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1、Unit 10: Sweet SeptemberTEXT COMPREHENSIONIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. Septembercoming as scheduled and in its unhurried pacebegins to reap what summer has yielded.2. The plant entrusts its future to the seed and the root. The insect produces the egg a

2、nd the pupa in which its future is stored.3. By the end of September, the autumn season has gathered an overwhelming abundance of wealth.LANGUAGE WORKI. Explain the underlined parts in each sentence in your own words.1). After summers heat and haste, the year consolidates itself. steadies itself and

3、 strengthens its hold on what has been achieved2). It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. comes in without being noticed; completely disappears3). It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves. moves softly; making . red4). September flowers are less varied than thos

4、e of May but so abundant that they make September another flowery month. so plentiful/existing in such large amounts5). The surge is almost over and life begins to relax. The period of fast growth and renewal; calm/slow down6). The green prime is passing. The best period of a year when all the plant

5、s are green and full of energy7). But cold-blooded insects are at the mercy of the sun and now their clocks run down. dependent on the sun; their lives are coming to an end8). Now they are gregarious, with time for tribal gossip and community play. have formed large flocks (or, so to speak, tribes a

6、nd communities), and they have time to communicate and play with each other9). The years season in the sun has run its course. has come to a natural end10). After the color in the woodlands, the leaves will blanket the soil. cover the ground completely with a thick layer like a blanket4. Explain the

7、 meaning of the underlined part in each sentence.1). We cannot stand idly by while these people suffer. do nothing 2). Were going to have to up the tempo if were to finish the work on time. work faster3). The whole experience left me with frayed nerves. feeling anxious4). In her haste to get up from

8、 the table, she knocked over a cup. hurry5). I breathed in deeply the crisp mountain air. cold, dry and fresh 6). In any advertising campaign, you must accent the areas where your product is better than those of the competition. emphasize7). My abiding memory is of him watering his plants in the gar

9、den on sunny afternoons. lasting 8). Theres a big cupboard under the stairs for stowing toys. storing9). He pays scant attention to the needs of his children. little 10). We were invigorated by our walk. felt fresher, healthier and more energeticTRANSLATIONI. Translate the following sentences into E

10、nglish, using the words or phrases given in brackets.1). 我们赶紧跑出商店,拼命追赶,但那小偷已经无影无踪了。(vanish into) We rushed out of the shop in hot pursuit, but the thief had vanished into thin air.2). 如果你想成为一名演员,就必须全身心地投入。(commit oneself to) If you want to be an actor you have to really commit yourself to it. 3). 他等

11、到女儿睡着了,然后才蹑手蹑脚地悄悄走出房间。(tiptoe) He waited until his daughter was asleep, and then tiptoed quietly out of the room.4). 我能感觉到血液在我的血管里搏动。(pulse through) I can feel the blood pulsing through my veins.5). 如果你正确对待,中年将是你一生中的全盛时期。(prime) Middle age can be the prime of your life if you have the right attitude

12、.6). 废弃的食品盒和瓶子被胡乱地扔在街道上。(discard; litter) Discarded food containers and bottles littered the streets.7). 在许多人眼中,他的所作所为严重地降低了自己的声誉。(diminish) In many peoples eyes, what he did has seriously diminished his reputation.8). 过去没有现代的机械设备,农民基本上是看天吃饭。(at the mercy of) In the past, when there were no modern m

13、achines, the peasants were basically at the mercy of the weather9). 由于人们预计价格会迅速上涨,便开始囤积货物。(hoard) Expecting prices to rise rapidly, people started to hoard goods.10). 这些变化被视为大范围改革的序幕。(prelude) The changes are seen as a prelude to wide-ranging reforms.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.

14、Nothing. No tracks but my own are stitched into the dusting of fresh snow, white as birch bark, that fell during the night. No flittering shadows in the trees, not a sliver of bird song in the air. What sun there is this time of year shines weakly, half-heartedly through the white gauze of clouds, o

15、ffering not even the slightest pretense of warmth. A shiver runs through me as I stomp my feet for warmth and then listen again for any sign of life. The only sound is from the bare tips of branches chattering like teeth. At first glance, nature doesnt seem to have invested much in this late-winter

16、day. The forest can seem like a rough etching barren, lifeless and gray. There are subtle beauties pine branches tipped in white, the pale-blue glow of moonlight off the snow. But this deep into winter, you look less for beauty than for signs that spring has not been forgotten. 参考译文:一片空寥。昨夜的一场雪后,大地铺

17、上了一层雪被,洁白如白桦树皮,单单留下我的一串足迹。没有飞掠枝头的影子,没有飘荡在天空的鸟语。一年中此时的太阳发出微弱的光线,懒洋洋地透过薄薄的白云层,没有一丝暖意。我不禁打了个寒战,跺着脚取暖,然后重又聆听是否有生命的动静。唯一的声响是光秃秃的枝头相互拍打,发出像牙齿打战似的嗒嗒声。乍一看,大自然似乎没有赋予这个晚冬季节多少景致。森林就像一幅粗糙的蚀刻版画荒凉、苍茫,不见生息。周围的景色不乏淡雅之美松树的枝头蒙上了一层白雪,月光洒在雪地上泛出淡蓝色的光辉。但在这晚冬时分,你的目光搜寻的, 与其说是美丽的景色, 不如说是春天尚未被遗忘的迹象。IV. Chinese Translation of

18、 Paragraphs九月是夏天的尾声,秋天的序曲。1. 九月确实并非仅仅是一个月份,它更是一个季节、一份成就。它始于八月末梢,至于十月跟前,九月承前启后,别有一番快慰。历经夏天的酷热和慌躁,日子变得愈发厚重。从容而来的九月以它自己的时机和节拍终结了又一个夏天。2. 九月捎来一丝秋意。它在清晨的薄雾中悄然而至,在午后的暖阳中化为乌有。它轻轻掠过树梢,染红几片树叶,然后又踩着一簇蓟花冠毛,穿过山谷飘然而去。它栖息山巅,声响犹如十月黄昏猫头鹰的啼叫,并与风儿追逐嬉戏。九月是个善变的小孩,时而像山核桃树上的松鼠忙忙碌碌,时而又像缓缓的小溪闲散慵懒。九月里夏日臻于成熟,尽显丰饶。3. 一年中最珍贵的几

19、天也出现在九月份天气凉爽宜人,却不乏盎然生机;晴空如碧,空气清新,风中不夹灰尘。草地上还弥漫着干草的气息和青草刈割之后的清香。九月的花朵虽不及五月那般异彩纷呈,却也多得足以将九月点缀成另一个花季。秋麒麟草八月中旬开花,九月初进入盛花期,田野顿时一片金黄。晚秋的蓟万紫千红,而紫菀更是遍地开花,路边、草地、山顶,甚至城市空地,从纯白至色调各异的淡紫色再到深紫色的花朵随处可见。4. 在人们的心目中春天是个诞生奇迹的季节,那时花蕾和新叶宣告着生命的不息。而九月则是永恒的时节,它为来年的新一代生命作好了准备。橡果熟了,山核桃结实了。植物将未来寄托于种子和根茎,昆虫把明天贮藏于卵和蛹。汹涌的生命开始归于平

20、静。5. 那浓郁的绿色已褪,树木开始发生变化;不久将叶落草枯。然而,生命的奇迹终将不灭,因为种子蕴含着生长与重生的奇妙萌芽。6. 这是个缥缈的时节。蜘蛛的细丝在晨光中闪闪发亮,那是晚秋孵化的幼蛛具备爬行本能的明证。在这样缥缈的丝线上,幼蛛已爬到北极,甚至几乎行至喜马拉雅山脉的巅峰。不久,马利筋的豆荚就要开裂,绽放出银色的丝绒。7. 这是秋收月圆的时节,皓月当空的日子将会持续一周。月儿不慌不急,升得早,落得晚。此时,忙碌的农夫甚至可在晚饭后重返田间,借着月光继续收割庄稼。还有其他要收获的,不过多数是围绕厨房而非谷仓进行。最后的丰收源于菜园,那晚熟的甜玉米、西红柿以及根茎类蔬菜。罐装、贮存、冷冻,

21、厨房丰富多彩的收获由此达到了高潮。8. 初霜在夜晚降临了,一个夜空如洗、星辰寥落、月亮近圆的夜晚。它悄无声息地降临人间,像蓟花冠毛似地静静刷过山坡上果园的角落。拂晓时分,在闪亮的叶子上,在发着微光的茎干上,在柔软黝黑的庭园藤蔓上,你随处可见它留下的踪迹。9. 随后一两夜,霜乘着月光漫步山谷,尔后绕过北面的山丘返回再稍作停留。金色的初秋温柔地抚慰着大地。一丝淡淡的茴香弥漫在空气中,还有秋麒麟草的芬芳。薄雾漫舞,九月的阳光照彻九月那深蓝色的天空。10. 对于温血的生灵,九月干爽的夜晚令它们活力充沛。冷血的昆虫却听凭太阳的发落,生命奄奄一息。蝉静了下来,蟋蟀和美洲大螽斯的合唱也减弱了。纵然他们还会沙

22、哑地歌唱,不过那声音则犹如小提琴手用破弓在烂弦上以小心谨慎的节奏演奏。11. 之后便是贮藏的日子。老鼠几周前就已经开始收获和存贮种子,金花鼠正在往它的卧室中填塞过冬食物,松鼠将坚果树的慷慨馈赠私藏起来,美洲旱獭则尽情地吞吃杂草、红花草和水果,将所获储存于自己的皮下脂肪。12. 扑动 正准备集结迁徙。整个夏天,这些体形较大的啄木鸟都是独自行动,为家庭生计奔忙,不与其他个体为伴。现在他们却变成了群居动物,有时间唧唧喳喳地闲聊或者进行集体活动。刺嘴莺和燕子已经为迁徙结好了群。旅鸫也快要集结了。巢已筑好,雏鸟也已经独立,食物充裕。九月是鸟儿度假的时节,谁能说它们不是在讨论着前面的旅途呢?13. 九月末,秋天的藏宝箱早已盛满,财宝开始“外溢”。你看!它在静谧的午后流光溢彩,在落日的余晖里熠熠生辉。树林、路边和门口不久就会遍地是宝,琳琅满目,胜过印度君王最富庶的梦想。14. 一年的阳光时令已经过去,大自然开始准备步入冬天。层林尽染之后,落叶铺满大地。秋天的残叶将先当冬被,然后再化为树根和娇弱的种子所需的腐殖质。万物迫切生长的时期已经结束,以待来年,但是生命却将自身潜藏在草根、球茎、种子和卵壳之中。


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