 502, Dormitory Building 28, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. ChinaPostcode: 100084Telephone: 010-627756324E-mail: Hobbies: Violin, footballEducationSeptember, 1998- July, 2002 Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua UniversitySeptember, 1995- July, 1998 No.7 Middles School, (senior

17、high school ) Chengdu, P. R. ChinaSeptember, 1992- July,1995 No.38 Middle School, (junior high school) Chengdu, P. R. ChinaScholastic HonorsFirst prize of the National Physics Contest for senior high school students (1997)Outstanding Student Cadre of Sichuan Province (1998 )First-grade Scholarship f

18、or Excellent Students of Tsinghua University ( 1999- 2002 )Third Prize in the 7th Structure Design Contest of Tsinghua University (2001)Second prize in mathematics contest for university students, Beijing (2002 )ReferencesZhang, Zhuguang Li, HongjianHeadmaster of Professor of Civil Engineering Depar

19、tmentNo. 7 Middle School Tsinghua UniversityChengdu, P. R. China Beijing, P. R. ChinaPostcode:610025 Postcode: 100084Phone: 028-6345264 Phone: 010-62784563附信我于 1998 年毕业于成都市第七中学。在校期间,学习成绩优秀,数学、物理尤为突出,曾获全国高中数学联赛二等奖 (1997 ) ,全国高中物理联赛一等奖 ( 1998 ) 。我还一直担任校学生会干部,热心为大家服务,1998 年荣获“四川省优秀学生干部”称号,并于同年保送进入清华大学土

20、木工程系。大学期间,我努力学习,成绩优秀,平均积分点为 90.7,在全年级 120 多名同学中名列第二,连续三年获学业优秀一等奖学金。我热心参与各种科技活动,在清华大学第七届结构设计大赛中,我设计制作的木桥获三等奖( 2001 ) ,我还在北京市大学生数学竞赛中荣获二等奖( 2002 ) 。我也积极投入校内外各项社会活动。我作为场地联络和组织工作者,成功地组织了土木工程系 2001 年篮球赛。我热爱体育运动,作为主力队员之一,我还和本班同学一道夺得本系足球联赛冠军。Covering LetterI graduated from No. 7 Middle School of Chengdu, t

21、he capital city of Sichuan Province, in 1998. During middle school, I maintained an excellent academic record, particularly in maths and physics. I won second prize in the National Mathematics Contest for high school students in 1997 and first prize in the National Physics Contest in 1998. I was als

22、o elected cadre of the Student Union and served my fellow school-mates warm-heartedly all the years. For this reason I was awarded Outstanding Student Cadre of Sichuan Province in 1998. In the same year, I was recommended for admission to Tsinghua University without taking the entrance examination,

23、majoring in civil engineering.During the period in Tsinghua, I have worked even harder and achieved greater 5success in my studies. I won a first-grade Scholarship for Excellent Students for three years running, with an undergraduate GPA 90.7, ranking No. 2 among 120 students of my grade. At the sam

24、e time, I have participated in a variety of scientific and technological activities. At the 7th structure design contest of Tsinghua University, 2001, I sesigned and made a wooden bridge, which was awarded a third prize. In 2002 I also gained a second prize in a mathematics contest for university st

25、udents in the Beijing area.I am an active participant in all kinds of social activities as well. For example, I did a good job in the department basketball tournament, 2001. As the liaison and organizer of the tournament, I conducted the games to a successful end. I am an enthusiastic player myself.

26、 As one of the major players of our class football team, I, together with my fellow classmates, won the championship of the department league football matches for our class.IV. Letters of RecommendationTwo or three letters of recommendation are needed to apply for entrance to a foreign university. I

27、n the letters, the writer is expected to introduce the applicant all-sidedly. The translation of letters of recommendation therefore entails careful arrangement and meticulous wording. And the following is a sample of a letter of recommendation and its English translation.推荐信尊敬的先生:我写此信向您推荐李小莉同学到贵校深造


29、量的好学生,一个不可多得的优秀人才。四川大学化学系教授 李章良1998 年 12 月于四川成都A Letter of RecommendationDepartment of ChemistrySichuan UniversityChengdu, P. R. ChinaDecember,1998Dear Sir: I am writing this letter to recommend Miss Li Xiaoli, one of my former students for advanced studies at your university.A gifted student who ha

30、s developed in an all-round way, Miss Li embodies 6such good qualities as diligence, team spirit and friendly affection, always being ready to help others. Rarely have I found such a student of good character and fine scholarship during dozens of my teaching career. What is more, as bright student,

31、she ont only has a solid fundamental knowledge, wide scope of learning, but also good qualities of insatiable curiosity and independent thinking, which enable her to top her classmates in almost every course ever since the first school year. Consequently, she has been awarded the Excellent Student S

32、cholarship of the university for three years in succession. An honest, upright, enthusiastic and cheerful girl, Miss Li is a good organizer and an active participant in all kinds of academic and social activities. Her strong personality, which is manifested in her exceptional organization ability, i

33、ntense sympathy for others and selfless devotion to her task, has made a deep impression on all who know her.Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I recommend Miss Li Xiaoli for studying as a graduate student in the Chemistry Department of your university. I am convinced that she will prove to b

34、e a promising student with still greater academic achievements in the near future and a valuable acquisition to your university.自我陈述自童年时代起,我就一直喜爱化学,梦想有朝一日能当一名化学家。因为在我幼小的心目中,化学是一把打开神秘世界的钥匙,它可以改变人类未来的生活。在这种念头的激励下,我勤奋地学习,积极参加校内外各种活动,中学毕业时,我的各科成绩均超过了全班所有同学。中学阶段我还荣获优秀学生干部称号,得过全国化学竞赛一等奖。尽管我入学年龄较小,但我吸收知识的能

35、力较强,且善于超前学习,所以我在小学阶段跳了一级。这样一来, 我的实际年龄比同班同学小两岁左右。高中毕业时,不少同学填报了一些比较热门的志愿,如计算机、金融、经管等,因为这些专业的收入较为优厚。但我却不这样想。为了实现儿时的梦想,我毫不犹豫地选择了化学专业。四川大学录取了我,这令我心满意足。四川大学是中国一所著名的重点高校,有着近百年的悠久历史。Notes and Explanations:2. 从小一直喜爱化学 have been fond of chemistry since ones childhood (boyhood/girlhood)3. 梦想有朝一日能当一名化学家 dream o

36、f becoming a chemist someday4. 幼小的心目中 in ones juvenile mind5. 打开神秘世界的钥匙 the key to a mystic world6. 的激励下 (be) encouraged (stimulated/driven/impelled) by7. 超过 top/excel/surpass8. 荣获 get or win something as an honor/be honored with/be awarded9. 尽管我入学年龄较小 in spite of my earlier schooling10. 善于超前学习 be g

37、ood at pre-arranged self-study11. 跳级 skip a grade12. 填报了热门志愿 choose to engage in some popular specialties13. 录取 enroll, admit (注意此句的句式重心为“我” , 因此应将“我”7放在主语的位置。Personal StatementI have been fond of chemistry since my childhood and dreamed of becoming a chemist someday. For in my juvenile minds eye, c

38、hemistry was the key to mystic world, which might change the life of human beings in the future. Stimulated by this idea, I worked hard at my studies, taking an active part in a variety of school and after-school activities. By the time of graduation, my school record had topped all my classmates in

39、 almost every subject. During my high school years, I had been honored with the title of Outstanding Student Cadre and had won a first prize in a national chemistry contest.In spite of earlier schooling, I am strong in absorbing knowledge and good at pre-arranged self-study. As a result, I skipped a

40、 grade at primary school, therefore I am actually two years junior to my classmates. Upon graduation from senior high school, many of my classmates chose to engage in some popular specialties that might offer them a handsome salary, such as computer science, finance, business management, etc. But I thought otherwise. In order to realize my childhood dream I chose chemistry without the slightest hesitation, and to my great satisfaction, I was admitted by Sichuan University, one of Chinas famous key universities with a history of nearly 100 years.


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