高三英语一轮复习课时作业 (1).doc

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1、1课时作业(一) 必修 1 Unit 1 Friendship.单项填空1(2012盐城第二次调研) Im feeling very lonely,for few people know me here._.You will get familiar with them soon.ADont worry BDont mention itCHelp yourself DTake care2She devoted herself_to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.Astrongly Bextremely

2、Centirely Dfreely3Every time I get into trouble and turn to James,hell do everything_his power to help me out.Ain BofCwith Dby4He had_a lot during the hard times,and now,its time for him to enjoy the life.Asuffered Bsuffered fromCbeen suffered Dbeen suffered from5The natural scenery and the newlybui

3、lt tall buildings along the streets_the beauty of my hometown.Aadd up Badd toCare added up Dare added to6Why didnt you say hello to him last night?I smiled at him,but he_me and walked on.Aignored BrefusedCdenied Dmissed7Must we take a university degree?It depends.In_most countries,a university degre

4、e can give you_flying start in life.Athe;a Bthe ;/C/;/ D/;a8The reporter has written_articles about air pollution hoping to call the attention of all people to the problem.Aa series of Ba great deal ofCa plenty of Da large amount of29(2012山东青岛质检一) Have you seen my notebook?Oh,Jane must have taken it

5、_;she has the same one as yours.Aon purpose Bby chanceCby accident Dby mistake10You had better get all people_the work,or you cant get it_on time.Ado;done Bdoing ;doCto do;done Ddone;done11Some students have trouble_grammar while others have difficulty_new words.Ain;remember Bfor;to rememberCon;reme

6、mbering Dwith;remembering12I missed the first part of the film.It was really a pity.You_home half an hour earlier.Ashould go Bmust have goneCshould leave Dshould have left13(新课标全国)The workers_the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”Acarried BdeliveredCpressed Dpacked14Where is your brother?

7、Im not sure.He_be upstairs doing his lessons.Amust BmayCshould Dwould15_life in a new country can be difficult,it can broaden a persons view of the world.AIf BAlthoughCBecause DWhile.阅读理解(2012湖北八市调考)I used to like themhonest.Wed have lunch,talk on the phone or exchange emails,and they all seemed nor

8、mal enough.Then came Facebook,and I was introduced to a sad fact:Many of my friends have dark sides that they had kept from me.Sure,there were times these dark sides would surfaceafter too many drinks,saybut apologies and denials (否认) would follow, and all seemed healthy.or at least acceptable.Today

9、 my friends trumpet the more unpleasant aspects of their personalities via Facebook 3status updates.Theyre thrown in my face like TV commercialsunavoidable and endless advertisements for the worst aspects of their personalities.Take Andy.You wont find a smarter CEO anywhere,but in tough economic tim

10、es,hes a CEO without a company to run.So he plays Mafia Wars on Facebook.Hes doing welllevel 731,whatever that means.And thanks to Facebook and his status updates,I know hes playing about 18 hours a day.Andy,youve run four companies,and this is how you spend your downtime?What happened to golf?What

11、happened to getting another job?And then theres Liz.She is positive the H1N1 vaccine will kill us all and that we should avoid it.Chris likes to post at least 20 times a day on every site he can find,so I get to read his thoughts twice, once on Facebook and once on Twitter.In real life,I dont see th

12、ese sides of people.Facetoface,my friends edit themselves,showing me their best.Theyre nice,smart people.Whereas facetoFacebook,my friends are like a blind date gone horribly wrong,one in which you sit there listening while the person on the other side of the table talks on and on,pretty much forget

13、ting you exist and not always making the best impression.Im left with a problem.Who is my real friend?Is it the Liz I have lunch with.or the antivaccine madman on Facebook?Is it the Fred I can grab a sandwich with.or the Fred who weeps if hes at a party and the wine isnt up to his standards?I know t

14、oo much about them.And what do they think of me?The guy who lurks (潜伏) online, afraid to reveal (揭露) the simplest fact about himself while judging others and making fun of their comments?I probably dont seem like much of a prize either.1. What made the author change his opinions of his friends?A. Th

15、eir secrets on Facebook being exposed.BThe changes to his friends.CThe comments they made online.DThe “dark sides” his friends show online.2. From Andys status updates,we can see that he seems to be_.A. as active and ambitious online as he is in real lifeBready to join the army and fight in warsCdes

16、perate and escaping from realityDexactly what the author expects of him3. The author compared his friends to a blind date gone terribly wrong to show_.Ahis disappointment at seeing his friendsreal selvesBhis curiosity about other aspects of his friendslivesChis expectation that they would improve4Dh

17、is pleasure in discovering the “dark sides” to his friendscharacters4. We can tell from the article that the author_.Ais against showing ones true self onlineBis confused about what kind of people his friends really areCknows too many secrets about his friends to stay friendly with themDhates people

18、 who constantly update their status online.七选五(衡水中学 20112012 学年度高三上学期三调考试 )_1_Ive spent several weeks trying to find the perfect way to work at my computer without a chair.Now more and more people like to have a change and stand up when they are on something important.Standing up is enjoyed by more

19、people.Medical researchers have found people standing at work tend to be more healthier than those who sit.But I wasnt just looking for better health._2_In the last few years,many office supply companies have begun to sell the adjustableheight desks.These socalled “sit/stand” models are equipped wit

20、h an electric motor that lets them shift from chair height to person height at the push of a button._3_Sit/stand desks tend to be expensive,hard to find and not easy to test in person.I discovered that when I worked standing up,my mind was more excited and new ideas kept coming out.I suspect that th

21、is is because when you are standing,you feel a bit unchained from your desk.If I got stuck on a word or sentence as I wrote,I found myself shaking my arms,bouncing on my feet or stepping away from the desk for a bitthings I couldnt do in a chair._4_.Theres one other thing about standing for a long t

22、ime;I tended to get hungrier than I do when I sit on a chair.The standups think you burn more calories when you stand than when you sit.For this reason alone,Im hoping that sit/stand desks one day hit the mainstream,with massmarket furniture companies making many lowpriced versions._5_AIt takes cour

23、age to stand up at work.BWe could do all with a bit more standing up.CIts been proved that standing up at work does good to people.DUnfortunately,theyre regarded as specialty furniture.EStanding would also improve how I work and relax my body.FResearchers found peoples health partly depended on whet

24、her they stood up at work.GOften ,standing up seemed to relax my mind enough for me to get over creative obstacles.短文改错(河南省洛阳市 20112012 学年度高三年级期中 )5It was Sunday and without homework,I got up late.After finishing the breakfast,I began to surf the Internet.About one and a half hour later,when Mom not

25、iced that I still playing computer games, she was very annoyed that she scolded me,she said I shouldnt be so addicted to the Internet and ignored my study as the college entrance tests were drawing nearer.I said that this was necessary to have a rest to refresh myself.Mom left angry.It was at that m

26、oment when I realized I was wrong.I said sorry,and promised I wouldnt do that again.Mom hoped that I wouldnt cost too much time on the Internet any more.课时作业( 一).单项填空1解析: 考查交际用语。根据语意可知,说话人应是劝慰对方别担心(Dont worry)。Dont mention it 没关系, 别客气;Help yourself 别客气, 请 自便;Take care 注意,当心,保重。答案: A2解析: entirely 完全地

27、;strongly 强烈地;extremely 极度地; freely 自由地。答案: C3解析: in ones power 在某人能力范围内;在某人掌控中。答案: A4解析: 句意为:在困难时 期他受了不少苦, 现在他该好好地享受生活了。suffer 作及物动词,表示“遭受;忍受” ,a lot 作宾语。 suffer from 表示“经受(痛苦)” ,不能用被动形式。答案: A5解析: 句意为:优美的自然 风景和沿街新建的高楼增添了我的家乡的美丽。 add to “增加;增添” ,符合题意。add up 合计。答案: B6解析: 考查动词辨析。ignore 不理睬;忽视。句意 为:“昨晚

28、你没有向他打招呼?”“唉,我看到他时便停下来朝他笑了笑,但他没有理我,一直往前走了。 ”refuse 拒绝;deny 拒绝给予,否认;miss 错过。答案: A7解析: most countries 此 处表泛指, most 前不加冠词 the;第二空意为“一个高起点的开始” ,故用 a。答案: D8解析: a series of 一系列;a great deal ofa large amount of 不可数名词;C 项中的 a多余。答案: A9解析: 考查介词短语。take sth.by mistake 是“误拿”的意思。句意为:你看到6我的笔记本了吗?珍妮一定是误拿了你的,因 为她有一个

29、和你一 样的笔记本。答案: D10解析: 考查“get宾语宾补”的用法。 get sb.to do 意为“让某人去做某事” ,get sth.done 意为 “让某事被做 ”相当于“have sth.done” 。答案: C11解析: 考查短语的固定用法。have trouble with sth.做某事有困难;有病痛。have trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难。答案: D12解析: 考查情态动词用法。should have done 本应该做某事,但事实上未做。答案: D13解析: 句意为:工人们 把那些玻璃杯打包,并且在每个盒子上标上“切勿倒

30、置”的字样。本题考查动词辨析。语境提到“玻璃杯”和“每个 ”,可见这里表示工人把这些玻璃杯打包进行包装,因此选 D.打包。 carry 搬,扛,运;deliver 分发,投递;press 按,压。答案: D14解析: 由 Im not sure 可知,这里应用 may 表示不确定的推测,意思是“可能;也许” 。答案: B15解析: 考查状语从句。although 表示“尽管” ,while 也有“尽管”的意思,但常用于对比。答案: B.阅读理解语篇解读: 人的性格具有多样性,我的很多朋友在现实生活中的表现与他们在Facebook 上网站上的表现截然不同,这让我觉得困惑,我的这些朋友究竟是什么样

31、的人呢?1解析: 考查细节理解。从前两段内容可知,朋友们个性中令人讨厌的方面在Facebook 上彰显出来,而这些都是作者在现实生活中发现不了的。答案: D2解析: 考查推理判断。第三段说,作者的朋友 Andy 曾 经是最优秀的 CEO,但是在经济萧条时期,没有一个公司聘用他。因此,他在 Facebook 上玩“黑手党战争”的游戏,每天玩 18 个小时。由此可推断他 这样做的目的是逃避现实。答案: C3解析: 考查推理判断。第六段前后进行对比,说面对面的时候,朋友向作者展示他们最美好的一面,可是到了 Facebook 上,他们就像在盲目约会,一切都出了问题,忘 记了你的存在,也不总是在想给对方

32、留下美好的印象。由此判断 选 A。作者在 Facebook 上看见朋7友真实的一面,觉得很失望。最后两段也表明了作者很失望。答案: A4解析: 考查推理判断。从本文的叙述看,作者的很多朋友在平时给他留下的是美好的印象,但是在 Facebook 网站上,他的朋友显示的却是不好的一面,这让他感到困惑, “我的朋友究竟是什么样的人?”由此判断选 B。答案: B.七选五1A 2.E 3.D 4.G 5.B.短文改错It was Sunday and without homework,I got up late.After finishing the breakfast,I began to surf

33、the Internet.About one and a half later,when Mom noticed that I still playing hourhours wascomputer games,she was annoyed that she scolded me.She said I shouldnt be so addicted verysoto the Internet and my study as the college entrance tests were drawing. .I said that ignoredignore nearer nearwas necessary to have a rest to refresh myself.Mom left .It was at that moment I thisit angry angrily when thatrealized I was wrong.I said sorry,and promised I wouldnt do that again.Mom hoped that I wouldnt too much time on the Internet any more.costspend


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