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1、8AU2一、单词1、 similar adj. 相像的,类似的 = the same asbe similar to 与。 。 。相类似eg:Your views are similar to his. 你的观点与他的相似。2、expect v. 预料;预期 expection n. 期望expect to do sth. = look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事3、business n. 生意,公司 on business 出差 a family business 家族企业4、whizz-kid n. 神童,有为青年 genius n. 天才5、success n

2、. 成功 succeed v. 成功 successful adj. 成功的succeed in doing sth.= be successful in doing sth. 成功做某事eg: He succeeded in getting the job. = He was successful in getting the job. 他谋得了那份工作。6、responsible adj. 有责任的 responsibility n. 责任be responsible for=have the duty of 对。 。 。负责eg:My mum is responsible for sal

3、es.= My mum has the duty of sales. 我的妈妈负责销售。7、sell-sold-sold v. 卖 sale n. 卖,出售 eg:on sale 廉价出售8、simple adj. 简单的(反义词: complicate adj. 复杂的)9.exam n. 考试 examine v. 检查eg:fail an exam 考试不及格10、fail-failed-failed v. 失败 failure n. 失败fail to do sth 没能做成某事 fail in sth 在.方面失败11、assist=help v. 帮助 assist sb. wit

4、hin doing sth. 帮助某人(做)某事eg: He assisted in designing the new bridge. 他协助设计那条新桥。 12、continue v. 持续,继续 contine to do doing sth. 继续做某事eg: was allowed to continue using the library. 我获准继续使用该图书馆。13、usual = common = ordinary adj. 通常的,平常的 usually ad.通常地 always ad.经常地 seldom ad.不常 rarely ad.很少 never ad.从不 1

5、4、repeat-repeated-repeated v. 重复 = pardon15、explain v. 解释,说明 explanation n. 解释eg: He explained that he had been cheated. 他解释说他是上当受骗了。二、词组1. think about your daily life2. tice a week3. clean my teeth4. play table tennis5. play the piano6. must be7. one of the top students8. work in her business9. get

6、 up10. put on my school uniform11. make phone calls to our clients12. collect from=pick up from13. attend a club14. complete the list with information15. the simple present tense16. work on your own17. plan to do18. read bookes and magazines19. talk about experiments20. go jogging21. a badminton cha

7、mpion22. in the circus23. it is time for sb. to do sth.24. get bored25. have a pain in my leg26. speak several languages27. have a rest28. a big crowd29. return to = go back 三、语法1、The simple present tense变化规律情 况 构成方法 例 词一般情况 加 -s swim-swims;help-helps以辅音字母+o 结尾的词 加 -es goes,does以 s,sh,ch,x 等结尾的词 加 -

8、es watches以辅音字母+y 结尾的词 变 y 为 i 再加 es study-studies 不规则变化 have 和 be 动词 变 have 为 has 变 be 为 am,is,are have-has be-am,is,are常用于一般现在时的词语有 sometimes/usually/often/every day(week,year)/ now/always 等。2、Adverbs and adverbial phrases frequency副词放在动词前。eg:I always go to school by bus.alwaysall the time/every t

9、imeusually/oftenmany timessometimesless than often,more than seldomseldomnot many timesneverat no time副词短语不放在动词前,一般放在句首或句末。eg:I play basketball every day.Twice a month I play basketball.3、must be 语气强硬的, “必须、一定”之意 can be 语气不确定, “可能” 之意 cant be 语气偏强硬, “不可能”之意 may be 语气比 can be 还不确定,表示“可能、或许”之意共同点:都是表示

10、推测四、句型1、We can expect to find out about Wendys business.2、My dad is the manager of the company,and my mum is responsible for sales.3、Then I go to my office and continue working on my games.4、Once or twice a week,the teachers take usto visit interesting places.We never get bored.5、I often have a pain in my leg or arm,but I seldom stop.You must be tough in the circus.


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