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1、分享两篇 SCI 发表的经历三年前对于我来说 SCI 就是天书一样,在我踏进博士的门槛后我以为自己进入了地狱,也纠结也彷徨,整天刷虫友们对于博士、SCI 的帖子,我选择了虫友们鼓励的那一部分来激励自己继续前行。我告诉自己坚持就是胜利,当然那是积极的坚持。在好几月之前就有这个想法,今天早上收到第二篇的接收通知后,我便想今天一定要在小木虫上谢谢那些给予我帮助的虫友们。话不多说,我把自己这两篇投稿的经历与大家共享,希望能给大家带来一点点用处。第一篇发表在 FitoterapiaCover letterDear Editor Verotta:We would like to submit the ma

2、nuscript entitled “题目“ by 所有作者姓名 which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Fitoterapia.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been pub

3、lished or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the first time of 研究的精华所在Thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication in Fi

4、toterapia. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址、 学院、学校名称Phone: + 86Fax number: + 86571Email address: Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,所有作者Response to re

5、viewersDear Editor:Thank you very much for your letter and the comments from the referees about our paper submitted to Journal of Fitoterapia (FITOTE-D-11-01071). The manuscript entitled “ by 所有作者 have been revised according to the reviewers comments, and we wish it to be reconsidered for publicatio

6、n in Journal of Fitoterapia.A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The key words were changed in page?.LOA2: The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3).LOA3: A paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page

7、 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in polyprenols.LOA4: The language was improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 1#,Thank you very much for pointing out the problems in our manuscript. We have revised it according

8、to your recommendations. We would like to know if there are still somewhere need to be amended. (1) Keywords: general terms should be avoided; I would change some of the keywords (homologues, identification, quantification)The key words have been changed as follows: 修改后关键词(2) In paragraph 2.1 the “l

9、ocal biochemistry company“ should be identified by name and location.The name and location of the local biochemistry company have been added in section 2.1 (page 3). NaOH,Pyrogallol,anhydrous Na2SO4 were purchased from Hangzhou ChangqingHuagong CO., LTD.(3) How the cis and trans configuration of dou

10、ble bonds in were determined? Authors should say something about.The following paragraph has been added in section 3.1 (page 5) to further explain the determination of the cis and trans configuration of double bonds in .(4) Language should be checked for clarity and correctness.The language was impr

11、oved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop.To Reviewer 2#,Thank you very much for your recommendation on our paper and we have improved by English language editing of Elsevier webshop. All in all, thank you very much for your reconsidering our revised manuscript for potential publication i

12、n Fitoterapia. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Correspondence should be addressed to *第一作者或通讯作者 at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86571Fax number: + Email address: Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,所有作者总的来说,第一篇文章没有费很大劲。投稿后二个月左

13、右便有消息,小修后提交,第二天便接收了!那是因为这篇文章是历经磨难后的,之前投了 和,其中第一个期刊当天就给我回复了,那肯定是悲剧的!编辑所谓的与该期刊不符,但我认为主要是因为文章写的太垃圾,那是我第一次写而且是没有任何人指点的情况下,可想而知会有多烂。随后这篇文章放了将近一年,填补了写数据,又投了第二个期刊,编辑委婉的拒了但给我修改重投的机会。我按照审稿人的意见和建议修改了几个月后重投(补数据,重新整结构框架,仅次于重写) ,结果悲剧了。而且不是因为修改的问题,而是说我的文章档次太低,不足以在上发表,我当时晕倒怎么不早说,害我这么长时间的重修。不过现在想想若不是重修在下次的投稿中又怎能如此顺

14、利呢?所以说所有的努力都不是白费的!第二篇投了 Journal of Ethnopharmacology,相比第一篇这个稍有磨难。也是差不多两个月的样子收到修改意见,修改后提交一直不见动静,等两个月左右的时候我有点不住了,编发了一封催稿信,之前看论坛里说忌讳催稿,但也看期刊吧,Journal of Ethnopharmacology 的编辑第二天便给了修改建议(还是要修改) ,原因是第一次修改是一个审稿人的,由于另外一个审稿人一直没给才拖到第二次。也没办法,只能再改!这次相对比较快点,每到一个月便通知接收了。Journal of Ethnopharmacology 与别的期刊不同,有一份 Au

15、thor_checklist。不算重要但还是给大家附上附件吧(黏贴好像乱掉了) ,我之前也是请教的虫友。需要提醒的是初次提交和修改后要注意最后一项打勾。Dear editor,We would like to submit the manuscript entitled “ “ by which we wish to be considered for publication in Journal of Ethnopharmacology.All authors have read and approved this version of the article, and due care h

16、as been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere. It is not being submitted to any other journal. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal as it is the fi

17、rst time of investigating Correspondence should be addressed to Jinhui Yu at the following address, phone and fax number, and email address.地址Phone: + 86Fax number: + 86571Email address: Thank you very much for your considering our manuscript for potential publication. Im looking forward to hearing

18、from you soon.Best wishes for you and your family!Sincerely yours,大同小异 单独提交 第一次修改A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The reference on the selection of doses has been adapted in section 2.2 (page 5).LOA2: The details of HPLC data were supplemented in secti

19、on 2.1 (page 4).LOA3: Figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5 have been redrawn. Replies to the remarks of the reviewer 1:The authors appreciate valuable suggestions and comments from the anonymous reviewers. We have revised our manuscript accordingly. Hope it is satisfactory now.(1) How the doses have been

20、 selected? If the doses have been adapted from a previous publication please cite the paper. The doses were selected according to previous studies of 。 We have adapted the paper in our revised manuscript. (2) It would be more interesting if the authors could show the details of HPLC data in this man

21、uscript. Which fraction has been used to perform experiments?We have provided the HPLC chromatogram of used in the animal experiment. The fraction of the purified extract mostly consisted of , which accounting for 0.22%, 1.06%, 5.65%, 13.96%, 10.82%, 6.70%, 14.47%, 22.81%, 16.64%, 6.13%, 1.52%, resp

22、ectively. The purity of the was assessed using HPLC, amounting to 85%. (3) Fig 3 and 5 should be redone. Photos may take by using little more higher objectives like 32X or 40 X to show the picture clearly. Scale bars should be mentioned inside the figure (in right corner).We redrew the both figures.

23、 Scale bars have been mentioned inside the figure 3, figure 4 and figure 5. The magnification of 200 was adopted for figure 3 and figure 5, referring to many previous studies (Gui et al., 2006; Hsieh et al., 2011; Jung et al., 2012; Xiao et al., 2012). The reviewers concern about the insufficiently

24、clear figures might result from the low resolution of the picture in our previous version. Corresponding pictures with improved resolution were provided, which appear much clearer. We can also provide original figures if it is necessary.References:Gui, S.Y., Wei, W., Wang, H., Wu, L., Sun, W.Y., Che

25、n, W.B. and Wu, C.Y., 2006. Effects and mechanisms of crude astragalosides fraction on liver fibrosis in rats. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 103: 154-159.Hsieh, W.T., Liu, Y.T. and Lin, W.C., 2011. Anti-inflammatory properties of Ajuga bracteosa in vivo and in vitro study and their effects on mouse m

26、odel of liver fibrosis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 135: 116-125.Jung, H.W., Jung, J.K., Son, K.H., Lee, D.H., Kang, T.M., Kim, Y.S. and Park, Y.K., 2012. Inhibitory effects of the root extract of Dipsacus asperoides C.Y. Cheng et al t.m.ai on collagen-induced arthritis in mice. Journal of Ethnopha

27、rmacology 139: 98-103.Xiao, J., Liong, E.C., Ching, Y.P., Chang, R.C., So, K.F., Fung, M.L. and Tipoe, G.L., 2012. Lycium barbarum polysaccharides protect mice liver from carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress and necroinflammation. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 139: 462-470.Yu, J., Wang, Y.,

28、Qian, H., Zhao, Y., Liu, B. and Fu, C. Polyprenols from the needles of Taxus chinensis var. mairei. Fitoterapia, in revison.第二次修改A list of changes and responses to reviewers are as follows.List of ActionsLOA1: The description of the effect of TPs (protective rather than therapeutic) in the article w

29、as corrected to avoid misunderstanding. Introduction, the last sentence (paragraph 3).Section 3.1, “Rats treated with TPs” was changed as “Rats treated with both TPs and CCl4” (line 3)Section 3.5, “in the livers of chronic CCl4 treated rats” was deleted by adding “In the treatment with TPs+CCl4” at

30、the head of the sentence. (line 7)Discussion, the first and the last sentence (paragraph 1).Discussion, “the treatment with TPs” was changed as “the treatment with TPs+CCl4”(paragraph 2, line 9)Discussion, the last sentence (paragraph 4)Discussion, the last sentence (paragraph 5)Discussion, the firs

31、t sentence (paragraph 7)LOA2: The figures and tables are explained in order in the main text. Section 3.1, Fig. 3A (line 6) was added.Section 3.3, Fig. 4A (line 2), Fig. 4B-C (line 3) and Fig. 4B (line 9) and Fig. 4A-B (line 10) were deleted.Section 3.4, Fig. 5A, F (line 3), Fig. 5C-E, F (line 5) we

32、re added. LOA3: Figure 2 was supplemented with the standard chromatogram and concrete information about the peaks under the figure. LOA4: The petroleum was corrected into petroleum ether.LOA5: The discussion section was modified.Replies to the remarks of the reviewer 2:The authors appreciate valuabl

33、e suggestions and comments from the anonymous reviewers. We have revised our manuscript accordingly.1. Fig 6 shows that on RNA expression is not dose dependent, rather different doses of has opposite effect ( Fig 6 A, E,K), means that protein level of this gene could provide the missing links. Accor

34、ding to me protein level along with RNA level could provide an insight to the mechanism of .We agree with this point. We have actually tried quantitative analyses of relative proteins to further clarify mechanism, as well as Western-Blot experiments. These efforts, however, failed due to the technic

35、al difficulty of removing the lipid composition which seriously interfere the accuracy of protein quantification. After the optimization and improvement of the extraction for quite a long time, the experimental result was still not satisfactory. However, we believe our present results could fairly a

36、lthough not perfectly support our main conclusions. Anyway, we changed several interpretations of the present results to adequately discuss the mechanisms of 。2. In the conclusion, the authors claimed that “ the possible mechanism involves an anti oxidative ability.“. According to the Table 4 data,

37、it is evident that lipid peroxidation of 120 and 300 are same ( insignificantly different) but corresponding antioxidant enzyme activities were significantly differ between them.The inconsistent results between antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation might need some explanation. As we k

38、now, the composition of the lipid peroxidation which includes many other components (Loidl-Stahlhofen and Spiteller, 1994) except malondialdehyde might have been changed under 300 treatment. Moreover, the antioxidant mechanism of different drugs in various organisms is completed according to previou

39、s studies (Galano et al., 2009; Qian et al., 2011). We just speculate that the anti-fibrotic effect might be related with the antioxidant ability of the based on the data, while the preliminary conclusion needs further experimental verifications. We have made corresponding modification on the conclu

40、sion in our manuscript. 3. I am confused with the duration of in animals. Induction of cirrhosis was done by subcutaneous injection of CCl4 for 8weeks. Simultaneous administration of drug was performed for 8weeks. Can I assume that the action of drug is to prevent the induction of cirrhosis rather t

41、han therapeutic effect?The experiment only verified the preventive effect rather than the therapeutic effect. We will consider the therapeutic effect in the next experiment. We have corrected the description in the article to avoid misunderstanding4. The figures and Tables are not explained in order

42、, in the main text.We have carefully checked the whole text and corrected the issues you raised. 5. Fig 2, chromatogram of standard is missing, explanation of different peaks are also missingWe have supplied the standard chromatogram in Figure 2, and appended the particular information of each peak,

43、 including the name of the substance and the percentage.6. Expression of “p value“ is misleadingWe are sorry that we have not comprehended your meaning. The expression of “p value“ in our manuscript was referred to literatures (Kim et al., 2011; Li et al., 2010). 7. In the method section, instead of

44、 petroleum, petroleum ether would give better perception.We are sorry about the mistake. Actually, we used petroleum ether in the experiment.8. Tests like Indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate/ monoethylglycinexylidide test would be more sensitive tests for liver functionWe selected the indica

45、tors and methods for liver function evaluation according to the published literature on animal experiments (Li et al., 2010; Mu et al., 2009; Takahashi et al., 2012; Tipoe et al., 2010). They are also well accepted as indicators in this field. Indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate/monoethylgly

46、cinexylidide test are mainly in clinical use. We will consider its application in our further studies.9. The mechanism of is not properly discussed.We have endeavored to sort out the mechanism of via further revision of the corresponding discussion. The authors would appreciate that reviewers could

47、explicitly state the points in case of further concerns. We promise to address them immediately.10. Authors suggested in the limitation of the study that is not higly pure, still it shows better activity than standard drug, not in histopathology results.Thanks for highlighting our findings. are promising natural products deserving further investigations. Actually we are currently optimizing the purified process to prepare high-purity for post verification experiment. References:Galano, A., lvarez-Diduk, R., Ramrez-Silva, M.T., Alarcn-ngeles, G. and


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