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1、初中英语第一册(下)Module5&Module6教材分析,Module 5 My hometown and countryModule6 The Olympic adventure,教材内容分析:Module 5主要以家乡为题材,围绕方位、位置及形容词的比较级等语言现象,开展听,说,读,写活动。从对两个城市的比较, 到Tony Smith 介绍自己的家乡,使学生由简单到复杂,渐渐感知新的语言,并通过范例,让学生对所熟知的两条河、两个城市等进行比较。最后完成本模块的任务。Making a poster comparing two cities or two rivers in China.教学

2、建议:课前准备把学生分成四人一组,分别查询北京、上海、香港、深圳四个城市的信息。并通过这些信息学习 population, million, north, south, east, west, kilometer, meter,等词汇。以缓解课上时间紧,任务重的问题。,Module 5 My hometown and country,Uint 1 Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge.Unit 3 Language in use,Module 5 My hometown and coun

3、try,Unit OneDrilling: Activity 3 & 4Key points: East/South China, 1.5 kilometers long,552 meters high, bigger thanDifficult sentences: Daming, can you answer some questions for my homework, please? (request)Whats the population of Shanghai? (population:uncountable),第一单元教学建议:具体操作:第一步:根据学生搜寻的信息,师生共同进行

4、整理,北京和深圳比较,上海和香港比较。Whats the population of Beijing?The population is 13 million.指出population一词是不可数名词。,Beijing: hometownPopulation: 13 million,Beijing is bigger than Shenzhen.,It is older than Shenzhen.,It is colder than Shenzhen.,ShenzhenPopulation: 10 million,Shenzhen is smaller than Beijing.,It is

5、 newer than Beijing.,It is hotter than Beijing.,Population: 13 million,Shanghai is bigger than Hong Kong.,Shanghai is older than Hong Kong.,Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai.,It is newer than Shanghai.,It is colder than Hong Kong.,It is cooler than Hong Kong.,It is hotter than Shanghai.,It is warme

6、r than Shanghai.,Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai.,It is newer than Shanghai.,It is hotter than Shanghai.,It is warmer than Shanghai.,以上Module 5 My hometown and country活动主要是为对话做准备。对话是本单元的重点。对话从听力入手。 第一遍完成下列表格。第二遍完成第四题。目的是培养学生掌握捕捉材料大意的听力技巧。,然后归纳总结单音节形容词比较级的构成。并通过整理,为下一步的小组活动及完成最后的任务做铺垫。学生开展小组活动小组成员

7、互相补充信息小组负责人整理信息,并向全班汇报,Unit 2 Drilling: Activity 2&3 Key points: in the east /west /north /south of, be famous for, on the River Thames, about 2,000 years old, on the coast, be like Additional new words: Britain, England Difficult sentence: London is the capital ofthe UK, with seven million people.

8、(London is the capital of the UK and it has seven million people.),教学建议:学生不但能比较两个城市、河流等,还要对身边的实物进行比较。可以先根据图片比较两个城市,然后对身边实物比较,充分运用所学过的形容词。第二步,利用中国和英国地图,体会方位词的表达方法。仿照例句,说出中国一些城市的地理位置。复习east, south, west, north 等词汇。学习capital, famous 等词汇。为Activity2&3做好准备。,Listen and choose Cambridge is a _ city.A.small

9、B. big C. new D.old Cambridge is in the _ of England. A. north B. west C. east D. south London is in the _ of England. A. north B. west C. east D. south The lakes are in the _ of England. A. north B. west C. east D. south,Unit 3 Focus: Comparative of adjectives with -er Drilling: Activity 1&2 Adjust

10、ment: More practice must be done to master the way to change an adjective from positive into comparative.,A poster,Beijing is my hometown. The population is 13 million people. Its the capital of China and its in the north of China. Its bigger than Hong Kong. Its colder than Hong Kong. Its an old cit

11、y and its famous for the Great Wall.,Module 6教学内容分析本模块以体育运动为题材,为学生所熟悉,结合学校体育活动的开展及中国2008年奥运会的准备,便于开展课堂活动。每个班都有对体育运动比较 衷爱的学生,因此该话题易于激发学生的学习兴趣。如果能在教学中多设计一些活动,动静结合,则可满足学生不同学习风格的要求。本模块中加入了中国准备2008年奥运会的情节,要求学生了解奥运会,了解不同国家与地区的体育运动,并且根据自己的知识与喜好做一张与体育有关的招贴画,所有这些不仅与学生的生活、兴趣相一致,而且也符合学生的认知水平。教师在设计活动时要抓住这些特点,充分

12、调动学生的积极性。课前准备你所喜爱的中国奥运会冠军的照片及相关的运动项目。,Unit 1 Cycling is more dangerous than swimming.Unit 2 English for the Olympic GamesUnit 3 Language in use,Module 6,Unit 1 Drilling: Activity 4(Acting out can be done.) Key points: be good at, more popular than Adjustment: More events of sports can be discussed,

13、and adjectives used to describe sports must be mastered.,教学建议:利用学生准备的运动员照片,学习有关的运动项目及相关的形容词。学习be good at 的用法。例如:Deng Ya Ping is good at table tennis.It is popular in China. It is tiring.然后对两个运动项目比较。引出多音节形容词的比较级。,本单元单词不容易上口,可设计安排全班活动。把形容词列在黑板上,把图片分给各组,找学习成绩好的同学或老师说运动名称,哪组持有图片,哪组造句。例如:Basketball is ex

14、citing. 不好读的单词多重复。然后说出两种运动名称。两个组分别造句。例如:Table tennis is more popular than skiing in China. Skiing is more dangerous than table tennis.鼓励学生尽可能多使用形容词。例如:Table tennis is easier than skiing. Skiing is more difficult than table tennis. Table tennis is cheaper than skiing. Skiing is more expensive than ta

15、ble tennis. Table tennis is more relaxing than skiing. Skiing is more tiring than table tennis.可以小组比赛,调动学生学习的积极性。,对话从听力入手,结合Activity 5,引导学生带着问题去听。 跟读对话,重复比较级的句子,加深理解与应用。be good at 在前面已经处理,找出这两个句子读一读,处理too和 also 。可结合 P 35 Activity 5。 最后安排小组活动,谈论自己所喜爱的运动项目并加以比较。例如:I like football. Its more exciting th

16、an table tennis and its more tiring than running.,Unit 2 Drilling: Activity 1&2 (Activity 2 can be practiced orally in pairs.) Key points: leave for, the other students, its difficult to do something, at the back, need to do something, for somebody to do something, take around, carry, until Addition

17、al new words: carry, hear Difficult sentence: Zhang Xiuyun from Dongsi Neighbourhood Committee in Beijing is leaving for school. (future tense),教学建议:从教学副词入手,到副词的比较级,重点放在课文教学上。总结所学的形容词和副词。建议教good, well, bad, badly的比较极。,Unit 3 Focus: Comparative of adjectives with more Drilling: Activity 1&2 Key point

18、s: 1 like A and B. I dont like A or B. Adjustment: More practice must be done to master the way to change an adjective from positive into comparative.,Yaoming is good at basketball. Basketball is more exciting than swimming. It is easier than gymnastics. It is more popular in America than in China. Yaoming is more famous than other Chinese basketball players.,The end,Thanks,26,PPT宝藏致力于优秀的ppt分享,PPT模板下载 http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/


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