peep少儿英语学习笔记 Quack loses his hat.doc

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1、01b Quack loses his hatIn order to save Quack (whos stuck inside a pickle jardont ask), Peep must figure out how to float a duck.Quack loses his hat ( thunder rumbling ) ( Chirp giggling ) NARRATOR: One day, when Peep was exploring in Nellies backyard, he discovered the most amazing, the most stupen

2、dous, the most incredible thing he had ever seen. CHIRP: Its just a ball. Y1234eah, but its. its round. and blue. and green. Blue and green. Lets play. CHIRP: Okay, Peep. ( both giggling ) ( Quack humming ) Oh! ( gurgling ) ( spitting ) What? What? What? PEEP: Sorry, Quack. QUACK: Aah, I should say

3、so5. ( scoffs ) My hat! Wheres my hat?! Whos got my hat? Where is it? Who took my. Ah! Ah, there, a duck is not a duck without his hat. Remember that, Peep. Okay, off you go. ( both giggling ) NARRATOR: All was right with the world, but then suddenly. ( birds cawing ) NARRATOR: .It wasnt. PEEP: Oh,

4、no, its those blue jays. CHIRP: Let me do the talking, okay? And hide that ball. ( inhales, then gulps ) JAYS: Hey, its Peep and Chirp. What are you doing? CHIRP: Uh, nothing. ( chuckles ) CHIRP: Not a thing. We were just leaving! A ball! Would you look at that? Nice, big ball. Oh, a beautiful ball.

5、 ( blue jays laughing ) CHIRP: Be careful. Its not yours, you know. Well be careful. Were always careful. Careful is our middle. Uh-oh! CHIRP: Oh, no! Now look what you did. NARRATOR: Its always the same with blue jays6, isnt it? They dont mean to cause trouble, but every time they show up7, somethi

6、ng goes wrong. Look at the time. We got to go. Bye-bye. Chirp: They make me so mad, those guys. ( thunder rumbling ) And now its raining. ( groans ) Come on, Peep. 1 Its ruined! 完蛋了!2 theyll float right there and stop. 面包就会径直漂过去,停在出事的地方3 I dont mean to offend you.我不是故意冒犯你的。4 You all keep quiet and l

7、et me do the talking. 你们都别吭声,让我来做代言人。5 I should say so! 是的,我同意!6 It is the same with fishes. 鱼类也同样如此。7 show up 出现;露面01b Quack loses his hatPEEP: Hmm. PEEP: Hey, Chirp, look at that. CHIRP: Its floating right to the top. Peep, bend down. PEEP: What? Why? Ow! CHIRP: Hold on. Wait. Ive got it! Oh, no!

8、Oh, no! ( both groan ) CHIRP: There it is! PEEP: Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! NARRATOR: And so the afternoon wore on. Peep and Chirp played kickball while Quack dreamt about his favorite thing- ducks- until. JAY 1: Hey, its Quack.JAY 2: Shh, hes asleep. JAY 1: Really? You think?JAY 2: Hey

9、, Quack, are you asleep?! QUACK: What are you doing? Hey, go away! Be gone. Leave the duck alone. Hey, that feels great. JAY 1: You try it, Quack. ( Quack sputters ) Give me my hat. JAYS: In a minute. Two. In two minutes. Three. In three minutes well give it back. PEEP: Stop it. CHIRP: Go find some

10、other duck to bother. JAYS: Okay, okay. We were just playing catch8. Here, catch. ( Quack gasps, blue jay caws ) QUACK: My hat! Im ruined! JAYS: I dropped it, and the wind took it. And threw it into the jar. Can you believe it? CHIRP: It wasnt the wind. It was you, and youd better go get it. JAYS: R

11、elax. Not a problem. Well get it out. We have the perfect plan. We always manage. Its perfect. ( Quack sighs ) Just a little to the left. No, the other left. JAY: Nope, too far. Too close, too close. Too close. There you go! Perfect! QUACK: What are you doing? Put me down! ( Quack screams ) One duck

12、 and one hat reunited. JAYS: Uh-oh! QUACK: Get me out of here! What are you talking about? Its perfect. You can see. JAY: And its warm. Oh, yeah, warm. If I had a place like that, Id. Never leave. CHIRP: He cant stay in there. Do something. Hmm. Um, Chirp, I think Ive got it. I mean, well, Quack is

13、sort of like a ball, isnt he? QUACK: I am not a ball! I am a duck! Quack. 8 play catch 捉迷藏 01b Quack loses his hatPEEP: I mean you float like a ball, so if we put water in the jar. CHIRP: Thats it. You got it. You are an extremely clever Peep. NARRATOR: The blue jays sprang into action. They scooped

14、 up Quacks puddle and poured it into the jar. QUACK: Hey! Ahh! Watch where youre putting that! NARRATOR: The more water they poured in, the higher Quack floated. ( Quack gurgling ) : I want out of here! Help! ( Quack sputtering ) ( coughing ) NARRATOR: Finally Quack arrived at the top only to discov

15、er that he had a long way to go. CHIRP: Okay, Quack, we know you can do it. BOTH: Jump! Go, Quack! ( quacking fearfully ) PEEP: Quack, if you dont jump, how will you ever get your hat back? ( Chirp gasps ) NARRATOR: Quack really had no choice, did he? So he closed his eyes. and then he opened his ey

16、es. Big mistake. So he closed them again, and prepared to jump. And prepared some more, and some more. until finally. ( Quack screaming ) CHIRP: Quack, are you all right? All I want to do right now is put on my hat and go sit in my puddle. Aah! What happened to my puddle?! PEEP: We had to put it int

17、o the jar so you could float to the top. Remember? Like the ball. QUACK: I. am going home. ( giggles ) ( caws ) JAYS: Good-bye, Peep. Good-bye, Quack. Good-bye, Chirp. That was fun. Lets do it again. Dont you say good-bye to me- not until you apologize! QUACK: Do you hear me?! You owe my hat an apology! Oh. What? Ah, there. ( Peep and Chirp giggling ) ( Quack scoffs ) ( Peep and Chirp giggling )


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