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1、,Public Goods and Common Resources,Chapter 11,Copyright 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.All rights reserved. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of thework should be mailed to:Permissions Department, Harcourt College Publishers,6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-6777.,“The best thing

2、s in life are free. . .”,Free goods provide a special challenge for economic analysisMost goods in our economy are allocated in markets,for these goods, prices are the signals that guide the decisions of buyers and sellers.,“The best things in life are free. . .”,When goods are available free of cha

3、rge, the market forces that normally allocate resources in our economy are absent.,“The best things in life are free. . .”,When a good does not have a price attached to it, private markets cannot ensure that the good is produced and consumed in the proper amounts.,“The best things in life are free.

4、. .”,In such cases, government policy can potentially remedy the market failure that results, and raise economic well-being.,The Different Kinds of Goods,When thinking about the various goods in the economy, it is useful to group them according to two characteristics: Is the good excludable? Is the

5、good rival?,The Different Kinds of Goods,ExcludabilityPeople can be prevented from enjoying the good.Laws recognize and enforce private property rights.,The Different Kinds of Goods,RivalnessOne persons use of the good diminishes another persons enjoyment of it.,Four Types of Goods,Private GoodsPubl

6、ic GoodsCommon ResourcesNatural Monopolies,Types of Goods,Private GoodsAre both excludable and rival.Public GoodsAre neither excludable nor rival.,Types of Goods,Common ResourcesAre rival but not excludable.Natural MonopoliesAre excludable but not rival.,Types of Goods,The Free-Rider Problem,A free-

7、rider is a person who receives the benefit of a good but avoids paying for it.,The Free-Rider Problem,Since people cannot be excluded from enjoying the benefits of a public good, individuals may withhold paying for the good hoping that others will pay for it.The free-rider problem prevents private m

8、arkets from supplying public goods.,Solving the Free-Rider Problem,The government can decide to provide the public good if the total benefits exceed the costs.The government can make everyone better off by providing the public good and paying for it with tax revenue.,Some Important Public Goods,Nati

9、onal DefenseBasic ResearchPrograms to Fight Poverty,Are Lighthouses Public Goods?,Cost-Benefit Analysis,In order to decide whether to provide a public good or not, the total benefits of all those who use the good must be compared to the costs of providing and maintaining the public good.Cost benefit

10、 analysis estimates the total costs and benefits of a good to society as a whole.,Cost-Benefit Analysis,A cost-benefit analysis would be used to estimate the total costs and benefits of the project to society as a whole.It is difficult to do because of the absence of prices needed to estimate social

11、 benefits and resource costs.The value of life, the consumers time, and aesthetics are difficult to assess.,Common Resources,Common resources, like public goods, are not excludable. They are available free of charge to anyone who wishes to use them.,Common Resources,Common resources are rival goods

12、because one persons use of the common resource reduces other peoples use.,Tragedy of the Commons,The Tragedy of the Commons is a story with a general lesson: When one person uses a common resource, he or she diminishes another persons enjoyment of it.Common resources tend to be used excessively when

13、 individuals are not charged for their usage. This creates a negative externality.,Examples of Common Resources,Clean air and waterOil poolsCongested roadsFish, whales, and other wildlife,Why Isnt the Cow Extinct?,PrivateOwnership and the Profit Motive!,Importance of Property Rights,The market fails

14、 to allocate resources efficiently when property rights are not well-established (i.e. some item of value does not have an owner with the legal authority to control it).,Importance of Property Rights,When the absence of property rights causes a market failure, the government can potentially solve th

15、e problem.,Summary,Goods differ in whether they are excludable and whether they are rival.A good is excludable if it is possible to prevent someone from using it.A good is rival if one persons enjoyment of the good prevents other people from enjoying the same unit of the good.,Summary,Public goods a

16、re neither rival nor excludable.Because people are not charged for their use of public goods, they have an incentive to free ride when the good is provided privately.Governments provide public goods, making quantity decisions based upon cost-benefit analysis.,Summary,Common resources are rival but not excludable.Because people are not charged for their use of common resources, they tend to use them excessively.Governments tend to try to limit the use of common resources.,


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