07-第七章 流程策略.doc

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1、Process StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 1第七章 流程策略主要内容7.1 四种流程策略Four Process Strategies工艺专业化 Process Focus重复性生产 Repetitive Focus产品专业化 Product Focus大规模定制 Mass Customization Focus流程选择对比 Comparison of Process Choices7.2 流程分析和设计Process Analysis and Design流程图 Flow Diagrams时间功能图 Time-Function M

2、apping价值流图 Value-Stream Mapping工艺路线图 Process Charts服务蓝图 Service Blueprinting7.3 服务流程设计Service Process Design客户互动与流程设计 Customer Interaction and Process Design改进服务流程的更多机会 More Opportunities to Improve Service Processes布局和人力资源7.4 选择设备和技术Selection of Equipment and Technology-弹性7.5 生产技术Production Technol

3、ogy机床技术 Machine Technology自动识别技术 Automatic Identification Systems (AISs) and RFID过程控制 Process Control可视化系统 Vision Systems机器人 Robots自动存取系统 Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRSs)自动导引车 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs)柔性制造系统 Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs)计算机集成制造 Computer-Integrated Manuf

4、acturing (CIM)7.6 服务业的技术Technology in Services金融+教育+ 政府 +通信+商业+ 运输+医疗+航空7.7 流程再设计Process Redesign7.8 道德和环境友善流程Ethics and Environmentally Friendly Processes案例 戴尔电脑公司 Dell Computer Company大规模定制为戴尔电脑带来竞争优势“How can we make the process of buying a computer better?”直接销售电脑给消费者 Sell custom-build PCs directl

5、y to consumer全面集成业务网络 Integrate the Web into every aspect of its business保持六天库存 Operate with six days inventory按订单快速低成本制造计算机,Build computers rapidly, at low cost, and only when ordered专注研究电脑软件,快速安装和简单配置和 Focus research on software designed to make installation and configuration of its PCs fast and s

6、impleProcess StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 2流程策略process strategy组织将资源转化成商品和服务的方法。7.1 四种流程策略工艺专业化Process-Focused Strategy 单件+小批生产重复性生产Repetitive Focused Strategy 成批+ 大量生产产品专业化product focused-大量生产大规模定制mass customization 个性化生产选择流程必须适合产量和品种固定和变动成本分摊,设法让总成本最少7.1.1 工艺专业化Process-Focused Strat

7、egy工艺专业化:小批量,多品种流程,也称作业车间;Low volume, high variety products,Job shop;一些设备的利用率很低5%,但成本很高具有弹性被 75%的企业采用Facilities are organized by processSimilar processes are togetherExample: All drill presses are togetherJumbled flowOther names间歇流程 Intermittent processJob shop标准注册公司商用表格作业车间的工艺专业化208 Prentice Hal, I

8、nc. 7 15AcountigProces Flow DiagramInformation flowMateril fl Figure .27COLATING DEP GLUING, BINDIG, STAPI, LAELINPOLYWRAP DEPTSHIPINGCustomerPRINTIG DEPTPREPRES DEPTVendorsRecivingWarehousePurchasingCustomerCustomer sales reprntiv案例饭店+医院+工厂Process StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 37.1.2

9、重复性生产Repetitive Focused Strategy重复性生产:介于工艺专业化和产品专业化之间,采用模块,是一流程的生产线;Facilities often organized by assembly lines,Characterized by modules-Parts 运作经理利用模块、有效调度和快速生产来实现大规模定制208 Prentice Hal, Inc. 7 24Mas CustomizationMas CustomizationEfective schduling teniqes Rapid throughut tecniqesReptive FocusFlxib

10、l ppleand equimntProces-FocusedHigh varity, lw volumeLow utilztion (5% t 25%)Genral-purse quipent Product-FocusedLow variety, hig volumeHigh utilztion (70% t 90%)Specialied quipentFigure 7.5 Modular techniquesSuportive sly chains7.1.5 流程选择对比比较:设备、人员、空间、产量、品种、效率、成本交叉图:不同的流程会有不同的成本曲线,交叉图可用于分析他们之间的差异;当

11、产量一定时,只有一种流程成本是最低的。Process StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 7208 Prentice Hal, Inc. 7 31Crosover ChartsFixed costVarible cost$High volume, low varietyPrcs CFixed costVarible cost$ReptiveProcs BFixed costVarible cost$Low volume, hig varietyProcs AFixed cost Pro AFixed cost Pro BFixed cost

12、Pro CTotal costTotal costTotal costV1(2,857) V2(6,6)40,0 30,0 20,0 Volume$Figure 7.6企业关注的焦点在一个讲求效率的时代,专业化是一种趋势。Focus brings efficiency,Focus on depth of product line rather than breadth。顾客 Customers德国的温特豪斯洗碗机公司有类似特征的产品族 Products-纽柯钢铁+新西兰加拉格尔钢丝网服务 Service-奥兰多、帕尔默医院+肖尔代斯医院技术 Technology-intel,微软改变流程改变流

13、程需要调整运营策略组合与之匹配.服务与产品设计 Service and product design质量管理 Quality management流程与能力设计 Process and capacity design选址 Location布置 Layout design人力资源和工作设计 Human resources, job design供应链管理 Supply-chain management库存管理 Inventory management独立需求+相关需求+JIT 与精益系统计划与调度 Scheduling综合计划+调度 维护 Maintenance7.2 流程分析和设计7.2.1

14、流程图Process Flow Diagram摩托车装配图弯曲架管+ 工作单元+ 机加工+高温上漆+引擎和传动系统+测试 28+成品装箱 Process StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 8208 Prentice Hal, Inc. 7 18Proces Flow DiagramTHE ASEMBLY INETESTING28 test Oil tank work celShocks and forksHandlebarsFender work celAir cleanersFluids and muflersFuel tank work

15、 celWhel work celRoler testingIncoming parts From Milwauke n a JIT rivl scheduleEngies and trasiiosFrame tube bndigFrame-building work cels Frame mchinig Hot-paintframe itigCratingFigure 时间功能图Time Function Map流程图的扩展,增加了时间维度;美国一家印制和压制产品的时间功能图。7.2.3 价值流图value-stream mapping.VSM是时间功能图的一种变化形式,有

16、助于分析价值在生产过程中的哪个环节被创造,包括供应链内。140 秒加工/26 天的的等待208 Prentice Hal, Inc. 7 37Value-Stream MapingFigure .87.2.4 工艺线路图process chartProcess StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 9工艺流程图使用符号、时间和距离来提供客观和结构化的方法,分析并记录组成流程的各项活动。快餐店的汉堡生产线7.2.5 服务蓝图Service Blueprint-跟踪提高服务质量服务蓝图是一种关注顾客和企业之间互动的流程分析技术;服务蓝图一般分三层如

17、下图:第一层-在顾客控制中第二层-提供商和顾客交互第三层-远离顾客许多环节均需采取解决潜在事物的防错技术F-T,来提高服务质量;理想的解决办法是最好在设计阶段预见到可能的错误,并采取设计预防措措施。员工问候+ 服务诊断+ 进行服务+友好结束服务流程分析 Work Flow Analysis - Four Phases 员工问候 Request, from a customer or an offer to provide services by a performer服务诊断 Negotiation, allowing the customer and the performer to agr

18、ee on how the work should be done and what will constitute customer satisfaction进行服务 Performance,of the assignment and completion友好结束 Acceptance, closing the transaction provided the customer expresses satisfaction and agrees that the conditions were met.7.3 服务流程设计7.3.1 客户互动和流程设计Customer Interaction

19、 and Process Strategy服务流程矩阵中服务业的专业化水平低 服务定制化程度 高高 劳动力密集程大众服务-商业银行 专业服务-私人银行Process StrategyPrinciples of Operations Management 10度低 服务工厂-快餐店 服务商店-美食餐厅208 Prentice Hal, Inc. 7 42Service Factory Service ShopDegre of CustomizationLow HighDegre of LaborLowHighMas Service Profesional ServiceServic Pce Mt

20、rixComercial bankig rivate bankigGenral-puros lw firmsLaw clinicsSpecializd hositls HospitalsFul-service stockbokrLimited-service stockbokrRetailngBoutiquesWarehouse and ctlg torsFast-fod returants Fine-dinig rstauratsAirlinesNo-frils ailineFigur 7.1大众服务和专业服务 Mass Service and Professional Service劳动力

21、参与高 Labor involvement is high加强培训 Selection and training highly important加强人力资源 Focus on human resources个性化服务 Personalized services服务工厂和服务商店 Service Factory and Service Shop自动化标准服务 Automation of standardized services采取流程技术、低劳动响应 Low labor intensity responds well to process technology and scheduling强化控制 Tight control required to maintain standards7.3.2 改进流程的更多机会布局案例 零售业、餐饮业和银行业的布局布局设计时服务流程设计的一部分,对零售业、餐饮业和银行业尤其如此。人力资源很多服务业都涉及与顾客的的互动,所以招聘和培训等人力资源问题是服务业中特别重要的组成部分。改进服务生产率的技术分离+自助服务+ 延迟+聚焦 +模块+自动化+作业计划+培训


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