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1、1牛津高中英语 模块一第二单元 Growing painsGrowing pains Many teenagers feel lonely, as if no one understands them and the changes they are going through. Day by day, everything seems different, yet the same. Life never seems to be going fast enough; yet, in other ways, like a race car, life seems to be rushing t

2、oo fast and even going out of control. Has anyone else ever felt this way? These feelings are a common part of adolescencethe time of life between child and adult. And, though it may some times be difficult to believe, you are not aloneevery adult has gone through adolescence, and your friends are g

3、oing through it right now along with you. It is common for teenagers to feel lonely and misunderstood. These feelings can be thought of as growing painsthe difficulties that teenagers face as they grow to adults. As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to become confused with the changing world bot

4、h inside and outside of them. During adolescence, teenagers go through great physical changes. They grow taller and their voices get deeper, among many other developments. Along with these physical changes, there come many psychological changes. Boys and girls tend to be different in this regard. Ma

5、ny boys become risk-takersthey want to find their own limits and the limits of the world around them, but may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their behavior. At the same time, girls often want someoneanyoneto talk to, as they try to deal with their strong feelings. In the social world, a

6、s teenagers get older, they struggle to depend on themselves. They may badly want and need their parents love, yet feel distant; they may want to be part of the group, yet desire independence. Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in

7、 society. The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last. In the end everything turns out OKthe teenager becomes a healthy adult, and this period of change and challenge is traded for the changes and challenges of grown-up life.好在这些成长的烦恼并不会持久。最终一切都会好起来青少年成长为健康的成年人,而青春期的变化和挑战则转变为成人生活中

8、的种种变化和挑战。在大千社会中,随着青少年长大,他们努力地自力更生。他们或许迫切需要父母的关爱,却又感觉疏远;他们或许想要成为团体的一员,但又渴望独立。正因为青少年们在平衡这些需要时有困难,所以他们经常质疑自己到底是谁以及怎样融入社会。与这些生理变化同时而来的,还有很多心理上的变化。男孩和女孩在这方面往往有所不同。很多男孩成为危险尝试者他们希望找到自己的局限和他们周边世界的局限,但也许并不具有对其行为作出正确抉择的智慧。而与此同时,女孩则通常需要和某个人或任何人进行交谈,因为她们试图面对自己强烈的情感。 在青少年成长的时候,对自己无论体内还是体外的状态变化感到困惑对他们而言是正常现象。在青春期

9、,青少年经历着身体上的巨大变化。他们个子长高,声音变低,还有很多其他的成长发育。这些感觉是青春期介于孩童和成人之间的人生阶段的正常组成部分。而且,虽然有时难以相信,并非只有你才是这样每一个成年人都经历过青春期,而你的朋友和你一样正经历这个阶段。对青少年而言,感到孤独和被误解是很普遍的。这些情感可以看作是成长的烦恼是青少年迈向成年时所面对的困难。成长的烦恼很多青少年感到孤独,好像没有人理解他们以及他们正在经历的变化。日子一天天过去,而所有事情似乎都是不同的,可又都是一成不变的。生活似乎从不过得足够快;而从别的方面看,生活似乎过得太快甚至于失控,像开赛车一样。别的人也有过同感么?Home alon

10、eMom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter. Dad: Its so nice to be home! 2Act OneMom: Yes, I cant wait to surprise the boys! Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs

11、 in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly. Eric:Mom! Dad! Youre back early! (looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow! The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad. Mom: (bending to touch dog) Eric, hes so tired and hungry! (looking at

12、table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is starving! What did you do with the cash we left? Dad: And look at this roomgarbage all over the place! Where is your brother? (shouting angrily) Daniel!Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explain Dad opens the curtains and ligh

13、t comes into the room. The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. In the corner, there is a garbage can around which are pieces of garbage and waste paper. Mom and Dad both turn towards Daniel.Dad: (sounding very angry) Listen to me, young manwe left you in ch

14、arge! We thought you could act like an adult, but look at the mess! I dont know why the house is so dirty .Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decisions . Dad: How can we trust you any more? We wont tolerate such behavior in our house! Daniel: (shouting) Stop shou

15、ting at me. Im still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault? Daniel runs into his bedroom and shuts the door angrily. Mom and Dad look at each other as lights go out.End of Act OneAct Two, Scene OneDaniel and Erics bedroom. Eric sits on his bed. Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.Dan

16、iel: They never even gave me a chance to defend myself. I hate them! Eric: You dont hate them. I can tell them we had an emergency. Then they wont be mad any more.Daniel: No, dont tell them anything. Anyhow, they didnt trust me. They dont deserve an explanation. Let them think what they want. Eric:

17、But Daniel, if they knew that Spot was sick and that we used the money to take him to the clinic .Daniel: And that we spent all of yesterday waiting there for him, and that is why we had no time to clean the house . but no, Eric, why didnt they ask me what happened instead of shouting at me?Act Two,

18、 Scene Two Mom: Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess .Dad: Maybe, but now that he has been so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us.Mom: Oh, why does this have to be so difficult? Mom sighs.End of Act Two爸爸:还有,你们看看这起


20、想就让他们怎么想好了。埃里克:你可不要讨厌他们!我可以告诉他们发生了紧急情况。解释之后他们就不会再生气了。丹尼尔:他们压根儿就不给我一个辩解的机会。我讨厌他们!第二幕,第一场丹尼尔和埃里克的卧室。埃里克坐在床上,丹尼尔双臂抱在胸前,看起来很不高兴。丹尼尔冲进自己的卧室,愤怒地关上房门。妈妈和爸爸面面相觑,灯光灭。 第一幕完丹尼尔:(叫喊着)别对我大喊大叫好不好?我还只是个少年!为什么什么事总是我的过错?爸爸:我们怎么能再信任你?在我们家里可不能容忍这种行为!妈妈:丹尼尔,我们还以为你是成年人了,是一个会做出正确决定的人爸爸:(非常生气地)听我说,年轻人我们将这个家交给你负责!我们原以为你的行为

21、举止能像个大人样了,可看看这片狼籍!我不知道为什么这个房子弄得这么脏 妈妈和爸爸同时转向丹尼尔。爸爸拉开窗帘,光线一下子照进屋里。起居室里一片狼藉:地板上堆放着比萨饼盒子,洗碗池里全是脏碗碟。角落里有只垃圾桶,在其周围还有垃圾和废纸。丹尼尔:(跑进客厅) 妈妈, 爸爸我可以跟你们解释 妈妈:(俯身抚摸着狗)埃里克,狗怎么又累又饿的啊!(看了看桌子)买狗食的钱不见了,可是小斑点看上去都饿坏了!你俩用我们留给你们的钱做什么了? 狗缓缓地走到妈妈和爸爸身边。埃里克:妈妈!爸爸!你们这么早就回来了呀!(四下打量,惊慌地)可是、可是你们应该明天才到家的呀! 突然,门开了,一只足球飞了进来。埃里克随后跑进起居室,身后跟着一条大狗,走路慢吞吞的。妈妈:是啊,我迫不及待地要给儿子们一个惊喜呢!爸爸:回家的感觉真好啊!小鬼当家 第一幕妈妈和爸爸外出度假,比预期的时间提前一天返回家中。妈妈和爸爸进门时,窗帘紧闭,起居室里黑咕隆咚的。


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