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1、以下按照缩写的首字母排列:3GPP the third generation partnership project 第三代伙伴项目AAA authentication authorization and accounting认证、授权、计费AMR adaptive modulation rate 自适应调制速率AP access point 无线接入点AMPS adcanced mobile phone services 高级移动电话服务AAL ATM adaption layer ATM适配层ATM asychronous transfer mode异步传输模式B-ISDN broadba

2、nd integrated services digital network综合服务数字宽频网BCC block control check 快控制校验BSC binary sychronou scommunication二进制同步通信BTS base transceiver station 无线电收发基站CB citizen band 民用波段C/S client server客户机、服务器CAPEX capital expenditure 资本性支出DTE data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DSL digital subcriber line 数据用户线DCS d

3、igital cellular sustem 数字蜂窝系统DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol 动态主机配置协议DLE data link escape数据链路逃逸DQDB distributed queue dual bus分布式列队双总线ETSI european telecommunication standands institute欧洲电信标准协会EDGM enhanced data rate for gsm evolution 增强型数据速率EDGE enhanced data for GSM evaluation 增强型数据 GSM引进

4、技术FDDI fiber distributed data interface光纤分布式数据接口GSM groupe special mobileglobal system for mobile communication全球移动通信服务GPRS general packet radio service通用无线分组业务GERAN GSM/EDGE radio access networkHSSI high speed senrial interface高速串口HSCSD high speed circuit switch data高速电路交换数据HTTP hyper text transfer

5、 protocol 超文本传输协议IMS Internet multicasting service 多路广播服务ITU international telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟 电信标准部门(TSS,即ITU-T)、无线电通信部门(RS,即 ITU-R)和电信发展部门(TDS,即 ITU-D)IMT international mobile telecommunications 国际移动通信联盟ISP Internet service provider移动运营商ICI inter carrier interference 载波间干扰IP interner pr

6、otocol网际协议local metropolitan wide area network局域/城域/广域网location areas 位置区IDEN integrated digital enhanced network集成数字增强网络IM instant message 即时通讯MMS multimedia message services多媒体信息服务MS mobile station 移动站MLS multiprotocol label switch 多协议标签交换MSC mobile switch center 移动交换中心MGW media gate way 媒体网关NTT n

7、ippon teleprap and teleplane public corporationOPEX operating expenditure cost运营成本ODRS call detail records通话详细清单PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association个人计算机内存国家联合会PCS personal communication service个人通信服务PLMN public land mobile nerwork 公用陆地移动网PSTN public switched telephone netw

8、ork 公用电话网PDS personal digital assistant 掌上电脑、个人数字助手PDC personal communication services 个人通信服务PVC permanent virtual counection 永久虚电路PDC personal digital cellular个人数字蜂窝电话系统PDP packet data protocol分组数据协议PDCP packet data convergence protocol 分组数据汇聚协议PWLAN public wireless local area network公共无线局域网QoS qua

9、lity of service 服务质量RAN radio assess network无线接入网RNC radio network controller 无线网络控制器RoI return on investment投资回报率RANAP radio access network application partRTP realtime transport protocol 实时传输协议synchronization character 同步sychronous data link control同步数据链路控制规范system network architecture 系统网络体系结构syc

10、hronous optical network 同步光纤网subscriber identity module 用户身份模块short message servicesstorage 存储 message systemsvc switch vitual circuit 开关交换 虚拟 电路sychronous digital Sequence同步数字序列SIP session initiation protocol 会话启动协议total access communication sustem 全球入网通信系统TDM time division multiplexing时分多路复用univer

11、sal mobile telecommunication system 通用移动通信系统URL uniform resource locator 统一资源定位器UTRAN UMTS ferritorid radio access network UMTS陆上无线接入网VPN virtual private network 虚拟专业网ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器:AON Active Optical Network 有源光网络:APON ATM Passive Optical Network ATM 无源光网络:ADSL Asymmetric Digital Su

12、bscriber Line 非对称数字用户线:AA Adaptive Antenna 自适应天线:ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉冲编码调制:ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer 自适应判决反馈均衡器 :AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 信号交替反转码:AON All Optical Net 全光网AOWC All Optical Wave Converter 全光波长转换器:ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控:ATPC A

13、utomatic Transfer Power Control 自动发信功率控制:AWF All Wave Fiber 全波光纤 :AU Administrative Unit 管理单元:AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组:APD Avalanche Diode 雪崩光电二极管 :BA Booster(power) Amplifier 光功率放大器:BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比:BR Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入:Bluetooth 蓝牙:C Band C 波带:Chirp 啁啾:C Co

14、ntainer C 容器:CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波侦听多址接入/碰撞检测协议:CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 载波侦听多址接入/避免冲撞协议:CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比:CP Cross polarization 交叉极化:DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber 色散补偿单模光纤DFF Dispersion-flattened Fibe

15、r 色散平坦光纤:DR Diversity Receiver 分集接收DPT Dynamic Packet Transport 动态包传输技术:ODM Optical Division ltiplexer 光分用器:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散移位光纤:DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode 动态同步传送模式:DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用 :DLC Digital loop carrier 数字环路载波 :DXC Digital cross connec

16、t equipment 数字交叉连接器:EA Electricity Absorb Modulation 电吸收调制器:EB Error Block 误块:ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入控制通路:EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser 掺铒光纤激光器:ES Errored Second 误块秒:ESR Errored Second Ratio 误块秒比:FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错:FWM Four-wave Mixing

17、四波混频:FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址:FTTB Fiber to the Building 光纤到大楼 :FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纤到路边FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纤到户:FA Frequency agility 频率捷变:CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散位移光纤:GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网技术:GIF Graded Index Fiber 渐变型多模光纤:GS-E

18、DFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 增益平移掺饵光纤放大器:GVD Group Velocity Dispersion 群速度色散:HPF High Pass Filter 高通滤波器:HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段:IDLC Integrated DLC 综合数字环路载波:IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks 数字集群调度专网:IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD 局域网,即以太网标准。IEEE 802.11 无线局域

19、网标准:Jitter 抖动 :K Band K 波段:Ku Band Ku 波段:12G-14G,用于多卫星通信LA Line Amplifier 光线路放大器:LEAF Large Effective Area Fiber 大有效面积光:LANE LAN Emulation 局域网仿真:LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service 本地多点分配业务:LOF Loss of Frame 帧丢失:LOS Loss of Signal 光信号丢失 :LOP Loss of Pointer 指针丢失:MI Modulation Instability 调制不稳

20、定性:MLCM Multi-Level Coded Modulation 多电平编码调制:MMF Multi Mode Fiber 多模光纤:MMDS Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service 多信道多点分配业务:MVDS Multipoint Video Distribution Service 多点视频分配业务:MQAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 多进制正交幅度调制:MSOH Multiplex Section Overhead 复用段开销:MSP Multiplexer Section Protecti

21、on 复用段保护:MZ Mach-Zehnder 马赫曾德尔调制器 :NA Numerical Aperture 数值孔径 :NC Network Connection 网络连接:NEL Network Element Layer 网元层:NML Network Management Layer 网络管理层:NE Network Element 网络单元 :NZDSF Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber 非零色散位移光纤:NNI Network Node Interface 网络节点接口:OADM Optical Add Drop Multiplexe 光波分插

22、复用器:OA&M Operations , Administration and Maintenance 操作、管理和维护:OFA Optical Fiber Amplifier 光纤放大器:OAN Optical Access Network 光接入网:OBD Optical Branching Device 光分路器:OLT Optical Line Terminal 光线路终端:ONU Optical Network Unit 光网络单元:OFS Out of Frame Second 帧失步秒:OM Optical Multiplex 光复用 :OMSP Optical Multipl

23、ex Section Protect 光复用段保护OOF Out of Frame 帧失步:OSC Optical Supervisory Channel 监控信道:O-SNCP Optical Subnetwork Connection Protection 光子网连接保护:OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio 光信噪比OTDM Optical Time Division Multiplexing 光时分复用:OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectmeter 光时域反射器:OTN Optical Transmission Net 光传

24、送网:OMN Optical Transport Network 光传送网管理网:OTU Optical Transform Unit 光转化单元:OXC Optical Cross Connect 光交叉连接:PA Pre Amplifier 光前置放大器:PMR Private Mobile Radio 专用集群移动通信网:PON Passive O ptical Network 无源光网络:PAMR Public Access Mobile Radio 共用调度集群移动通信网 :Paylo ad 净负荷 :PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉码调制:PDH Plesi

25、ochr onous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字体系:PJE Pointer Justification Count 指针调整事件:PMD Polarisation Mode Dispersion 偏振模色散:POH Path Overhead 通道开销:PON Passive Optical Network 无源光网络:PRC Primary Resource Clock:QOS Quality of Service 服务质量:Raman Effect 喇曼效应:REG Regenerator 再生器:RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead 再

26、生段开销:RTS/CTS Request to Send/ Clear to Send 请求发送/ 允许发送协议 :3R Regenration ,Reshaping ,Retiming 再生、重整形和重定时 :SBS Stimulated Brillouin Scattering 受激布里渊散射:SCP Service Control Point 业务控制点:SD Signal Degrade 信号劣化:SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字传输体系:SHR Self-healing Hybrid Ring SDH 自愈环:SDM Space Divis

27、ion Multiplex 空分复用:SDXC Synchronous Digital Cross Connector 同步数字交叉连接器:SES Severely Errored Second 严重误块秒:SESR Severely Errored Second 严重误块秒比:SIF Step Index Fiber 突变型多模光纤:SMF Single Mode Fibre 单模光纤 :SMN SDH Management Network 同步数字体系管理网:SMS SDH Management Subnetwork SDH 管理子网:Soliton 光孤子:STM Synchronous

28、 transfer mode 同步传送模块:SNC Subnetwork Connection 子网连接:SNI Service Network Interface 业务节点接口:SOH Section Overhead 段开销:SONET Synchronous Optical Network 同步光网络:SPM Self-healing Network 自相位调制:SRP S pace Recycle Protocol 空 间 再 利 用 协 议:SRS Simulated Raman Scattering 受激喇曼散射:SPM Self-phase Modulation 自相位调制:TC

29、M Trellis Coded Modulation 网格编码调制:TDM Time Division Multiplexing 时分复用:TM Terminal Multiplexing 终端复用器 :TWF True Wave Fiber 真波光纤:TU Tributary Unit 支路单元:TUG Tributary Unit Group 支路单元组 :VC Virtual Container 虚容器:Wander 漂动:WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing 波分复用:WLL Wireless Local Loop 无线本地环路:WRS Wavelength Router Switch 波长选路开关:WXC Wavelength Cross Connect 波长交叉连接:XPIC Cross-polarisation Interference counteracter 交叉极化干扰抵消器:XPM Cross-phase Modulation 交叉相位调制:


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