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1、笔试部分 (共七大题, 计 120分)I. 选择填空 (Vocabulary and structure) (共 15小题;每小题 1分, 计 15分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. It was not until yesterday _ I got an email from Kate _ I realized what I had done to her. A. that; what B. that; who C. when; who D. when; that 32. With the college entrance exam _ near,

2、Eric has to work really harder than before. A. approached B. move C. to come D. drawing 33. There are altogether thirteen students who did well in the English competition, _ seven are from the countryside. A. whose B. of which C. of whose D. of whom 34. Shall I pick you up after work this afternoon?

3、 _ , if its convenient to you. A. With pleasure B. Come along C. Couldnt be better D. Go ahead 35. _ , the 29th Olympic Games are to be held in Beijing, China on August 8, 2008. A. It is known B. As is known C. It is known that D. As we all know that 36. Donna intended to borrow a camera from friend

4、s of _ , but unfortunately _ happened to have none with them. A. her; one B. hers; they C. their; who D. theirs; it 37. Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan, I mean, whos going to put it into practice? A. work out B. bring out C. carry out D. put out 38. Is the work finished yet? _ . We nee

5、d no less than one hour. A. Far from it B. Exactly C. Not a little D. No wonder 39. Time is precious. You _ too much of your time in playing online games. A. had spent B. have been saved C. have wasted D. were taking 40. Its obvious that some books are read for knowledge, _ amusement. A. or with B.

6、not for C. not with D. but for 41. Janes intention is to make more people realize the importance of animal protection, _ ? A. is she B. isnt she C. isnt it D. is there 42. When he was young, he was told to _ the carpenter and tried to copy the way he made stools. A. glance B. mind C. notice D. watch

7、 43. The old mother was _ to see her son off at the train station. A. more than a little sad B. sad more than a little C. a little more than sad D. a little more sad than 44. Since starting Senior Three we have been busy reviewing lessons _ Sunday, when we could otherwise have a day off. A. even B.

8、but C. only D. included 45. You should always try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. whatever B. no matter C. even if D. however II. 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension) (共 20小题; 选择题 5小题,每小题 1分;非选择题 15小题,每小题 2分,计 35分) A) 阅读下面的短文,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。 A Most Americans agree t

9、hat the workplace and the home are very different from the way they were thirty years ago. The world of work is no longer a mans world. Between 1970 and 1995, the percentage of women who worked outside the home went from 50 percent to 76 percent. In the year 2000, of the more than 55 million married

10、 couples in the United States, 10.5 million women were making more money than their husbands, and 2 million men were stay-at-home dads. Author, husband, and father Mark Wertman writes about being a stay-at-home dad in his book True Confessions of a Real Mr. Mom. His story will help others who are le

11、arning how to live with the changing gender roles in our society. Mark and his wife, Georgine, were a two-income couple, but things changed when their first baby was born. Georgine wanted to continue her work as a lawyer, but someone needed to stay home to take care of the baby. Georgine had the hig

12、her paying job, so she became the provider. They had more children. Mark stayed home to raise the children. In his book he tells many stories about his role in the family. At first, it was difficult to change roles. The Wertman kids often went to Mark first to talk about their problems. Georgine was

13、 jealous of the time the children spent with their father. Mark had some hard times, too. People often asked him, “When are you going to get a real job?“ Even in the 21st century, society respects the role of provider more than the role of child raiser. Mark found out all about this. Mark and Georgi

14、ne learned that it is very important to talk about their problems. In the beginning, Mark thought Georgine had the easy job, and Georgine thought that Mark had it easy. Later they talked it over and discovered that both jobs were difficult and rewarding. Georgine and Mark agree that talking things o

15、ver and making decisions together helps their relationship. The Wertmans are happy with the results of their decision. Their children are ready for a world where men and women can choose their roles. Wertmans book is enjoyable and educational, especially for couples who want to switch roles. As Mark

16、 Wertman says,“We are society. We make the changes one by one. People have to decide on whats best for them and their families.“ 46. Why is the workplace no longer a mans world? A. More women are jealous. B. Men are not strong. C. Fewer men are stay-at-home dads. D. More women are in the workplace.

17、47. What is Mark Wertmans book about? A. His writing job. B. His life as a stay-at-home dad. C. His first baby. D. His wifes job. 48. Why is Georgine the provider in the family? A. Mark does not want to be the provider. B. Mark lost his job when their first baby was born. C. She had the higher payin

18、g job when their first baby was born. D. The child went to the dad for help first. 49. How do the Wertmans work out their problems? A. They make their jobs easier. B. They talk and make decisions together. C. They change jobs. D. They help their children. 50. How do the Wertmans feel about their dec

19、ision? A. Theyre happy because their children are ready for the modern world. B. Theyre happy because theyre enjoying it. C. Theyre unhappy because they want to change jobs. D. Theyre unhappy because people dont respect Mark. B)阅读下列短文,然后按文后的要求完成所给出的题目。 B Welcome to the Olympic Information Web site,

20、which answers your most frequently-asked questions about the Olympic Games. When were the Olympic Games first held? The first evidence of the ancient Olympic Games dates back to 900 BC. However, historians believe that the Games may have started as long ago as the 13th century BC. How often were the

21、 Games held? The ancient Games were held every four years. Where were the Games held? The Games were held in Greece. How did the ancient Games differ from the modern Games? The ancient Games had far fewer events than the modern Games, with competitions mainly in running, wrestling, and chariot racin

22、g. Musical competitions were included as well. Women were not allowed to enter the competiton, or even watch it, perhaps because the athletes competed completely naked! When did the ancient Games die out? The ancient Games eventually died out in the fourth century AD, over a thousand years after the

23、y started. By that time, many athletes were cheating and paying the judges to let them win. The Roman Emperor Theodosius I banned the Games in 393 AD, and before long they were completely forgotten. When were the first modern Olympic Games held? The first modern Olympics were held in 1896, after a F

24、renchman, Baron de Coubertin, decided to revive the idea of the ancient Games. Two hundred and eleven competitors from 14 different countries took part in these Games. What were the first modern Games like? The first modern Games were rather informal. One French runner insisted on wearing gloves dur

25、ing his race, because he was running in front of royalty! Other athletes entered the competition privately, because they were on vacation in Greece at the time and felt like joining in. One of these vacationers even won two gold medals for playing tennis. How often are the modern Games held? Since 1

26、896, the Games have been held every four years in different countries around the world, with only three Games missed because of the two World Wars. How many athletes take part in the Games today? Todays Games are a huge event. Nearly 10,000 athletes compete in the Summer Games, while around 2,000 ta

27、ke part in the Winter Games. Thanks to television, they are watched by millions of viewers all around the world. Questions 5153: Scan the passage to complete the table with no more than three words. Question 54: Answer the following question briefly according to the passage above. Why have three Oly

28、mpic Games been missed since 1896? C John Hunter(JH): Good afternoon, everyone, and welcome to Health Matters, Radio Fours weekly looks at whats new in the world of medicine. My first guest this afternoon is Dr Helen Gao, who works in a medical practice here in London. Welcome to the program, Dr Gao

29、. Helen Gao(HG): Thank you very much, John. JH: Now, doctors are saying that they may have found a cure for many of the health problems people have today. What is this amazing new wonder drug, Dr Gao? HG: Well, John, it may be a wonder drug, but its certainly not new! Its just a simple drink of wate

30、r. JH: A simple drink of water? HG: Yes, thats right. Doctors now believe that many of the illnesses and health problems people suffer from are simply caused by dehydration, or (55) _ . Most people are dehydrated at least some of the time, although theyre probably not aware of it. In fact, if you fe

31、el thirsty at all, youre ready suffering from the first stages of dehydration! We really should be drinking long before we feel thirsty. Dehydration is even more of a problem for the elderly, because our sense of thirst becomes less effective as we get older. This means that, although they may not r

32、ealize it, many old people are dehydrated most of the time. JH: What are some of the health problems that might be caused by dehydration? HG: Theres a long list, John. Headaches, high blood pressure, asthma, and arthritis are some of the most common. Doctors also believe that dehydration may be one

33、of the factors which cause people to eat too much and become overweight. Often, people think that theyre hungry, when they are really just thirsty. If they had a drink of water more often, they would eat much less. JH: Is drinking more water the solution for everyone? HG: In most developed countries

34、, yes. Water is easily available, and there really is no need for people to be dehydrated. But in many poorer countries, of course, there simply isnt enough water for everyone to drink. Also, pollution and a lack of hygiene mean that drinking a glass of water straight from the tap would probably be

35、more harmful than helpful to your health. And, to make a final point, there are still many illnesses that cant be cured by drinking waterso we shouldnt stop going to see our doctors completely. However, if people made a point of drinking water every day, they might find that they become ill a lot le

36、ss often. JH: I see. Well, thank you very much for sharing that very interesting theory with us today, Dr Gao. HG: Youre very welcome. Questions 5558: Fill in the blanks according to the passage. 55. The proper words or phrases in the blank in the sixth paragraph should be _ . 56. Elderly people are

37、 often dehydrated because their _ is not effective. 57. In some countries, because of _ and a lack of hygiene, water is not safe to drink. 58. The main idea of the passage is _ . D(59) Linguists(语言学家) believe that the languages of about one-third of the human race all developed from one Indo-Europea

38、n language. But who were the speakers of this ancient language? Linguistic detective work offers some clues. It is sometimes said that you can deduce a peoples history from the words they use. Study of some fifty ancient vocabularies has led to a reconstruction of the lifestyle of the first Indo-Eur

39、opeans, a vanished people. From the words they used, it seems likely that they lived a half-settled, half-nomadic existence. They had horses, oxen, and sheep. They plowed, planted, worked leather, and wove wool. They worshipped gods who are clear ancestors of Indian, Mediterranean, and Celtic deitie

40、s.(60) However, exactly who the original Indo-Europeans were and when they lived remains a hotly debated mystery. According to an early theory, they lived in Mesopotamia, but this idea was exploded by nineteenth-century archaeology. Today, some argue for the Krugan culture of the Russian steppes(干草原), others for the farming culture of the Danube valley. The most widely accepted theory locates the Indo-Europeans in a cold, northern climate where


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