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1、GMO607-9 香港法 第 607 章基因改造生物(管制釋出)條例 Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance, Cap. 607 釋出基因改造生物的書面通知 Written Notice on Release of GMO 釋出基因改造生物的書面通知的注意事項 1. 遞交書面通知的注意事項 (a) 根據基因改造生物(管制釋出)條例第 6條第 ( 5) 款的規定, 通報 若干 基因改造生 物 的釋出 的書面通知須 載有附表 1列明的資料。 此表格是為便利相關人士符合有關規定而制定。 (b) 所有資料必須以正楷填寫

2、或以打字機打印。 (c) 一份書面通知只供一種基因改造生物之用,如有多於一種基因改造生物, 請 使用額外的書面通知表格。 (d) 如空位不夠,請另附紙張填寫,並具清晰標記,以附頁形式與 表格 一同遞交。 (e) 除特別指明 外 ,必須填寫本表格所有部分。 (f) 以親身或郵寄方式遞交至香港九龍長沙灣道 303號長沙灣政府合署 6樓漁農自然護理署生物多樣性護理科。 2. 遞交書面通知後的運作程序 漁農自然護 理署署長 ( 下稱署長 ) 接獲通知後,可指示獲授權人員,於合理時間進入釋出上述基因改造生物所在的地方或處所處置該生物 ,或 給予 你 指示 以 處置該生物。 3. 個人資料收集聲明 (a)

3、 你所提供的資料只會用作 處理 與 該 書面通知 有關 的事宜。 (b) 個人資料的提供純屬自願性質。若你未能提供足夠的資料,本署可能無法辦理你的書面通知。 (c) 本署可能會將你的資料的任何部分提供給予其他政府部門作為調查或統計之用途。 (d) 除個人資料 ( 私隱 ) 條例所訂明的豁免外,你有權查閱和 更正 你的個人資料。 (e) 查閱和 更 正個人資料的要求應 以書面形式向 本 署 生物多樣性護理科提出。同時請註明有關 書面通知 在本署的檔案號碼。 4. 查詢 漁農自然護理署 生物多樣性護理科 地址: 九龍長沙灣道 303號 長沙灣政府合署 6樓 電話: 2150 6918 傳真: 23

4、14 2802 基因改造生物紀錄冊 : http:/ 電郵: 警告 1. 如控制基因改造生物的人知道有下列情況, (a) 該基因改造生物 已獲核准或批予豁免但 在不符合 基因改造生物 紀錄冊 列明核准 或豁免 該生物的任何條件的情況下向環境釋出;或 (b) 該生物向環境釋出時 , 既非核准 或獲豁免的 基因改造生物,也非供人類使用的藥劑製品。 須在知道有關釋出後,在切實可行範圍內,盡快以書面通知將該項釋出告知署長 ,除非 有另一人亦控制該基因改造生物及該另一人已 將有關釋出告知署長 釋出告知署長。 2. 任何人違反

5、上述要求, 即屬犯罪, 可被處罰款港幣 50,000元 及監禁 六個月 。 GMO607-9 Notes to written notice on release of GMO 1. Notes to submitting the written notice (a) Subsection (5) of section 6 of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance requires that a written notification in relation to certain releases

6、 of GMOs must contain the information set out in Schedule 1. This form is prepared to facilitate the compliance with the above-mentioned requirement. (b) Information should be written in block letters or typed. (c) A written notice should be made for one type of genetically modified organism (GMO) o

7、nly. If there is more than one type of GMO, please use additional notice forms. (d) If additional space is needed, please continue on a separate sheet, which must be clearly labelled and included as appendix to the notice form. (e) Unless otherwise indicated, all sections of this form must be comple

8、ted. (f) A written notice should be submitted by post or in person to Biodiversity Conservation Division, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 6/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong . 2. Process after the submission of the written notice On

9、 receiving the notice, the Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation (the Director) may direct an authorized officer to enter, during reasonable hours, the place or premises in or on which the GMO was released to dispose of the GMO, or direct you to dispose of the GMO. 3. Personal informat

10、ion collection statement (a) The information provided by you will be used for the purposes relating to the processing of the written notice. (b) The provision of personal data is voluntary. However, if you do not provide sufficient information, this department may not be able to process your notific

11、ation. (c) The information provided of any part thereof may be supplied by this department to other government departments for investigation or statistics purposes. (d) Subject to exemptions under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have a right of access and correction with respect to person

12、al data. (e) Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to Biodiversity Conservation Division of this department. Please also quote the file reference number of the written notice. 4. Enquiries Biodiversity Conservation Division Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Depart

13、ment Address: 6/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon Tel: 2150 6918 Fax: 2314 2802 GMOs Register: http:/ E-mail: WARNING 1. If a person who has control of a GMO knows that: (a) the GMO has been approved or exempted but it was

14、released without complying with the condition for the approval or exemption of the GMO, as set out in the GMOs Register; or (b) the GMO, which is not approved or exempted or is not a pharmaceutical product for use by human beings, has been released into the environment the person must inform the Dir

15、ector of the release by written notice as soon as practicable after he knows of the release. It is not required for the person to inform the Director of the release if there is another person who also has control of the GMO and has informed the Director of the release. 2. Non-compliance is liable to

16、 a fine of HK$50,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months. GMO607-9 香港法 第 607 章基因改造生物(管制釋出)條例 Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance, Cap. 607 釋出基因改造生物的書面通知 基因改造生物(管制釋出)條例 第 6 條第 ( 2) 及 ( 5) 款 Written Notice on Release of GMO Subsections (2) and (5) of Section 6 of the Genetically

17、 Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance 填寫此 表格 前請先詳閱附加的注意事項內容 Please read the attached notes before filling in this form 1. 通報人資料 Information of the person making the notification (a) 姓名 Name of the person (b) 身分證 /護照號碼 Identity card/passport number (c) 電話號碼 Telephone number 傳真號碼 Fax numb

18、er (d) 地址 Address 2. 該書面 通知 的性質 (請選擇) Nature of this notification (Please select) 該被釋出的基因改造生物 已獲 核准 向環境釋出 但有不符合 基因改造生物 紀錄冊列明核准該生物的任何條件的情況 The released GMO has been approved for release into the environment, but the condition for the approval of the GMO, as set out in the GMOs Register, has not been

19、complied with. 該 被釋出的基因改造生物 已獲批予 豁免而不受條例有關環境釋出的規限, 但 有不符合 基因改造生物 紀錄冊列明豁免該生物的任何條件的情況 The released GMO has been exempted from the application of the Ordinance in relation to the restriction on release into the environment, but the condition for the exemption of the GMO, as set out in the GMOs Register

20、, has not been complied with. 該被釋出的基因改造生物並 未獲核准向環境釋出或獲批予豁免 而不受條例關 於 向 環境釋出的規限 The released GMO has not been approved for release into the environment or exempted from the application of the Ordinance in relation to the restriction on release into the environment 3. 該釋出所不符合的條件 Condition(s) which was

21、not complied with GMO607-9 4. 已釋出的基因改造生物的資料 Information of the released GMO (a) 該生物的名稱 Name of the GMO (b) 該生物的識辨屬性 Identity of the GMO (c) 向環境釋出該生物的地點、日期及時間 Location, date and time of release into the environment of the GMO (d) 基因改造生物在何種情況下釋出 Circumstances under which the GMO was released (e) 該生物的用

22、途 Use of the GMO (f) 釋出的該生物的數量或體積 Quantity or volume of the GMO released (g) 關於該生物的釋出的任何其他可得的資料 Any other available information relating to the release of the GMO 5. 已釋出的基因改造生物的生物安全資料 Biosafety information of the released GMO (a) 生物分類狀況 Taxonomic status (b) 該生物的特徵及特性 Characteristics and traits of th

23、e GMO (c) 該生物 可能帶來的生物安全不利影響的任何可得的資料 Any available information on the possible adverse biosafety effect of the GMO GMO607-9 (d) 針對向環境釋出該生物而可能採取的任何風險管理措施 Any possible risk management measures on the release of the GMO into the environment (e) 關於該生物的任何其他可得的資料 Any other available information relating to

24、 the GMO 6. 聲明 Declaration 本人已閱畢附加的應注意事項及警告,並聲明上面各項填報詳情均為正確無訛。 I have read the attached notes and warnings and I declare that all the particulars given above are true and correct. 申請人簽署 機構印鑑 Signature of applicant/organisation chop 日期 Date 此欄由辦理機關填寫 For official use only Date received Remarks/additional information Officer Follow up action


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